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Ditemukan 134 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wongkaren, Turro Selrits
Abstrak :
The aim of this thesis is showing the relation between population transition and economy transformation. The methods used in this thesis are bibliographical review and simple nonparametric correlation among the variables. It begins with demographic transition, that is, mortality, fertility, and mobility transition. These transitions affect another two group of transitions, namely transition of population quantity and transition of population quality. Transition of population quantity consists of transitions in population magnitude, population growth, and population composition. Transition of quality consists of transitions in population education and population health. Then, those transitions—and transition of urban population, simultaneously—affect economy transformation, which includes transformation in demand structure, transformation in production structure, and transformation in labor. The process of economy transformation, reciprocally, correlates to income per capita and income distribution as well. Finally, income per capita and income distribution will affect the demographic transition. The analysis uses available empirical data in Indonesia. This thesis shows two conclusions. First, Indonesia economy, so far, is stressed on demand side rather than supply side—which is the population. Second, the efforts to improve our human resources should always pay attention not only to the quality of the population, but also to the quantity of the population.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Elki F. Hendria
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Suhartomo
Abstrak :
The advantages optical fiber in communication field are widely utilized in developing steps from electrical communication to optical communication. Optical fiber communication promise extremely high data rate over long distance transmission without needing to amplify and retransmit along the way. It is well understood that if frequency of the transmitted signals. is increased some problems such as electromagnetic interferences. crosstalk and signal distortions will appear. Those difficulties can. be solved or eliminated by using optical fiber cable. instead of copper cable. Optical fiber used to transmit and to receive information signal mutinously was usually separated in difference fibers for transmitting and receiving direction. I n this thesis a bi-directional transmission system through a single fiber with same wavelength by the use of rod lenses was constructed. A simple circuit design techniques have been used in order to make transmitter and receiver. To combine and to separate transmitter and receiver in each side to and from the fiber, two quarter-pitch GRIN rod lenses functioning as optical directional coupler was used. The result of the experiment as a model of bi-directional optical communication system shows a good performance with an appropriate reliability. The measurement results of power distribution loss. crosstalk and signal transmission quality that have been evaluated to conclude the entire result.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Kurnia
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Pullthrough pada zona transisi (ZT) adalah penyebab utama obstruksi pascatindakan definitif pada Morbus Hirschsprung (MH). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik histologi dan panjang ZT pada MH. Dibuat hipotesis bahwa gambaran histologi dan panjang ZT sangat bervariasi dan berhubungan dengan klasifikasi MH, usia, serta keberadaan stoma. Metode penelitian: Dilakukan kajian ulang terhadap sediaan histopatologi dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin pada pasien MH yang telah dilakukan pullthrough. Sampel terbagi dalam kelompok zona transisi lengkap (ZTL) dan zona transisi tidak lengkap (ZTTL) tergantung batas reseksi. Diameter serabut saraf, jarak antar ganglion dan panjang ZT pada lapisan submukosa dan intermuskular diukur dan dinilai hubungannya dengan klasifikasi MH, usia, serta keberadaan stoma. Hasil penelitian: Panjang ZTL berkisar antara 2-16 cm, sedangkan ZTTL berkisar antara 3-33 cm. Secara keseluruhan, tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna antara diameter serabut saraf, jarak antar ganglion dan panjang ZT dengan klasifikasi MH, usia, serta keberadaan stoma. Didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara diameter serabut saraf pada lapisan intermuskular dengan usia (p=0,004) dan stoma (p=0,001) pada kelompok ZTTL, serta antara panjang ZT pada lapisan submukosa dengan stoma (p=0,016) pada kelompok ZTTL. Kesimpulan: Panjang ZT sangat bervariasi, cenderung lebih panjang pada MH long segment, seiring pertambahan usia, dan pada kelompok pasien dengan stoma. Direkomendasikan untuk reseksi minimal 10 cm proksimal dari area mulai ditemukannya ganglion dan dikonfirmasi dengan VC sirkumferensial pada batas sayatan paling proksimal untuk meminimalisir pullthrough pada ZT. ......Background: Transition zone (TZ) pullthrough is a leading cause of obstructive symptoms after pullthrough procedure in Hirschsprung disease (HD). The aim of this study is to describe the histologic characteristics and length of TZ in HD. The hypothesis is TZ histology and length varies according to HD classification, age and the presence of stoma. Method: Review of histopathology slides with hematoxylin eosin stain of HD patients who had undergone pullthrough was performed. Sample was sorted into two groups, complete transition zone (CTZ) and incomplete transition zone (ITZ), depending on the margins of resection. Nerve diameter, interganglionic interval, and TZ length in submucosal and intermuscular layer were measured, and their relationship with HD classification, age and presence of stoma, analyzed. Result: The length of CTZ ranges between 2-16 cm, and ITZ ranges between 3-33 cm. Overall, there were no significant relations between nerve diameter, interganglionic interval, and TZ length with HD classification, age and presence of stoma. There were significant nerve diameter difference in the intermuscular layer of ITZ group, in relations with age (p=0,004) and presence of stoma (p=0,001). There was a significant TZ length difference in the submucosal layer of ITZ group in relations with presence of stoma (p=0,016). Conclusion: The length of TZ varies greatly, tends to be longer in long segment HD, increasing with age, and in patients with stoma. It is recommended to resect minimal 10 cm proximal from the most distal ganglionic area, and confirmed with circumferential frozen section study of the most proximal resection margin to minimize risk of TZ pullthrough.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Hardianti
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini menelaah proses transisi pada pengalaman ruang imersif. Pembahasan transisi dalam pengalaman imersif menjadi relevan karena diskusi pengalaman imersif belum banyak membahas perpindahan antar realitas, dan cenderung fokus pada kedalaman suatu realitas. Konsep transisi dalam pengalaman imersif berpotensi untuk mengurangi gangguan dalam menjamin terjadinya kontinuitas serta keterlibatan partisipan yang lebih dalam terhadap pengalaman. Gagasan transisi dalam perpindahan berperan sebagai momen peralihan dari realitas yang sekarang menuju realitas selanjutnya, baik secara mental maupun spasial. Pemahaman transisi imersif sebagai momen peralihan antar states membuatnya tidak terlepas dari kualitas liminalitas dalam arsitektur, menghadirkan bentuk liminalitas mulai dari proses separation hingga incorporation. Berdasarkan refleksi pengetahuan liminalitas dalam proses transisi pengalaman imersif, skripsi ini mengidentifikasi mekanisme transisi masuk-keluar antar pengalaman imersif yang hadir melalui aspek-aspek seperti dinamika materialitas, dinamika partisipan, dan objek. ......This study explores the transition process of immersive spatial experience. The discussion of transitions in immersive experiences is important because the understanding of immersivity have yet to discuss the process of transportation between realities, and largely focuses on the depth and seamlessness of immersion itself. Investigating the notion of transition in immersive experiences has the potential to reduce interruptions in securing continuity and deeper involvement of participants in the overall immersive experience. The notion of transition in between immersive realities acts as intermediate moment from the present reality to the next reality, both mentally and spatially. The understanding of immersive transitions as intermediate states makes it inseparable from the quality of liminality in architecture, demonstrating liminal process existing in the process of separation and incorporation. Based on the reflection of liminal knowledge this study identify the in-out transitions mechanisms between immersive experiences that are presented through aspects such as materiality, subject users, and objects dynamics.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: ILUNI, 2022
333.791 PEM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dea Nurani
Abstrak :
Kawasan mixed-use merupakan sebuah kawasan yang terdiri dari berbagai macam fungsi bangunan yang meliputi hunian, retail, perkantoran, maupun sarana rekreasi. Apartemen yang berada di dalam kawasan mixed-use akan berbeda dengan apartemen yang berdiri sendiri maupun jenis hunian konvensional seperti landed house. Dengan kondisi seperti itu, terdapat percampuran fungsi, overlapping sirkulasi, serta hadirnya ruang publik di sekitar ruang privat yang dapat mempengaruhi penghuni apartemen di dalam kawasan mixed-use. Untuk itu perlu adanya kejelasan mengenai teritori penghuni di dalam kawasan mixed-use. Penentuan teritori penghuni di dalam kawasan mixed-use dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal yang ada di dalam kawasan. Penentuan teritori tersebut menghasilkan ruang transisi dan hierarki ruang yang akan mempengaruhi privasi dan interaksi sosial penghuni.

Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana terbentuknya ruang transisi antara hunian dan fungsi lainnya dalam sebuah kawasan mixed-use. Pembentukan ruang transisi antara hunian dan fungsi lainnya akan berpengaruh pada pendefinisian daerah publik, semi publik, semi-privat, dan privat di dalam kawasan mixed-use. Penulisan skripsi ini dilakukan dengan metode tinjauan terhadap teoriteori tentang berhuni, teritori manusia, privasi, interaksi, serta hierarki ruang. Dilakukan juga studi kasus terhadap dua apartemen di dalam kawasan mixed-use yang ada di Jakarta, yaitu Apartemen Taman Anggrek dan Apartemen Poins Square. Dari tinjauan teori dan studi kasus dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa privasi penghuni dapat terjaga berkat adanya transisi dan hierarki ruang yang jelas antara ruang public dan ruang privat. Transisi hadir melalui pembatasan antar satu ruang dengan ruang lainnya. Pembatasan antar ruang dapat berupa penggunaan tanda, penggunaan alat elektronik, pembatasan fisik, maupun penjagaan pihak tertentu.
The mixed-use area is a compound that consisted of various sorts of building function including dwelling, retail, office complex, and recreation. An apartment that is located in this mixed-use area will be different from an apartment that stands solely or other conventional kind of dwelling like landed house. This condition results in a mix of function, circulation overlapping, and also the presence of public space around private space that could affect the occupant of apartment. There is a need of clarity regarding occupants? territory inside the mixed-used area. The occupants? territory in the mixed used area is influenced by matters that exist inside that area. The result of this territoriality is transitional space and hierarchy of space that will influence privacy and the social interaction of its occupant.

The purpose of this writing is to study the formation of transitional space between the dwelling and the other function in a mixed-use area. The formation of transitional space between dwelling and other function influence the definition of the public, semi public, semi-private, and private areas inside the mixed-use area. The writing begins with the study of theories about dwelling, human territory, privacy, interaction, and the hierarchy of space. Furthermore a case study was conducted towards two apartments inside a mixed-used area in Jakarta, which are Taman Anggrek Apartment and Poins Square Apartment. From the analysis of theories and case study I can conclude that occupants? privacy could be secured by the existence of an apparent transition and space hierarchy between the public and private spaces. The transition is present through restriction between one space and another. This space restriction could take form of the use of sign, the use of electronic device, the physical restriction, and by protection from certain side.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
dalam setiap masyarakat selalu terdapat konflik antara kepentingan dari mereka yang memiliki kekuasaan otoritatif berupa kepentingan untuk memelihara atau mengukuhkan status quo, dengan mereka yang ingin merubahnya....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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