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Nibroosa Yumna Hajar
Abstrak :
Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah perkotaan adalah dengan mengubah sampah menjadi sumber energi terbarukan yang dikenal dengan konsep waste to energy baik melalui pembakaran langsung maupun dalam bentuk bahan bakar seperti SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel). Namun tidak semua sampah mudah diproses menajdi SRF, salah satunya karena kadar airnya yang relatif tinggi. Di TPA Cipayung Depok kadar air sampah mencapai 51,18%. Diperlukan proses pre-treatment terhadap sampah tersebut untuk menurunkan kadar airnya yaitu melaluii proses bio-drying. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi sampah TPA Cipayung yang diolah menggunakan teknologi bio-drying sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai SRF. Perhitungan timbulan dan pengukuran komposisi sampah diukur menggunakan metode SNI 19-3964-1994, sedangkan variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini berupa variasi waktu tinggal dan variasi perlakuan bio-drying. Adapun variabel terikat yang diamati adalah perubahan pada treatment bio-drying yaitu volume reduction, suhu dan proximate analysis. Kemudian dengan menggunakan ultimate analysis dan uji nilai kalor maka dapat ditentukan potensi sampah yang bisa dijadikan SRF. Studi ini menemukan bahwa bio-drying bisa menurunkan kadar air dari 64% menjadi 28% dan fixed carbon 6,05% menjadi 5,92%. Sebaliknya menaikkan kadar abu dari 2,92% menjadi 9,30% dan volatile matter dari 26,17% menjadi 53%. Secara keseluruhan nilai kalor naik dari 1,670 MJ/kg menjadi 16,159 MJ/kg. Meskipun demikian hasil bio-drying ini belum memenuhi standar SRF untuk industri semen. Optimasi proses diperlukan agar sampah TPA CIpayung bisa diolah memenuhi standar SRF. ......One solution for dealing with the large amount of municipal waste is to convert waste into a renewable energy source, known as the waste to energy concept, either through direct combustion or in the form of fuel such as SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel). However, not all waste is easily processed into SRF, one of which is because its water content is relatively high. At the Cipayung Depok landfill, the moisture content of waste reached 51.18%. A pre-treatment process such as a bio-drying process is needed for the waste processing to reduce its moisture content. This research was conducted to determine the potential of Cipayung landfill waste which is processed using bio-drying technology to be used as SRF. Calculation of waste generation and measurement of waste composition were measured using the SNI 19-3964-1994 method, while the independent variables in this study were variations in residence time and variations in bio-drying treatment. The dependent variables observed were changes in the bio-drying treatment which are volume reduction, temperature and proximate analysis. Then, by using ultimate analysis and calorific value tests, the potential for waste that can be used as SRF can be determined. This research found that bio-drying can reduce water content from 64% to 28% and fixed carbon from 6.05% to 5.92%. Additionally, it increases the ash content from 2.92% to 9.30% and volatile matter from 26.17% to 53%. The calorific value of waste increased from 1,670 MJ/kg to 16,159 MJ/kg. However, the bio-drying results do not meet the SRF standards for the cement industry yet. Process optimization is needed so that Cipayung landfill waste can be recycled to meet SRF standards.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andiasti Nada Alifah
Abstrak :
Komposisi sampah terbesar di Indonesia adalah sampah organik yang dapat dikonversi menjadi sumber energi melalui metode insinerasi. Namun, pembakaran limbah organik secara langsung tidak stabil dan tidak efisien karena kadar airnya yang tinggi. Biodrying adalah teknik penghilangan kadar air dari limbah biomassa dengan bio-heat mikroba dan menghasilkan luaran berupa solid recovered fuel. Permasalahan utama biodrying adalah terbatasnya tingkat penurunan kadar air pada feedstock yang dipengaruhi oleh panas bio-heat dari degradasi senyawa organik oleh mikroba, seperti karbon kompleks, selulosa, hemiselulosa, dan protein di dalam materi biodrying. Penghilangan kadar air pada biodrying dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan katalis berupa enzim selulase untuk membantu laju degradasi feedstock organik dan meningkatkan suhu feedstock. Pada penelitian ini, enzim selulase ditambahkan dengan dosis yang berbeda-beda pada reaktor 1, 2, dan 3 sejumlah 0; 0,30; dan 0,45 gram. Feedstock pada reaktor terbuat dari sampah organik dengan kadar air awal sebesar 62 dan C/N rasio 29,50. Biodrying dilakukan dengan reaktor skala laboratorium selama 21 hari dan 5 hari tambahan sebagai usaha untuk menstabilkan feedstock. Parameter fisik, kimia, dan biologis feedstock diamati selama proses biodrying berlangsung, yang menunjukan bahwa kadar enzim selulase pada feedstock memiliki korelasi negatif dengan kadar volatile soild dan rasio C/N feedstock. Pada reaktor yang ditambahkan enzim selulase, terjadi peningkatan profil suhu yang signifikan dan pada reaktor 3 terjadi fase termofilik yang stabil selama 11 hari. Reaktor 2 dan 3 juga menghasilkan penurunan kadar air yang lebih tinggi, yaitu sebesar 26 dibandingkan dengan reaktor 1 sebesar 20 . Penambahan enzim selulase pada biodrying sampah organik juga menunjukan hasil yang positif pada solid recovered fuel yang dihasilkan ditinjau dari nilai kalor SRF reaktor 3 sebesar 3320 kkal/kg dibandingkan dengan reaktor 1 dan 2 sebesar 3174 dan 2838 kkal/kg.
The largest waste composition in Indonesia is organic waste, which can be converted into alternative energy sources with various method, including incineration. However, direct combustion of organic waste is not efficient in terms of cost and energy due to the high moisture content in organic waste. Biodrying is a technique that optimizes moisture content removal of biomass waste with bio heat produced by microbes rsquo metabolism in feedstock. It also produces solid recovered fuel as an output. One of the main problems on biodrying is the limitation of moisture content removal on feedstock. The moisture content removal process is affected by bio heat that is produced from the degradation of organic compounds such as carbon complex, cellulose, hemi cellulose, and protein by microbes in biodrying material. Moisture content removal on biodrying could be enhanced by adding catalyst, such as cellulase enzyme, to help degrade the feedstock, thus simultaneously enhance the temperature of the feedstock. On this research, cellulase enzyme added with various dosages as much as 0 0,3 and 0,45 gram to the first, second, and third reactor. The feedstock was made from organic waste with moisture content and C N ratio adjsusted to 62 and 29,50. Biodrying was done in laboratory scaled reactors in 21 days and 5 days addition to stabilize the feedstock. Physical, chemical, and biological parameters were examined during biodrying process. The result showed that cellulase enzyme level during the process has negative correlation with volatile solid and C N ratio on the feedstock. Temperature profile increase was obtained in reactors with enzyme addition. Moreover, the third reactor exhibits more stable and longer thermophilic phase that lasted for 11 days. Enzyme addition also positively influenced moisture content removal, in which the reactors with enzyme addition successfully reached 26 moisture content removal while reactor without enzyme addition only reached 20 . Additionally, cellulase enzyme addition also resulted in higher calorific value of SRF produced from biodrying as shown in SRF produced from the third reactor that reached 3320 kkal kg. Meanwhile, calorific values of SRF from the first and second reactor are 3174 kkal kg and 2838 kkal kg.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmah Mardliah
Abstrak :
Limbah pulp kertas dari proses daur ulang kertas diketahui memiliki potensi nilai kalor yang dapat dijadikan solid recovered fuel. Limbah pulp kertas pada penelitian ini diketahui memiliki kadar air yang tinggi (84,82%) dengan kadar volatile solid sebesar 79,60%, dan rasio C/N 33,58%. Komposisi limbah pulp kertas terdiri dari kertas sebanyak 69,40% dan komposisi plastik sebanyak 30,60%. Dalam upaya menurunkan kadar air dan meningkatan nilai kalor limbah pulp kertas, akan dilakukan pretreatment dengan metode biodrying. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan biodrying pada feedstock limbah pulp kertas dengan menggunakan campuran sampah daun. Rasio limbah pulp kertas pada tiap reaktor dibuat berbeda. Rasio antara limbah pulp kertas dengan sampah daun pada Reaktor 1, 2, dan 3 berturut-turut adalah 50:50; 60:40; 80:20. Suhu tertinggi pada biodrying dihasilkan pada Reaktor 3, tetapi Reaktor 3 mengalami penurunan kadar air akhir terkecil (9,13%) dengan penurunan volatile solid terbesar (13,12%). Namun hasil uji ANOVA menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan (p<0,05) untuk suhu pada tiap reaktor. Performa biodrying yang paling baik dicapai oleh Reaktor 2 karena mengalami penurunan kadar air akhir terbesar (23,04%) dengan penurunan volatile solid terkecil (7,84%). Nilai kalor (LHVwet) produk biodrying pada Reaktor 1, 2, dan 3 berturut-turut 5,95 MJ/kg; 4,68 MJ/kg; 2,86 MJ/kg. Berdasarkan nilai kalor, produk biodrying yang memenuhi standar SRF adalah Reaktor 1 dan Reaktor 2. Panas yang dihasilkan pada proses biodrying merupakan tanda terjadinya aktivitas mikroorganisme dalam mendegradasi senyawa organik. Jenis mikroorganisme yang terdapat pada feedstock biodrying berdasarkan fase suhu yang dihasilkan terdiri dari mikroorganisme mesofilik dan mikroorganisme termofilik. Pada penelitian ini juga diteliti jumlah bakteri mesofilik dan bakteri termofilik selama proses biodrying. Dari pengujian jumlah bakteri dengan metode Total Plate Count (TPC) dihasilkan bakteri mesofilik terbanyak ada pada Reaktor 3 dengan rata-rata 17 x 109 CFU/gram, begitu pula dengan bakteri termofilik dengan rata-rata 13 x 106 CFU/gram. Uji ANOVA menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p>0,05) untuk jumlah bakteri mesofilik antar reaktor. Jumlah bakteri termofilik juga menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan antar reaktor (p>0,05).
The waste of paper pulp from the paper recycling process is known to have potential heating values ​​that can be used as solid recovered fuel. The paper pulp waste in this study is known to have high water content (84.82%) with a volatile solid content of 79.60%, and C/N ratio of 33.58%. The composition of paper pulp waste consists of 69.40% paper and 30.60% plastic. In an effort to reduce water content and increase the calorific value of paper pulp waste, a pretreatment will be carried out using the biodrying method. In this study, biodrying was carried out on paper pulp waste feedstock by using a mixture of leaf waste. The ratio of paper pulp waste to each reactor is made different. The ratio between paper pulp waste and leaf waste in Reactors 1, 2, and 3 respectively is 50:50; 60:40; 80:20 The highest temperature on biodrying was generated in Reactor 3, but Reactor 3 decreased the smallest final moisture content (9.13%) with the largest decrease in volatile solids (13.12%). However, the ANOVA test results showed no significant difference (p <0.05) for the temperature of each reactor. The best biodrying performance was achieved by Reactor 2 because it experienced the largest decrease in final moisture content (23.04%) with the smallest volatile solid decline (7.84%). Calorific value (LHVwet) of biodrying products in Reactor 1, 2, and 3 respectively 5.95 MJ/kg; 4.68 MJ/kg; 2.86 MJ/kg. Based on the heating value, biodrying products that meet the SRF standard are Reactor 1 and Reactor 2. The heat generated in the biodrying process is a sign of the activity of microorganisms in degrading organic compounds. The types of microorganisms found in biodrying feedstock based on the resulting phase temperature consist of mesophilic microorganisms and thermophilic microorganisms. In this study also examined the number of mesophilic bacteria and thermophilic bacteria during the biodrying process. From testing the number of bacteria using the Total Plate Count (TPC) method produced the most mesophilic bacteria in Reactor 3 with an average of 17 x 109 CFU/gram, as well as thermophilic bacteria with an average of 13 x 106 CFU/gram. ANOVA test showed that there were significant differences (p> 0.05) for the number of mesophilic bacteria between reactors. The number of thermophilic bacteria also produced a significant difference between reactors (p> 0.05).
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library