ABSTRAKKanker merupakan penyakit genetik dimana pengaturan sel, karakteristik sel dan
fungsi sel normal berubah. Penyakit kanker terus menjadi masalah kesehatan yang
signifikan di masyarakat di seluruh dunia dan di Indonesia. Salah satu kanker
yang berdampak pada kerusakan sistem neurologis dan menurunkan kualitas
hidup adalah meningioma. Praktik asuhan keperawatan pada pasien kanker
memerlukan pendekatan teori keperawatan. Karya Ilmiah Akhir merupakan
laporan praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah peminatan onkologi di
rumah sakit kanker Dharmais. Karya ilmiah ini terdiri dari: (1) penerapan theory
of comfort, (2) penerapan program orientasi pasien pra kemoterapi sebagai
evidence based nursing, serta (3) modified early warning score sebagai proyek
inovasi kelompok. Kesimpulan theory of comfort tepat digunakan dalam
perawatan pasien kanker. Intervensi pemberian program orientasi pasien pra
kemoterapi dan inovasi modified early warning score dapat diaplikasikan dalam
perawatan pasien kanker baik dirawat inap maupun rawat jalan.
ABSTRACTCancer is a genetic disease in which the composition of cells, cell characteristics
and normal cell function has been changed. Cancer continues to be a significant
health problem in communities throughout globally and specifically in Indonesia.
Type of cancer which affects the damage of neurological system and degrade the
quality of life called meningioma. The practice of nursing care in cancer patients
requiring nursing theory approach. Scientific final paper is type of report of
residency medical-surgical nursing practice specialization in oncology at the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital. This scientific work consists of: (1) The application of
comfort theory, (2) The application of pre-chemotherapy patient orientation
program as evidence based nursing practice, and (3) modified early warning score
as an innovation of the group project. It conclude the theory of comfort is
appropriate to use in the treatment of cancer patients. The Intervention of prechemotherapy
patient orientation program and modified early warning score
innovation could be applied in the treatment of care for cancer patients both
hospitalized and outpatients."