ABSTRAKTantangan untuk memastikan terpeliharanya kelestarian hiu di Samudera Hindia adalah isu utama pengelolaan sumber daya ikan, meskipun eksploitasi penangkapan masih terjadi. Untuk itu, strategi pengelolaan perikanan yang tepat perlu disusun. Tujuan riset adalah menganalisis keragaan perikanan hiu di Samudera Hindia berdasarkan data nelayan Cilacap, menganalisis kondisi sosial ekonomi nelayan hiu, merinci rantai pemasaran hiu, dan merekomendasikan strategi pengelolaan perikanan hiu agar berkelanjutan. Riset dilaksanakan di Cilacap dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil riset menunjukan bahwa: (i) Hiu adalah hasil tangkapan sampingan (HTS) pancing rawai tuna (8,8%), jaring insang hanyut (9,66%), dan jaring insang tetap (9,41%), dan ikan target utama pancing rawai hiu. Hiu biru dan hiu tikus adalah hiu yang banyak tertangkap (73%), dengan puncak penangkapan bulan Agustus. Sebagian besar hiu tikus yang tertangkap adalah hiu dewasa, dan sebagian besar hiu mako yang tertangkap adalah hiu yang belum dewasa; (ii) Nelayan hiu di Cilacap didominasi lulusan SD (70,8%) dan berusia sekitar 46-55 tahun (44,2%). Nelayan pancing rawai tuna dan jaring insang tidak termasuk masyarakat miskin. Sebagian besar nelayan menolak campur tangan pemerintah untuk mengelola sumber daya ikan melalui penetapan regulasi baru; (iii) Alur perdagangan hiu di Cilacap dimulai dari nelayan yang menjual hiu langsung tanpa lelang kepada pedagang pengepul untuk selanjutnya diproses menjadi beberapa komoditas yang dipasarkan lokal dan ekspor, dan (iv) Penetapan daerah penangkapan, penetapan jumlah dan ukuran perahu penangkapan ikan, serta penetapan jenis dan ukuran alat tangkap adalah pilihan strategi pengelolaan perikanan hiu dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang paling tinggi. Upaya pelatihan keterampilan baru bagi nelayan juga diperlukan agar tercipta sumber pendapatan lain, sehingga ketergantungan nelayan pada penangkapan ikan dapat dikurangi.
ABSTRACTThe challenge of ensuring the preservation of sharks in the Indian Ocean is a key issue in the management of shark resources in Indonesia. Therefore, an appropriate fisheries management strategies need to be developed. The research aims to analyze the performance of shark fishery in the Indian Ocean based on Cilacap fisheries data, analyze the socio-economic conditions of shark fishermen, analyze the shark marketing chain, and recommend the shark fisheries management strategy to be sustainable. The research was conducted in Cilacap with a quantitative approach, quantitative and qualitative mixed data collection, also qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed those: (i) shark is by-catch as well as the target. The thesher sharks (Alopias pelagicus and Alopias superciliosus) and also blue shark (Prionace glauca) are the dominant sharks caught (73%), with the peak of capture on August. Most of the thesher Sharks caught are adult, and most of the mako sharks (Isurus paucus and Isurus oxyrhincus) are immature; (ii) Research is conducted in Cilacap with quantitative approach, with quantitative and qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results showed that: (i) Sharks were by-catch of tuna longline (8.8%), drift gillnets (9.66%), and bottom gillnets (9.41%), and main target of shark longline. The thesher sharks (Alopias pelagicus and Alopias superciliosus) and also blue shark (Prionace glauca) are the dominant sharks caught (73%), with the peak of capture on August. Most of the caught thesher sharks are adult, and most of the mako sharks are immature; (ii) the shark fisherman in Cilacap dominated primary school graduates (70.8%) and aged around 46-55 years (44.2%). The fishermen of tuna longline and gillnets are not among the poor. Most of them refuse government intervention to manage fish resources through the establishment of new regulations; (iii) the flows of shark trade begins from fishermen selling directly to the collecting traders, then processed for locall and export marketed; and (iv) determination of fishing grounds, the number and size of fishing boats, and establishing the types and sizes of fishing gear are the alternative management strategy with the highest success rate. New skills training for fishermen is also needed in order to create other sources of income, so the dependence on fishing can be reduced."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018