Situmorang, Hendrick
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian mengenai analisis sistem manajemen pengamanan di pusat perbelanjaan ITC Depok pasca meledaknya bom kimia di toilet ITC Depok yang terjadi pada tahun 2015 yang lalu. Sebagai salah satu pusat perbelanjaan yang ramai dikunjungi banyak orang, ITC Depok sudah dijadikan sebagai target serangan teroris dengan meledaknya bom jenis kimia di toilet lantai 3. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan lapangan didukung dengan metode wawancara dan menghimpun dokumen terkait. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pusat perbelanjaan ITC Depok pernah mengalami beberapa gangguan keamanan yang terjadi, yaitu: pembobolan toko handphone, terjadi aksi bunuh diri, pencurian helm oleh pasangan suami istri, pencurian 10 potong pakaian, 6 potong celana anak-anak, 5 unit laptop dan 3 buah tas ransel, dan terjadi ledakan bom kimia di kamar mandi pria lantai 3; (2) Selain berbagai gangguan keamanan yang terjadi, pusat perbelanjaan ITC Depok juga menghadapi potensi ancaman gangguan keamanan dan tindak kejahatan, baik kejahatan yang bersifat konvensional terkait dengan kejahatan pencurian dan pengutilan dan potensi gangguan keamanan terkini terkait dengan ancaman bom; (3) Sistem pengamanan yang dilakukan manajemen pusat perbelanjaan ITC Depok pada saat ini menggunakan tenaga Satpam dari perusahaan jasa outsourcing, PT SOS. Pada awal sebelum terjadinya ledakan bom, jumlah Satpam yang bekerja berjumlah 40 orang, namun pasca terjadinya ledakan bom, pihak manajemen menambahkan personel sebanyak 10, sehingga total keseluruhan berjumlah 50 personel. Sistem manajemen pengamanan yang telah dilakukan di pusat perbelanjaan ITC Depok, yaitu: Penggunaan alat metal detector yang dipergunakan bagi setiap pengunjung yang datang, pemasangan kamera CCTV di 60 titik, penggunaan alat borgol dan pentungan bagi setiap anggota Satpam, sistem pencegahan kebakaran dengan dua metode, yaitu otomatis dan manual, serta pemakaian alat komunikasi HT sebagai sarana media dalam memonitor dan menginformasikan kondisi keamanan terkini maupun bentuk gangguan keamanan yang terjadi; (4) Satpam pusat perbelanjaan ITC Depok dalam pelaksanannya mempunyai hubungan kerja dan koordinasi dengan Polres Depok.
This thesis describes the results of research on the analysis of the security management system in the shopping center ITC Depok post of chemical bomb explosion in toilet ITC Depok which occurred in 2015 ago. As one of the shopping centers are crowded with many people, ITC Depok has been used as the target of terrorist attacks by the explosion of a bomb of chemical in the toilet 3 floor. This research was conducted by field observations are supported by interview and collect related documents. Qualitative research results were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that: (1) Shopping center ITC Depok has experienced several security lapses occur, namely: burglary mobile phone shop, an act of suicide, theft helmet by married couples, theft of 10 pieces of clothing, 6-piece pants children, 5 and 3 units of laptop backpacks, and the chemical bomb blast occurred in the men's bathroom floor 3; (2) In addition various to disruption of security occur, the shopping center ITC Depok also face the potential threat of disruption of security and crime, both crimes that are conventionally associated with the crime of theft and shoplifting and potential security issues associated with the latest bomb threat; (3) Security system do the shopping center ITC Depok management currently uses force guard of outsourcing services company, PT SOS. At the beginning before the explosion, the number of guard who worked about 40 people, but after the explosion, personnel management add as many as 10, so that the total amount to 50 personnel. The management system of security that has been done in the shopping center ITC Depok, namely: The use of metal detector used for every visitor who comes, installation of CCTV cameras at 60 points, the use of handcuffs and batons for every member of the guard, fire prevention system with two methods, ie automatic and manual, as well as the use of HT communication tools as a means to monitor and inform the media in the current security conditions and security disturbances occur; (4) Security guard shopping center ITC Depok in practice have a working relationship and coordination with the Depok Police.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library