ABSTRAKDalam penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan reaktor sharry tipe kolom gelembung untuk sintesis Fischer-Tropsch, Fenomena-fenomena hidrodinamika yang ada di dalam reaktor dipertimbangkan. Pola aliran bidrogen fasa gas dan fhsa cair dimodelkan dengan rnenggunakan konsep dispersi aksiai. Persamaan laju reaksi yang digunakan adalah orde pertama unluk hidrogen. Persamaanpersamaan yang diperoleb menipakan model yang sama dengan yang dikembangkan sebelumnya oleh Deckwer dkk [1982}.
Model yang telah dikembangkan diselesaikan dengan meuggunakan metode kolokasi ortogonal eriam titik. Persamaan-persamaan aijabar tak-linear yang diperoleh diselesaikan dengan metode iterasi Newton-Raphson Program yang dikembangkan selain digunakan urituk menghitung profil-profil konsentrasi hidrogen dan katalis, temperatur, kecepatan gas, konversi dan space time yield, juga unifik mensimulasikan pengaruh temperatur, tekanan, kecepatan gas umpan., rasio CO/H2 umpan, diameter reaktor, panjang retor dan konsentrasi katalis terhadap kineja reactor.
Dari perhitungan, diperoleh bahwa konversi gas sintesis naik dengan naiknya temperatur dan tekanan. Penurunan konversi gas sintesis yang sangat tajam teijadi bila kecepatan gas umpan dinaikkan dan 8 hingga 12 cmldetik. Apabila rasio CO/H2 dinaikkan dad 1,3 hingga 2,5 maka konversi gas sintesis berkurang sekitar 45,78% dan harga awalnya.
Konversi gas sintesis berkurang dad 0,882 menjacli 0,778 jika diameter retor dinaikkan dan 100 hingga 500 cm. Batas panjang reaktor yang efektifterjadi apabila rasio panjang terhadap diameter reaktor sama dengan 10. Jika konsentrasi katalis bergerak naik dad 8 hingga 20% berat, maka konversi gas sintesis naik sekitar 103,35% dañ harga awalnya.
Perubahan hold up fasa gas yang disebabkan oleh penabahan kondisi operasi, geometri dan konsentrasi katalis memberikan pengaruh yang lebih sensitif terhadap konversi gas sintesis dibandingkan parameter-parameter hidrodinamika dan perpindahan lainnya.
Bila kenaikan perpindahan massa gas-cair dan panas disebabkan oleb kenaikan temperatur dan tekanan maka dapat menyebabkan konversi gas sintesis naik. Perhitungan menggunakan metode kolokasi ortogonal sembilan titik memakan waktu dua kali lebih lama dibandingkan enam titik namun memberikan kesalahan 8304 kali lebih sedikit dan titik-titik penyelesaian Iebih banyak.
ABSTRACT In this research a model of slurry bubble colu reactors used for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis was developed. The relevant hydrodynamic phenomenon in the reactors were considered. Flow patterns of gas and liquid phase were modeled using an axial dispersion concept. The model was based on a kinetic rate expression of first order for hydrogen and zero order for carbon monoxide. The differential equations obtained are similar to that of Deckwer [1982].The model was solved using six points orthogonal -collocation --method to get eighteen non-linear algebraic equations that solved numerically by iterative Newton Raphson method. A program was developed to obtain profiles of hydrogen and catalyst concentration, temperature, gas velocity, synthetic gas conversion and space time yield, and to simulate the influences of temperature, pressure, inlet gas velocity, inlet CO/H2 ratio, diameter and length of reactor as well as catalyst concentration on the reactor performances.It was found that synthetic gas conversion increases with increasing temperature and pressure. Art extreme decrease in synthetic gas conversion was obtained when increasing inlet gas velocity from 8 to 12 cm/s. When inlet CO/H2 ratio was raised from 1.3 to 2.5, synthetic gas conversion reduces about 45.78%.Synthetic gas conversion decreases from 0.882 to 0.778 as the reactor diameter was increased from 100 to 500 cm. The limit of effective reactor leught is provided when ratio of the reactor lenght to the reactor diameter is 10. When the catalyst concentration was moved from 8 to 20 % vit., synthetic gas conversion raises about 103.35%.A change in gas phase hold up due to the changes in operating conditions, geometry and catalyst concentration gives more sensitive effects on synthetic gas conversion than the other hydrodynarnic and transport parameters.When an increase in gas-liquid mass and heat transfer due to increase in temperature and pressure, an increase in synthetic gas conversion was occurred. The calculation of nine collocation points takes twice longer time than that of six collocation points, but gives less err or of 8304 time and more solution points."