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Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1995
321.6 ARE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ronaldo David
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini membahas Film The Act of Killing.  Persoalan yang diteliti adalah relasi kekerasan, kekuasaan, dan banalitas kejahatan melalui pemikiran Hannah Arendt. Arendt melihat kekuasaan harus dibebaskan dari kekerasan, sebab penggunaan kekerasan dalam kekuasaan mendorong negara terperangkap dalam totalitariasnime. Kekerasan demi kekerasan dalam masyarakat berpotensi memunculkan ketakutan, hilangnya ruang publik, dan intersubjektivitas. Akibatnya, bagi masyarakat kejahatan akan dilihat sebagai hal biasa yang dalam istilah Arendt sebagai banalitas kejahatan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa tendensi totalitarianisme tampak ketika negara memutuskan untuk melakukan pembantaian atas pengikut PKI dan etnis Cina melalui kekuasaan yang mengedepankan kekerasan. Kebersatuan antara kekuasaan dan kekerasan dalam film dokumenter ini tidaklah memperlihatkan relasi yang ideal. Para pelaku pembantaian (Anwar Congo dan Adi) adalah algojo-algojo negara yang memandang dan melakukan kejahatan (pembantaian) sebagai hal yang biasa. Sikap demikian menunjukkan dengan jelas terwujudnya banalitas kejahatan dimana keberpikiran, pertimbangan nurani, sebagai akibat kepatuhan buta terhadap kebijakan negara menghilang.
This paper discusses The Act of Killing Film which focused on the issue of violence, power, and banality of crime through the thoughts of Hannah Arendrt. Arendt sees violence must be released from power, because the use of violence in power will encourage the state to be caught up in totalitarianism. Violence for the sake of violence that occurs in society will create fear, loss of public space, and intersubjectivity. As a result, crime for the community will be seen as a normal thing so that it will easily to act as a banal criminal, namely the situation of ignorance, the emergence of obedience to blindness and death of conscience. The results of the study shows that the tendency of totalitarianism was apparent when the state decided to carry out massacres of PKI followers and Chinese ethnic through power that promoted violence. The unity between power and violence in this film does not show an ideal relationship. The perpetrators of the massacre (Anwar Congo and Adi) are state executioners who view crime as a normal thing. Such an attitude shows clearly the realization of a banality of crime where the thought, conscience, is lost due to blind obedience to state policy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henli Bestyana Pamino
Abstrak :
Perang terhadap terorisme atau yang lebih dikenal dengan War on Terror di Amerika Serikat merupakan respon dari pemerintahan George W. Bush terhadap serangan 9/11. Aksi yang disebut sebagai serangan terhadap Amerika Serikat ini menghasilkan perang yang tidak berkesudahan antara Amerika Serikat dan lawan yang tidak dapat diklasifikasikan dengan jelas. War on Terror membuka tiga kebijakan kontroversial dalam pemerintahan Bush yang menyerupai dengan kondisi negara Oceania dalam novel George Orwell yang berjudul 1984. Dengan penelitian yang sudah dilakukan oleh Marcelo Pelissioli, Penulis dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa pemerintahan yang digambarkan oleh Orwell dalam novelnya memiliki karakteristik totalitarian yang dapat ditemui dalam kondisi pemerintahan demokrasi di era modern sekalipun. Jika beberapa kebijakan dalam War on Terror terbukti menyerupai dengan apa yang di gambarkan oleh Orwell, penulis merasa pantas untuk menyebut bahwa Bush menggunakan kebijakan yang berkarakteristik totalitarian kepada masyarakat Amerika Serikat.
The war on terrorism or better known as War on Terror in United States, was a response from George Bush Administration to the 9/11 event.  This 9/11 was  considered as an attack towards America which lead to an endless war between the United States and opponents that could not be clearly classified. War on Terror then became the right justification for atleast three controversial policies that uniquely resembled state of Oceania in George Orwells novel called 1984. Based on a previous research done by Marcello Pelissioli, I draw a conclusion that the totalitarian government described by Orwell in his novel can be found in may modern era even in the democratic countries. If some of the policies in war on terror proved to be similar to what was described by Orwell, then its suitable to mention that Bush Administration was using totalitarian policies towards Americans.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claeys, Gregory
Abstrak :
Dystopia: a natural history is the first monograph devoted to the concept of dystopia. Taking the term to encompass both a literary tradition of satirical works, mostly on totalitarianism, as well as real despotisms and societies in a state of disastrous collapse, this book redefines the central concepts and the chronology of the genre and offers a paradigm-shifting understanding of the subject. Part I assesses the theory and prehistory of dystopia. Utopia and dystopia are portrayed not as opposites, but as extremes on a spectrum of sociability, defined by a heightened form of group identity. The prehistory of the process whereby enemies are demonized is explored from early conceptions of monstrosity through Christian conceptions of the devil and witchcraft, and the persecution of heresy. Part II surveys the major dystopian moments in twentieth-century despotisms, focusing in particular upon Nazi Germany, Stalinism, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and Cambodia under Pol Pot. The concentration here is upon the political religion hypothesis as a key explanation for the chief excesses of communism in particular. Part III examines literary dystopias. It commences well before the usual starting point in the secondary literature, in anti-Jacobin writings of the 1790s. Two chapters address the main twentieth-century texts usually studied as representative of the genre, Aldous Huxleys Brave New World and George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four. The remainder of the section examines the evolution of the genre in the second half of the twentieth century to the present.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library