ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh infusa daun keluwih
(Artocarpus camansi Blanco) terhadap pematangan spermatozoa mencit (Mus
musculus L.) jantan di epididimis. Sebanyak 24 ekor mencit jantan dibagi menjadi
4 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (KK) yang diberikan perlakuan berupa
akuades, kelompok perlakuan 1 (KP1), kelompok perlakuan 2 (KP2), dan
kelompok perlakuan 3 (KP3) yang diberikan infusa daun keluwih dengan dosis
berturt-turut yaitu 2,5; 5; dan 10 g/kg bb selama 8 hari. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan adanya penurunan persentase motilitas spermatozoa pada kelompok
perlakuan dosis 2,5 g/kg bb dan peningkatan persentase motilitas serta
abnormalitas pada dosis 5 g/kg bb dan 10 g/kg bb. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
adanya penurunan persentase viabilitas spermatozoa pada kelompok perlakuan
dosis 2,5 g/kg bb; 5 g/kg bb; dan 10 g/kg bb. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa
pemberian infusa daun keluwih (Artocarpus camansi Blanco) memiliki pengaruh
terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas spermatozoa mencit jantan
ABSTRACT The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusionintake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-fourmale mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which weregiven akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that andecrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increaseof motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage ofspermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw;and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave animpact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.;The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusionintake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-fourmale mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which weregiven akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that andecrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increaseof motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage ofspermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw;and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave animpact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.;The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusionintake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-fourmale mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which weregiven akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that andecrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increaseof motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage ofspermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw;and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave animpact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.;The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf?s infusionintake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-fourmale mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which weregiven akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that andecrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increaseof motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage ofspermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw;and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf?s infusion intake gave animpact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa., The research has been done to determine the effect of Keluwih Leaf’s infusionintake on maturation of spermatozoa of male mice in epididymis. Twenty-fourmale mice were divided into 4 groups; consisting of control group which weregiven akuades intake and treatment group which were given infusion with doses2,5; 5; and 10 g/kg bw for 8 consecutive days. The results showed that andecrease in percentage of sperm motility at doses 2,5 g/kg bw and also an increaseof motility and abnormality at doses 5 g/kg bw and 10 g/kg bw. The percentage ofspermatozoa viability showed a decrease result at doses 2,5 g/kg bw; 5 g/kg bw;and 10 g/kg bw. The result indicated that keluwih leaf’s infusion intake gave animpact on quality and quantity of male mice spermatozoa.]"