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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Anton Bahtiar
"Pada organisme aerob, oksigen direduksi sempurna menjadi air di akhir rantai pernafasan di mitokondria yang menyediakan energi untuk menjaga fungsi normal set. Tetapi di dalam mitokondria ada molekul oksigen yang direduksi sebagian membentuk superoksida. Superoksida adalah radikal bebas, senyawa kimia yang mempunyai elektron tidak berpasangan. Radikal bebas sangat penting untuk banyak proses biologi seperti untuk melawan mikroorganisme yang patogen. Namun radikal bebas dapat merusak bila tidak dikontrol dan menyebabkan stres oksidatif.
Stres oksidatif terjadi pula di jantung saat direoksigenasi setelah hipoksia, cedera yang terjadi disebut reperfusion injury. Jantung akan kehilangan fungsinya terutama kontraktilitasnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek kurkumin pada cedera reperfusi. Kurkumin adalah antioksidan yang mempunyai 2 cincin fenol. Kurkumin diduga' dapat mencegah ceders reperfusi setelah hipoksia jantung yang dilakukan pads model the isolated working heart. Penelitian ini menggunakan marmut jantan yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol, kelompok kurkumin 0,25 1.tM, clan kelompok kurkumin 0,5 µM. Efek proteksi kurkumin dilihat dengan mengukur aliran darah koroner, aliran darah aorta, tekanan sistolik dan pengamatan histopatologi jantung.
Aliran darah koroner meningkat selama reoksigenasi setelah 60 menit hipoksia, dengan kurkumin aliran darah koroner cenderung menurun. Aliran darah aorta dan tekanan sistolik menurun selama reoksigenasi setelah hipoksia 60 menu, dan cenderung meningkat setelah pemberian kurkumin. Histopatologi jantung yang direoksigenasi setelah hipoksia 60 menit memperlihatkan perubahan pada sel jantung. Kurkumin dosis 0,25 p.M cenderung iebih balk clan pada dosis 0,5 p.M dalam memproteksi jantung selama reoksigenasi setelah hipoksia 60 menit.

The Effect of Curcumin Toward Coronary Flow, Aortic Flow, And Systolic Pressure in Hypoxia and Reoxygenation Isolated Working Heart Guinea PigIn aerobic organisms oxygen is converted to water at the end of the respiratory chain in mitochondria which provide the energy needed to maintain normal body function and metabolism. However, in the same mitochondrial respiratory chain, oxygen is "partially reduced" to form super oxide. Super oxide is a free radical, a chemical species with an unpaired electron. Free radicals are essential for many normal biological processes, i.e., they are essential in the response of tissue to invading microorganisms. However, they can be destructive if they are not tightly controlled.
The oxidative stress also changes the heart in reoxygenation after hypoxia, which is called as reperfusion injury. The heart loses its function, especially contractility.
The present study was conducted to find out the effect of curcumin in reoxygenation injury. Curcumin is an antioxidant, a symmetrical compound with two phenyl rings. It is hypothesized that curcumin is active to reduce reperfusion injury after hypoxia in the heart, assayed by the working guinea pig heart model. Three groups of male guinea pigs were used in this study, consisting of control group, curcumin 0, 25 µM, and curcumin 0,5 pM groups. The protective effect of curcumin was investigated by measuring coronary flow, aortic flow and systolic pressure, and by observing the histopathology of the heart.
Reoxygenation of the heart after 60 minutes of hypoxia resulted in increased coronary flow, and curcumin decreased the coronary flow. Aortic flow and systolic pressure decreased during reoxygenation after 60 minutes of hypoxia, and curcumin increased aortic flow and systolic pressure. histopathology of the heart after reoxygenation and 60 minutes of hypoxia showed changes of the myocardium. Curcumin 0,25 µM was better than curcumin 0,50 p.M as a protective agent during reoxygenation after 60 minutes of hypoxia."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marissa Qurniati
Latar Belakang : Kelelahan umum merupakan salah satu faktor risiko untuk terjadi kecelakaan kerja. Peningkatan tekanan darah sering disertai dengan kondisi lelah pada seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perubahan tekanan darah (sistolik, diastolik,MAP) dengan timbulnya kelelahan umum dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan pada operator heavy dump truck di Binungan yaitu usia, status perkawinan, status gizi, kebiasaan olah raga, kebiasaan merokok, shift kerja, lama kerja,dan stres kerja.
Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 125 responden yang dipilih secara propotional random. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, data medical check up dan kuesioner. Pengukuran kelelahan dan tekanan darah menggunakan tensimeter dan waktu reaksi L77 Lakassidaya yang diukur sebelum dan sesudah bekerja. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linear untuk variabel numerik dan uji regresi logistik untuk variabel katagorik.
Hasil : Prevalensi kelelahan umum operator sebelum kerja sebesar 20% dan sesudah kerja 22.4% dengan tingkat kelelahan ringan. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan pada operator yaitu masa kerja > 3 tahun (r = 0.268) dengan nilai adjusted R square sebesar 6.4%. Faktor-faktor lain yang diteliti tidak berhubungan dengan kelelahan umum.
Kesimpulan : Perubahan tekanan darah tidak berhubungan dengan kelelahan umum. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan umum adalah masa kerja.

Background : Increased blood pressure is often associated with general fatigue which one of risk factors for accidents in the workplace. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, and MAP) with general fatigue and related factors related such as age, marital status, nutritional status, exercise, smoke, shift work, working periode, and stres.
Methodology: this study used a cross-sectional design with 125 respondents selected by proportional random sampling. Data collected through interviews, medical check-up data and questionnaires. Fatigue and blood pressure measurement using a sphygmomanometer and Lakassidaya L77 reaction time measured before and after work. Analysis data using linear regression test for numerical variables and logistic regression for catagorical variables.
Result : The prevalence of general fatigue in operators before work is 20% and 22.4% after working with mild fatigue level. Factors that related to fatigue is working period > 3 years with adjusted R-square value of 6.4% (r =0.268).Other factors are not associated with general fatigue. Conclusions: Blood pressure are not associated with general fatigue. Working periode is associated with general fatigue.;Background : Increased blood pressure is often associated with general fatigue which one of risk factors for accidents in the workplace. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, and MAP) with general fatigue and related factors related such as age, marital status, nutritional status, exercise, smoke, shift work, working periode, and stres.
Methodology: this study used a cross-sectional design with 125 respondents selected by proportional random sampling. Data collected through interviews, medical check-up data and questionnaires. Fatigue and blood pressure measurement using a sphygmomanometer and Lakassidaya L77 reaction time measured before and after work. Analysis data using linear regression test for numerical variables and logistic regression for catagorical variables.
Result : The prevalence of general fatigue in operators before work is 20% and 22.4% after working with mild fatigue level. Factors that related to fatigue is working period > 3 years with adjusted R-square value of 6.4% (r =0.268).Other factors are not associated with general fatigue. Conclusions: Blood pressure are not associated with general fatigue. Working periode is associated with general fatigue., Background : Increased blood pressure is often associated with general fatigue which one of risk factors for accidents in the workplace. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, and MAP) with general fatigue and related factors related such as age, marital status, nutritional status, exercise, smoke, shift work, working periode, and stres.
Methodology: this study used a cross-sectional design with 125 respondents selected by proportional random sampling. Data collected through interviews, medical check-up data and questionnaires. Fatigue and blood pressure measurement using a sphygmomanometer and Lakassidaya L77 reaction time measured before and after work. Analysis data using linear regression test for numerical variables and logistic regression for catagorical variables.
Result : The prevalence of general fatigue in operators before work is 20% and 22.4% after working with mild fatigue level. Factors that related to fatigue is working period > 3 years with adjusted R-square value of 6.4% (r =0.268).Other factors are not associated with general fatigue. Conclusions: Blood pressure are not associated with general fatigue. Working periode is associated with general fatigue.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library