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Ditemukan 52 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"This study was intended to reveal the extent of independency of prescool children aged 2.5 thrugh 4 years across family and preschool type ....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Arbani
"Sistem sanksi dalam pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan jabatan notaris yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris dan perilaku notaris yang diatur dalam Kode Etik Notaris, didasarkan kepada jenis sanksi yang menjadi kewenangan pejabat yang berwenang menjatuhkan sanksi dan jenis sanksi berdasarkan jenis pelanggaran norma hukum yang dirumuskan dalam pasal-pasal Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris. Sanksi jabatan yang bersifat kumulatif tidak dikenal dalam Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris. dan eksekusi sanksi teguran tertulis dilakukan oleh Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI sedangkan eksekus jenis sanksi pemberhentian sementara atau pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat dilakukan oleh Menteri. Ada tumpang tindih pengaturan jenis sanksi dan lembaga yang berwenang menjatuhkan sanksi terhadap pelanggaran Kode Etik Notaris yaitu Dewan Kehormatan Notaris yang berwenang menjatuhkan sanksi atas pelanggaran kode etik notaris yang bersifat internal (organisatoris) sedangkan Majelis Pengawas Notaris berwenang menjatuhkan sanksi jabatan terhadap pelanggaran Kode Etik Notaris.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab masalah jenis sanksi yang bersifat kumulatif dan eksekui sanksi yang bersfat condemnatoir? Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif, melalui pengaturan normative tentang sistem sanksi yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris dan peraturan pelaksanaanya, ditemukan adanya tumpng tindih (overlapping) jensi sanksi dan lembaga yang berwenang menjatuhkan sanksi, dan tidak adanya otonomi Majelis Pengawas Notaris yang seharusnya mandiri dan imparsialitas dengan ikut campur tangannya pemerintah dalam eksekusi sanksi
......The system of sanctions in the supervision of the implementation of the position of a notary as regulated in the Law on Notary Office and the behavior of notaries as regulated in the Notary Code of Ethics, is based on the types of sanctions which are the authority of the official authorized to impose sanctions and types of sanctions based on the types of violations of legal norms formulated in article -Article of the Law on the Position of Notary Public. Office sanctions that are cumulative in nature are not recognized in the Law on Notary Position. and the execution of the written reprimand sanction is carried out by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, while the execution of the type of sanction of temporary dismissal or dismissal is carried out with disrespect by the Minister. There are overlapping arrangements for the types of sanctions and the institution authorized to impose sanctions on violations of the Notary's Code of Ethics, namely the Notary's Honorary Council which has the authority to impose sanctions for violations of the notary's code of ethics which are internal (organizational) while the Notary Supervisory Council has the authority to impose occupational sanctions for violations of the Notary's Code of Ethics. This research was conducted to answer the problem of types of cumulative sanctions and condemnatory sanctions. By using the normative research method, through the normative regulation of the sanction system regulated in the Notary Office Law and its implementing regulations, it is found that there is overlapping of sanctions and institutions authorized to impose sanctions, and there is no autonomy of the Notary Supervisory Council which should be independent. and impartiality by interfering with the government in the execution of sanctions"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia , 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thornburn, Scott, 1950-
"Tasks for teachers of English that help to develop language awareness and invite consideration of the pedagogical implications and classroom applications. This second edition has been fully revised and updated, incorporating recent developments in language description, whilst keeping the organisation and structure of the successful first edition. As before, the book asks: 'What is it that a teacher needs to know about English in order to teach it effectively?' It develops teachers' language awareness through a wide range of tasks, which involve them in analysing English to discover its underlying systems. The book consists of 31 units, with new material focusing on varieties of English, models of grammar, phraseology, and spoken grammar"
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
428.007 1 THO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barnet, Sylvan
New York: Longman, 2001
808.82 TYP
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, William
New York: Rizzoli, 2016
724 JON h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Amalia Zahra
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh kehadiran tipe selebriti terhadap persepsi individu. Partisipan penelitian adalah mahasiswi JABODETABEK usia 18-24 tahun yang merupakan pengguna aktif Instagram dan mem-follow selebriti Indonesia dan influencer Indonesia di Instagram. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan memberi partisipan (n = 403) tangkapan layar berupa selebriti tradisional atau selebriti non-tradisional yang sedang memasarkan produk katering diet di Instagram. Produk katering diet digunakan sebagai produk dalam eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa individu merasa orang lain lebih terpengaruh dibandingkan dengan dirinya sendiri terhadap kehadiran pesan pemasaran produk di Instagram, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan tipe selebriti yang signifikan terhadap persepsi individu.......This research is conducted to verify the presence of celebrity types toward individual perception. The research’s participants are JABODETABEK female college students between 18-24 years old an active Instagram user and following Indonesian celebrities and Indonesian influencer on Instagram. The experiment is conducted by giving the participant (n = 403) screenshots in a form of traditional or non-traditional celebrities who are marketing product in Instagram. The diet catering product used as the experiment product. The result of the research shows individual feels that other people are more affected compared to themselves in the presence of marketing Instagram message product. However, there are no significant differences in types of celebrity toward individual perception.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Todd, David Keith
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1980
551.49 TOD g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shahnaz Safitri
"Di Indonesia, terdapat pasangan yang menikah melalui proses ta’aruf. Ta’aruf adalah proses perkenalan berdasarkan nilai agama Islam berupa adanya batasan durasi perkenalan dan interaksi antara laki-laki dan perempuan dengan tidak diperkenankan adanya kontak fisik. Proses ta’aruf juga mensyaratkan adanya mediator bagi calon pasangan untuk berkenalan. Sementara itu diketahui bahwaand religiusitas individu dan durasi mengenal pasangan sebelum menikah berhubungan dengan kepuasan pernikahan. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kepuasan pernikahan berdasarkan tipe pasangan pada masyarakat Barat. Berdasarkan studi literatur, belum ada penelitian yang melihat perbandingan kepuasan pernikahan berdasarkan tipe pasangan dalam konteks pernikahan melalui ta’aruf.
Maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbandingan kepuasan pernikahan berdasarkan tipe pasangan pada 62 individu yang menikah melalui ta’aruf. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kepuasan pernikahan yang signifikan antara tipe pasangan tradisional, separated, dan campuran (F = 3,569, p < 0.05, two-tailed.) Analisis data tambahan menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kepuasan pernikahan yang signifikan antara tipe pasangan tradisional, separated, dan independen (F = 3,807, p < 0.05, two-tailed.) pada pria yang ta’aruf, sementara tidak demikian pada subjek penelitian wanita (F = 2,943, p > 0.05, two-tailed.)

In Indonesia, there are couples who got married through the process of ta'aruf. Ta'aruf is acquaintanceship process based on the value of Islam which limit the duration of introductions and interactions between men women with no physical contact allowed. Ta'aruf also requires a mediator for the prospective couples to get acquainted. It is known that individual religiosity and acquaintance duration before marriage are associated with marital satisfaction. Previous research suggests that there are differences in marital satisfaction by couple types in Western society. However, there are no studies that look at the comparison of marital satisfaction by couple types in the context of marriage through ta'aruf.
This study aims to compare the marital satisfaction by couple types in 62 individuals who are married through ta'aruf. The results showed there were significant differences in marital satisfaction between traditional, separated, and mixed couples (F= 3.569, P<0.05, two-tailed.) Additional data analysis showed that there were significant differences in marital satisfaction between traditional, separated , and independent (F = 3.807, p <0.05, two-tailed.) among men who did ta'aruf. In contrast, there were no significant differences in marital satisfaction between traditional, separated , and independent among women ( F = 2.943, p> 0.05, two-tailed.)"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Rizki Rahayu
"Latar belakang: Amenorrhea primer didefinisikan sebagai tidak adanya siklus menstruasi hingga usia 16 tahun pada kondisi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan karakteristik seksual sekunder yang normal atau pada usia 14 tahun tidak adanya perkembangan dari karakteristik seksual sekunder. Penyebab amenorrhea primer dapat dibagi menjadi tiga kategori yaitu, obstruksi outflow tract, disfungsi ovarium, disfungsi hipotalamus-pituitari. Adanya abnormalitas pada kromosom dapat menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan saluran reproduksi. Menjadi perhatian adalah pasien fenotipe wanita yang memiliki kromosom Y mempunyai peluang 25% untuk mengembangkan tumor gonad.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara tampilan sonografi uterus dengan jenis kromosom seks pada pasien amenore primer di RSCM.
Metode: Penelitian ini akan menggunakan desain cross-sectional pada 65 subjek dengan teknik consecutive dalam pengambilan sampel. Pengambilan data dari rekam medis pasien amenore primer di RSCM periode Januari 2018 hingga Januari 2020. Data akan diolah menggunakan program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 20.
Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan tampilan sonografi uterus mayoritas memiliki hipoplasia uterus 70.7% (n=46). Pada jenis kromosom seks mayoritas memiliki kromosom seks tanpa Y 84.6% (n=55). Hasil menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik (p=0.015) antara tampilan sonografi uterus dengan jenis kromosom seks pada pasien amenore primer di RSCM. Dengan persentase terbesar pada kromosom seks tanpa Y memiliki tampilan hipoplasia uterus (n=42).
Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik (p<0.05) antara tampilan sonografi uterus dengan jenis kromosom seks pada pasien amenore primer di RSCM.
......Background: Primary amenorrhea was defined as the absence of a menstrual cycle until the age of 16 years in conditions of normal growth and development of secondary sexual characteristics or at 14 years of absence of development of secondary sexual characteristics. The causes of primary amenorrhea can be divided into three categories: outflow tract obstruction, ovarian dysfunction, and hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. The presence of chromosomal abnormalities can cause impaired development of the reproductive tract. The concern is that phenotypic female patients who have a Y chromosome have a 25% chance of developing gonadal tumors.
Aim: To determine the correlation between uterine sonography appearance and sex chromosome types od primary amenorrhea patients at RSCM
Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted on 65 subjects with consecutive techniques of sampling. Data were collected from the medical records of primary amenorrhea patients at RSCM from January 2018 to January 2020. Data were processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program version 20.
Results: In this study, uterine sonography was found that 70.7% (n=46) had uterine hypoplasia. In the type of sex chromosome that 84.6% (n=55) has a sex chromosome without Y. The results showed that there was a statistically significant relationship (p = 0.015) between uterine sonographic appearance and sex chromosome type of primary amenorrhea patients at RSCM. The largest proportion of sex chromosomes without Y had the appearance of uterine hypoplasia (n = 42).
Conclusions: There is significant correlation (p>0.05) between uterine sonographic appearance and the sex chromosome type of primary amenorrhea patients at RSCM"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Egan, William F.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981
621.381 EGA f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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