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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
La Ode Zalaluddin Kapege
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang kemerdekaan pers pasca reformasi bebas dan bertanggung jawab dengan menggunakan metode analisis normatif baik dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan perbadingan hukum. Bebas dimaksud yaitu pers bebas melakukan aktifitas jurnalistiknya sesuai dengan kaidah UU Pers, UU Penyiaran dan kode etik jurnalistik. Tanggung jawab yaitu kewenangan pemerintah mengawasi kemerdekaan pers salah satunya hak atas privasi. Lahirnya UU ITE salah satu kebijakan untuk melindungi hak atas privasi. Namun kehadirannya justru menghambat kebebasan pers dalam menyampaikan informasi khususnya terhadap aktifitas pejabat publik dan informasi publik yang menyimpang dan melanggar hukum. Dalam pasal 26 ayat (3) penghapusan informasi tidak relevan di pengadilan, pasal 27 ayat (3) sanksi pidana terhadap setiap orang dengan sengaja mendistribusikan, mentransmisikan dan membuat dapat diakses informasi memuat tentang pencemaran nama baik, dan pasal 40 ayat (2b) kewenangan pemerintah dan penyelenggara sistem elektronik melakukan pencabutan akses informasi dan/atau dokumen elektronik memuat unsur melanggar hukum. Ketiga pasal tersebut memuat tentang pencemaran nama baik. Akibatnya pers yang mempunyai kewenangan menyiarkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan pencemaran nama baik dengan mengacu pada pasal 5 ayat (3) dan pasal 2 dan 9 kode etik jurnalistik akan sangat rentan terkena UU ITE. Walau demikian pers juga harus mempunyai batasan yang tidak diskriminatif dalam menyampaikan informasi pribadi agar informasi tersebut tidak disampaikan secara sensasional dan hanya mengharapkan keuntungan. Olehnya itu penulis memberikan saran memperjelas kedudukan UU Pers sebagai lex spesialis dan memperkuat kewenangan Dewan Pers melakukan pencabutan informasi melanggar hak atas privasi yang bersifat sensasional dan hanya mencari keuntungan.
......This research discusses the freedom of the press after free and responsible reform using normative analysis methods with both a statutory and comparative legal approach. Free means that the press is free to carry out its journalistic activities in accordance with the rules of the Press Law, the Broadcasting Law and the journalistic code of ethics. Responsibility, namely the government's authority to oversee press freedom, one of which is the right to privacy. The enactment of the ITE Law is a policy to protect the right to privacy. However, its presence actually hinders press freedom in conveying information, especially on the activities of public officials and public information that deviate and violate the law. In article 26 paragraph (3) the elimination of irrelevant information in court, article 27 paragraph (3) criminal sanctions against everyone deliberately distributing, transmitting and making accessible information containing defamation, and article 40 paragraph (2b) government authority and the electronic system operator shall revoke access to information and / or electronic documents containing elements of violating the law. The three articles contain defamation. As a result, the press which has the authority to broadcast information related to defamation with reference to article 5 paragraph (3) and articles 2 and 9 of the journalistic code of ethics will be very vulnerable to being exposed to the ITE Law. However, the press must also have non-discriminatory limits in conveying personal information so that the information is not conveyed sensationally and only hopes for profit. Therefore, the authors provide suggestions to clarify the position of the Press Law as a lex specialist and strengthen the authority of the Press Council to revoke information that violates the right to privacy which is sensational in nature and only seeks profit"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chmara, Theresa
"Imagine receiving a subpoena requiring patron records or Internet use history. What is your library's policy? Do you know? Does your library have a policy? How big a problem is this? Because libraries are on the front lines of patron privacy and confidentiality controversies that raise First Amendment questions, it is increasingly critical that libraries and their counsel become familiar with the constitutional rights of patrons. By understanding the issues and the relevant laws, librarians can take action to protect users' First Amendment rights. In this clear and concise guide set up in a frequently-asked-questions (FAQ) format, First Amendment attorney and litigation expert Chmara shares her decades of experience in easy-to-understand, jargon-free language.Library directors and managers as well as lawyers who represent libraries will learn: what First Amendment rights exist in libraries; how to create a library policy to best protect patrons' confidentiality and privacy; the appropriate responses to requests for patron records; and, how to deal with the nuances of Internet use privacy. Interspersed within the questions and answers, actual court case studies lend a sense of urgency to the explanations. Covering circulation and Internet use records, along with the role of the library as employer, this guide is librarians' first line of defense of the First Amendment."
Chicago: [American Management Association, ], 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Novianto Sofnir
"Tesis ini merupakan penelitian terhadap kebebasan pers di Amerika. Penelitian difokuskan kepada sebuah kasus pengadilan yaitu Onassis v. Galicia di United States District Court, Second Circuit, Southern District of New York. pada tanggal 13 September 1973. Permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah peliputan berita yang dilakukan dengan melanggar hak pribadi dapat membatasi kebebasan pers. Pembatasan kebebasan pers disini adalah pada peliputan berita terhadap seorang figur publik yang bernama Jacqueline Onassis beserta kedua anaknya.
Landasan teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah landasan teori demokrasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan pada tesis ini adalah peliputan berita sebagai bagian dari kebebasan pers harus dibatasi pada saat dilakukan dengan melanggar hak pribadi. Pelanggaran ini dibuktikan dengan akibat-akibat yang harus ditanggung oleh seorang figur pubik Jacqueline Onassis beserta kedua anaknya yaitu hilang reputasi, harga diri dan dipermalukan. Pada tesis ini juga ditemukan jawaban posisi kepentingan hak pribadi diposisikan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kebebasan pers. Hal ini yang kemudian menyebabkan kebebasan pers pada isu peliputan berita harus diberikan batasan-batasan.
Jawaban ini memperlihatkan berdasarkan filosofi demokrasi penekanan hak ada pada individu dan bukan pada kelompok tertentu. Alasannya adalah kepentingan atau unsur individu adalah yang menghidupi kepentingan atau unsur masyarakat. Maka pada saat kebebasan pers yang merupakan representasi kepentingan masyarakat melanggar hak pribadi, maka secara tidak langsung kepentingan atau unsur masyarakat telah menciderai kepentingan atau unsur individu.
The Restrain of The Freedom of the Press in the case Galicia v. Onassis in 1973 at New YorkThis thesis is study on the press freedom in America. The main focus on this research is the case of Galicia v. Onassis at United States District Court, Second Circuit, Southern District of New York, 13th September 1973. The main problem on this research is the newsgathering that violate the right of privacy may restrain the freedom of the press. The freedom of the press restrained by the court to the paparazzi.
The main theory of this research is democracy and privacy. The method of this research is qualitative
The main result of this thesis is the newsgathering as the part of the freedom of the press must be restrained when the freedom of the press violate the right of privacy. The violation can be seen by the risk that have to be accepted by the public figure Jacqueline Onassis, which are the loss of dignity, the loss of reputation and potential to lower his standing in the eyes of the public. On this thesis is also found that the position of the right of privacy is much higher than the position of the freedom of the press. That is the caused why the freedom of the press must be restrain especially in newsgathering. The answer is based on the philosophy of democracy; the right is on the nature of man and not in the nature of society. The reason is the nature of society is been supported by the nature of man. In the conclusion by the time the freedom of the press, which is the representation of the interest of the people, has violated the right of privacy, as a result the nature of society has violated the nature of man.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 11843
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Adi Saputra
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai upaya keberatan atas informasi yang bersifat privasi dalam putusan pengadilan di Indonesia, khususnya dalam hal pembatasan informasi berupa identitas para pihak yang dilindungi dalam putusan pengadilan dan upaya keberatan atas tidak dilaksanakannya pengaburan identitas sebagai informasi yang dibatasi. Dalam penyelesaiannya, pengadilan harus melindungi identitas para pihak sebagai bentuk perlindungan atas hak privasi serta memiliki mekanisme keberatan atas tidak dilaksakan pengaburan identitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif yang berguna menjawab permasalahan skripsi ini berdasarkan dasar hukum yang berlaku. Pada simpulan penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa Pengadilan dalam menjalankan pengaburan informasi harus lebih efektif dengan memperhatikan bahwa informasi yang seharusnya dikaburkan telah dilaksanakan dengan sepenuhnya dan diaturnya alasan pengajuan keberatan terhadap informasi yang tidak dilaksanakan pengaburan.

This undergraduate thesis will discuss the means of objection upon confidential information in courts decision in Indonesia, especially in the limitation of information, such as the identity of the parties that are protected in the courts decision and the means of objection for the failed implementation of blurring the identity of the parties as a form of information that is being limited. In the adjudication, court has to protect the identity of the parties as a form of protection on the rights of privacy as well as having an objection mechanism for failure of implementing the blurring of the identity. In using the normative juridical method, this research will be able to answer the issue of the thesis based on the existing law. The conclusion of this research, it was found that the Court in carrying out the blurring of information should be more effective by taking into account information that should have been blurred had been carried out fully and to regulate the reasons for filing objections towards information that are not blurred."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Levesque, Roger J. R.
"The right to privacy figures prominently in popular discourse and law. Its popularity, however, is not matched by the respect it receives. A close look at empirical understandings of privacy, how it shapes development, and how privacy itself can be shaped, provides important lessons for addressing the critical juncture facing privacy rights and privacy itself. To increase respect for privacy and foster privacys effective outcomes, society must capitalize on opportunities to shape adolescents use of privacy. Yet, as currently developed, the legal system has difficulty recognizing adolescents privacy rights and supporting systems that would shape adolescents skills and abilities in ways that would foster respect for privacy. As a result, the system fails to address the needs of adolescents and society. The upshot is that a developmental understanding of privacy essentially asks that the legal system take an entirely different approach to adolescents privacy. This book provides the foundation for understanding privacy rights and how they relate to adolescents. It then explores the place of privacy in adolescent development and builds on that understanding to chart ways to better address adolescents privacy needs and rights as well as societys broader privacy interests. It argues that privacy actually is an inherently social phenomenon, one that can and must be shaped more effectively."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weber, Rolf H.
"Anonymization explores the legal framework developed to help protect netizens’ privacy and their wish for anonymous communication over the Internet. It debates the value in helping to protect anonymity over a network which sees an increasing number of cybercrimes, and explores governmental interventions into anonymity requests, and whether requests should only be legal if a sufficiently legitimized public interest is given."
London: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wesley Yi-hung Weng
This essay examines a series of judgements of the Court of Justice of European Union (CJEU), in particular the case of Tele2 Sverige AB and Watson, regarding the litigation derived from laws on surveillance in member states of the European Unions. On the basis of the judgements, this essay aims to comprehend and analyse state electronic surveillance on entire population, e.g., the surveillance on web browsing history and all the other sorts of metadata, without proper privacy and personal data protection safeguards via modern data technologies. In the mentioned judgements the CJEU confirms that, under the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and EU data protection law, such blanket retention of personal confidential data, including traffic data and s on, is unlawful and mass surveillance programmes are only allowed if they are targeted, e.g., fighting against serious crime, and not implemented on a general and indiscriminate basis. Furthermore, without appropriate safeguards, this essay argues that profiling and automated decision-making technologies can pose significant risks for data subjects' fundamental rights and freedoms."
Taipei: Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, 2018
059 TDQ 15:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasmin Amira Hanan
"Hak untuk dilupakan (RTBF) sebagai salah satu perkembangan hukum baru-baru ini yang dibangun sebagai pengembangan hak privasi dan perlindungan data penting bagi masyarakat informasi zaman sekarang dan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Berbagai sistem hukum di dunia termasuk Indonesia telah memasukkan RTBF dalam kerangka hukum mereka yang dilengkapi dengan sejumlah masalah. Oleh karena itu, Penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis peraturan hak tersebut dalam sistem hukum Indonesia yang terkandung dalam undang-undang dan menganalisis posisinya dalam undang-undang dengan membandingkannya dengan peraturan RTBF dari sistem hukum lain. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analitik. Studi ini menemukan bahwa peraturan perlindungan data yang mendasari pembentukan RTBF di Indonesia bersifat sporadis dan belum ada peraturan yang terharmonisasi tentang perlindungan data. Perumusan RTBF dalam Pasal 26 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) bermasalah. Meski begitu, di berbagai negara, RTBF telah diimplementasikan sebagai alat penyeimbang melalui pendekatan kontekstual dalam menangani kasus. Untuk alasan ini, maka perlu untuk melakukan analisis hukum perumusan RTBF di Indonesia dengan mengacu pada perumusan hak yang sama yang diterapkan di sistem hukum lain.
......The right to be forgotten (RTBF) as one of the recent legal developments that is constructed as a development of the right to privacy and data protection is crucial in this day and age information society and development of information technology. Various jurisdictions in the world including Indonesia’s have incorporated the RTBF in their legal frameworks which comes with a number of problems. For that reason, the Author tries to analyze the Indonesian regulatory framework on the RTBF contained in the legislation and analyze its position in the law by comparing and contrasting other jurisdictions’ regulatory frameworks against it. This research is a normative legal research that uses descriptive analytical research method. This study found that the data protection regulation which underlies the establishment of the RTBF in Indonesia is sporadic and that no harmonized regulation on data protection has not yet been established. The formulation of the RTBF in Article 26 paragraph (3) of Law Number 19 Year 2016 on The Revision to Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Law) is problematic. Even so, in various jurisdictions, a balancing tool has been made out of the RTBF through contextual approach on dealing with cases. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a legal analysis of the formulation of the RTBF in Indonesia with the reference to the formulation of the same right that is applied in other jurisdictions."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library