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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
"This collection of essays focusses on the following concepts: sovereignty (the unique, intangible and yet essential characteristic of States), statehood (what it means to be a State, and the process of acquiring or losing statehood) and State responsibility (the legal component of what being a State entails). The unifying theme is that they have always been and will in the future continue to form a crucial part of the foundations of public international law. While many publications focus on new actors in international law such as international organisations, individuals, companies, NGOs and even humanity as a whole, this book offers a timely, thought-provoking and innovative reappraisal of the core actors on the international stage: States. It includes reflections on the interactions between States and non-state actors and on how increasing participation by and recognition of the latter within international law has impacted upon the role and attributes of statehood"--
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015
341.26 SOV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristi Ardiana
Abstrak :
Doktrin State responsibility merupakan salah satu doktrin penting dalam hukum internasional yang terus berkembang hingga saat ini. Inti dari pengertian doktrin State responsibility adalah bahwa setiap aksi yang dilakukan oleh negara ataupun organ-organ resmi negara harus dipertanggung jawabkan dan memiliki konsekuensi hukum dalam hubungan antar negara di kancah internasional. Lahirnya konsekuensi atas setiap aksi daripada negara bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa negara mentaati ketentuan hukum internasional serta memberi keadilan bagi subjek hukum internasional yang mengalami kerugian atas tindakan suatu negara. Penelitian ini kemudian bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah dalam kasus kejahatan perang war crimes tentara Belanda di Indonesia pada periode 1945-1949 khususnya di daerah Rawagede dan Sulawesi Selatan , doktrin State responsibility dapat digunakan untuk menganalilis pertanggung jawaban Pemerintah Belanda kepada korban maupun keluarga korban. Pisau analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah parameter pelanggaran hukum internasional yang dilakukan dalam tindakan kejahatan perang tentara Belanda dan atribusi kejahatan perang tersebut kepada Pemerintah Belanda sehingga Pemerintah Belanda memiliki tanggung jawab yang diatur dalam hukum internasional. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dilihat dari kedua analisis tersebut, tindakan tentara Belanda merupakan tindakan yang melanggar hukum internasional dan dapat diatribusikan kepada Pemerintah Belanda, sehingga Pemerintah Belanda memiliki tanggung jawab hukum kepada korban atau keluarga korban untuk memberikan reparasi reparation atas tindakan tentaranya.
State responsibility is an important doctrine that keeps on developing in international law. The definition of state responsibility is that every action conducted by nations or its legitimate organs entails international responsibility and has legal consequences in the eyes of international law. The purpose of this doctrine is to ensure that nations will abide by international law and also give access to justice for victims that got harmed through certain nations rsquo action. This research then focused on analyzing whether State responsibility doctrine can be applicable in the case of war crimes conducted by Dutch soldiers in Indonesia spesifically in Rawagede and South Sulawesi during 1945 1949 period Indonesia rsquo s revolution war . The writer uses two main points of analysis in analyzing whether state responsibility can be applicable in that case. The first one is whether the actions conducted by Dutch military troops were in violation of international law, the second one is whether the action can be attributed to Dutch Government so that the Dutch Government bears responsibility towards the victims and family of victims. The conclusion of this research is that according to State responsibility doctrine, the Dutch Government is responsible towards the war crimes conducted by Dutch military troops in Indonesia during 1945 1949 in Rawagede and South Sulawesi and entitled to give reparation for victims or family of victims.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rossa Amanda Santika
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pertanggungjawaban yang dapat dimintakan kepada negara Myanmar atas pelanggaran berat hak asasi manusia yang dialami oleh etnis Rohingya berdasarkan doctrine of imputability, dan tindakan yang harus dilakukan negara Myanmar berdasarkan prinsip pertanggungjawaban negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis metode penelitian normatif dengan sifat penelitian deskriptif analitis melalui pendekatan kasus, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa Negara Myanmar dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban atas perlakuan dan tindakan terhadap etnis Rohingya karena melanggar ketentuan yang diatur dalam ketentuan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Hukum Internasional. Bentuk pertanggungjawaban atas pelanggaran berat hak asasi manusia yang dialami oleh etnis Rohingya berdasarkan doctrine of imputability bahwa tindakan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dilakukan oleh Junta Militer Myanmar dan pembiarannya dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Sipil, sehingga kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintahan negaranya, baik militer maupun sipil yang merupakan organ negara, dimana atas tindakan pelanggaran atas genosida tersebut dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban negara. Myanmar harus melakukan reparasi berupa restitusi dengan menstabilkan keadaan politik dan ekonomi negara serta memberikan pernyataan sah tentang keberlakuan status kewarganegaraan melalui pengakuan eksistensi etnis Rohingya di Myanmar, serta wajib memberikan ganti kerugian atas kerusakan yang dilakukan terhadap fasilitas etnis Rohingya dengan melakukan pemberlakuan aturan tentang wilayah tempat tinggal yang sah serta memfasilitasi sekolah untuk pendidikan serta fasilitas kesehatan yang layak bagi etnis Rohingya. Myanmar juga harus memberikan kepuasan atau satisfaction dengan mengakui adanya pelanggaran berat hak asasi manusia kepada etnis Rohingya yang tindakannya dilakukan oleh Junta Militer Myanmar dan juga pengakuan atas pembiaran oleh Pemerintah Sipil serta memberikan permintaan maaf terbuka dan disuarakan di hadapan Internasional. ......This study discusses the accountability that can be asked to the state of Myanmar for the gross violations of human rights experienced by the Rohingya ethnic based on the doctrine of imputability, and the actions that the state must take based on the principle of state responsibility. This study uses a normative research method with descriptive analytical research characteristics through a case approach, with data collection techniques through library research. The conclusion of this study is that the State of Myanmar can be held accountable for the treatment and actions of the Rohingya because it violates the provisions stipulated in the provisions of Human Rights in International Law. The form of accountability for gross violations of human rights experienced by the Rohingya ethnicity is based on the doctrine of imputability that acts of human rights violations are carried out by the Myanmar Military Junta and the omission is carried out by the Civilian Government, so that the crimes committed by the government of the country, both military and civilian, are organs. the state, where the act of violating the genocide can be held accountable for the state. Myanmar must make reparations in the form of restitution by stabilizing the country's political and economic conditions and provide a valid statement of the validity of citizenship status through recognition of the existence of the Rohingya ethnicity in Myanmar, and must provide compensation for damage done to Rohingya ethnic facilities by enforcing rules regarding the area of ​​residence. and facilitate schools for proper education and health facilities for the Rohingya. Myanmar must also give satisfaction or satisfaction by acknowledging the existence of gross violations of human rights against the Rohingya ethnic whose actions were carried out by the Myanmar Military Junta and also acknowledging the omission by the Civilian Government and providing an open and voiced apology before the international for gross violations of human rights and omissions that have been committed. carried out by the state of Myanmar against the Rohingya ethnic.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afghania Dwiesta
Abstrak :
Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Den Haag pada tahun 2011 memutuskan untuk menerima klaim gugatan yang diajukan oleh keluarga para korban pembantaian Rawagedeh yang dilakukan oleh tentara Belanda pada tahun 1947 silam. Pengajuan klaim ganti kerugian dilakukan dengan cara mengajukan gugatan perdata ke muka Pengadilan Negeri Den Haag. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai upaya hukum terakhir yang dapat dilakukan oleh penggugat mengingat tidak adanya penyelesaian perkara yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh negara Belanda secara publik. Meskipun Pengadilan Negeri Den Haag mengabulkan klaim gugatan atas pemulihan para keluarga korban, akan tetapi dalam amar putusannya tidak menjelaskan bentuk pelanggaran atas kewajiban internasional yang dilakukan oleh Belanda atas pembantaian Rawagedeh. Oleh karena itu, penulisan skripsi ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis bentuk tanggung jawab negara Belanda kepada para keluarga korban Rawagedeh menurut hukum internasional.
The Hague District Court in 2011 decided to accept the claims filed by the relatives of the Rawagedeh massacre victims back in 1947 conducted by the Dutch troops. The plaintiffs filed a lawsuit for reparations through civil procedure to the District Court of The Hague. This action is seen as the last resort taken by the plaintiff given the absence of any judicial process the Dutch authority should have conducted publicly. Although the Hague District Court has granted these lawsuit, but the verdict did not explain what kind of violation of international obligations taken by the Dutch troop in Rawagedeh massacre. Thus, this thesis is aimed to analyze the Dutch responsibility to give remedies to the families of the victims in Rawagedeh under international law.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Noor Malia Putri
Abstrak :
Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing activities have been widely known as a threat to marine living resources. The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) has adopted its advisory opinion on the responsibility and the possible liability of the flag States who committed IUU fishing activities in an area under the jurisdiction of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC). Other than the Opinion, many international scholars and legal instruments have arisen the same concern, however, the primary source on the Law of the Sea, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is silent in this matter. The issue is very relevant with the current case that encountered by the Indonesian Government with regard to the Chinese-flagged fishing boat, namely Kway Fey 10078, that had been suspected to conduct IUU fishing activities in the Indonesian exclusive economic zone (EEZ). In this particular case, the Chinese coast guard ship assisted the Kway Fey to escape from Indonesian jurisdiction by ramming into Kway Fey 10078. In consequence, the Indonesian Government cannot enforce its jurisdiction upon Kway Fey and the Chinese Government requested Indonesia to release eight Chinese nationals who are detained. This reaction shall question on how international provide legal solutions on how to effectively deal with IUU fishing activities.
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2018
340 UI-ILR 8:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ananda Kurniawan Sukarmaji
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perlindungan personil diplomatik dan tanggung jawab negara terhadap kekerasan fisik yang diderita oleh personil diplomatik di negara-negara konflik, khususnya di negara Afghanistan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hal ini patut untuk dibahas melihat maraknya penyerangan-penyerangan serta kerugian fisik yang diderita oleh personil diplomatik di banyak negara, terutama di negara yang sedang berada di dalam konflik bersenjata. Skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai praktek perlindunganperlindngan personil diplomatik di beberapa negara konflik dan membahas konvensi-konvensi yang mengatur mengenai perlindungan personil diplomatik itu sendiri. Dengan hal tersebut, maka akan terlihat bahwa negara konflik memiliki tendensi untuk terjadinya penyerangan terhadap personil diplomatik lebih tinggi dibandingkan negara yang tidak dalam konflik bersenjata. Adapun demikian, skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai negara konflik itu sendiri dan berusaha mengkategorisasi kondisi-kondisi apa saja yang dapat dipenuhi sehingga suatu negara dapat dikatakan sebagai negara konflik. Lalu, setelah melihat pola perlindungan personil diplomatik di beberapa negara konflik, maka akan juga dilihat respon yang dikeluarkan oleh negara penerima dan pengirim. Tentunya, skripsi ini juga akan membahas kasus-kasus penyerangan terhadap personil diplomatik di Afghanistan beserta respon yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak yang berkaitan, dan juga akan dilakukan analisis terkait perlindungan personil diplomatik serta tanggung jawab negara Afghanistan dihubungkan dengan doktrin dan konvensi-konvensi yang mengatur. Dalam menindaklajuti keadaan ini, pihak Afghanistan harus melakukan kewajibannya untuk melindungi personil diplomatik dengan lebih baik dan memperhatikan kewajiban-kewajiban yang tertera di konvensi-konvensi diplomatik serta jika dalam hal negara yang dirugikan menuntut Afghanistan untuk bertanggung jawab, maka Afghanistan dapat bertanggung jawab berdasarkan konvensi dan doktrin yang ada.
This thesis explains about protection of diplomats and state responsibility of physical suffered by diplomats in conflict countries, especially in Afghanistan using juridical normative methodology. This concern has to be discussed because there are a lot of attacks and physical harms suffered by diplomats in many countries, especially in armed-conflict countries. This thesis will analyze the practices of protection of diplomats in some conflict countries and explain the conventions that include protection of diplomats as a part of the conventions. Thus, conflict countries have more tendency than non-conflict countries in terms of numbers of attacks and physical harms suffered by diplomats. Therefore, this thesis will analyze the conflict country and try to categorize terms and conditions which are included as conflict country. After seeing the pattern of protection of diplomats in some countries, then this thesis will analyze the response shown by the receiving and sending state. This thesis will also discuss about the attacked diplomats cases in Afghanistan and the responses issued by related parties. Then, protection of diplomats and state responsibility will be analyzed based on the related doctrine and conventions. Changes in protection of diplomats in Afghanistan should be done and Afghanistan should be more concerned about this matter and based on the diplomatic convention, sending state could file dispute settlement to an arbitrary organ and International Court of Justice to claim state responsibility. Based on the conventions and doctrine related, Afghanistan could be charged as the full responsible party.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sabungan, Setiawan Y.
Abstrak :
Dalam situasi seperti apa hukum internasional harus menyalahkan negara atas tindakan individu non-negara? Walaupun negara pada umumnya tidak bertanggungjawab atas tindakan aktor non-negara, telah ditentukan bahwa tindakan agennya dapat diatribusikan ke negara tersebut. Yaitu tindakan yang hanya berpura-pura sebagai aktor privat dan cukup terhubungnya tindakan tersebut dengan pelaksanaan kekuasaan publik dimana “tindakan privat” tersebut dapat dianggap tindakan negara. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini menjelaskan mengenai tanggung jawab negara dalam perspektif hukum internasional. Selain itu skripsi ini juga membahas mengenai tanggung jawab negara sehubungan dengan tindakan individu non-negara. Terakhir, skripsi ini menjelaskan pendekatan mengenai peraturan atribusi atas suatu tindakan kepada negara yang dilihat oleh Mahkamah Internasional dalam kasus Bosnia v. Serbia. Dalam hal ini, mendiskusikan atribusi berdasarkan status organ dan atribusi berdasarkan arahan dan kontrol. Secara singkat pembahasannya adalah bahwa tindakan individu atau entitas non-negara dapat diatribusikan ke negara selama memenuhi syarat sebagaimana dituangkan dalam ILC Draft. Akan tetapi dalam kasus Bosnia v. Serbia menurut Mahkamah, tindakan Republika Srpska tidak dapat diatribusikan ke Serbia. ......Under what circumstances should international law impute to states the acts of non-state persons? Although states as a general rule are not liable for the conduct of non-state actors, it is now well-settled that the acts of its agent are attributable to the state. That is, the conduct of ostensibly private actors may be sufficiently connected with the exercise of public power that otherwise "private acts" may be deemed state action. Thus, the thesis explains about state responsibility in international law perspective. The thesis also provides more general remarks on the law of state responsibility as it pertains to acts of non-state persons. Finally it analyses the approach concerning the rules of attribution of conduct to a state followed by the ICJ in the Bosnia v. Serbia case, In that regard, it discusses attribution based on organ status and attribution based on direction and control. In short, the act form persons or entity can be attributed to a State, as long it has satisfied any requirement needed from ILC draft. But prior to, Bosnia v. Serbia case, the act from the Bosnia Serbs, according to Court’s decision, can not be attributed to Serbia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fetrycia Angela Octory
Abstrak :
Kegiatan eksplorasi di kawasan dasar laut menjadi industri pertambangan yang sangat mahal nilainya bagi kepentingan ekonomi.Sehingga kegiatan di kawasan dasar laut perlu diatur, dan terdapat dalam United Nations Convention on The Law Of The Sea Of 10 December 1982 atau Konvensi Hukum Laut Internasional tahun 1982,Agreement for the Implementation of Part XI of the UNCLOS of 10 December 1982 atau Perjanjian Implementasi 1994, Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area, dan Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Sulphides in the Area. Eksplorasi kekayaan yang dihasilkan kawasan, yang dinamakan mineral-mineral, merupakan hal baru dalam perkembangan hukum laut dan menyangkut kepentingan seluruh umat manusia. Oleh karena pengelolaan kekayaan di kawasan bukan hal mudah, maka dibentuklah International Seabed Auhtority sebagai organisasi internasional yang melakukan pengawasan terhadap kegiatan di kawasan. Negara-negara berkembang, yang belum memiliki kemampuan teknis dan finansial untuk melakukan penambangan dasar laut di perairan internasional, namun ingin berpartisipasi secara efektif dalam kegiatan di Kawasan, maka negara-negara tersebut harus melibatkan entitas di sektor swasta global, dengan memberikan sponsorship bagi pihak yang ingin melakukan kegiatan di kawasan, dimana dalam penulisan ini diberikan contoh berdasarkan Republik Nauru dan Kerajaan Tonga. ...... Exploration activities in the area of seabed becomes a mining industry which have a very expensive value to economic interests. So that activities in the area of the seabed should be regulated, and there are in United Nations Convention on The Law Of The Sea Of 10 December 1982, Agreement for the Implementation of Part XI of the UNCLOS of 10 December 1982, Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area, and Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Sulphides in the Area. Exploration of the resources which produced in the area, called the minerals, a novelty in development of maritime law and concerns the interests of all mankind. Therefore, management of resources in the area is not simple, hence formedInternational Seabed Authority as an international organization to supervise the activities in the area. Developing countries, which not already have the technical and financial capability to perform seabed mining in international waters, but would like to participate effectively in activities in the Area, then these countries should involve entities in the private sector globally, by providing sponsorship for those who want to do activities in the area, which some examplesare the Republic of Nauru and the Kingdom of Tonga in this Thesis.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library