"Korps Lalu Lintas POLRI disingkat Korlantas POLRI merupakan satuan kerja pada tingkat Mabes POLRI yang berada di bawah Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia bertanggung jawab dalam bidang keamanan, keselamatan, ketertiban dan kelancaran lalu lintas. Berdasarkan Lembaga survei menyatakan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap institusi POLRI menurun sebesar 6% dari 80,2% periode sebelumnya menjadi 74,1%. Tantangan permasalahan kedepan semakin kompleks terlihat. Korlantas POLRI dituntut untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan lalu lintas antara lain terkait penegakkan hukum lalu lintas, pelayanan publik penerbitan SIM, BPKB, STNK dan lain sebagainya. Masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah belum terwujudnya integrasi data antar sistem di masing masing unit kerja dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat perencanaan strategis sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi sehingga dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan secara terukur serta layanan publik yang dapat memudahkan masyarakat. Metode dalam pengumpulan dan pengolahan data melalui studi dokumen, observasi, internal FGD dan wawancara terhadap unsur pimpinan Korlantas POLRI dan melibatkan Expertis di bidang IT. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Ward and Peppard serta didukung dengan tools analisis meliputi analisis Mission Model Canvas (MMC), analisis Value Chain, analisis Balance Score Card (BSC), analisis Critical Succes Factors (CSF), analisis PESTEL, McFarlan’s Strategic Grid, benchmarking dan tren SI/TI. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga strategi yaitu strategi bisnis SI, strategi TI dan strategi manajemen SI/TI yang berupa roadmap SI, roadmap TI, dan roadmap manajemen SI/TI sebagai bentuk perencanaan strategis SI/TI organisasi.
......The Traffic Corps National Police Republic Indonesia of abbreviated as Korlantas POLRI is a work unit at the level of the Police Headquarters which is under the Chief of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia responsible for the fields of security, safety, discipline and smooth traffic. Based on the results of the survey institute, it was stated that the level of public trust in the POLRI institution decreased by 6% from 80.2% in the previous period to 74.1%. The challenges of the problems ahead are increasingly complex. Korlantas POLRI is required to be able to solve traffic problems, including related to traffic law enforcement, public services for issuing driver's licenses, BPKB, STNK and SBST. The main problem faced is that there is no realization of data integration between systems in each work unit properly. This research aims to make strategic planning of information systems and information technology so that they can solve problems in a measurable manner and public services that can make it easier for the community. Methods in data collection and processing through document studies, observations, internal FGDs and interviews with elements of the leadership of the Korlantas POLRI and involving experts in the IT field. The methodology used is Ward and Peppard and is supported by analytical tools including Mission Model Canvas (MMC) analysis, Value Chain analysis, Balance Score Card (BSC) analysis, Critical Succes Factors (CSF) analysis, PESTEL analysis, McFarlan's Strategic Grid, benchmarking and SI / IT Trends. This research produce three strategies, namely SI business strategy, IT strategy and SI / IT management strategy in the form of SI roadmap, IT roadmap, and SI / IT management roadmap as a form of organizational SI / IT strategic planning."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022