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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ermila Ananta Cahyani
Abstrak :
Dalam pembangunan rumah susun bersubsidi pengembangan sebelum menyerahkan bangunan rumah susun kepada penghuni terlebih dahulu harus ada ijin layak huni. Karena ijin layak huni ini diperlukan guna menjamin keselamatan dari para penghuni. Dalam pembuatan sertipikatpun ijin layak huni harus dilampirkan disamping dokumen-dokumen yang lain seperti Pertelaan, Akta Pemisahan, serta Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan (1MB), dan warkah-warkah lainnya Agar bisa diterbitkan sertipikat Hak Milik atas satuan rumah susun dokumen tersebut harus diserahkan kepada Kantor Pertanahan Kota Bandung. Sehubungan dengan adanya program pemerintah yaitu Pembangunan 1000 (seribu) Tower Rumah Susun Bersubsidi (Rusunami) guna memenuhi kebutuhan tempat tinggal masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah maka diharapkan partisipasi aktif. dari pengembang (developer) untuk membantu terwujudnya program pemerintah tersebut, namun dalam praktek sering ditemui kejanggalan-kejanggalan yang menjadi penyebab tidak tercapainya program pemerintah tersebut, yaitu untuk rmenyediakan perumahan murah bagi kalangan berpenghasilan rendah, atau dengan kata lain program pemerintah tersebut tidak memenuhi sasaran.
In the construction of subsidized Apartment, before delivering the Aparbnent to the residents must firstly be obtained habitable permit. Because this habitable permit is required in order to ensure the safety of the residents. In the arrangement for the habitable permit, must be attached other documents, such as, Division Drawing, Deed of Separation, as well as Building Construction Permit (ljin Mendirikan Bangunan/IMB), and other instruments. In order that the certificate of Right of Ownership over the Apartment unit can be issued, those documents must be delivered to the Land Affair Office of Bandung City. In relation to the existing government program which is the Construction of 1,000 (one thousand) Tower of Subsidized Apartment (Rumah Susun Bersubsidi/Rusunami) in order to fulfill the needs of residence of low-income community, then, it is expected the active participation of the developer to assist the materialization of that government program, however, in practice, often being encountered ineptness which become the cause of non-achievement of the government program. which is in order to provide economical housing compound for low-income community or in other words the govenunent program does not meet the target.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Beberapa studi sebelumnya yang menelaah dampak inflasi terhadap likuiditas bank mengindikasikan bahwa pengaruh inflasi terhadap likuiditas bank dapat berbeda bergantung pada sumber ataupun sifat dari inflasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bermaksud menelaah lebih lanjut secara empiris dampak inflasi terhadap likuiditas bank ketika inflasi bersumber dari aggregate supply shock seperti kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi. Data dalam penelitian ini mendukung hipotesis bahwa inflasi yang dipicu oleh kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi akan berdampak pada penurunan likuiditas bank. Sebaliknya, inflasi yang tidak dipicu oleh kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi akan mengarah pada peningkatan likuiditas bank.
Several prior studies that examined the impact of inflation on bank rsquo s liquidity indicate that the effect of inflation on bank rsquo s liquidity may differ depending on the source or nature of the inflation. This study intends to further examine empirically the impact of inflation on bank rsquo s liquidity when inflation is stemmed from aggregate supply shocks such as increasing subsidized fuel price. The data in this study shows that inflation which stems from the rise in subsidized fuel prices will negatively affects bank rsquo s liquidity. On the other hand, inflation which is not stemed from increasing subsidized fuel price will lead to increase in bank rsquo s liquidity.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Agung Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di dunia yang masih menerapkan subsidi untuk Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM). Pemerintah Indonesia sesuai dengan amanah undang-undang harus menjamin penyediaan dan pendistribusian BBM bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Untuk menerapkan kebijakan ini dengan tepat maka pemahaman akan pola konsumsi BBM menjadi hal yang sangat fundamental karena setiap daerah memiliki hak yang sama dalam memperoleh sumber energi termasuk BBM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode clustering untuk mengetahui kategori kabupaten/kota berdasarkan pola konsumsi BBM subsidi. Data yang digunakan adalah data konsumsi BBM subsidi sejak Januari tahun 2016 hingga Juni tahun 2021 dalam bentuk time series. Penelitian ini membandingkan beberapa metode clustering yaitu k-means, Partitioning Around Medoid (PAM) dan Clustering Large Applications (CLARA). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah k-means menjadi metode clustering yang paling optimal untuk analisis konsumsi BBM subsidi setelah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap nilai rata-rata Silhouette, Dunn Index dan Connectivity. Hasil clustering dengan metode k-means mengindikasikan adanya dua cluster kabupaten/kota yang memiliki tingkat kerentanan terhadap konsumsi BBM yang tinggi dan rendah. Pemerintah perlu menetapkan daerah prioritas dalam pengawasan penggunaan BBM subsidi terutama daerah dengan tingkat kerentanan penggunaan BBM subsidi yang tinggi serta untuk daerah yang memiliki tingkat kerentanan rendah pemerintah perlu meninjau kembali kuota BBM subsidi yang ditetapkan ......Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that still applies subsidies for fuel oil (BBM). The Indonesian government following the mandate of the law must ensure the supply and distribution of fuel for all Indonesian people. Understanding the pattern of fuel consumption is very fundamental because every region has the same rights in obtaining energy sources, including fuel. This study uses the clustering method to determine the category of districts/cities based on the pattern of consumption of subsidized fuel. The data used is data on subsidized fuel consumption from January 2016 to June 2021 in the form of a time series. This study compares several clustering methods, namely k-means, Partitioning Around Medoid (PAM), and Clustering Large Applications (CLARA). The results found that k-means becomes the most optimal clustering method for the analysis of subsidized fuel consumption after evaluating the values of Silhouette, Dunn Index, and Connectivity. The results indicate that two district/city clusters have high and low levels of vulnerability to fuel consumption. The government needs to determine priority areas in supervising the use of subsidized fuel, and for areas that have a low level of vulnerability, the government needs to review the quota for subsidized fuel that has been set.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Wibisono
Abstrak :
Mahalnya harga rumah merupakan permasalahan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Program perumahan bersubsidi diharapkan dapat mengurangi kekurangan suplai perumahan (backlog) terhadap permintaan dan kebutuhan di masyarakat. Seiring berjalannya program, ternyata masih banyak masyarakat yang masih kesulitan untuk mendapatkan fasilitas subsidi tersebut. Kabupaten Bogor memiliki jumlah penduduk paling banyak di Jawa Barat mencapai 4,7 juta jiwa dan diprediksi akan meningkat 127% pada tahun 2030. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa apakah program Fasilitas Likuiditas Perumahan Bersubsidi (FLPP) telah berjalan efektif, kemudian mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program Fasilitas Likuiditas Perumahan Bersubsidi (FLPP) agar kebijakan program dapat berjalan efektif dalam implementasinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan tabulasi silang untuk melihat faktor yang mempengaruhi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ketepatan sasaran pada program perumahan bersubsidi FLPP di Kabupaten Bogor masih dibawah 75% yang artinya tidak efektif, serta aktor yang mempengaruhi ketepatan tersebut adalah gaji pokok, pendidikan dan usia.
The high price of the house is a problem for low-income communities. Subsidized housing program is expected to reduce the shortage of housing supply (backlog) of the demand and need in the community. Over the program, there are still many people who are still difficult to obtain the subsidy facility. Bogor Regency has the most population in West Java reached 4.7 million people and is predicted to increase by 127% in 2030. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the subsidized housing program Finance Housing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) are effective, then to identified the factors that influence the success of subsidized housing program Finance Housing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) so that policies can be effective program in implementation. The method used is descriptive quantitative by using cross tabulation to look at the factors that influence. The results showed that the targeting accuracy in subsidized housing programs FLPP in Bogor still below 75% which means ineffective, and the actors that influence the accuracy is the basic salary, education and age.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triana Susanti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi yang sudah ada perihal efisiensi sistem distribusi dengan menggunakan metode Minimum Cost Flow (MCF). Besarnya efisiensi akan direpresentasikan dalam bentuk prosentase pengurangan biaya distribusi usulan terhadap total biaya yang dikeluarkan pada jaringan sistem distribusi eksisting. Optimasi dilakukan dengan melakukan restrukturisasi rayon dan membuka ruas through trips. Restrukturisasi rayon yang diusulkan dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 1%-6% terhadap eksisting, sistem through trips dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 28%-39% dan sistem through trips dengan gudang buffer dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 22%-36%. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi yang sudah ada masih bisa diperbaiki dengan sistem through trips dengan mengimplementasikan IT yang mendukung
The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution’s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer’s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology., The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution’s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer’s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Adi Candra
Abstrak :
Pemerintah ditargetkan untuk bauran energi terbarukan minimal 23%. Kontribusi kapasitas pembangkit dari energi surya setara sebesar 6,5 GW dari total kapasitas pembangkitan energi terbarukan sebesar 45 GW pada 2025. Energi surya memiliki potensi lebih dari 200 GW dengan efisiensi teknologi photovoltaic yang tersedia saat ini. Namun, pemanfaatan energi surya dalam pembangkitan listrik masih kurang dari 100 MW. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis selisih biaya tagihan litrik sebelum dan sesudah pemasangan PLTS, menentukan kecepatan pengembalian investasi pemasangan PLTS atap, mendeskripsikan dampak pemasangan PLTS atap terhadap pelanggan, PLN dan pemerintah. Hasil penelitian pada pelanggan daya 450 VA sebelum PV = Rp. 63.154, sesudah PV = Rp. 78.085 dan pada pelanggan daya 900 VA sebelum PV = Rp. 110.413, sesudah PV = Rp. 112.240. Skema export-import yang paling optimal adalah 85%. Potensi pengalihan subsidi listrik berjumlah Rp46.433.637.049.601 untuk pemasangan PLTS sebanyak 1.797.612 unit. ......The government is targeted to a renewable energy mix of at least 23%. The contribution of generating capacity from solar energy is equivalent to 6.5 GW of the total renewable energy generation capacity of 45 GW by 2025. Solar energy has the potential of more than 200 GW with the efficiency of photovoltaic technology currently available. However, the use of solar energy in electricity generation is still less than 100 MW. The aim of this study was to analyze the difference in the cost of electricity bills before and after PLTS installation, determine the speed of return on investment in PLTS installation, describing the impact of PLTS installation on customers, PLNs and the government. Research results on 450 VA power customers before PV = Rp. 63,154, after PV = Rp. 78.085 and at 900 VA power customers before PV = Rp. 110.413, after PV = Rp. 112.240. The most optimal export-import scheme is 85%. The potential for the shifting of electricity subsidies is Rp. 46,433,637,049,601 for the installation of 1,797,612 PLTS units.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pada periode 2011-2014 di Indonesia diduga terjadi suatu paradoks konsumsi kalori dimana konsumsi kalori perkapita menurun dengan meningkatnya pengeluaran perkapita dan ukuran rumah tangga. Penelitian ini akan menganalisis paradoks konsumsi kalori tersebut dengan menerapkan beberapa metode analisis, termasuk metode LOWESS, metode repeated cross section menggunakan variabel instrumen, dan metode regresi kuantil. Data penelitian ini berskala nasional dengan memanfaatkan data hasil Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) Maret 2011-2014. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa paradoks hubungan konsumsi kalori terhadap pendapatan dan ukuran rumah tangga cenderung terjadi di Indonesia pada periode 2011-2014. Selain itu, kebutuhan kalori dan program Raskin berkorelasi positif dengan konsumsi kalori. Dari temuan tersebut, saran dari penelitian ini adalah pemerintah perlu menjaga kesinambungan program bantuan pangan rumah tangga, menjamin kestabilan harga makanan pokok masyarakat, dan penerapan skala ekonomi dalam penghitungan garis kemiskinan.
During 2011-2014, anecdotal evidence suggested that there was a paradox in Indonesia concerning calorie intake that had fallen, despite increased per capita expenditure and household size. This study will analyze rigorously the issue of calorie intake by applying several analytical methods, including LOWESS method, repeated cross section method using instrumental variable, and quantile regression method. The study uses national scale data from the results of the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in March 2011-2014. This study find that there is a meaningful relationship between calorie intake and per capita expenditure and household size in Indonesia in the 2011-2014 period. In addition, calorie need and the Subsidized Rice for the Poor (the Raskin) program are positively correlated with calorie intake. The research also suggests that the government needs to maintain the sustainability of household food assistance programs, ensure the stability of staple food prices, introducing education on the importance of fulfilling proper and balanced calorie consumption, and applying economies of scale in calculating poverty line.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lale Garjita Kusumaring Puji
Abstrak :
Sensus penduduk 2020 menunjukkan 25,87% penduduk Indonesia merupakan generasi milenial dengan usia produktif dan dalam fase membangun keluarga atau disebut keluarga muda. Kemunculan keluarga muda meningkatkan kebutuhan hunian, namun tidak diikuti oleh peningkatan penyediaanya, sehingga menimbulkan backlog. Salah satu solusi dan pilihan bagi generasi milenial adalah rumah subsidi. Rumah disubsidi oleh pemerintah sehingga terjangkau bagi keluarga muda dengan kondisi finansial yang belum stabil. Unit rumah disebut sebagai rumah inti dan berisi ruang yang dianggap esensial, yaitu kamar tidur, kamar mandi, dan ruang terbuka serbaguna. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk adaptasi keluarga muda dalam memfungsikan ruang pada kondisi tersebut. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan melihat pengembangan yang dilakukan terhadap rumah inti serta motivasi di baliknya. Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan, dapat ditarik kesimpulan yaitu, bentuk adaptasi bervariasi dan unik pada tiap keluarga. Motivasi pengembangan didominasi oleh kebutuhan terhadap ruang dengan fungsi tertentu. Untuk ke depannya, saya berharap bahasan dalam skripsi ini dapat dikembangkan mengingat periode huni dan waktu pengamatan yang singkat. ......Indonesia’s 2020 census shows that 25,87% of the population consists of the millennials in their productive working age and is also in the family forming phase. Their emergence raises the demand for housing and causes backlogs by the lack of provision of affordable housing. One of the options and solutions to this problem is the subsidized housing, a program to aid the low-income class to access the housing market and help financially unstable young families. The base house contains the most basic room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a multifunctional room. This study aims to observe the form of adaptation performed by the family to utilize the essential rooms in their base house. The observation was performed by looking at the developments and the motivations behind them. It concluded that the process and the form of adaptations are unique and differ from one family to another. It also shows the similarity of the needs of specific room functions as the most dominant development motivation. In the future, I hope this study developed considering the briefness of the inhabiting period and the lack of observation period.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lestuhayu, Anindhita Luky
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai evaluasi dari implementasi kebijakan subsidi perumahan, yaitu Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan (FLPP), yang diberikan pemerintah bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) untuk mengatasi ketimpangan antara supply dan demand perumahan serta rendahnya keterjangkauan MBR dalam membangun dan membeli rumah. Tesis ini juga melihat pengaruh kebijakan FLPP terhadap tingkat Non-Performing Loans (NPL) PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero). Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kualtitatif dengan menggunakan teori evaluasi kebijakan William N. Dunn dan metode in-depth interview, serta analisis kuantitatif dengan regresi data panel. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan FLPP telah berjalan dengan baik pada tahun 2015 dan aman untuk dijalankan oleh industri perbankan karena tidak menyebabkan tingkat NPL yang merupakan salah satu indikator kesehatan bank meningkat. ......The imbalance between supply and demand of housing during the last decade and low affordability of Low-Income People to build and purchase a house becomes an essential economic issue in the perspective of Public Policy. Based on this issue, this thesis discuss about the evaluation of subsidized housing implementation, named Mortgage Liquidity Facilities in Housing Finance that prompted by Ministry of Public Work and Housing. This thesis also digs deep into the impact of the aforementioned policy towards Non-Performing Loans ratio at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero). This study employed William N. Dunns theory of evaluating public policy and in-depth interview as its qualitative method, also using panel data regression analysis as quantitative method. The research found that the implementation of FLPP policy has been going well in 2015 and this policy tends to reduce the level of Non-Performing Loans Bank BTN. It means that FLPP policy is safe for banking industry since it did not enhanced NPL level which indicates bank healthiness.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfana Hardiati
Abstrak :
Salah satu tugas dan fungsi BPH Migas adalah melaksanakan pengaturan dan pengawasan atas penyediaan dan pendistribusian Jenis BBM Tertentu (JBT/ BBM bersubsidi) sesuai Perpres 191/2014. Kebijakan subsidi JBT meningkatkan beban APBN karena tingginya konsumsi JBT yang masih banyak tidak tepat sasaran. BPH Migas melakukan pengawasan BUP3JBT melalui berbagai media, salah satunya pemanfaatan digitalisasi nozzle pada penyaluran JBT sektor transportasi. Penelitian bertujuan membuat model pengawasan dengan memanfaatkan digitalisasi nozzle JBT untuk mengetahui volume penyaluran BBM bersubsidi, analisis potential loss atas pembulatan volume, serta standar minimal sampling. Penulis berperan sebagai Wakil Ketua bertugas membantu Ketua Tim dalam melakukan pekerjaan sebagaimana tertuang dalam surat penugasan. Kegiatan ini menerapkan kaidah Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (K3L), misalnya menggunakan APD, mematuhi protokol Covid-19, dan berkontribusi pada lingkungan khususnya pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca. Penulis senantiasa memperhatikan etika profesi, misalnya sopan santun, menerapkan K3L, bertindak sesuai kompetensi, objektif, jujur, dan menjaga integritas. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei sampling ke penyalur JBT, analisis statistik pengolahan data, analisis SWOT, serta analisis manajemen perubahan berbasis digital. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa model pengawasan berbasis digitalisasi nozzle untuk JBT dilakukan dengan merubah pola verifikasi JBT menggunakan perangkat lunak pengolah data. Pengolahan data terkait potential loss dari pembulatan volume disarankan agar tidak ada pembulatan. Standar minimal sampling pada masa transisi adalah 10% dari populasi. Dampak pemanfaatan digitalisasi nozzle berdasarkan analisis SWOT dan juga manajemen perubahan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas pengawasan JBT. Untuk mendapatkan hasil pengawasan berbasis digitalisasi nozzle yang optimal perlu dilakukan evaluasi baik di pihak verifikator BPH Migas maupun BUP3JBT.   ......One of the duties and functions of BPH Migas is to carry out regulation and supervision provision and distribution of certain types of fuel (subsidized fuel/ JBT) based on Presidential Regulation 191 of 2014. Policy of subsidies on JBT increasing the burden on the APBN due to high consumption of JBT which is still don't use it right on target. BPH supervise of P3JBT Business Entities through various media, one of which is utilization of nozzle digitalization in distributing JBT for the transportation sector. This research aims to create a supervision model with utilizing JBT nozzle digitalization to determine the volume of subsidized fuel distribution, potential loss analysis on volume rounding, as well as the minimum sampling standard. The author serves as the vice chairman that helps the chairman in doing the works stated in the assignment letter. The implementation of this activity applies the principles of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), for example by using PPE, complying with Covid-19 protocols, and contributing to environment, especially reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The author always pay attention to professional ethics, such as courtesy, implementing HSE, act according to competence, be objective, be honest, and maintain integrity. The method used is by conducted a survey of a sample of JBT distributors, statistical analysis of data processing, SWOT analysis, as well digital-based change management analysis. Results of these analyses is concluded that the monitoring model based on nozzle digitalization for JBT can be used by changing the JBT verification pattern using data processing software. Data processing related to potential loss from rounding volume is recommended that there be no rounding. Minimum sampling standards at the transition period is 10% of population. The impact of using digitalization nozzle based on SWOT analysis and also proven change management increase the effectiveness of JBT supervision. To get optimal monitoring results based on nozzle digitization requires good evaluations on the part of the verifier BPH Migas and P3JBT Business Entities.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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