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Abstrak :
Uap benzena sebagai senyawa model kelompok Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) dalam asap rokok telah berhasil didegradasi secara fotokatalitik menggunakan lapisan tipis TiO2 . Satu unit reaktor fotokatalitik terdiri dari dua buah lampu UV 10 W yang masing–masing dikelilingi oleh 12 kolom gelas (i.d 2 mm, panjang 30 cm). Pada dinding bagian dalam kolom gelas dilapiskan TiO2 Degussa P25 (inner wall of a glass column tube, TiO2 - IWGCT) dengan tingkat pengisian 0,048 mg/cm2. TiO2-IWGCT mengabsorpsi sinar UV di sekitar 380 hingga 200 nm, setara dengan band gap 3,3 eV untuk struktur anatase TiO2. Permukaan TiO2-IWGCT agak rata dengan ketebalan rata-rata 1,8 μm. Aktivitas degradasi fotokatalitik diuji dengan mengumpankan sejumlah benzena ke dalam reaktor, dan uapnya disirkulasikan secara kontinu ke dalam reaktor melalui ruang simulasi. Suhu ruang simulasi dipertahankan pada suhu kamar dengan kelembaban 35–50%. Kinerja reaktor dievaluasi dari beberapa kondisi percobaan, dan kandungan benzena dalam ruang simulasi dimonitor setiap 17 menit selama 2 jam dengan kromatografi gas yang dilengkapi dengan detektor Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). Degradasi optimum benzena (model) yang diamati pada laju alir 0,1 L/menit dengan persen degradasi selama 2 jam mencapai 92,8%, kapasitas reaktor 0,0193 mol/menit dengan tetapan laju reaksi pseudo orde satu (k') 0,0168 menit-1. Ketika reaktor diterapkan untuk Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) dari asap rokok, degradasi benzena diamati hanya mencapai 33,8%, dan kapasitas reaktor sebesar 2,48 x 10-5 mol/menit dengan tetapan laju reaksi pseudo orde satu (k') 0,003 menit-1. Senyawa–senyawa intermediet yang teradsorpsi di permukaan katalis telah teroksidasi menjadi CO2, CO dan lapisan deposit karbon. Sebagai pembanding dilakukan percobaan kontrol dengan kondisi (a) dengan TiO2 tetapi tanpa sinar UV (katalisis), atau (b) dengan sinar UV tetapi tanpa TiO2 (fotolisis). ......Benzene in a gas phase as a model of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from tobacco smoke has been eliminated photocatalytically by employing TiO2 film. One reactor unit consisted of two 10 watt UV lamps, in which each lamp was encircled by twelve glass tubes (i.d 2 mm, length 30 cm), and the TiO2 (Degussa P25) film was immobilized on its inner wall glass column tube (TiO2–IWGCT) achieving 0.048 mg/cm2 TiO2 loading. UV light was absorbed by TiO2–IWGCT at 380–200 nm, that equal to 3.3 eV band gap energy for anatase structure of TiO2. TiO2– IWGCT surface is smooth, and film thickness was 1.8 μm approximately. Some amount of benzene, in gas phase, was circulated in to the reactor at room temperature with humidity of 35–50% during the experiment time. Reactor performance was observed by applying certain experimental conditions. During experiment, the amount of benzene was monitored by Gas Chromatography equipped with Flame Ionization Detector (GC–FID ) every 17 minutes for 2 hours. Degradation of benzene (model) was observed up to 92.8% after 2 hours, giving reactor capacity of 0.0193 mole/minute and rate constant of pseudo first order (k') 0.0168 minute-1. Whereas in a real tobacco smoke sample, benzene could only be degraded up to 33.8%, giving reactor capacity of 2.48 x 10-5 mole/minute and rate constant pseudo first order (k') of 0.003 minute-1. The adsorbed intermediates on the catalyst surface are eventually oxidized to CO2, CO or polymerized to give carbon deposits. Control experiments were conducted in similar manners but (a) with TiO2 and without UV light (catalysis), and (b) under UV light in the absence of TiO2 film (photolysis).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paskaliana Hilpriska Danal
Abstrak :
Pneumonia balita merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan anak global yang menyumbang angka morbiditas dan mortalitas tertinggi khususnya di negara berkembang. Di Indonesia Timur, pneumonia balita sebagian besar dipicu oleh faktor lingkungan yakni terpaparnya anak pada asap rumah tangga maupun asap rokok. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya informasi dan kesadaran orang tua akan bahaya asap rokok pada balita pneumonia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi orang tua tentang bahaya asap rokok terhadap balita pneumonia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua yang memiliki balita pneumonia berjumlah 11 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Tema yang dihasilkan di dalam penelitian ini meliputi (1) pandangan orang tua mengenai bahaya asap rokok, (2) bahaya asap rokok bagi balita, dan (3) dampak asap rokok bagi keluarga. Tema tersebut mengidentifikasi persepsi orang tua dengan balita pneumonia di Kabupaten Manggarai bahwa balita pneumonia di Manggarai rentan terpapar asap rokok pada berbagai kesempatan. Asap rokok berbahaya bukan hanya bagi kesehatan balita tetapi juga memberi beban pada kesejahteraan sosial dan ekonomi keluarga. Peningkatan kesadaran orang tua akan bahaya asap rokok perlu terus difasilitasi oleh perawat dengan komunikasi edukasi yang efektif dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan serta kondisi keluarga.

Pneumonia on under-five children is define as one of the major pediatric health crisis, contribute to highest morbidity and mortality globally particularly in developing nations. In Eastern Indonesia, pneumonia on under-five children is mostly predicted by environmental factor such as children are exposed to household smoke and tobacco smoke. This is caused by the lack of information received and lack of awareness on the effect of secondhand smoke on under-five children with pneumonia. This study was aimed to explore the parents perception on the effect of tobacco smoke exposure on under-five children with pneumonia. This study was a qualitative study using fenomenology approach. The participants in this study were 11 parents of under-five children with pneumonia. The data collection conducted through in-depth interview then analyzed using Coalizzi method. The themes identified in this study were (1) parents views on the effect of tobacco smoke; (2) the effect of tobacco smoke on under-five children; and (3) the impact of tobacco smoke on family. These themes identified the perception of parents with under-five children with pneumonia in Manggarai that the under-five children in Manggarai were on high risk of tobacco smoke exposure on several occasions. Tobacco smoke would not only endangering childs health but also burdening familys social and economy well-being. The improvement of parental awareness on the effect of tobacco smoke needed to comprehensivelyfacilitated by nurses through effective educating communication that suited with familys needs and conditions.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priska Duana Putri
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Kotinin merupakan hasil metabolit utama nikotin dan kadarnya pada urin merupakan indikator pajanan asap rokok. Penlitian ini untuk mengetahui kadar kotinin urin pada anak yang terpajan dan tidak terpajan asap rokok di lingkungan rumah. Metode : Penelitian potong lintang pada anak usia sekolah dasar yang tidak merokok. Subjek dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok terpajan dan tidak terpajan berdasarkan status pajanannya. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dan sampel urin sewaktu yang diukur dengan metode ELISA. Hasil : Total subjek 128 anak usia 6-12 tahun yang terdiri dari 64 anak pada kelompok terpajan dan 64 anak yang tidak terpajan. Kadar kotinin urin pada kelompok terpajan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok tidak terpajan (median 30,1 vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). Terdapat perbedaan kadar kotinin pada anak yang terpajan asap rokok dengan jumlah batang rokok yang dihisap oleh perokok di rumah (p<0.05). Status pajanan asap rokok berhubungan dengan keluhan batuk, infeksi saluran napas atas dan rawat inap karena keluhan respirasi pada anak. Nilai titik potong optimal kadar kotinin urin pada anak untuk menilai pajanan asap rokok yaitu 17,95 ng/ml (sensitifitas 81%, spesifisitas 81%, AUC 91,2%, p<0.05). Kesimpulan: Kadar kotinin urin dapat digunakan sebagai biomarker yang tidak invasif untuk evaluasi pajanan asap rokok pada anak. ABSTRACT
Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke at home. Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA. Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m; vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%, p<0.05). Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. ;Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke at home. Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA. Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m; vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%, p<0.05). Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. ;Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke at home. Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA. Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m; vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%, p<0.05). Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felicitas Tania Elvina
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Wasting, underweight, dan stunting meningkatkan angka mortalitas dan morbiditas serta merupakan permasalahan yang masih ditemukan di Indonesia. Paparan asap rokok terhadap anak meningkatkan resiko wasting, underweight, dan stunting pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui asosiasi antara paparan asap rokok terhadap status gizi anak 0-59 bulan yang berdomisili di DKI Jakarta. Metode: Studi dengan pendekatan potong lintang dilakukan terhadap 121 orangtua dengan anak yang berusia 0-59 bulan pada Jakarta Pusat. Data mengenai paparan asap rokok diambil melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada responded. Analisis data dilakukan dengan program SPSS. Status gizi anak dianlisa berdasarkan WHO Weight-for-Height, Weight-for-Age, and Height-for-Age Z-score. Hasil: Dalam riset ini, prevalensi wasting, underweight, and stunting masing-masing adalah 6.6%, 9.1% and 31.4%. Analisis statistik bivariat dilakukan menggunakan chi-square dan fisher’s exact test yang menunjukan tidak adanya asosiasi antara paparan asap rokok dari ayah dan ibu yang merokok dengan wasting, underweight, dan stunting pada anak. Ditemukan adanya asosiasi anatara paparan asap rokok terhadap ibu saat kehamilan terhadap stunting pada anak (p= 0.024; OR= 0.409; CI(95%)= 0.186-0.898). Melalui analisa logistic regression, ditemukan assosiasi anatara umur ibu (p=0.042; OR= 3.223) dan pendidikan ayah (p=0.011; OR= 4.082) terhadap terjadinya stunting pada anak. Terdapat pula asosiasi antara umur ibu dan underweight pada anak (p= 0.047; OR= 4.229). Kesimpulan: Tidak ditemukan asosiasi anatara paparan asap rokok terhadap anak dan wasting, underweight, dan stunting. Terdapat asosiasi anatara paparan asap rokok terhadap ibu saat hamil terhadap stunting pada anak.
Introduction:Wasting, underweight, and stunting is associated with an increase morbidity and mortality in children and is still a problem in Indonesia. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure towards children has been associated with an increase risk of wasting, underweight, and stunting in children. In this research, we aim to investigate the association between tobacco smoke exposure in DKI Jakarta household and nutritional status of children <5 years old. Methods : Cross-sectional study with random sampling technique in 121 parents with children age 0-59 months in Central Jakarta. Tobacco smoke exposure is measured through questionnaire. The results are analyzed using SPPS statistic program. Nutritional status of children is analyzed through WHO Weight-for-Height, Weight-for-Age, and Height-for-Age Z-score. Results: In this research, the prevalence of wasting, underweight, and stunting are 6.6%, 9.1% and 31.4%, respectively. Bivariate statistical analysis using chi-square and Fisher’s Exact Test showed no association between tobacco smoke exposure with wasting, underweight, and stunting, while an association was found between tobacco smoke exposure during pregnancy with stunting in children aged 0-59 months (p= 0.024; OR= 0.409; CI(95%)= 0.186-0.898). Logistic regression analysis showed that Mother's age (p and paternal education (p=0.011; OR= 4.082) increases risk of stunting in children. Age of mother is associated with Underweight in children (p= 0.047; OR= 4.229). Conclusion: No association between paternal and maternal smoking with underweight, wasting, and stunting is found, while an association was found between tobacco smoke exposure during pregnancy with stunting in children.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) adalah hidrokarbon aromatik polisiklik sangat karsinogenik yang terdapat dalam asap rokok. Tidak hanya perokok yang perlu menjadi perhatian, namun bahaya yang ditimbulkan akibat asap rokok pada orang yang tidak merokok juga perlu diperhatikan. Metode : Penelitian ini berjenis potong lintang pada 26 perempuan dewasa bukan perokok yang terpajan asap rokok dan 15 perempuan tidak terpajan asap rokok di rumahnya di kelurahan Palmeriam Kecamatan Matraman, Jakarta. Kadar BPDE-protein adducts diukur menggunakan metode ELISA. Kadar CO ekspirasi, informasi kebiasaan merokok anggota keluarga di rumah pada subjek penelitian dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner. Hasil : Nilai BPDE-protein adducts <40 ng/ml sebanyak 16 orang (61,5%) dan nilai BPDE-protein adducts >40 ng/ml sebanyak 10 orang (38,5%), sedangkan pada kelompok perempuan tidak terpajan asap rokok di rumah, nilai BPDE-protein adducts <40 ng/ml sebanyak 11 orang (73,3%) dan nilai BPDE-protein adducts >40 ng/ml sebanyak 4 orang (26,7%), hasil analisis menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna (p=0,443). Pengukuran kadar CO ekspirasi pada penelitian ini memperoleh nilai tengah kadar CO ekspirasi pada kelompok perempuan yang terpajan asap rokok sebesar 5,5 ppm. Pada kelompok perempuan yang tidak terpajan asap rokok, rerata kadar CO ekspirasi sebesar 6 ppm, hasil analisis tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0,398). Lama pajanan, jenis rokok, banyaknya jumlah rokok yang dihisap serta banyaknya jumlah perokok aktif dirumah tidak mempengaruhi kadar BPDE-protein adducts. Kesimpulan : Nilai BPDE-protein adducts >40 ng/ml pada perempuan terpajan asap rokok lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang tidak terpajan asap rokok di lingkungan rumah.
Background: Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contained in cigarette smoke. This highly carcinogenic substance is also found in Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) which equally dangerous to the health of population and equally require attentions as much as cigarette smoke. This study observes level of BaP among those in risk of ETS exposure. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed involving 26 women exposed to ETS and 15 women unexposed to ETS in Palmeriam Matraman area, Jakarta, Indonesia. The BPDE (Benzo(a)pyrene Diol Epoxide) protein levels of adducts were measured using ELISA method. In addition, exhaled carbon-monoxide (CO) level during expiration was measured and family members smoking habits at home was obtained using questionnaire. Results: The mean age of women exposed to ETS was 35.8 ± 6.5 years and women unexposed to ETS was 41.7±7.5 years. In the ETS exposed women, the BPDE level of <40 ng/mL was found in 16 people (61.5%) and the BPDE level of >40 ng/mL was found in 10 people (38.5%). In the ETS unexposed women, the BPDE level of <40 ng/mL was found in 11 people (73.3%) and the BPDE level of >40 ng/mL was found in 4 people (26.7%). None of these results were significantly different (p=0.443). The median exhaled CO level of ETS exposed women was 5.5 ppm and of ETS unexposed women was 6.0 ppm. None of these results were significantly different (p=0.398). No correlation was found between length of ETS exposure, types of cigarettes, number of cigarettes smoked and number of active smokers at home and BPDE-protein adducts level. Conclusion: The BPDE level of ETS exposed women was higher than of ETS unexposed women (>40 ng/mL and <40 ng/mL, respectively). The median exhaled CO level of ETS exposed women was lower than of ETS unexposed women (5.5 ppm and 6.0 ppm). However, none of these results were statistically significant.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This study uses raw data covering over l17,000 respondents from the 2001 National Socio-Economic Survey (WSES) and 2001 National Household Survey Survey (NHHS), including 3621 children under 10 years of age, to investigate rife relationship between respiratory diseases and exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke through living in a home where people smoke. An important is that children n\under 10 years of age who live in homes where 30 or more cigarettes are smoked each day are significantly more likely to have various respiratory diseases than children who live in smoke free-homes.
Journal of Population, 11 (1) 2005 : 35-70, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library