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Kiki Zakiah
Abstrak :
Sediaan krim merupakan salah satu produk kosmetik yang banyak diminati. Bahan aktif kosmetik harus dapat menembus kulit untuk menjadi efektif. Oleh karena itu penelitian dan pengembangan untuk kosmetika tidak hanya mencakup sumber, struktur dan mekanisme interaktif bahan kulit, tetapi juga efektivitasnya pada komponen kulit yang ditargetkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan aktivitas anti-kolagenase dan anti-elastase dari ekstrak kering Thalassia hemprichii, dan mengaplikasikan ekstrak kering tersebut ke dalam formula krim yang stabil dan memiliki aktivitas penghambat elastase dan kolagenase, serta dapat terpenetrasi secara in vitro. Ekstrak kering Thalassia hemprichii diperoleh dari hasil maserasi 50 etanol selama 24 jam dan dievaporasi. Aktivitas penghambatan kolagenase diukur dengan menggunakan enzim kolagenase dari Clostridium hystolyticum ChC tipe IA dan N- 3-[2-Furil]-asriloil -Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala FALGPA sebagai substrat, sedangkan aktivitas penghambatan elastase diukur melalui hasil reaksi enzimatis Human leucocyte elastase HLE tipe I dengan menggunakan N-succinyl- Ala 3-p-nitroanilide SANA sebagai substrat. Ekstrak etanol Thalassia hemprichii memiliki IC50 penghambatan kolagenase 21,877 g/mL dan IC50 penghambatan elastase 469,919 g/mL. Sediaan krim yang mengandung 1,5 ekstrak kering Thalassia hemprichii memiliki IC50 penghambatan kolagenase 20,799 g/mL dan IC50 penghambatan elastase 466,844 g/mL. Krim tersebut menunjukkan stabilitas fisik yang baik selama 12 minggu dan uji mekanik yang baik, dan dapat terpenetrasi secara in vitro. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa krim yang mengandung ekstrak kering Thalassia hemprichii stabil secara fisik dan memiliki aktivitas anti-kolagenase, serta mampu berpenetrasi secara in vitro.
Creams are one of the most popular cosmetic products. Cosmetic active ingredients must be able to penetrate the skin to be effective. Therefore research and development for cosmetics includes not only the skin 39 s interactive source, structure and mechanism, but also its effectiveness on targeted skin components. The aim of this research is to get anti collagenase and anti elastase activity from dry extract of Thalassia hemprichii, and apply the dried extract into stable cream, has anti collagenase and anti elastase activity, and can be penetrated. Thalassia hemprichii dry extract was obtained from 50 ethanol maceration for 24 hours and evaporated. Collagenase inhibitory activity was measured by enzymatic reaction results using collagenase from Clostridium hystolyticum ChC type IA dan N 3 2 Furil asriloil Leu Gly Pro Ala FALGPA as the substrate, while the elastase inhibitory activity was measured by enzymatic reaction results using Human leucocyte elastase HLE type I and N succinyl Ala 3 p nitroanilide SANA as the substrate. The IC50 of collagenase inhibition from the dry extract was 21,877 g mL and IC50 of elastase inhibition was 469,919 g mL. The IC50 of collagenase inhibition and The IC50 of elastase inhibition of 1.5 Thalassia hemprichii dry extract cream was 20.799 g mL and 466,844 g mL respectively. The cream showed good physical stability for 12 weeks, good mechanical tests and can be penetrated. Thus, it can be reported that Thalassia hemprichii extract has anti collagenase activity and the cream is a stable cream and also has anti collagenase activity and can be penetrated.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Auriga Rafsandjanie
Abstrak :
Indonesia merupakan negara yang terletak pada iklim tropis dengan paparan sinar matahari sepanjang musim. Paparan sinar yang terdiri dari sinar UVA dan UVB ini dapat memicu pembentukan radikal bebas yang berdampak buruk bagi kulit manusia, seperti sunburn atau kulit terbakar, penuaan dini, kulit kemerahan, hingga kanker kulit. Selain itu radikal bebas juga dapat memicu pembentukan melanin dengan mengaktivasi enzim tirosinase, sehingga dapat menyebabkan kulit tampak lebih gelap dan kusam. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sediaan kosmetik tabir surya sekaligus pencerah kulit. Salah satu bahan alam yang berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai zat aktif adalah tumbuhan lamun. Thalassia hemprichii merupakan salah satu lamun yang banyak tersebar di pantai-pantai Indonesia. Dari penelitian sebelumnya, diketahui T.hemprichii mengandung senyawa polifenolik dan senyawa flavonoid yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan sumber antioksidan yang dapat mengatasi kerusakan kulit akibat paparan sinar UVA dan UVB. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh kadar fenolik total dari ekstrak T.hemprichii, serta memperoleh sediaan krim fitosom ekstrak lamun dengan stabilitas fisik yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan krim ekstrak lamun tanpa fitosom. Dalam penelitian ini, fitosom dibuat dalam dua formula berdasarkan perbandingan massa antara ekstrak dan fosfatidilkolin, yaitu 1:1 dan 1:2 menggunakan metode hidrasi lapis tipis. fitosom kemudian dikarakterisasi distribusi ukuran partikel, potensial zeta, dan efisiensi penjerapannya. Lalu, formula terpilih diformulasikan ke dalam sediaan krim, kemudian dievaluasi. Uji stabilitas fisik dilakukan pada sediaan krim fitosom dan krim tanpa fitosom. Fitosom dengan perbandingan 1:1 adalah formulasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan formulasi 1:2 dengan karakteristik Dv90 sebesar 522 nm, indeks polidispersitas 0,530, potensial zeta -25,7 mV dan efisiensi penjerapan sebesar 54,80 ± 0,91%. Evaluasi sediaan yang dilakukan menunjukkan sediaan krim memiliki karakteristik yang baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sediaan krim tanpa fitosom ekstrak lamun memiliki stabilitas fisik yang lebih baik dibandingkan sediaan krim fitosom.
Indonesia is a country located in a tropical climate with sun exposure throughout the season. This light exposure consist of UVA and UVB rays that can trigger the formation of free radicals which has a negative impact on human skin, such as sunburn, premature aging, redness, and skin cancer. Besides, free radicals can also trigger the formation of melanin by activating the tyrosinase enzyme, so that it can cause the skin to look darker and duller. Therefore, cosmetics sunscreen and skin lightening are needed. One of the natural ingredients that has the potential to be used as an active substance is seagrass. Thalassia hemprichii is one of the seagrasses that are widely spread on the beaches of Indonesia. From previous studies, it was found that T.hemprichii contains polyphenolic compounds and flavonoid compounds that has a potential to be used as a source of antioxidants that can overcome skin damage due to exposure to UVA and UVB rays. The aim of this study was to obtain total phenolic levels of T.hemprichii extract, and obtain phytosome cream preparations of seagrass extract with better physical stability compared to seagrass extract cream without phytosome. In this study, phytosome was prepared in two formulation based on mass ratio between the extract and phosphatidylcholine, which is 1:1 and 1:2 using thin layer hydration method. Then, the phytosome was characterized by its particle size distribution, zeta potential, and absorption efficiency. Selected formulation are formulated into topical preparation of phytosome cream, then evaluated. Physical stability test was performed on topical preparation of phytosome cream and cream without phytosome. Phytosome with ratio 1:1 is preferable than the 1:2 ratio formulation with characteristics of Dv90 is 522 nm, polydispersity index 0.53, zeta potential -25.7 mV, and absorption distribution 54.80 ± 0.91%. The topical preparation of cream phytosome evaluation shows good characteristics. The conclusion is the topical preparation of cream.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuni Yusniawati
Abstrak :
Nyamuk Aedes aegypti adalah vektor virus dengue penyebab penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue DBD . Salah satu upaya pencegahan penyakit DBD adalah pemutusan siklus penularan dengan cara pengendalian vektor menggunakan larvasida kimia. Penelitian ini mencoba menggali potensi ekstrak lamun sebagai larvasida dan mengkarakterisasi ekstrak organ dan asal sampel lamun. Lamun Halophila ovalis dan Thalassia hemprichii dari Taman Nasional Bali Barat dipisahkan berdasarkan organ dan tempat asalnya. Simplisia diekstraksi menggunakan metanol dengan perbandingan 1: 3 b/v . Ekstrak yang telah dipisahkan dengan rotary evaporator digunakan untuk uji larvasida dan uji High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC . Sebanyak 25 larva instar III Ae. aegypti dilakukan uji penapisan larvasida dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 1 dari total 5 ekstrak dan 2 kontrol. Jumlah larva yang mati dalam waktu 12, 24, dan 48 jam dihitung. Dari hasil pengujian, seluruh sampel memiliki nilai persentase mortalitas hingga 100 selama 48 jam. Namun demikian daun Thalassia hemprichii dari Pulau Menjangan memiliki keefektifan tertinggi karena 25 larva mati dalam waktu 12 jam. Lethal Concentration 50 LC50 ekstrak daun Thalassia hemprichii dari Pulau Menjangan dengan serial konsentrasi 0,01 , 0,1 , dan 1 menghasilkan nilai 0,082 atau 820 ppm. Kromatogram HPLC menunjukkan seluruh ekstrak memiliki pola yang sama, namun ada penambahan peak pada ekstrak daun Thalassia hemprichii.
Aedes aegypti mosquito is a vector of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever DHD . To prevent of dengue disease is through the transmission cycle termination by vector control using chemical larvicide. This research tried to explore the potential of seagrass extracts as larvicide and to characterize the extract yield from different origin of sample. The seagrass Halophila ovalis and Thalassia hemprichii that obtained from the West Bali National Park were cut by organ and place of origin. Simplicia extracted using methanol with a ratio of 1 3 w v . Extracts that have been separated by rotary evaporator are used for the larvicidal test and the High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC test. Batches of 25 early 3rd instar larvae of Ae. aegypti for larvicidal screening test with 1 concentrations of each from total 5 extracts and 2 controls. The number of larvae died within 12, 24, and 48 hours was calculated. From the test results, all samples had percentage mortality values up to 100 for 48 hours. However, leaves extract of Thalassia hemprichii from Menjangan Island have the highest effectiveness because 25 larvae died within 12 hours. Lethal Concentration 50 LC50 the leaves extract of Thalassia hemprichii from Menjangan Island with serial concentrations of 0,01 , 0,1 , and 1 i.e. 0,082 or 820 ppm. HPLC chromatogram showed the whole extract has the same pattern, but there is an addition of peak on leaves extract of Thalassia hemprichii.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nely Suryani Nopi
Abstrak :
Lamun Thalassia hemprichii telah dilaporkan mengandung senyawa fenolik dengan aktivitas antioksidan, yang berpotensi untuk mengatasi kerusakan kulit akibat paparan sinar ultraviolet UV . Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan krim ekstrak T. hemprichii yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan, proteksi sinar UV yang dinyatakan dengan nilai Sun Protection Factor SPF , penghambatan tirosinase, stabil secara fisik dan dapat terpenetrasi secara in-vitro. Kondisi ekstraksi dioptimasi menggunakan variasi konsentrasi etanol, penambahan 1 v/v HCl 1 N, dan suhu. Pengujian kadar fenolik total dilakukan dengan metode Folin-Ciocalteu, aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl DPPH , dan penghambatan tirosinase diuji secara enzimatis menggunakan substrat L-tirosin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ekstraksi optimum diperoleh pada etanol 50 yang ditambahkan 1 v/v HCl 1 N, dan suhu 60oC. Krim ekstrak etanol lamun 2 memiliki kadar fenolik 47,5 mg GAE/g ekstrak dengan aktivitas antioksidan IC50 111,39 g/mL, penghambatan tirosinase IC50 1448,36 g/mL, nilai SPF 28,27, dan menunjukkan stabilitas fisik krim yang baik selama 12 minggu. Hasil uji penetrasi dengan sel difusi Franz menunjukkan jumlah kumulatif fenolik terpenetrasi 72,58 g/cm2 3,58 dengan fluks 3,337 g/cm2.jam. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa krim kosmetik ekstrak T. hemprichii memiliki aktivitas antioksidan, penghambat tirosinase, proteksi tabir surya dengan nilai SPF yang relatif tinggi, stabil secara fisik, dan dapat terpenetrasi.
Thalassia hemprichii seagrass has been reported contain phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity, which potential to overcome skin damage from UV exposure. This study was aimed to obtain cream of T. hemprichii extract with antioxidant activity, UV protection expressed with Sun Protection Factor SPF , tyrosinase inhibition, physically stable, and penetrate into the skin. The extraction condition was optimized using ethanol concentration, 1 v v HCl 1 N, and temperature. Phenolic content was examined using the Folin Ciocalteu method, the antioxidant activity with 2,2 Diphenyl 1 picrylhydrazyl DPPH method, and the inhibition of tyrosinase through enzymatic reaction with L tyrosine. The results showed the optimum extraction condition was obtained using 50 ethanol added with 1 v v HCl 1 N, and 600C. The cream with 2 ethanolic extract has phenolic content 47,5 mg GAE g extract with antioxidant activity IC50 111,39 g mL, tyrosinase inhibition IC50 1448,36 gg mL, SPF value 28,27, and showed physically stable for 12 weeks. Result of the in vitro penetration test showed cumulative amount of phenolic 72,58 g cm2 3,58 with flux of 3,337 g cm2.hour. Based on these, it can be concluded that cosmetic cream of T. hemprichii extract has the antioxidant activity, inhibition of tyrosinase, sunscreen protection with relatively high SPF value, physically stable and able to penetrate.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harxylen kinanti Purnomo
Abstrak :
Seagrass contains bioactive compounds that are potential to be developed in health and medicinal application. Cymodocea rotundata and Thalassia hemprichii was collected from Pramuka Island TNKpS and Karang Sewu TNBB. Samples were cut into different parts i.e. leaf, rhizome, and root. Each part was dried as a powdered simplicia and extracted using methanol (1:3; w/v). All the extracts were characterized using HPLC and tested as larvicide against the larvae of Aedes aegypti. Batches of 25 early 3rd instar larvae of Ae. aegypti were transferred into 250 mL sample bottles containing 100 mL 1% extract. There are two control groups: abate (1%) and aquadest. The mortality of larvae was observed after 12, 24, and 48 hours. The leaves extract of T. hemprichii showed the highest mortality 100% after 12 h with LC50 concentration 0.56%. Chromatogram results from different species of C. rotundata and T. hemprichii showed a similar pattern of peaks. The results suggested that leaves extract of Thalassia hemprichii have the highest potential to be used as a larvicide against Ae. aegypti larvae.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriella Sharon
Abstrak :
Dinoflagellata epifitik yang hidup pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii berpotensi menyebabkan Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) melalui produksi ciguatoxin atau asosiasi dengan dinoflagellata penghasilnya. Lamun Thalassia hemprichii memiliki kelimpahan tinggi di perairan Pulau Pramuka. Penelitian mengenai kelimpahan dinoflagellata epifitik pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii beserta hubungannya dengan parameter lingkungan dilakukan di empat sisi perairan Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu. Sampel lamun Thalassia hemprichii dari keempat sisi pulau diambil secara purposive random sampling ke dalam botol, dikocok kuat selama beberapa menit, dan biofilm pada daun dikerik. Daun lamun dipisahkan dan diukur luas permukaannya. Sampel air hasil kocokan kemudian disaring menggunakan saringan bertingkat 125 dan 25 μm, dan diamati menggunakan mikroskop cahaya. Ditemukan empat genus dinoflagellata epifitik toksik, yaitu Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, dan Prorocentrum. Genus Coolia memiliki rata-rata kelimpahan tertinggi, yaitu 8 sel/cm2, yang menunjukkan kemampuan adaptasi Coolia di setiap stasiun dengan faktor lingkungan yang berbeda. Faktor lingkungan yang mencirikan di tiap stasiun dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU) dan kemudian dihubungkan secara deskriptif dengan kelimpahan dinoflagellata. Bagian selatan dan barat pulau dicirikan oleh salinitas dan kecepatan arus, bagian utara oleh intensitas cahaya, dan bagian timur oleh nitrat, oksigen terlarut, dan pH. ......Epiphytic dinoflagellates living on Thalassia hemprichii seagrass have the potential to cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) through ciguatoxin production or association with dinoflagellate producers. Thalassia hemprichii seagrass has a high abundance in the waters of Pramuka Island. Research on the abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates in seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and its relationship with environmental parameters was conducted on four sides of the waters of Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu. Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii samples from the four sides of the island were taken by purposive random sampling into bottles, shaken vigorously for several minutes, and the biofilm on the leaves was scraped off. Seagrass leaves were separated and their surface area measured. The shaken water samples were then filtered using 125 and 25 μm graduated sieves, and observed using a light microscope. Four genera of toxic epiphytic dinoflagellates were found, namely Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum. The genus Coolia had the highest average abundance, 8 cells/cm2, which indicates the adaptability of Coolia at each station with different environmental factors. Characteristic environmental factors at each station were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and then descriptively correlated with dinoflagellate abundance. The southern and western parts of the island were characterized by salinity and current velocity, the northern part by light intensity, and the eastern part by nitrate, dissolved oxygen, and pH.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriella Sharon
Abstrak :
Dinoflagellata epifitik yang hidup pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii berpotensi menyebabkan Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) melalui produksi ciguatoxin atau asosiasi dengan dinoflagellata penghasilnya. Lamun Thalassia hemprichii memiliki kelimpahan tinggi di perairan Pulau Pramuka. Penelitian mengenai kelimpahan dinoflagellata epifitik pada lamun Thalassia hemprichii beserta hubungannya dengan parameter lingkungan dilakukan di empat sisi perairan Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu. Sampel lamun Thalassia hemprichii dari keempat sisi pulau diambil secara purposive random sampling ke dalam botol, dikocok kuat selama beberapa menit, dan biofilm pada daun dikerik. Daun lamun dipisahkan dan diukur luas permukaannya. Sampel air hasil kocokan kemudian disaring menggunakan saringan bertingkat 125 dan 25 μm, dan diamati menggunakan mikroskop cahaya. Ditemukan empat genus dinoflagellata epifitik toksik, yaitu Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, dan Prorocentrum. Genus Coolia memiliki rata-rata kelimpahan tertinggi, yaitu 8 sel/cm2, yang menunjukkan kemampuan adaptasi Coolia di setiap stasiun dengan faktor lingkungan yang berbeda. Faktor lingkungan yang mencirikan di tiap stasiun dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU) dan kemudian dihubungkan secara deskriptif dengan kelimpahan dinoflagellata. Bagian selatan dan barat pulau dicirikan oleh salinitas dan kecepatan arus, bagian utara oleh intensitas cahaya, dan bagian timur oleh nitrat, oksigen terlarut, dan pH. ......Epiphytic dinoflagellates living on Thalassia hemprichii seagrass have the potential to cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) through ciguatoxin production or association with dinoflagellate producers. Thalassia hemprichii seagrass has a high abundance in the waters of Pramuka Island. Research on the abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates in seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and its relationship with environmental parameters was conducted on four sides of the waters of Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu. Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii samples from the four sides of the island were taken by purposive random sampling into bottles, shaken vigorously for several minutes, and the biofilm on the leaves was scraped off. Seagrass leaves were separated and their surface area measured. The shaken water samples were then filtered using 125 and 25 μm graduated sieves, and observed using a light microscope. Four genera of toxic epiphytic dinoflagellates were found, namely Coolia, Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum. The genus Coolia had the highest average abundance, 8 cells/cm2, which indicates the adaptability of Coolia at each station with different environmental factors. Characteristic environmental factors at each station were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and then descriptively correlated with dinoflagellate abundance. The southern and western parts of the island were characterized by salinity and current velocity, the northern part by light intensity, and the eastern part by nitrate, dissolved oxygen, and pH.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library