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Ditemukan 265 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Schock, Hans-Joachim
Basel: Birkha user Verlag, 1997
624.1 SCH s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2012
003 SUD s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Richard A. L.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
620.5 JON s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Scope and content : "This book highlights the applications and conclusions associated with soft computing in different technological environments, providing potential results based on new trends in the development of these services"-- Provided by publisher.
Hershey, P.A.: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), 2014
006.3 EXP
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Sumber Daya Aparatur eksisting masih belum sepenuhnya menempati tempat yan sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan. Namun, hal itu bukan berarti tugas dan fungsi organisasi tidak dapat dilaksanakan ataupun mempunyai kinerja yang baik. berbagai pendidikan dan pelatihanlah yang menjadi tanggung jawab instansi agar SDM Aparatur menjadi SDM yang profesional. Oleh karen itu mapping kemampuan kompetensi dan kabatan harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu sebelum merencakan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang akan diselenggarakan. Hard Skills dan Soft Skills yang dimiliki SDm Aparatur dan dijadikan sebagai pendukung dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi yang diembannya, akan menjadikan sumber daya aparatur yang profesional yaitu SDm Aparatur yang berkualitas dan berdaya saing.
Jakarta : Biro Hukum, Komunikasi dan Informasi Publik Kementerian PAN dan Reformasi Birokrasi , 2019
320 JPAN 9 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridha Fachrizal
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini akan membahas tentang peran Madrasah Nizamiyah sebagai soft power Kesultanan Seljuk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah. Madrasah Nizamiyah merupakan sebuah institusi pendidikan tinggi yang didirikan oleh Nizam al-Mulk. Tujuan utama didirikannya Madrasah Nizamiyah adalah untuk menghalau hegemoni dan perkembangan Syi rsquo;ah di wilayah Kesultanan Seljuk. Madrasah Nizamiyah dijadikan sebagai perangkat untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan karena pada masa itu aktivitas intelektual Syi rsquo;ah sangat berkembang di masyarakat. Praktik yang demikian dikenal dengan istilah soft power. Nye 2004 mengatakan bahwa soft power adalah kemampuan untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan melalui attraction ketertarikan daripada paksaan ataupun bayaran. Soft power memiliki tiga soft power resources sumber soft power , yaitu budaya, nilai, dan kebijakan. Vuving 2009 mengatakan untuk menilai kekuatan suatu soft power, dapat menggunakan suatu teori yang dia sebut sebagai Soft Power Currencies. Soft power currencies mencakup tiga aspek, yaitu benignity kedermawanan, brilliance kecemerlangan, dan beauty keindahan. Dengan menggunakan teori tersebut, penulis menemukan empat pengaruh yang dihasilkan, yaitu 1 masyarakat turut serta dalam pengembangan fungsi perpustakaan Madrasah Nizamiyah sebagai tempat diskusi dan penelitian; 2 Madrasah Nizamiyah menjadi percontohan bentuk pendidikan tinggi bagi banyak institusi pendidikan tinggi di dunia Islam; 3 sistem pada Madrasah Nizamiyah menginspirasi konsep pendidikan tinggi di dunia Barat; 4 masyarakat sangat antusias belajar di Madrasah Nizamiyah. Bahkan, ada sebagian yang berpindah madzhab hanya demi belajar dan mengajar di Madrasah Nizamiyah. Dilihat dari empat pengaruh tersebut, Madrasah Nizamiyah telah berhasil menjalankan perannya sebagai soft power Kesultanan Seljuk untuk membuat pengaruh Syiah di wilayah Kesultanan Seljuk berkurang dan beralih ke pemahaman Sunni.
This thesis focuses on the role of Madrasah Nizamiyah as soft power of Great Seljuk Empire. The method that used in this research is historical method. Madrasah Nizamiyah is an higher education institution which created by Nizam al Mulk. The main objective of Madrasah Nizamiyah is to drive away the hegemony and development of Shias doctrines. Madrasah Nizamiyah was used as a property to preserve Great Seljuk Empire rsquo s power because at that time Shia intelectual activities are growth well in societies. They were using soft power. Nye 2004 said that soft power is an ability to get what we want through attractions rather than coercion or payments. Soft power has three soft power resources, that are culture, value, and policy. Vuving 2009 said that if we want to measure the power of soft power, we can use a theory called Soft Power Currencies. Soft Power Currencies has three aspects, that are benignity, brilliance, and beuty. Analysing by this theory, I find four impressions by societies, 1 they contribute to develop the function library of Madrasah Nizamiyah become a discussion and research spot. 2 Madrasah Nizamiyah was becoming a figure of Islamic higher education institutions in Islamic world 3 Madrasah Nizamiyahs system was inspiring the higher education institutions concept in West 4 they are very enthusistic to learn in Madrasah Nizamiyah. According to that four impressions, Madrasah Nizamiyah has been successed as the soft power of Great Seljuk Empire to make Shi rsquo i hegemony drastically decreased and turn to Sunni.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Fitri
Abstrak :
Tumbukan ion berat menghasilkan suatu kondisi dimana jumlah proton dan neutron sama, hal ini disebut symmetric nuclear matter. Pemeriksaan terhadap karakteristik SNM masih dilakukan sampai saat ini. Efek suku non linear dianggap memberikan kontribusi terhadap karakteristik dari SNM, selain itu pemeriksaan terhadap kestabilan persamaan keadaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode medan rerata lanjutan. Pengecekkan lanjutan terhadap kestabilan persamaan energi dilakukan dengan mengamati nilai kecepatan suara untuk setiap parameter. Solusi dari persamaan densitas skalar, potensial skalar, dan turunan pertama potensial skalar ditunjukkan oleh titik potong ketiga kurva tersebut. Selain itu, pemeriksaan efek non linear terhadap kenaikan energi ikat dan tekanan setiap kenaikan temperatur juga diperiksa. Parameter G2 yang memiliki konstanta suku cross coupling terbukti memberikan kontribusi menahan laju kenaikan energi pada SNM, hal ini diperlihatkan oleh kurva parameter G2 merupakan kurva paling soft. Kurva parameter NLZ merupakan kurva paling stiff, serta memiliki nilai Cs paling besar saat nilai massa efektif tinggi. Kestabilan persamaan energi untuk setiap parameter masih dinilai realistik, ditinjau dari nilai C2s C2 < 1, namun setiap parameter memiliki daerahketidakstabilan saat massa efektif rendah karena nilai C2s negatif.
Heavy ion collision produces a condition where the total of proton equal with the total of the neutron this condition is named Symmetric Nuclear Matter SNM The investigation of SNM characteristic is still being done nowadays Effects of nonlinear term are considered to contribute to characteristics of SNM in addition to the examination of the stability equation of state were calculated using extended mean field method Advanced checking the stability of the energy equation is done by observing the sound velocity values each parameter The solution of scalar density equation scalar potential and first derivative of scalar potential are showed by crossing point of three curves The investigation of non linear effects to the binding energy increasing and pressure every rise of temperature G2 which has cross coupling term contributes to restrain increasing of SNM energy it is shown by the G2 parameter curve is softest NLZ is stiffest and has biggest Cs value when high effective mass condition The stability of energy equation every Heavy ion collision produces a condition where the total of proton equal with the total of the neutron, this condition is named Symmetric Nuclear Matter (SNM). The investigation of SNM characteristic is still being done nowadays. Effects of nonlinear term are considered to contribute to characteristics of SNM, in addition to the examination of the stability equation of state were calculated using extended mean field method. Advanced checking the stability of the energy equation is done by observing the sound velocity values each parameter. The solution of scalar density equation, scalar potential, and first derivative of scalar potential are showed by crossing point of three curves. The investigation of non linear effects to the binding energy increasing and pressure every rise of temperature. G2 which has cross coupling term contributes to restrain increasing of SNM energy, it is shown by the G2 parameter curve is softest. NLZ is stiffest, and has biggest Cs value when high effective mass condition. The stability of energy equation every parameter could be said mentioned realistic, it is considered from C2 s C2 < 1 value, but each parameter has instability region when low effective mass condition is happened, because the values C2 s are negative. , Heavy ion collision produces a condition where the total of proton equal with the total of the neutron this condition is named Symmetric Nuclear Matter SNM The investigation of SNM characteristic is still being done nowadays Effects of nonlinear term are considered to contribute to characteristics of SNM in addition to the examination of the stability equation of state were calculated using extended mean field method Advanced checking the stability of the energy equation is done by observing the sound velocity values each parameter The solution of scalar density equation scalar potential and first derivative of scalar potential are showed by crossing point of three curves The investigation of non linear effects to the binding energy increasing and pressure every rise of temperature G2 which has cross coupling term contributes to restrain increasing of SNM energy it is shown by the G2 parameter curve is softest NLZ is stiffest and has biggest Cs value when high effective mass condition The stability of energy equation every Heavy ion collision produces a condition where the total of proton equal with the total of the neutron, this condition is named Symmetric Nuclear Matter (SNM). The investigation of SNM characteristic is still being done nowadays. Effects of nonlinear term are considered to contribute to characteristics of SNM, in addition to the examination of the stability equation of state were calculated using extended mean field method. Advanced checking the stability of the energy equation is done by observing the sound velocity values each parameter. The solution of scalar density equation, scalar potential, and first derivative of scalar potential are showed by crossing point of three curves. The investigation of non linear effects to the binding energy increasing and pressure every rise of temperature. G2 which has cross coupling term contributes to restrain increasing of SNM energy, it is shown by the G2 parameter curve is softest. NLZ is stiffest, and has biggest Cs value when high effective mass condition. The stability of energy equation every parameter could be said mentioned realistic, it is considered from C2 s C2 < 1 value, but each parameter has instability region when low effective mass condition is happened, because the values C2 s are negative. Key words: coupling, soft, stiff. ix]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julia Remi Chandra
Abstrak :
Obesitas merupakan kondisi penumpukan lemak secara berlebihan pada tubuh. Salah satu area penumpukan lemak pada tubuh adalah abdomen, yang dapat diukur dengan lingkar pinggang. Konsumsi minuman tinggi kalori semakin meningkat, salah satunya adalah soft drink. Soft drink yang berbentuk cair dan memiliki kadar gula yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan risiko penumpukan lemak bila dikonsumsi secara berlebihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsumsi soft drink dengan ukuran lingkar pinggang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional untuk mencari hubungan konsumsi soft drink dengan ukuran lingkar pinggang. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengetahui konsumsi soft drink dan data antoprometri mahasiswa laki-laki. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei - Oktober 2015 di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Konsumsi soft drink dinilai dengan melihat frekuensi dan jumlah konsumsi soft drink. Analisis data menggunakan program SPSS versi 20.0 for windows dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Dari pengambilan data, didapatkan 113 responden mahasiswa laki-laki FKUI angkatan 2012-2014. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan terdapat hubungan konsumsi soft drink dengan lingkar pinggang pada mahasiswa laki-laki FKUI. Sebanyak 46% responden mengonsumsi soft drink sebanyak >1 liter/minggu. Konsumsi soft drink dapat menambah asupan kalori yang dapat mempengaruhi ukuran lingkar pinggang. ...... Obesity is condition of excessive fat accumulation in the body. One area of fat accumulation in the body is the abdomen, which can be measured by waist circumference. The consumption of high-calorie drinks is increasing, one of which is soft drinks. Soft drinks have liquid form and high sugar levels that can increase the risk of fat accumulation when consumed in excess. This study aims to find association of soft drinks consumption with waist circumference. This study used cross-sectional design to find association of soft drink with waist circumference. Data were collected using questionnaires to determine soft drinks consumption and anthropometric measurement on male students. This study was conducted in May-October 2015 in Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Depok. Soft drinks consumption were assessed by information about frequency and amount of soft drink consumption. Data were analyze using SPSS version 20.0 for windows by using Mann-Whitney test. This study obtained 113 male students of Faculty of Medicine class of 2012-2014. Results of the data analysis found association of soft drinks consumption with waist circumferences in male students. About 46% respondents consumed soft drinks >1 liters/ week. Consumption of soft drinks can increase calories intake that can affect waist circumference.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heidelberg: Springer, 2014
006.3 SOF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iland, André
USA: Iland Business Pages, 2013
152.402 ILA s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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