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Tjues Aryo Agung Wibowo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: TCI propofol dan sevofluran merupakan agen pemeliharaan anestesi umum yang sering digunakan, termasuk pada transplantasi ginjal dan memiliki pengaruh terhadap hemodinamik intra-operatif, khususnya kardiovaskular. Tujuan: Membandingkan pengaruh TCI propofol dan sevofluran terhadap profil hemodinamik kardiovaskular intra-operatif resipien transplantasi ginjal. Metode: Uji klinis prospektif tersamar tunggal terhadap 46 resipien transplantasi ginjal di RSCM selama bulan Juli-Desember 2017. Parameter hemodinamik diukur saat pasca-induksi, pasca-insisi, intra-operatif dan pascareperfusi. Hasil dianalisis menggunakan uji general linear model untuk pengukuran berulang, uji t tidak berpasangan Mann-Whitney U. Hasil: Indeks kardiak intra-operatif p = 0,216 , pasca-induksi 4,20 vs 3,10 L/mnt/m2, p = 0,056 dan pascareperfusi 4,77 vs 4,07 L/mnt/m2, p = 0,077 kelompok TCI propofol lebih tinggi dibandingkan sevofluran. Tekanan rerata arteri intra-operatif hampir sama pada kedua kelompok p = 0,480, nilai pasca-induksi 80,74 vs 80,61 mmHg, p = 0,980 dan pascareperfusi 89,30 vs 92,52 mmHg, p = 0,359 lebih tinggi pada kelompok sevofluran. Indeks volume sekuncup hampir sama pada kedua kelompok p = 0,086, dengan nilai pasca-induksi lebih tinggi 54,35 vs 49,56 mL/m2, p = 0,335 dan pascareperfusi lebih rendah 62,52 vs 62,78 mL/m2, p = 0,962 pada kelompok TCI propofol. Indeks resistensi vaskular sistemik intra-operatif p = 0,054, pasca-induksi 1786 vs 1426 dynes.detik/cm-5/m2, p = 0,077 dan pascareperfusi 1523 vs 1404 dynes.detik/cm-5/m2, p = 0,223 lebih tinggi pada kelompok sevofluran. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh hemodinamik yang signifikan secara statistik intra-operatif antara TCI propofol dengan sevofluran pada resipien transplantasi ginjal.
Background: TCI propofol and sevoflurane are common agents for general anesthesia, including for renal transplantation procedure. They have intraoperative hemodynamic effect, especially cardiovascular. Aim. Comparing the effect of TCI propofol and sevoflurane to intraoperative cardiovascular hemodynamic profile in renal transplant patients. Methods: Single blinded prospective study in 46 renal transplant patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital between July-December 2017. Hemodynamic parameters were measured at postinduction, postincision, intraoperative, and postreperfusion. Data were analyzed using general linear model for repeated measurements, unpaired t-test, Mann-Whitney U. Results: Intraoperative cardiac index p = 0,216, postinduction 4,20 vs 3,10 L/mnt/m2, p = 0,056 and postreperfusion 4,77 vs 4,07 L/mnt/m2, p = 0,077 TCI propofol group were higher than sevoflurane group. Mean arterial pressure intraoperatively similar in both groups p = 0,480, postinduction 80,74 vs 80,61 mmHg, p = 0,980 and postreperfusion 89,30 vs 92,52 mmHg, p = 0,359 were higher in sevoflurane group. Stroke volume index were similar in both groups p = 0,086, and higher during postinduction 54,35 vs 49,56 mL/m2, p = 0,335 but lower during postreperfusion 62,52 vs 62,78 mL/m2, p = 0,962 TCI propofol group. Systemic vascular resistance index were higher during intraoperative p = 0,054, postinduction 1786 vs 1426 dynes.detik/cm-5/m2, p = 0,077 and postreperfusion 1523 vs 1404 dynes.detik/cm-5/m2, p = 0,223 in sevoflurane group. Conclusion: Intraoperative hemodynamic effects were statisticaly similar between TCI propofol and sevoflurane group in renal transplant recipients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamilah Muhammad Hafidz
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Teknik Target Controlled Infusion untuk anestesia umum semakin banyak digunakan. Jumlah pasien geriatri yang harus menjalani prosedur operasi semakin bertambah, serta memerlukan pertimbangan khusus mengingat risiko operasi dan pembiusan yang lebih tinggi pada golongan ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan konsentrasi plasma (Cp) dan konsentrasi effect site (Ce) propofol menggunakan rumusan Marsh pada pasien geriatri ras Melayu di RSCM dengan dan tanpa pemberian premedikasi fentanil. Metode. Empat puluh pasien geriatri orang Indonesia Asli status fisik ASA 2, usia > 60 tahun dan BMI 18-30 kg/m2 dirandomisasi. Satu kelompok (20 pasien) mendapatkan Fentanil-Propofol, lainnya (20 pasien) mendapatkan NaCl-Propofol. Pemberian propofol menggunakan TCI rumusan Marsh dengan target konsentrasi plasma. Target Cp dimulai dari 1 µ/ml dinaikkan 1 µ/ml tiap menit sampai tercapai loss of consciousness (LoC) dan diteruskan sampai nilai BIS 45-60 selama 5 menit (steady state). Hasil. Pada kelompok Fentanil-Propofol saat LoC didapatkan Cp 3,15+0,35 µ/ml dan Ce 1,53+0,53 µ/ml dan saat BIS stabil didapatkan Cp 4,14+0,59 µ/ml dan Ce 2,63+0,60 µ/ml. Pada kelompok Nacl-Propofol saat LoC didapatkan Cp 4,20+0,61 µ/ml dan Ce 2,26+0,56 µ/ml dan saat BIS stabil didapatkan Cp 4,78+0,38 µ/ml dan Ce 3,30+0,52 µ/ml. Pasien-pasien yang mendapatkan fentanil terlebih dahulu memiliki Cp dan Ce yang lebih rendah baik saat LoC maupun saat nilai BIS stabil (P < 0,05). Kesimpulan. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara Cp dan Ce propofol yang diberikan premedikasi fentanil dan yang tidak. ...... Background. The application of Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) technique in general anesthesia is progressively growing. Number of geriatric patients scheduled for operations increases every year, while this group needs special consideration following the higher risk of surgery and anesthesia. The purpose of our study was to compare the estimated plasma concentration (Cp) and the effect site concentration (Ce) of propofol using Marsh pharmacokinetic model for geriatric patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital with and without the administration of fentanyl premedication. Methods. Forty patients, physical status ASA 2, aged > 60, BMI 18-30 kg/m2 randomly assigned to a fentanyl-propofol group or a saline-propofol group. TCI propofol was initiated using Marsh pharmacokinetic model. Initial plasma concentration in each group was 1 µ/ml and increased by 1 µ/ml every minute until there was no eyelash reflex, which defined as loss of consciousness (LoC). Propofol plasma concentration was increased and decreased to reach a stable BIS value between 45-60, considered as Cp and Ce at steady state. Results. In the fentanyl-propofol group the estimated Cp at loss of consciousness was 3,15+0,35 µ/ml and Ce 1,53+0,53 µ/ml. At steady state, Cp was 4,14+0,59 µ/ml and Ce 2,63+0,60 µ/ml. In the saline-propofol group Cp 4,20+0,61 µ/ml and Ce 2,26+0,56 µ/ml. At steady state, Cp was 4,78+0,38 µ/ml and Ce 3,30+0,52 µ/ml. The estimated Cp and Ce in the fentanyl-propofol group were lower than saline-propofol group (p < 0.05). Conclusion. There is a significant difference between Cp and Ce in the salinepropofol group and fentanyl-propofol group.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library