"Ners Spesialis peminatan kardiovaskular didapatkan setelah melalui program praktik residensi keperawatan. Praktek residensi keperawatan terdiri dari 2 program yaitu praktek residen umum dan praktek residensi peminatan yaitu kardiovaskular. Kegiatan praktek residensi peminatan termasuk peran perawat sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan, peneliti, dan inovator. Peran pemberi asuhan keperawatan yaitu melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada 1 kasus utama dan 30 kasus resume pasien gangguan sistem kardiovaskular menggunakan model konservasi Levine. Peran peneliti adalah melakukan penerapan EBN yaitu akupresur terhadap kecemasan pasien preoperasi jantung.
Hasil penerapan EBN; akupresur sebagai intervensi nonfarmakologi, nonivasif, mudah, sederhana dan aman dapat menurunkan kecemasan preoperasi jantung. Terakhir, peran inovator yaitu penggunaan skala Munro untuk mencegah kejadian perioperative related pressure injury pada pasien bedah jantung. Instrumen skala Munro sebagai pengkajian risiko pressure injury spesifik pada perioperatif, dilakukan 3 tahapan (preoperatif, intraoperatif, dan postoperatif), valid dan reliabel. Instrumen dapat digunakan sebagai bagian dari satuan intervensi pencegahan perioperative related pressure injury bersama dengan pengkajian kulit.
Nurse Specialist in cardiovascular is obtained after going through a nursing residency practice program. Nursing residensy practice consists of 2 programs, namely general residency practice and specialization residency practice, namely cardiovascular. Specialization residency practice activities include the roel of nurses as nursing care providers, researchers and innovators. The role of nursing care provder is to manage nursing care in 1 main case and 30 resume cases of pastients with cardiovascular system disorders using Levine conservation model. The role of researcher is to implement EBN, namely acupressure on the anxiety of preoperative cardiac patients.
Results of the EBN application; acupressure as a non-pharmacological intervention, non-invasive, simple, easy and safe can reduce anxiety of preoperative cardiac. Finally, the rola of an innovator is the use of Munro scale to prevent perioperative related pressure injury in cardiac surgery patients. Instrument of Munro scale as an assessment of the risk of specific in perioperative pressure injury, carried out 3 stages (preoperative, intraoperative, dan postoperative), valid and reliable. Instrument can be used as bundle of an intervention for the prevention of perioperative related pressure injury along with skin assessment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023