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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dyah Poernomo Woelan
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Fluorosis gigi merupakan kelainan yang terjadi pada permukaan enamel gigi yang ditandai dengan bercak putih, kuning sampai coklat kehitaman. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi fluorosis gigi di antaranya adalah kandungan fluor yang tinggi dalam teh. Berdasarkan kepustakaan fluorosis gigi dapat mempengaruhi estetik/penampilan dan mengakibatkan rasa rendah diri. Pada penelitian pendahuluan (1995) ditemukan 44,1 % (15) dad 34 pemetik teh mempunyai tanda-tanda fluorosis gigi. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran kandungan flour pada 4 sumber air minum di daerah penelitian, hasilnya berkisar antara 0,1 - 0,3 ppm. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan minum teh dengan fluorosis gigi pada karyawan Perkebunan Teh X pada tahun 1996. Jenis penelitian Cross Sectional dengan sampel 59 karyawan (total populasi) yang mempunyai kriteria lahir dan tinggal di daerah Perkebunan Teh X sampai penelitian dilakukan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan Cara : wawancara, pemeriksaan gigi, pengukuran kandungan fluor dalam seduhan teh dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Setelah dilakukan pemeniksaan gigi, dari 59 responden didapatkan 55,9 % (33) menderita fluorosis gigi dengan berbagai tingkat keparahan menurut Indeks Dean. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran kandungan fluor dalam seduhan teh yang dikonsumsi responden dengan menggunakan alat Spectronic 21. Seduhan teh dibuat dari 1,8-11, 80 gram/liter diseduh selarna 1-14 jam. Hasilnya berkisar antara 0,66 - 3,76 ppm. Hasil uji analisis membuktikan ada hubungan antara konsumsi minuman dan kepekatan seduhan teh dengan fluorosis gigi (p<0,05). Serta tidak ada hubungan antara karakteristik karyawan dan frekuensi minum teh dengan fluorosis gigi (p>0,05). Konsumsi minuman merupakan variabel paling berpengaruh terhadap fluorosis gigi diikuti dengan kepekatan seduhan teh. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah penyebaran informasi/penyuluhan tentang Kesehatan Gig dan Mulut untuk melindungi khususnya anak-anak Perkebunan dari fluorosis gigi di. masa yang akan datang, juga meningkatkan rasa percaya diri pada masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya.
ABSTRACT The dental fluorosis is a disorder which occurs at the surface of the dental enamel which is characteristic by white, yellow to brown stanning and pitting. There are many factors which influence the dental fluorosis among others the high fluor content in the tea. In the preliminary research (1995) it was found that 44,1 % (15) of 34 tea pickers have shown dental fluorosis. From various sources it is evident that dental fluorosis will esthetical appearance and tend to increase the inferiority complex of the person. In measuring the fluor content in the four local drinking water sources it was found that fluor concentration was between 0,1 to 0,3 ppm. The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between the tea drinking habits with dental fluorosis of the staffs in Tea Plantation X in 1996. The research is a Cross Sectional one with sample of 59 respondents who were the staffs with the criteria of being born and resite in the Tea Plantation X areas up to the conduct of the research. Four data collection methods were caned out i.e : interview, dental screening, fluor concentration measurement and secondary data. Of the 59 respondents screened 55,9 % (33) have dental fluorosis with various level of intensity according to the Dean Index. To measure the fluor content in the consumed tea a specific process of measuring was applied using Spectronic 21. Fluor content in the tea consumed yielded a result ranging from 0,66 to 3,76 ppm with various concentration of day tea leaves of 1,9 - 11,8 gram in I liter of water. The research analysis proved that there is a relationship between the drinks consumed and the concentration of the tea consumed with dental fluorosis (p<0,05). And there is no relationship between characteristic of the staffs and the tea drinking frequency with dental fluorosis (p>0,05). The drinks consumed are the most influential factors toward dental fluorosis followed by the concentration of the tea consumed. The research further recommended that Dental Health Education be carried out if we would like to prevent future plantation children to be affected by dental fluorosis, in so doing increasing the personal confidence of the future Indonesia People.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosefina Thesa Thesita Koesnihadi
Abstrak :
Tea is a drink that is liked for many reasons by almost every people in the earth. Conscious or not, it fills most of the people's daily live. Some of them even make tea drinking as their habit, which certainly shows their good sense and madness of processed plantation called tea. It is indeed someone's choice of drinking pattern. But among various drinks offered in this world, tea is a famous alternative to make. Human fondness of tea drinking tends also to be found in almost every nation. In Indonesia, tea has also known for centuries. However, the fondness of tea accelerates extraordinarily in the latest century. Various sociological patterns about tea especially in Indonesia will be this research entity. Tea is assumed carrying certain understanding, certain symbol, and certain function for certain group of society, if not all, in certain time. This becomes more interesting while the variation of meaning, symbol and function differs more and more. It certainly cannot be hindered because it relates strictly with individuals and societies. This research's prime vision is to emphasize more portions in the global culture's spectacle. It is so done, because the assumption of a single nations' tradition, which is the English style afternoon tea breaks the limit and penetrates in almost all over the world. It then associates with local tea tradition and assumed as the global culture. Nevertheless, culture cannot work and process all alone. It must relate and link with other sides or spectacles of globalization too. These will also be a little bit discussed in connection with the culture. The penetration process of the tea is not taken for granted. It costs high enough that the tea ritual is not pure anymore. This caused by the society, which is named as market in economical science. Like basic economical law has taught before, the market plays an important role where supply will be adjusted with their demand. This phenomenon can and will be benefited by thorough ?money managers? through business area. Good networking between them and the system strengthen the collaboration and association of the development of the global economy. Globalization in the area of culture and economy is lead and supported by political life. It needs power to make things possible. Power, which is dominated by the state, gives and makes deep and huge impacts on state's life. The state's role is needed instead of positive or negative power. This power shall associate and collaborate to make a fruitful condition. A little bit portion on global politic will be a part of this paper's angle of vision. Thus, it can be concluded that tea does not discern borders, nations, races, classes or everything concerning with segregation. Human is generally acquainted it. The only matter is the `option'. How people processes, packs, presents, or even actualizes it, are all people's choice according to their preference to the outcome. Some people value it nothing, but some others do appreciate the tradition. In connection with globalization, these reasons base the selection of the title too. So, please have a great pleasure in reading this paper under the title of ?Global Tea in Local Context?.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Shabrina
Abstrak :

Glodok merupakan salah satu kawasan yang dikenal sebagai kawasan pecinan (China Town) kota Jakarta. Berdasarkan karakteristik ini, Glodok memiliki potensi pariwisata yang dapat dikembangkan dari sisi perdagangan serta wisata sejarah, budaya dan agama untuk destinasi turis lokal maupun mancanegara. Namun saat ini, eksistensi Glodok mulai meredup. Dibutuhkan gagasan baru yang dapat menghadirkan kembali potensi kawasan. Gagasan walkability digagas dalam rancangan pengembangan kawasan baru dengan fokus pada zona sekitar Jalan Pancoran sehingga mengoptimalkan pengalaman wisata pecinan.

Tugas akhir ini membahas terkait proyek yang mendukung rencana pengembangan, yaitu Glodok Tea Garden. Dalam hituk – pikuk kawasan pariwisata perdagangan dan sejarah pecinan, Glodok Tea Garden hadir sebagai suatu titik melting-pot untuk kawasan. Glodok Tea Garden menyuntikkan program baru kedalam kawasan yang bersifat mendukung atau hadir secara implisit terhadap kawasan namun tetap memenuhi program yang digagaskan. Bangunan bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan bersantai, istirahat, sarana bersosial dalam kawasan wisata perdagangan. Bangunan ini direalisasikan dalam konsep taman ruang terbuka yang menekankan pada ruang sosial dan kebersamaan. Konsep desain dan program bangunan yang diusung terinspirasi dari filosofi tradisi minum teh dari budaya cina. Tradisi minum teh sebagai atraksi antara pengunjung dan menjadi media untuk bersosial.


Glodok is one of the recognise Chinatown districts in Jakarta. Based on the distinct features, Glodok may have potential to become tourism attraction which can be developed by not only as a trading place but also historical place along with culture and religion for local and foreign tourists. However, the existence of this place is begun to fade. The district must have new idea to increase the distric's tourism potension. Walkability idea is conceived to optimize the tourist's chinatown experience by redesign the area which is focused near Jalan Pancoran.

This thesis will be discussing a project that promote the development of the new area, which is called "Glodok Tea Garden". In the frenzy tourists trade area and historical chinatown, Glodok Tea Garden will be the ‘melting-pot spo't’. Glodok Tea Garden will be injected by new program into the area which will support the surrounding area or appear implicitly to the area yet still fulfilling the conceived program. The building is intended to facilitate relaxing, socializing, and resting activities in the tourist trade area. The building will also be built as open space garden where people will be together and socialize. This design concept which will be arranged is based on the philosophy of tea-drinking tradition form chinese culture. Tea-drinking tradition will be the main attracton between visitors and a media for socializing.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library