"Gejala intrusi di Jakarta semakin tidak dapat dihindari hingga ke bagian barat wilayah Tegal Alur, Ancol, Senen, Marunda dan Cilincing, Cengkareng, Kapuk, GrogoI, Sunter dan Pluit. Keterbatasan PDAM dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih penduduk perkotaan, menyebabkan pemerintah merasa perlu memberikan bantuan terhadap penduduk perkotaan yang berpenghasilan rendah, serta yang daerahnya belum terjangkau oleh PDAM secara optimal. Program SB-AB diharapkan dapat mengatasi kesulitan penduduk pada sektor air bersih di daerah padat. Pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan prasarana air bersih diserahkan kepada penduduk itu sendiri dengan harapan prasarana dan sarana ar bersih yang dibangun dapat berkelanjutan. Sasaran program adalah penyediaan prasarana air bersih bagi masyarakat miskin di daerah perkotaan dan perdesaan, termasuk desa yang belum terlayani oieh PDAM dan menempati daerah yang rawan air bersih.
Pada penelitian ini akan dianalisa tentang pelaksanaan program SB-AB yang telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2002 di kelurahan Semanan khususnya di RWIRT 031005 dan 08109. Jumlah kerangka sampeI adalah 187 KK yaitu 119 KK di RTIRW 009108 dan 68 KK di RTIRW 005103. Sampel yang diambil adalah + 30 % yaitu sekitar 61 KK. Adapun metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah acak sistematis. Penggunaan sampling tersebut agar masing-masing RTIRW mendapatkan peluang yang sama bagi setiap anggota populasi dipilih menjadi anggota sampel. Di samping itu juga dilakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap pihak yang dianggap terkait. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan cara kuantitatif menggunakan SPSS, untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi warga terhadap kepuasan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan KSM. Juga dilakukan analisis kualitatif untuk menganalisis pendapat, pamdangan atau tanggapan informasi yang tertampung dalam kuesioner maupun dari hasil pengamatan di lapangan. Analisa data pada penelitian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif, dan korelasi.
Hasil analisa yang didapat adalah variabel kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap air bersih berkorelasi positif kepada kepuasan masyarakat variabel kemampuan masyarakat membayar harga air KSM berkorelasi positif kepada kepuasan masyarakat. VariabeI kemampuan masyarakat membayar harga air Pam Swasta berkorelasi negatif kepada kepuasan masyarakat; variabel Peran Organisasi masyarakat berkorelasi positif kepada kepuasan masyarakat. Variabel kemauan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi tidak berkorelasi kepada kepuasan masyarakat.
Kesimpulan yang didapat : (1) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program SB-AB yaitu adanya kebutuhan masyarakat, ada kemampuan masyarakat membayar, ada kemampuan peranan organisasi sosial masyarakat dan ada kemampuan KSM. (2) Kemampuan KSM air rendah dalam hal manajemen dan pembukuan sehingga dalam mengelola administrasi dan keuangan KSM, pengurus selalu merasa rugi dan tidak mampu memelihara prasarana bantuan.
The Syndrome of intrusion in Jakarta is increasingly unavoidable down to the western part in the area Tegal Alur, Ancol, Marunda, Cilincing, Cengkareng, Kapuk, Grogol, Sunter and Pluit. The limit of PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Local Clear Water Supplier) in the effort of meeting the need of clean water of urban population, resulting in the government feel the need to provide aids to low income urban people, as well as for those whose area not yet reached by PDAM optimally. SB-AB program is expected capable to overcome the difficulties of the people in clean water sector in highly populated area. The use and management of clean water infrastructure is given to the people themselves hoping that the constructed infrastructures and facilities of clean water can be continuous. The program aim is to provide clean water infrastructure for poor people in urban and rural areas, including villages not yet served by PRAM and taking the space of area susceptible with clean water.In this research to be analyzed the implementation of SB-AB program already done since 2002 in kelurahanlsub-district of Semanan, especially in RWIRT (Neighborhood) 031005 and 081009. The number of sample test is 187 KK (household) that is 119 KK in RTIRW 009108 and 68 KK in RT/RW 005103. The sample taken is ± 30 % that is around 61 KK. The use on the method of sample taking is in order for each RTIRW to obtain equal opportunity for every member of population selected as sample member. Besides that, indepth interview is also done to parties considered as related. The data processing is done by quantitative means using SASS, in order to find out the perception picture of the people as to the satisfaction of the people to KSM service. Qualitative analysis is also done to analyze the opinion, notion, or response on the information retained in this research by using' descriptive and correlated statistics.The analytical result obtained is the variable on the need of the people for clean water positively con-elated to the people's satisfication; the people's capability variable to pay KSM water price is positively correlated to the people's satisfaction. The variable of the people's capability to pay private sector (pam swasta) water price is negatively correlated with the people's satisfaction; the variable of organizational role of the people is positively correlated with the people satisfaction. The variable of the people willingness to participate is not correlated to the people satisfaction.The conclusion obtained ; (1) The factors affecting the success of SB-AB program is the existence on the need of the people, there is capability of the people to pay, there is capability of social organization role of the people and there is capability of KSM. (2) KSM capability is low in respect of management and bookkeeping thus in managing the administration and finance of KSM, the management always at loss incapable to maintain aid infrastructure."