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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Translation is the activity of transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language. Transferring is done by going from the form of the source language into the form of the target language by way of semantic structure. It is the meaning which is being transferred and must held constant, but it is the form which is changed.
One of the translation activities is to translate the modal expressions of English into Indonesian. The meaning which is carried in the modal expressions of English is transferred into Indonesian. The meaning should be constant. The form may change.
Analyzing translation concentrates on the textual equivalent and formal correspondence. If the translation is not equivalent and does not correspond formally and is equivalent but does not correspond formally, there will be shifts. Shifts are the result of translation procedures: transposition and modulation. Transposition will make grammatical shifts such as unit, word-class, structure and intra-system, and modulation will make semantic shills such as point of view and scope of meaning.
Modality is the speaker's attitude toward the proposition of his utterance and the event of proposition which is ex-pressed in lexical forms such as words, phrases, or clauses. One of the modalities is epistemic which consists of epistemic possibility and epistemic necessity. Epistemic possibility is expressed in lexical forms such as may, can, perhaps, maybe, it is possible that (English), and mungkin, barangkali, bisa-jadi(Indonesian). Epistemic necessity is expressed in lexical forms such must, should, it is necessary that (English), and harus, mesti, tentu saja, saya yakin (Indonesian). Deontic is another modality. It contains of obligation and permission. Obligation is expressed in lexical forms such as must, should (English), and wajib, mesti, jangan (Indonesian). Permission is expressed in lexical forms such as might, can, could (English), and boleh, dapat, bisa (Indonesian). The other modality is dynamic, that is ability. It is expressed in lexical forms such as can, could, be able to, be capable of (Englsih), and bisa, dapat, ma?npu, sanggup (indonesian).
In translation of English modal expressions which are in The Old Man and the Sea into Lelaki Tua darn Laut, there are some problems. The ones that are found are the differences of unit and word-class of modal expressions, and subcategory of modality. The differences of unit and word-classes will make grammatical shifts unit and word-class shifts, and those of subcategory will make semantic shifts: shifts of point of view and shifts of scope of meaning.
The differences of unit between source text and target text cause unit shifts. For example, can as word is translated into boleh jadi as phrase. In other case, the unit differences will also cause semantic shifts : shift of scope of meaning and shift of point of view. Can mean 'bisa' whose scope of meaning is broader than masih bisa because bisa is emphasized by masih. Must which means 'kepastian' is translated into akan masih which means 'Keteramalan'. Kepastian and keteramalan have different point of view.
The shifts which occur in translation The Old Man and the Sea into Lelaki Tua dan Laut can be caused by the different systems of English and Indonesian or by the translator. From the number of shifts which are found, especially those which are caused by translator can be concluded that the translation of modal expressions in The Old Man and the Sea into Lelaki Tua dan Laut is not good enough."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ema Puspadewi
"Pada wanita hamil trimester kedua terjadi peningkatan kebutuhan besi. Defisiensi besi yang terjadi pada awal kehamilan akan menjadi anemia defisiensi besi pada akhir kehamilan. Defisiensi besi pada kehamilan dapat menimbulkan komplikasi seperti perdarahan akibat atonia uteri. Akhir-akhir ini dikembangkan parameter baru untuk mendeteksi defisiensi besi yaitu soluble transferrin receptor serum (sTfR) yang diharapkan tidak dipengaruhi oleh adanya inflamasi. Penggabungan parameter kadar feritin dan sTfR menjadi rasio sTfR 1 log. feritin diharapkan lebih baik dalam deteksi defisiensi besi. Pada penelitian secara potong lintang pada 108 wanita hamil primigravida trimester kedua didapatkan proporsi defisiensi besi sebesar 43,5% terdiri dari defisiensi besi tahap I sebesar 31,5% ; defisiensi besi tahap II sebesar 8,3% dan defisiensi besi tahap III sebesar 3,7%. Dijumpai 8 (7,4%) wanita hamil dengan anemia, 4 (3,7%) orang diantaranya disebabkan karena defsiensi besi. Pemeriksaan kadar sTfR menggunakan cara imunonephelometri. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan nilai median kadar sTfR pads wanita hamil tanpa defisiensi besi (n=61) sebesar 1,3 mg/L ( 0,97 - 2,32 mg/L), pada defisiensi besi tahap I (n=34) sebesar 1,6 mg/L ( 0,92 - 3,26 mg/L), pada defisiensi besi tahap II (n=9) ditemukan rentang nilai 1,19 - 2,64 mg/L dan pada defisiensi besi tahap III (n=4) ditemukan rentang nilai 3,03 - 5,16 mg/L. Kadar sTfR pada defisiensi besi tahap I Iebih tinggi dibanding tanpa defisiensi besi, pada defisiensi besi tahap II dan III tampak lebih tinggi dibanding defisiensi besi tahap I. Rasio sTfR / log. feritin pada wanita hamil tanpa defisiensi besi didapatkan nilai median 0,68 (0,46-1,34); defisiensi besi tahap I sebesar 1,26 (0,71-3,54); defisiensi besi tahap II didapatkan rentang nilai 0,94-3,22 dan pada defisiensi besi tahap III sebesar 4,28-14,74. Rasio sTfR 1 log. feritin pada defisiensi besi tahap I Iebih tinggi dibanding tanpa defisiensi besi. Pada 50% wanita hamil didapatkan peningkatan kadar CRP. Kadar sTfR pada kadar CRP meningkat maupun normal tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna. Kadar feritin dan sTfR ditemukan korelasi negatif dengan kekuatan sedang (r = - 0,676; r2 = 0,46); dan sebesar 46% penurunan feritin yang disertai dengan peningkatan kadar sTfR. Pada 47 wanita hamil dengan defisiensi besi ditemukan 19% subyek dengan peningkatan kadar sTfR, sedangkan peningkatan rasio sTfR 1 log. feritin dijumpai pada 55% subyek. Penghitungan rasio sTfR / log. feritin lebih baik dibandingkan hanya memakai kadar sTfR saja dalam hal mendeteksi defisiensi besi. Disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk membuktikan bahwa rasio sTfR 1 log. feritin yang lebih sensitif dalam hal mendeteksi adanya defisiensi besi, dengan memakai pemeriksaan baku emas untuk mengetahui cadangan besi yaitu pemeriksaan cadangan besi di dalam sum-sum tulang.

In the pregnant women second trimester, the iron demand is increased. Iron deficiency that occurs in the early pregnancy can develop to be iron deficiency anemia. One of the complications of iron deficiency in pregnant women is bleeding due to atonia uteri. Recently there is a new parameter for detection iron deficiency, i.e. soluble transferring receptor serum (sTfR), which is not influenced by inflammation process. We hope that the use of ratio sTfR/ log. feritin will be better than sTfR alone in the detection of iron deficiency. This is a cross sectional study, with 108 pregnant women who were in the second trimester of their 1 6' pregnancy, as subjects. The proportion of iron deficiency is 43,5%; 31,5% had level I iron deficiency; 8,3% had level II iron deficiency and 3,7% was level III. We found 8 (7,4%) pregnant women with anemia; 4 (3,7%) was caused by iron deficiency. We measure sTfR level by immunonephelometry. The result of this research showed that the median of sTfR level in pregnant women without iron deficiency (n=61) was 1,3 mg/L (0,97 - 2,32 mg1L); level i iron deficiency (n=34) was 1,6 mg1L (0,92 - 3,26 mg1L). The range of sTfR value in level II was 1,19 -2,64 mg1L and in the level III (n=4) was 3,03 - 5,16 mg/L. The sTfR level in level I iron deficiency was higher than in pregnant women without iron deficiency. in level II and Ill sTfR was apparently higher than level I iron deficiency. Soluble transferring receptor 1 log. feritin ratio in pregnant women without iron deficiency (n=61) the median value was 0,68 (0,46 -1,34); in the level I iron deficiency (n=34) was 1,26 (0,71 - 3,54). The range in level II iron deficiency was 0,94 - 3,22 and in level III iron deficiency was 4,28-14,74. The sTfR 1 log. feritin in the level I iron deficiency was higher than without iron deficiency. In this research we found that CRP level were increased in 50% subjects. The sTfR level in the higher CRP level was not different from the normal CRP level. Feritin and sTfR level in the iron deficiency state was negatively correlated with moderate strength (r 0,676; rr=0,46) and 46% of subjects showed decreased feritin level associated with increased sTfR level. In the 47 pregnant women with iron deficiency; increased sTfR level was found in 19% of subjects and the ratio sTfR 1 log. feritin was found in 55% of subjects. The sTfR 1 log. feritin ratio was better than sTfR level in the detection of iron deficiency. We suggested to continue this research to prove that sTfR 1 log. feritin ratio more sensitive in the detection of iron deficiency, with the bone marrow iron stores as gold standard."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang gambaran pelaksanaan administrasi kepesertaan di kantor BPJS Kesehatan cabang Bogor. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data secara kualitatif yaitu wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan proses administrasi kepesertaan, antara lain pemberdayaan SDM yang ada di BPJS Kesehatan, pengembangan dan penguatan sistem website, dan percepatan layanan administrasi di loket pelayanan. Sehingga, proses administrasi kepesertaan seperti proses pendaftaran peserta, pengalihan kepesertaan, dan perubahan data peserta dapat berjalan lancar dan optimal.

The study aims to overview about the implementation participants administration of BPJS Kesehatan Bogor. This study is descriptive research with qualitative methode by depth interview, observation, and document review to cellect data . The researcher suggests some suggestions for the implementation of participant administration, such as empowerment of human resources, development and strengthening website system, and faster administration services in service counter. So that, the implementation of participants administration process in BPJS Kesehatan such as registration process, transferring of participants status, and updating data of participants will work at ease and optimally."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library