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Ditemukan 86 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kalender, Willi A.
Abstrak :
"The book offers a comprehensive and user-oriented description of the theoretical and technical system fundamentals of computed tomography (CT) for a wide readership, from conventional single-slice acquisitions to volume acquisition with multi-slice and cone-beam spiral CT. It covers in detail all characteristic parameters relevant for image quality and all performance features significant for clinical application. Readers will thus be informed how to use a CT system to an optimum depending on the different diagnostic requirements. This includes a detailed discussion about the dose required and about dose measurements as well as how to reduce dose in CT. All considerations pay special attention to spiral CT and to new developments towards advanced multi-slice and cone-beam CT. For the third edition most of the contents have been updated and latest topics like dual source CT, dual energy CT, flat detector CT and interventional CT have been added. The enclosed CD-ROM again offers copies of all figures in the book and attractive case studies, including many examples from the most recent 64-slice acquisitions, and interactive exercises for image viewing and manipulation. This book is intended for all those who work daily, regularly or even only occasionally with CT: physicians, radiographers, engineers, technicians and physicists. A glossary describes all the important technical terms in alphabetical order. The enclosed DVD again offers attractive case studies, including many examples from the most recent 64-slice acquisitions, and interactive exercises for image viewing and manipulation"--Back cover.
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011
616.075 72 KAL c (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kak, Avinash C.
Abstrak :
Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging provides a comprehensive, tutorial-style introduction to the algorithms for reconstructing cross-sectional images from projection data and contains a complete overview of the engineering and signal processing algorithms necessary for tomographic imaging. In addition to the purely mathematical and algorithmic aspects of these algorithms, the book also discusses the artifacts caused by the nature of the various forms of energy sources that can be used for generating the projection data. Kak and Slaney go beyond theory, emphasizing real-world applications and detailing the steps necessary for building a tomographic system. Since the fundamental aspects of tomographic reconstruction algorithms have remained virtually the same since this book was originally published, it is just as useful today as it was in 1987. It explains, among other things, what happens when there is excessive noise in the projection data; when images are formed from insufficient projection data; and when refracting or diffracting energy sources are used for imaging. Anyone interested in these explanations will find a wealth of useful information in this book.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halpern, Ethan J.
Abstrak :
With a special emphasis on the complementary nature of anatomic and functional cardiac data, this book ensures physicians develop the skills they need to interpret cardiac CT images. New chapters address evaluation of the thoracic aorta, congenital heart disease in the adult, triple rule-out CT angiography, and the latest innovations in cardiac CT.
New York: Theieme Medical Publishers, 2011
616.120 7 HAL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natterer, Frank, 1941-
Abstrak :
This book provides a unified view of tomographic techniques, a common mathematical framework, and an in-depth treatment of reconstruction algorithms. It focuses on the reconstruction of a function from line or plane integrals, with special emphasis on applications in radiology, science, and engineering. The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography covers the relevant mathematical theory of the Radon transform and related transforms and also studies more practical questions such as stability, sampling, resolution, and accuracy. Quite a bit of attention is given to the derivation, analysis, and practical examination of reconstruction algorithms, for both standard problems and problems with incomplete data.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Madden, Michael E.
Abstrak :
Looking for resource to help your students fully understand and retain critical knowledge of sectional anatomy? This book begins with key terminology and concepts and then moves through the body from head to toe. It includes imaging modalities, ultrasound, MR, and PET/CT, so your students are fully equipped for what they can encounter in practice.
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilki, 2013
611 MAD i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Ansory
Abstrak :
Electrical Impedance Tomography EIT adalah metode pencitraan yang mampu memperkirakan distribusi impedansi listrik di bagian dalam objek. Sistem EIT yang dibuat lebih sederhana dan portabel berbasis Mikrokontroler dan menggunakan 32 elektroda. Dari pasangan elektroda diinjeksikan arus bolak-balik 3 mA dan diukur beda voltase pada pasangan elektroda lain. Data pengukuran voltase dikirim ke MATLAB dan software EIDORS, data tersebut akan direkonstruksi menjadi citra objek dua dimensi. Objek dengan ukuran 4 cm2 atau lebih dapat direkonstruksi oleh sistem EIT dengan noise citra skala normal. Posisi objek dicitrakan cukup akurat dengan pergeseran rata-rata sebesar 0,69 cm namun luas objek belum dapat dicitrakan dengan akurat. Keakurasian citra objek lebih besar ketika letak objek dekat dengan elektroda, ukuran objek besar, dan diinjeksikan arus dengan frekuensi 100KHz dan 200KHz.
Electrical Impedance Tomography EIT is an imaging method that is able to estimate electrical impedance distribution inside of an object. EIT system is developed by using 32 electrodes and microcontroller based. From a pair of electrodes, sinusiodal curent 3mA is injected and diffrence voltage of another pair of electrodes is measured. Voltage measurement datas is sent to MATLAB and EIDORS software, the data is used to reconstruct two dimensions image. An Object size of 4 cm2 or more can be recontructed by EIT system with normal noise. Object position is high accurately reconstructed with mean displacement 0.69 cm but object area cannot be accurately reconstructed. Object rsquo s image more accurate when object rsquo s position closer to electrodes, bigger object rsquo s size, and current injected with frequency 100 KHz and 200KHz.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menyampaikan sebuah desain sensor 12 Channel yang dirotasi pada ECVT sebagai ide dasar untuk perbaikan citra hasil rekontruksi. Sensor dibuat dengan menambahkan motor pada bagian atasnya untuk dapat memutar dan pada bagian samping untuk menaikan dan menurunkan sensor. Pengaruh dari rotasi dan translasi sensor dianalisa dengan membandingkan dengan sensor konvensional. Metode yang digunakan adalah coefficient correlation (cc) dan metode rekontruksi menggunakan LBP untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari rotasi dan translasi saja. Dari hasil eksperimen dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara sensor rotasi dengan nilai cc 0.76 dan 0.64 pada sensor konvensional, atau terjadi peningkatan kualitas citra sebesar 12%. ......The research proposes a design of 12-channel rotary sensor for electrical capacitance volume tomography (ECVT) toward improvement in image reconstruction result. Sensor was assembled by attaching motors at upper section to rotate in radial; also at side to move up and down. Effects of rotating and translating the sensor has been analyzed in comparison to conventional sensory system. Correlation coefficient (CC) method and linear back-projection (LBP) were used to observe the performance on rotation-translation. Experiments show a difference between rotation with CC of 0.76 and conventional with CC of 0.64. In other words, image quality is improved by 12%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nurul Puji
Abstrak :
Telah dibuat sistem volumetric magnetic induction tomography (VMIT) menggunakan 8 koil pemancar dan 8 koil penerima. Adanya eksitasi sinyal sinus pada koil transmitter menimbulkan medan magnet yang berubah-ubah sehingga menimbulkan ggl induksi pada koil receiver. Besarnya medan magnet induksi ini juga dipengaruhi oleh permeabilitas medium antara koil pemancar dan penerima. Simulasi COMSOL dan MATLAB pada sistem VMIT 8 koil menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan algoritma ILBP objek berbentuk bola dengan permeabilitas logam besi dapat direkonstruksi sehingga menghasilkan citra yang serupa. Dari hasil simulasi ini kemudian dibuat prototipe sistem akuisisi data VMIT. Prototipe sistem VMIT yang dibuat diuji coba untuk mengenali objek logam berbentuk silinder seperti kaleng cat semprot dan besi pejal. Hasil rekonstruksi citra dapat mendeteksi keberadaan objek logam dengan diameter minimal 3 cm dan panjang 10 cm, namun citra masih terlihat kurang jelas. Secara keseluruhan pengambilan data dengan menggunakan prototipe sistem VMIT ini cukup stabil yaitu dengan rata-rata persentase standar deviasi adalah 0,75%.
Volumetric magnetic induction tomography (VMIT) system has been developed by using 8 coils as transmitter and 8 coils as receiver. The existence of sine excitation signal in the transmitter coil cause magnetic field changing, it causing emf at the receiver coil. The magnitude of the magnetic field induction is also influenced by the permeability of the medium between the transmitter and receiver coils. COMSOL and MATLAB simulation of VMIT 8 coil systems indicate that by using ILBP algorithms, ball shaped object with ferromagnetic materials (iron) can be reconstructed to produce a similar image. According to the simulation results are then made prototypes of a data acquisition system of VMIT. The prototype of VMIT system can recognize a cylindrical objects of ferromagnetic materials such as solid iron and tin paint sprayer with 10 cm of length and minimum 3 cm of diameter. The results of image reconstruction can indicate the presence of the cylindrical object. Overall the collection of data by using a prototype of VMIT system is quite stable and the average standard deviation is 0.75%., Volumetric magnetic induction tomography (VMIT) system has been developed by using 8 coils as transmitter and 8 coils as receiver. The existence of sine excitation signal in the transmitter coil cause magnetic field changing, it causing emf at the receiver coil. The magnitude of the magnetic field induction is also influenced by the permeability of the medium between the transmitter and receiver coils. COMSOL and MATLAB simulation of VMIT 8 coil systems indicate that by using ILBP algorithms, ball shaped object with ferromagnetic materials (iron) can be reconstructed to produce a similar image. According to the simulation results are then made prototypes of a data acquisition system of VMIT. The prototype of VMIT system can recognize a cylindrical objects of ferromagnetic materials such as solid iron and tin paint sprayer with 10 cm of length and minimum 3 cm of diameter. The results of image reconstruction can indicate the presence of the cylindrical object. Overall the collection of data by using a prototype of VMIT system is quite stable and the average standard deviation is 0.75%.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagus Adi Wibowo
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan proses tomografi struktur kecepatan gelombang seismik Gelombang P menggunakan data gempabumi swarm di daerah Jailolo, Halmahera Barat, Maluku Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan parameter gempabumi dan sebarannya yang ada diwilayah ini, menganalisis perbedaan antara rangkaian gempabumi swarm dengan gempabumi tektonik non swarm, dan menganalisis struktur kecepatan gelombang P Vp pada wilayah ini dan implikasinya terhadap keadaan tektonik lokal diwilayah ini yang menjadi penyebab gempabumi swarm Jailolo 2015. Digunakan rekaman data seismik 12 Agustus-12 September 2016 dari 33 stasiun yang ada pada jaringan 7G Seismic Temporary Network GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum ndash; German Reserarch Centre for Geosciences Helmholtz Centre Postdam dan BMKG Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika , yang dianalisis menggunakan JISVIEW, sebuah program analisis gempabumi. Program simulps12 digunakan untuk melakukan proses inversi tomografi simultan. Dari rekaman seismik yang ada teranalisis 264 kejadian gempabumi sebelum relokasi yang kemudian menjadi 219 kejadian gempabumi setelah relokasi , yang digunakan dalam tahapan proses tomografi. Kejadian gempabumi yang ada diidentifikasi sebagai rangkaian kejadian gempabumi swarm, bukan kejadian gempabumi tektonik biasa non swarm yang memiliki pola foreshock-mainshock-aftershock. Dari gambar hasil tomografi diketahui adanya daerah dengan perturbasi nilai Vp tinggi diasumsikan sebagai magma yang mengalami intrusi magmatik dimasa lalu dan telah mendingin menjadi bagian batuan beku. Vp rendah dikedalaman diasumsikan sebagai intrusi magma yang sedang terjadi dari mantel bagian atas yang mendorong bagian lemah pada batuan beku dibagian kerak bumi bagian bawah diwilayah, sehingga mengakibatkan rangkaian gempabumi swarm pada akhir tahun 2015. ...... The process of tomography for seismic velocity structure P wave has been done using swarm earthquake data in Jailolo, Halmahera Barat, and North Molucca. The objectives of this research are determining the earthquake parameters and its hypocentre and epicentre around research areas, analysing the difference between swarm and non swarm earthquake tectonic earthquake, and analysing the structure of P wave velocity Vp structures and correlating the results with the local and regional geological structure that became the source of swarm earthquake phenomenon in 2015. A 32 days August 12 September 12 2016 seismic data recording, from 33 seismic station in 7G Seismic Temporary Network of GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum ndash German Research Centre for Geosciences Helmholtz Centre Postdam and BMKG Agency of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics , is analysed using JISVIEW, an earthquake analysis program. Simulps12 program is used to do the simultaneous tomography inversion. From the seismic recording, we analysed 264 earthquake events before relocation, and after relocation process we used 219 earthquake events to do the inversion process. The earthquake event that analysed in research areas is identified as a swarm earthquake sequence, not am ordinary tectonic earthquake. From tomography imaging result we found a region high Vp perturbance values that interpreted as a igneous rock of magma bodies from previous magmatic intrusion in the past. A low Vp perturbance values in the depth is interpreted as on going magmatic intrusion from upper earth mantle layer that pushing the weak zones at lower earth crust layer that caused the sequence of swarm earthquake in 2015.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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