ABSTRAKSetiap negara memiliki sejarah perkembangan rumah sakitnya, meskipun dewasa ini,
dengan berbagai alasan semua negara membicarakan tata kelola rumah sakit. Di
Indonesia dewasa ini Undang-Undang Rumah Sakit (UURS) tidak secara tegas
merujuk istilah corporate governance, namun demikian dalam Penjelasan Pasal 29
ayat (1) butir r UURS, secara tersirat diketahui bahwa corporate governance adalah
bagian dari hospital governance. Sedangkan konsepsi dan terminologi corporate
govenance di Indonesia mengacu pada perseroan terbatas, khususnya perseroan
terbatas terbuka. Dalam konsepsi tersebut, semua perseroan terbatas harus taat pada
Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT), termasuk perseroan terbatas dengan
bidang usaha rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan telah terjadi
mispersepsi penggunaan istilah corporate governance dalam manajemen rumah
sakit. Penelitian ini membandingkan corporate governance dalam UURS dengan
UUPT. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan data sekunder.
Triangulasi dilakukan untuk mempertahankan validitas hasil. Penelitian ini juga
menggunakan metoda perbandingan hukum untuk memahami konsep korporasi dan
corporate governance dalam rangka menjelaskan pelaksanaan corporate governance
di rumah sakit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UURS telah salah
menginterpretasikan status rumah sakit. UURS telah meletakkan fungsi rumah sakit
secara kurang tepat, yang seharusnya dilihat sebagai kegiatan (usaha) dari perseroan
terbatas. Artinya rumah sakit harus dipandang sebagai bagian perseroan terbatas dan
bukan sebaliknya. Kesalahan interpretasi ini telah menyebabkan terjadinya
miskonsepsi dan kesalahan penggunaan istilah corporate governance dalam UURS.
Peneliti menyarankan untuk melakukan perubahan terhadap beberapa ketentuan
dalam UURS agar sejalan dengan konsep yang berlaku dan dapat diterapkan secara
ABSTRACTEach state has its own history on the development of hospital, eventhough nowadays
for many different reason, all countries in the world is talking about governance in
hospital. In Indonesia cuurent situation, Indonesian Hospital Law does not
specifically refer to corporate governance, however in the Elucidation of Article 29
para (1) point r of the Hospital Law, it is implied that corporate governance was
part of hospital governance. Meanwhile the conception and terminology of corporate
govenance in Indonesia belongs to corporation, especially public corporation. In
such conception, all corporations must comply with Corporate Law, including all
corporations with line of business of hospital. The aim of this research is to prove
that there has been a misconception of corporate governance terminology in hospital
management. This research tries to contrast the conception of corporate governance
used in Hospital Law against the Corporate Law. This research uses qualitative
research. This reseacrh uses secondary data, with triangulation to maintain validity
of result. This research also uses comparative legal method to understand the
concept of corporation and corporate governance in order to explain the application
of corporate governance in hospital. Result of the research shows that Hospital Law
has misinterpreted the status of hospital. It has mislead the function of hospital,
which shall be seen as a line of business of a corporation. It means that hospital must
be seen as part of the corporation as organisation and not vice versa. Researcher
recommends to make amendments to some articles of the Hospital Act in order to
make it inline with the prevailing concept and can be consistently applied. (xvii +
129);Each state has its own history on the development of hospital, eventhough nowadays
for many different reason, all countries in the world is talking about governance in
hospital. In Indonesia cuurent situation, Indonesian Hospital Law does not
specifically refer to corporate governance, however in the Elucidation of Article 29
para (1) point r of the Hospital Law, it is implied that corporate governance was
part of hospital governance. Meanwhile the conception and terminology of corporate
govenance in Indonesia belongs to corporation, especially public corporation. In
such conception, all corporations must comply with Corporate Law, including all
corporations with line of business of hospital. The aim of this research is to prove
that there has been a misconception of corporate governance terminology in hospital
management. This research tries to contrast the conception of corporate governance
used in Hospital Law against the Corporate Law. This research uses qualitative
research. This reseacrh uses secondary data, with triangulation to maintain validity
of result. This research also uses comparative legal method to understand the
concept of corporation and corporate governance in order to explain the application
of corporate governance in hospital. Result of the research shows that Hospital Law
has misinterpreted the status of hospital. It has mislead the function of hospital,
which shall be seen as a line of business of a corporation. It means that hospital must
be seen as part of the corporation as organisation and not vice versa. Researcher
recommends to make amendments to some articles of the Hospital Act in order to
make it inline with the prevailing concept and can be consistently applied. (xvii +
129), Each state has its own history on the development of hospital, eventhough nowadays
for many different reason, all countries in the world is talking about governance in
hospital. In Indonesia cuurent situation, Indonesian Hospital Law does not
specifically refer to corporate governance, however in the Elucidation of Article 29
para (1) point r of the Hospital Law, it is implied that corporate governance was
part of hospital governance. Meanwhile the conception and terminology of corporate
govenance in Indonesia belongs to corporation, especially public corporation. In
such conception, all corporations must comply with Corporate Law, including all
corporations with line of business of hospital. The aim of this research is to prove
that there has been a misconception of corporate governance terminology in hospital
management. This research tries to contrast the conception of corporate governance
used in Hospital Law against the Corporate Law. This research uses qualitative
research. This reseacrh uses secondary data, with triangulation to maintain validity
of result. This research also uses comparative legal method to understand the
concept of corporation and corporate governance in order to explain the application
of corporate governance in hospital. Result of the research shows that Hospital Law
has misinterpreted the status of hospital. It has mislead the function of hospital,
which shall be seen as a line of business of a corporation. It means that hospital must
be seen as part of the corporation as organisation and not vice versa. Researcher
recommends to make amendments to some articles of the Hospital Act in order to
make it inline with the prevailing concept and can be consistently applied. (xvii +