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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Cynthia Angelina
"Sebagai negara beriklim tropis, masyarakat Indonesia cenderung terkena paparan panas berlebih yang dapat menyebabkan berbagai permasalahan kulit, salah satunya hiperpigmentasi. Pitera, yang berasal dari filtrat fermentasi jamur Galactomyces pada pembuatan sake dengan bahan baku beras, ditemukan berkhasiat sebagai antipenuaan dan memberikan efek perlindungan terhadap pajanan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak fermentasi beras merah (Oryza sativa L. var. Inpari 24) dengan ragi tapai terhadap aktivitas antioksidan, aktivitas antitirosinase, kandungan flavonoid total, dan pengamatan profil senyawa dengan metode LC-MS/MS. Lima ekstrak fermentasi beras merah dari berbagai waktu fermentasi (2, 4, 6, 8, dan 10 hari) diuji aktivitas antioksidannya dengan metode FRAP. Sampel dengan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi lalu diuji kandungan flavonoid totalnya dengan metode kolorimetri AlCl3 dan diuji aktivitas antitirosinasenya dengan menggunakan enzim tirosinase dan substrat L-DOPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak fermentasi hari kesepuluh merupakan sampel dengan aktivitas antioksidan metode FRAP tertinggi (1,304 gram FeSO4 ekuivalen/100 gram ekstrak). Kandungan flavonoid total yang terukur adalah sebesar 1,034 mgQE/g ekstrak. Pada pengujian aktivitas antitirosinase, ekstrak ini memiliki nilai IC50 sebesar 17.189,11 μg/mL dan termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat lemah. Pengamatan profil senyawa dengan LC-MS/MS menunjukkan bahwa lima senyawa terbanyak yang terdeteksi pada ekstrak fermentasi hari kesepuluh adalah 3-Asetilakonitin, Patuletin-7-O-[6-(2-metilbutiril)]-glukosida, Viskumneosida II, Asam suksinat, dan Nortropanolin. Diperlukan optimasi lebih lanjut untuk mempelajari potensi ekstrak dalam aktivitas antioksidan dan antitirosinasenya.
......Indonesian who live in tropical climates, tend to get excess sunlight exposure which can lead to many skin problems, such as hyperpigmentation. Pitera, which came from Galactomyces yeast ferment filtrate in sake production with rice as the raw material, has efficacy in anti-aging and protective effects against environmental exposures. This research aimed to find the potency of fermented red rice (Oryza sativa L. var. Inpari 24) with tapai yeast in terms of its antioxidant activity, antityrosinase activity, and total flavonoid content. The phytochemical compounds of the extract were analyzed by LC-MS/MS method. Five red rice fermented extracts from different fermentation times  (two, four, six, eight, and ten days) were tested with FRAP antioxidant assay. Extract with the highest FRAP antioxidant activity was analyzed with colorimetry AlCl3 method for total flavonoid content, and antityrosinase activity assay was done using tyrosinase enzyme and L-DOPA substrate. The results showed that extract with ten days of fermentation had the highest FRAP antioxidant activity (1,304 gram FeSO4 equivalent/100 g extract). Besides that, the calculated total flavonoid content of the extract was 1,034 mgQE/g extract. In the antityrosinase activity assay, this extract had an IC50 value of 17.189,11¼g/mL and was categorized as very low potency. The observation of phytochemical compounds with LC-MS/MS showed that the five main compounds in the extract were 3-Acetylaconitine, Patuletin-7-O-[6-(2-methylbutyryl)]-glucoside, Viscumneoside II, Succinic acid, and Nortropanoline. Further optimization is needed to study the potential of the extract in its antioxidant and antityrosinase activities."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washila Nurlaila
Isolasi dan penapisan kapang dan khamir dari lima jenis ragi tapai asal beberapa kota di Jawa Barat telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil isolasi, didapatkan tiga belas isolat kapang dan tujuh isolat khamir. Penapisan kapang amilolitik dilakukan secara kualitatif menggunakan uji iodin. Uji kualitatif dilakukan dengan mengukur zona bening pada medium starch agar yang telah ditumbuhi kapang dan kemudian ditetesi iodin. Hasil uji menunjukkan isolat (ZC1, ZC2, ZGJ2) memiliki diameter zona bening sebesar (69,95 mm, 58,73 mm, 56,85 mm). Aktivitas amilase ketiga isolat kapang terpilih diukur menggunakan metode DNS (Dinitrosalicylic Acid). Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa isolat ZGJ2 merupakan isolat kapang dengan aktivitas tertinggi (6,30 U/mL) sedangkan isolat kapang dengan aktivitas terendah (3,03 U/mL) dihasilkan oleh isolat ZC2. Penapisan khamir penghasil alkohol dilakukan berdasarkan pertumbuhan sel dan gas  yang terperangkap dalam tabung Durham, dalam medium PDB yang ditambah glukosa 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Ketiga isolat mampu tumbuh dengan baik pada medium dengan konsentrasi glukosa 15%. Namun pembentukan gas  hanya terjadi pada penambahan 10% glukosa oleh isolat YC1 (4+) dan YC3 (3+)  serta penambahan 5% glukosa oleh isolat YC2 (2+). Hasil pengamatan karakter makroskopis dan mikroskopis isolat ZC1 dan ZGJ2  diduga merupakan genus Rhizopus, sedangkan isolat ZC2 masuk ke dalam genus Mucor. Isolat khamir terpilih diduga termasuk ke dalam filum Ascomycota berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan fisiologi.

Isolation and screening of molds and yeasts from five types of ragi tapai from several cities in West Java had been done. Based on the results of isolation, thirteen mold isolates and seven yeast isolates were obtained. Screening of amylolytic mold was done by qualitative assay using iodine. Iodine assay was done by measuring clear zones on starch agar medium which had been grown with mold and then flooded with iodine. The results of iodine assay showed that three isolates (ZC1, ZC2, ZGJ3) formed clear zones diameter (69.95, 58.73, 56.85). Amylase activity of the three selected mold isolates were measured using the DNS (Dinitrosalicylic Acid) method. The results showed that ZGJ2 had highest activity (6.30 U / mL) meanwhile the mold isolate with the lowest activity (3.03 U / mL) was ZC2. Alcohol-producing yeasts were screened based on cell growth and  trapped in Durham tubes, in the medium of PDB added with glucose 5%, 10%, and 15%. The best three isolates were able to grow in a medium with 15% glucose concentration. However the formation of  only occurs in the addition of 10% glucose by YC1 (4+) and YC3 (3+) and the addition of 5%  glucose by YC2 (2+). Based on observation of the macroscopic and microscopic characters, ZC1 and ZGJ2 assumed belong to the Rhizopus genus, meanwhile ZC2 belongs to the Mucor genus.The selected yeasts are assumed to belong to the Ascomycota phylum based on morphological and physiological characters."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wening Dharmastuti
Penelitian mengenai aktivitas amilolitik kapang dan sakarolitik khamir penghasil alkohol dari ragi tapai telah dilakukan. Sebanyak 22 isolat kapang dan 10 isolat khamir berhasil diisolasi dari ragi tapai yang berasal dari 5 daerah berbeda, yaitu Aceh, Bengkulu, Medan, Pontianak, dan Sulawesi. Penapisan isolat kapang secara kualitatif dan semi-kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metode iodin. Aktivitas amilase kapang secara kualitatif ditentukan berdasarkan ukuran zona bening setelah diteteskan dengan pereaksi iodin. Penapisan aktivitas amilase secara semi-kuantitatif diukur dengan spektrofotometer pada 620 nm. Hasil penapisan secara kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa isolat ZMDN1, ZMDN2, dan ZRS1 masing-masing memiliki diameter zona bening yang sama sebesar 85 mm. Penapisan secara semi-kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa isolat ZMDN1 dan ZRS1 memiliki nilai transmitan (T) sebesar 96%, sedangkan isolat ZMDN2 memiliki nilai transmitan (T) sebesar 45%. Aktivitas amilase tiga isolat kapang terpilih diukur lebih lanjut menggunakan metode Dinitrosalicyclic Acid (DNS). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa isolat ZMDN1 memiliki nilai aktivitas amilase tertinggi sebesar 8,53 U/mL sedangkan aktivitas terendah, 4,88 U/mL dihasilkan oleh isolat ZRS1. Berdasarkan pengamatan karakter morfologi makroskopis dan mikroskopis, ketiga isolat kapang terpilih diduga merupakan anggota genus Amylomyces. Hasil penapisan khamir berdasarkan pertumbuhan sel dan pembentukan gas CO2 di dalam tabung Durham menunjukkan bahwa ketiga isolat khamir YPN2, YBKL1, dan YPN1 mampu tumbuh baik pada medium PDB dengan penambahan 15% glukosa. Produksi alkohol berdasarkan pembentukan CO2 oleh YPN2 telah terlihat dalam 24 jam, sementara isolat khamir YBKL1 dan YPN1 terlihat dalam 48 jam. Ketiga isolat khamir terpilih diduga merupakan anggota filum Ascomycota berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan kemampuan memfermentasi glukosa untuk menghasilkan alkohol dan CO2.

A research on screening of amylolytic molds and saccharolytic yeasts from ragi tapai has been done. Twenty two isolates of mold and ten isolates of yeast were isolated from ragi tapai originating from five regions in Indonesia. The five regions are Aceh, Bengkulu, Medan, Pontianak, and Sulawesi. Qualitative and semi-quantitative screening of mold isolates were carried out by iodine method. The amylase activity of molds were qualitatively determined based on the formation of clear zones after flooding with iodine reagent. Semi-quantitative screening of amylase activity was measured by spectrophotometer based on the highest transmittance value at 620 nm. Qualitative screening results showed that ZMDN1, ZMDN2, and ZRS1 isolates have the same clear zone diameter of 85 mm. Semi-quantitative screening showed that ZMDN1 and ZRS1 isolates have 96% transmittance value, whereas ZMDN2 isolates has 45% transmittance value. Based on the screening results, the three mold isolates were thought to have the highest amylase activity. The amylase activity of the three selected molds was measured further using the Dinitrosalicyclic Acid (DNS) method. The highest amylase activity value was produced by ZMDN1 isolate (8.53 U/mL), while the lowest amylase activity value was produced by ZRS1 isolate (4.88 U/mL). Based on the macroscopic and microscopic morphological characteristics, the three selected isolates belong to the genus Amylomyces. Yeast screening results based on cell growth and formation of CO2 gas in Durham tubes showed that the three yeast isolates were able to grow well on the PDB medium with the addition of 15% glucose. Alcohol production based on CO2 formation by YPN2 was detected in 24 hours, while YBKL1 and YPN1 was detected in 48 hours. The three selected yeast isolates are members of the phylum Ascomycota, based on morphological characteristic and ability to ferment glucose to produce alcohol and CO2."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rohman Arif Anasa
Dua puluh satu isolat kapang dan tujuh isolat khamir telah diisolasi berdasarkan perwakilan morfologi koloni dari setiap jenis ragi tapai menggunakan metode tebar dan streak plate method. Beberapa sampel ragi tapai didapatkan dari lima daerah (Surakarta, Grobogan, Purwokerto, Klaten, dan Kalasan) di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Penapisan aktivitas amilase dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan metode iodin dan hasil diekspresikan sebagai diameter zona bening. Isolat terpilih kemudian diukur aktivitas amilasenya menggunakan metode DNS pada panjang gelombang 540 nm. Penapisan khamir toleran terhadap konsentrasi gula tinggi dan penghasil alkohol dilakukan pada medium PDB yang ditambahkan 5%, 10%, dan 15% glukosa. Penapisan didasarkan atas pertumbuhan sel dan dan gas CO2 terbentuk dalam tabung Durham. Berdasarkan hasil penapisan kapang, tiga isolat dipilih berdasarkan diameter zona bening terbesar yaitu ZSL3 (57,52 mm), ZN1 (54,96 mm), dan ZGN1 (54,47 mm). Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa isolat ZGN1 memiliki aktivitas enzim amilase tertinggi (13,18 U/mL) dan isolat ZN1 memiliki aktivitas terendah (5,95 U/mL). Hasil penapisan khamir menunjukkan isolat YN1, YN2, dan YK1 merupakan tiga isolat khamir terpilih. Hasil tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa YN1 adalah isolat terbaik berdasarkan pertumbuhan sel dan gas CO2 yang terbentuk pada medium uji dalam 24 jam. Berdasarkan karaktermorfologi makroskopis dan mikroskopis, Isolat kapang ZSL3 diduga merupakan genus Rhizopus, sedangkan isolat kapang ZGN1 dan ZN1 merupakan genus Mucor. Isolat khamir YN1, YN2, dan YK1 diduga merupakan filum Ascomycota berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan kemampuan memfermentasi gula untuk menghasilkan etanol dan CO2.

Twenty one mould and seven yeast isolates have been isolated based on colony morphology that are representative from each ragi tapai sample using spread method and streak plate method. Ragi tapai samples were obtained from five regions (Surakarta, Grobogan, Purwokerto, Klaten, and Kalasan) in Central Java, Indonesia. Amylase enzyme activity was screened qualitatively using iodine method and the clear zone diameter was measured. Then, three isolates amylase activity was measured using DNS method on 540 nm wavelength. Sugar-tolerant and alcohol producing yeast screening was assayed in PDB + glucose (5%, 10%, and 15%). Screening was based on growth and gas produced in Durham tube. Based on the mould screening result, three isolates with the largest clear zone were selected. The selected isolates were ZSL3 (57,52 mm), ZN1 (54,96 mm), and ZGN1 (54,47 mm). The DNS assay resulted ZGN1 has the highest amylase enzyme activity (13,18 U/mL) and the ZN1 as the lowest (5,95 U/mL). The yeasts screening result showed that YN1, YN2, and YN3 were selected isolates. The result also showed that YN1 was the best isolate based on growth and gas produced in 24 hours. Isolate ZSL3 was assumed to belong to genus Rhizopus and isolate ZGN1 and ZN1 were assumed to belong to genus Mucor based on its morphological characters. Isolate YN1, YN2, and YK1 were assumed to belong to phylum Ascomycota based on its morphological characters and ability to ferment the sugar to produce ethanol and CO2."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Farsya Nurulnisa
"Beras merah diketahui memiliki senyawa fenolik dan aktivitas antioksidan yang baik. Senyawa fenolik dan aktivitas antioksidan tersebut juga berpotensi untuk menghambat aktivitas elastase dalam penuaan kulit. Fermentasi diketahui dapat memperkaya senyawa aktif dalam tumbuhan, sehingga aktivitas antioksidan dan anti kerutan tumbuhan dapat meningkat. Terdapat sebuah pengolahan makanan dengan proses fermentasi yang telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesia secara turun temurun, yaitu tapai. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dan penghambatan aktivitas elastase beras merah yang difermentasi dengan ragi tapai. Fermentasi beras merah dilakukan dengan menggunakan 1%, 5%, dan 9% ragi tapai dan dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode DPPH pada ekstrak hasil fermentasi tersebut. Kemudian dilakukan penghambatan aktivitas enzim elastase, penetapan kadar fenol total, dan penapisan fitokimia pada ekstrak dengan nilai IC50 terendah. Ekstrak yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan DPPH yang paling tinggi adalah ekstrak fermentasi dengan ragi 5% (IC50 1550,39 µg/mL), lalu fermentasi dengan ragi 1% (2243,35 µg/mL), dan fermentasi dengan ragi 9% (2990,46 µg/mL). Kadar fenol total ekstrak fermentasi beras merah dengan ragi tapai 5% adalah 4,01±0,06 mg GAE/g sampel, senyawa yang teridentifikasi pada penapisan adalah terpenoid dan glikosida, dan nilai IC50 dari uji antielastase ekstrak adalah 8847,41 µg/mL. Oleh karena itu, ekstrak fermentasi beras merah tidak memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan ekstrak fermentasi beras merah dengan ragi tapai 5% memiliki kadar fenol total yang rendah dan aktivitas antielastase yang tidak baik.
......Red rice is known to have high phenolic content and good antioxidant activity. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity also have the potential to inhibit elastase activity in skin aging. Fermentation is known to enrich active compounds in plants, and that may increase the antioxidant and anti-wrinkle activity of plants. There is a type of food that is made using fermentation that has been passed down by Indonesian people for generations, namely tapai. Therefore, this research was aimed to find out the antioxidant activity and elastase inhibition of red rice that was fermented with tapai yeast. Fermentation of red rice was made using tapai yeast in the concentration of 1%, 5%, and 9%. The result of the fermentation was extracted and the antioxidant activity of each extract was tested with DPPH method. Inhibition of elastase enzyme activity assay, determination of total phenolic content, and phytochemical screening is done to the extract with the lowest IC50 value. The extract that had the highest DPPH antioxidant activity was the extract of red rice fermented with 5% tapai yeast (IC50 1550.39 µg/mL), followed by 1% tapai yeast (IC50 2243,35 µg/mL) and 9% tapai yeast (IC50 2990,46 µg/mL). The total phenolic content of the extract was 4.01 ± 0.06 mg GAE/g sample, the compounds identified in the screening were terpenoids and glycosides, and the IC50 value of the extract’s antielastase assay was 8847.41 µg/mL. Therefore, the extract of red rice fermented with 1%, 5%, and 9% tapai yeast does not have antioxidant activity and the extract of red rice fermented with 5% tapai yeast has low phenolic content and the antielastase activity is not good."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library