"Studi ini meneliti citra khalayak terhadap Golkar. Secara spesifik, studi ¡ni diarahkan pada upaya menjawab 3 (tiga) pertanyaan pokok sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana persepsi khalayak terhadap Golkar pada saat ini? Apakah citra mereka tentang Golkar masih terkait dengan posisi Goikar di masa lalu (Orde Baru)? (2) Apakah citra khalayak tersebut (positif atau negatif) mempunyai hubungan/asosiasi yang signifikan dengan faktor sosic demografiS (khususnya umur, pendidikan dan tempat tinggal) ? (3) Sagaimafla persepsi khalayak terhadap Partai-Partai Politik Iainnya khususnya yang termasuk dalam 5 (lima) besar pemenang Pemilu (PDI Perjuangan, PPP, PKB dan PAN)? Apakah citra negatif hanya berlaku bagi Golkar atau juga melekat pada keempat partai politik Iainnya?
Penelitian dilakukan terhadap warga masyarakat berusia 17 tahun ke atas, khususnya yang berdomisili di Jakarta Timur, Depok, Bogor dan Purwakarta. Jumlah sampel seluruhnya 340 responden. Penarikan sampe dJakukan secara acak melalui teknik ?multi stage random sampling?.
Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, mayoritas responden dalam penelitian ini mempunyai pandangan yang ?negatif? terhadap visi, misi dan identitas dan 5 (lima) partai besar pemenang pemilu yaitu PDI Perjuangan, Golkar, PPP, PKB dan PAN. Pandangan negatif tersebut terungkap dan jawaban mereka yang umumnya menilai bahwa kelima partai tersebut sebagai : (1) lebih mementingkan tokoh dalam kampanye pemilu ketimbang program, (2) hanya peduJi pada rakyat kecil saat menjelang pemjlu (3) hanya mengobral janjijanji politik dalam kampanye, (4) (5) Lebih mementingkan diri dan golongannya politik uang, dan besar kadernya tidak Iayak untuk duduk darjpada rakyat, (6) sebagnya hanya mengejar kedudukan sebagai anggota legislatif, dan (7) elit politik negatif tersebut terutama lebih menonjol pada golkar dibandingkan dengan keempat partai politik lainnya.
This study is concerned with the audiences image towards Golkar. The study specifically addressed 3 (three) basic questions: (1) How do audiences presently perceive Golkar? Are their perceptions associated with Golkar's position during the New Order (Orde Baru) era ? (2) Are there significant relationships between their perception and their socio-demographic characteristics i.e age, education and social-environment? (3) How do they perceive the other 4 (four) big political parties (PDI Perjuangan, ppp, PKB and PAN) ? Are their perception of these four political parties different with their perception of Golkar?
The study was carried out in East Jakarta, Depok, Bogor and Purwakarta. The subjects were community members, 17 years of age and above. The total sample was 340, and selected randomly through multi stage random sampling technique.
The findings revealed that, overall majority of the respondents held a negative view towards the vision, mission and identity of the 5 (five) big political parties (PDI Perjuangan, Golkar, PPP, PKB arid PAN). This was reflected from the data in wtiich, those political parties were viewed as: (1) concerned more with their leaders than the platforms, (2) paid attention to common people only during the campaign, (3) full of promises during the camnpaign, (4) oriented more to their own group interests, (5) involved in money politics, (6) majority of their cadres were not eligible to become parliament members, and (7) their elites only fought for the strategic positions in executive. Nevertheless, their negative perception towards Golkar was stronger compared to the other 4 (four) political parties. When asked about identity, position, vision and mission of the party, only few respondents who viewed Golkar as : (1) open to all people from various groups and layers, (2) independent from the current government, and (3) having clear vision and mission. On the other hand, majority of the respondents perceived the other four political parties as possessing clear Vision and mission. It should be noted, that their positive view was particularly strong for PDI Perjuangan. Golkar according to the majority of respondents? perception was associated with the following characteristics : (1) inseparable part of the New Order (ORBA) regome, (2) was big because of Suharto?s dominant role, (3) full of corruption, collution and nepotism practices, (4) involved in money politics, (5) not democratic, (6) ignored the common people?s aspirations and interest, and (7) was not categorized as a modern political party.
The study also found significant relationships between the respondents? image and their socio-demographic characteritics i.e. age, education and social environment. It can be summarized that, the respondents who held negative image towards Golkar were else who lived in urban areas, younger in their age, and possessed higher educational background.
Based on the study findings, it is necessary for Golkar to change their identity as well as their vision and mission. This can be done, among other things, by way of evaluating the current ?positioning ? and ?orientation? strategy (repositioning and reorientation strategy). In this regard, Golkar should carry out internal consolidation, self-evaluation, and nation-wide socialization programs, in order to convince all people that the current Golkar is completely different from Golkar during the New Order era."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001