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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lumbrini Yudhapramesti
Pejabat Lelang sebagai pejabat umum yang membuat akta autentik berupa Risalah Lelang, bertanggung jawab terhadap autentisitasnya. Pejabat Lelang juga bertanggung jawab terhadap legalitas formal subjek dan objek lelang, serta membantu permohonan lelang yang diajukan padanya. Lelang merupakan sistem jual beli secara terbuka yang handal, aman dan terpercaya, dan harus selalu dilakukan menurut prosedur yang berlaku. Lelang bertujuan untuk menjamin kepastian hukum dari segala bentuk pengalihan hak atas objek lelang. Namun demikian, pada pengalihan hak objek lelang pada Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 481 K/TUN/2016, walaupun lelang telah dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku, telah menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum dengan pembatalan objek lelangnya oleh Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara. Hal tersebut dapat menimbulkan ketidakpercayaan mengenai keamanan dan perlindungan hukum dari mekanisme lelang, sehingga pada akhirnya dapat menghambat perkembangan lelang noneksekusi sukarela di masyarakat. Berdasarkan kasus tersebut, maka tesis ini menguraikan pengalihan hak melalui mekanisme lelang noneksekusi sukarela untuk objek lelang yang dilakukan oleh Pejabat Lelang Kelas II agar lebih menjamin perlindungan hukum bagi pembeli, dan tanggung jawab pejabat lelang kelas II terhadap objek lelang yang dibatalkan oleh Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara tersebut. Tesis ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif analitis. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa terdapat kekeliruan di Badan Pertanahan Nasional BPN yang telah menerbitkan objek lelang ketika sedang dalam sengketa di Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara. Agar dimasa mendatang tidak terjadi kasus serupa yang dapat merugikan berbagai pihak, disarankan kepada Pejabat Lelang dan Peserta/Pembeli Lelang selalu menerapkan prinsip ketelitian dan kehati-hatian yaitu dengan meneliti dan mengetahui secara terperinci mengenai keadaan dan status hukum dari objek lelang dimaksud sebelum lelang dilaksanakan. Penulis menyarankan agar dibuat sistem verifikasi, pendaftaran, dan pengalihan hak atas tanah yang terintegrasi antara BPN dan Badan Peradilan Indonesia.Kata kunci:Pejabat Lelang, Lelang Noneksekusi Sukarela, Pengalihan Hak, Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pembeli Lelang.

An auctioneer is a public officer who creates an authentic deed of auctions. The auctioneer is responsible for the authenticity of the auction deeds and the formal legality of the subject and the object of the auction, as well as assisting the auction request submitted. Auction is an open and reliable and safety selling and buying system, and should always be done according to the applicable procedures. The auction aims to ensure the legal certainty transfer of rights its auction object. However, on the transfer of auction object rights in the case of the Supreme Court Verdict Number 481 K TUN 2016, although the auction has been conducted in accordance with applicable procedures, it has created legal uncertainty with the cancellation of its auction object by the State Administrative Court. This case may lead to distrust of the security and legal protection of the auction mechanism, thereby ultimately impeding the development of non execution voluntary auction in the society. Based on the aforementioned case, this thesis analizes the transfer process of the auction object rights through non execution voluntary auction by Class II Auctioneer to ensure legal protection for the buyer, and the responsibility of Class II Auctioneer on the cancellation of its auction object by the State Administrative Court. This thesis research uses normative juridical method with qualitative descriptive analytical approach. The research found that there is a mistake in The Indonesian National Land Agency who issued the auction object while there is a dispute on that object in the State Administrative Court. Finally, the writer suggests that the auctioneer and the auction participants, particularly buyers, always to apply the precision and prudent principle by researching and knowing in detail the state and legal status of the auction object before the auction is held. The writer also suggests the Government to create a new integrated system between The Indonesian National Land Agency and The Indonesian Judiciary Board on the verification, registration and right transfer of the land. Keywords Auctioneer, Non execution Voluntary Auction, Transfer of Right, Legal Protection For Auction Buyer "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aurora Aldwita Mariel
"[Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan data sekunder sebagai sumber datanya. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti mengenai jual beli tanah dan bangunan yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan serta kedudukan dan kekuatan mengikat Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli Lunas (PPJB Lunas) dan Kuasa Jual dalam hal pengalihan hak milik atas tanah (beserta bangunan apabila diperjanjikan). Dalam skripsi ini, dianalisis satu kasus dengan empat putusan dari Pengadilan Tingkat Pertama sampai dengan Tingkat Peninjauan Kembali. Dari analisis tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa ada dua pendapat hakim yang saling bertentangan. Pendapat pertama adalah dengan PPJB Lunas dan Kuasa Jual maka telah terjadinya peralihan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan sedangkan pendapat kedua adalah dengan PPJB Lunas dan Kuasa Jual belum terjadi peralihan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan. Sebagai hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedudukan dan kekuatan mengikat PPPJB Lunas dan Kuasa Jual telah mengalihkan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan apabila dalam kenyataannya sudah terjadi perbuatan hukum dimana pembeli telah melakukan pembayaran dan telah menerima penyerahan serta menguasai tanah dan bangunan tersebut, sedangkan penjual telah menyerahkan Kuasa Jual dan tanah serta bangunan itu sendiri kepada pembeli dan penjual telah menerima pembayaran sehingga perbuatan tersebut memenuhi unsur terang, tunai dan riil sebagaimana dasar hukum jual beli tanah yang berlaku pada saat ini, serta memenuhi syarat materiil jual beli.
......This thesis was written using literary research method with secondary data as its source of data. This thesis aims to examine the mechanisms sale and purchase of land and building which is regulated in accordance with the laws and regulations and the legal standing and binding of Land and Building Conditional Sale Purchase Agreement in Full Settlement (CSPA in Full Settlement) and Power of Attorney to Sell, in connection with the transfer of right of ownership over the land (and building if agreed). This thesis will primarily analyze one legal case which went to produce four court decisions, leveling from the Court of First Instance until the Supreme Court. From this analysis, it is discovered that there are two judge’s opinion, which contradicts one to another. The first opinion is that, the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building, while the second opinion is that the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have not transferred the right of ownership over land and building yet. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that the legal standing and binding of CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building when the facts of the case show that it had happened a juridical action in which the buyer has made payment and has conducted the acceptance, and possessed the land and buildings, while the seller has granted the Power of Attorney to Sell and delivered the land and building to the buyer and received the payment for it. Such action would therefore qualified for a sale and purchase that is “terang”, “tunai” and “riil”, which is the basic of legality of the sale and purchase of the land under the prevailing laws, as well as the fulfilling the material requirement of sales and purchase.
, This thesis was written using literary research method with secondary data as its source of data. This thesis aims to examine the mechanisms sale and purchase of land and building which is regulated in accordance with the laws and regulations and the legal standing and binding of Land and Building Conditional Sale Purchase Agreement in Full Settlement (CSPA in Full Settlement) and Power of Attorney to Sell, in connection with the transfer of right of ownership over the land (and building if agreed). This thesis will primarily analyze one legal case which went to produce four court decisions, leveling from the Court of First Instance until the Supreme Court. From this analysis, it is discovered that there are two judge’s opinion, which contradicts one to another. The first opinion is that, the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building, while the second opinion is that the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have not transferred the right of ownership over land and building yet. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that the legal standing and binding of CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building when the facts of the case show that it had happened a juridical action in which the buyer has made payment and has conducted the acceptance, and possessed the land and buildings, while the seller has granted the Power of Attorney to Sell and delivered the land and building to the buyer and received the payment for it. Such action would therefore qualified for a sale and purchase that is “terang”, “tunai” and “riil”, which is the basic of legality of the sale and purchase of the land under the prevailing laws, as well as the fulfilling the material requirement of sales and purchase.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library