ABSTRAKKonstipasi merupakan salah satu gangguan sistem pencernaan dan sistem eliminasi yang sering dialami oleh lansia. Hal ini terjadi sebagai akibat dari penurunan fungsi sistem pencernaan dan eliminasi karena proses penuaan. Sekitar 74 -45 % lansia yang tinggal di PSTW dan sekitar 50% lansia yang tinggal di komunitas mengalami konstipasi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh uplanasi terhadap konstipasi pada lansia di PSTW di DKI Jakarta.Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimentpre ? posttest with control group.Jumlah sampel sebanyak 70 lansia, 32 lansia untuk intervensi dan 38 lansia untuk non-intervesi.Sampel dipilih melalui metode random sampling.Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah Constipation Skoring System. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh uplanasi terhadap konstipasi pada lansia (p = 0,000). Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan frekuensi defekasi, lama proses defekasi dan kenyamanan saat defekasi setelah dilakukan tindakan uplanasi. Frekuensi defekasi meningkat secara signifikan (p = 0,000), lama proses defekasi menurun secara signifikan (p = 0,001) dan kenyamanan saat defekasi meningkat secara signifikan (p = 0,000). Urut perut dan latihan eliminasi layak dijadikan sebagai salah satu intervensi keperawatan untuk menangani masalah konstipasi pada lansia.Tindakan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai intervensi alternatif untuk menangani masalah konstipasi pada lansia di PSTW seluruh Indonesia.
ABSTRACTConstipation is one of problems in digestive system and elimination system in elderly. Constipation occurs because of ageing process. There are 74 ? 75% elderlies in nursing home and 50% in community suffering constipation. The aims of this study was to identify the effect of uplanasi in elderly who live in Nursing homes in DKI Jakarta. The desain of this study was quasi experimentpre ? post test with control group. Total samples were 70 elderlies, 32 erderlies for intervension group and 38 elderlies for control group. Samples were selected by random sampling. The instruments used inwere Constipation Scoring System (CSS). The results showed that uplanasi had significant influence to handle constipation in elderly (p = 0,000). This study showed that there were differences of defecation?s frequency, defecation?s time and defecation?s comfort following uplanasi. The uplanasi incrased frequency of defecation (p = 0,000), decreasing time of defecation (p = 0,001) and increasing comfort during defecation (p = 0,000). Uplanasi could be one of nursing intervenstions to handle constipation in elderly who live in Nursing Homes in Indonesia, Constipation is one of problems in digestive system and elimination system in elderly. Constipation occurs because of ageing process. There are 74 – 75% elderlies in nursing home and 50% in community suffering constipation. The aims of this study was to identify the effect of uplanasi in elderly who live in Nursing homes in DKI Jakarta. The desain of this study was quasi experimentpre – post test with control group. Total samples were 70 elderlies, 32 erderlies for intervension group and 38 elderlies for control group. Samples were selected by random sampling. The instruments used inwere Constipation Scoring System (CSS). The results showed that uplanasi had significant influence to handle constipation in elderly (p = 0,000). This study showed that there were differences of defecation’s frequency, defecation’s time and defecation’s comfort following uplanasi. The uplanasi incrased frequency of defecation (p = 0,000), decreasing time of defecation (p = 0,001) and increasing comfort during defecation (p = 0,000). Uplanasi could be one of nursing intervenstions to handle constipation in elderly who live in Nursing Homes in Indonesia]"