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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Saniyatun Mar`atus Solihah
"Mount Sekincau is a part of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP) that has less been explored. It is situated at between 1100 to 1719 m above sea level. This area included in the category of lower montane rain forests. A vegetation analysis has been conducted to determine the tree structure variation and composition of trees in Mount Sekincau BBSNP. Sample plots were randomly chosen (purposive random sampling) at five locations which consist of 10 plots sized 50 x 50 m2 (0.25 hectares). There were 32 families 59 genus and 89 species with a density of 253 ind/0.5 ha. Mount Sekincau area has an airly good condition, this is indicated by the average value of diversity index (2.67) and evenness index (0.47). Trees often found in this area are members of family Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae. Quercus blumeana Korth. (kayu pasang) is dominating and important species (IVl = 27.18%) and has a wide distribution in Sekincau. The forest in this area has an important role to support life and the environment. Therefore, managers of BBSNP can improve care and maintenance. Moreover, Sekincau area directly adjacent to residential areas, so that the necessarily sustainable management on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of the surrounding community."
Bogor: Pusat Konservasi Kebun Raya-LIPI, 2014
580 BKR 17:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadly Muhammad
"Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan; untuk mengetahui jumlah populasi dan spesies penyu bersarang, untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat peneluran penyu mencakup vegetasi dan untuk mengetahui ancaman antropogenik berupa sampah. Tanjung Binerean merupakan bagian dari Kawasan Ekosistem Esensial terutama untuk perlindungan burung maleo. Pantai berpasir putih yang membentang sepanjang 3 km tersebut juga menjadi kawasan peneluran bagi penyu. Terdapat empat spesies penyu yang tercatat pernah bertelur di kawasan tersebut, yaitu penyu lekang, penyu sisik, penyu belimbing dan penyu hijau. Penelitian yang dilakukan selama 3 bulan dari bulan September sampai Desember 2020 menunjukkan hanya 1 penyu yang mendarat yaitu penyu lekang dengan jumlah telur 103 butir dengan karakteristik sarangnya sebagai berikut, yaitu kedalaman 46 cm dan diameter 15 cm, suhu tanah 28,8℃, pH 5,8, kelembapan 98% dan jarak sarang dengan air laut 7,8 m. Rata-rata suhu Tanjung Binerean pada tahun 2020 sebesar (28,4℃ ± 1,71). Analisis vegetasi Tanjung Binerean menghasilkan nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) sebesar H’=3,06. Nilai INP untuk jenis vegetasi pohon yang paling tinggi dimiliki oleh Cocos nucifera dengan nilai INP 59. Sedangkan untuk jenis vegetasi lower crop nilai INP terbesar dimiliki oleh Ipomoea pes-caprae yaitu sebesar 30. Total berat sampah yang didapatkan sebanyak 65,2 kg. Jumlah sampah terbanyak adalah jenis sampah plastik sebanyak 1023 dari total 1485 pieces (69%).

This research has several objectives; to determine the number of nesting populations and species of turtles, to determine the characteristics of turtle nesting habitat including vegetation and to determine anthropogenic threats in the form of marine debris. Tanjung Binerean is part of the Essential Ecosystem Area, especially for the protection of maleo birds. The 3 km long white sandy beach is also a nesting area for turtles. There are four species of sea turtles that have been recorded as having laid their eggs in the area, namely the olive ridley turtle, hawksbill turtle, leatherback turtle and green turtle. Research conducted for 3 months from September to December 2020 showed only 1 turtle landed, namely the olive ridley turtle with 103 eggs with the following nest characteristics, namely 46 cm depth and 15 cm diameter, soil temperature 28.8 ℃, pH 5.8, humidity 98% and the nest distance from sea water is 7.8 m. The average temperature of Tanjung Binerean in 2020 is (28.4 ℃ ± 1.71). Tanjung Binerean vegetation analysis produces a diversity index value (H ') of H' = 3.06. Cocos nucifera had the highest IVI value for tree vegetation with an IVI value of 59. Meanwhile, Ipomoea pes-caprae had the highest IVI value for lower crop vegetation, namely 30. The total weight of waste obtained was 65.2 kg. The highest amount of waste is plastic waste, amounting to 1023 of a total of 1485 pieces (69%)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Due to potential impact of invasive alien (exotic) species to the natural ecosystem, inventory of exotic species in the Cibodas Botanic Gardens (CBG) remnant forest area is an urgent need for CBG. Inventory of exotic species can assist gardens manager to set priorities and plan better responses for possible or existed invasive plants in the CBG remnants forest. the objectives of this study are to do inventory of the exotic species in the CBG remnants forest and to determine whether several environmental variables play role to the existence of exotic species in the CBG remnant forests. there are 26 exotic plant species (23 genera, 14 families) found and recorded from all four remnant forests in CBG. cluster analysis of four environmental variables shows that clustering of environmental factors of exotic species correlates with the abundances of those exotic signify the role of environmental variables on the existence of exotic plant species. the information of exotic plant species in the remnants forest is the base information for gardens manager to manage exotic species in CBG remnants forest. the relation of several environmental factors with exotic species abundance could assist gardens manager to understand better the supportive and or suppressor factors of exotics in the CBG remnants forest. further study on these species is needed to set priorities to decide which species should be treated first in order to minimize the impact of exotic plant species to native ecosystem of CBG."
Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor-LIPI, {s.a.}
580 BKR 17:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Anggraeni
"Underutilized Fruit Trees (UFTs) berhasil diidentifikasi, dimanfaatkan, dan dilestarikan oleh kelompok masyarakat hukum adat yang tinggal di Kampung Urug, Jawa Barat. Pada awal tahun 2020, Kampung Urug dilanda banjir dan tanah longsor yang menyebabkan lokasi tempat tumbuh UFTs rusak. Upaya sistematis dan terintegrasi untuk meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap perubahan iklim perlu dilakukan. Peningkatan ketahanan terhadap perubahan iklim dapat dilakukan dengan mendokumentasikan pengetahuan lokal masyarakat hukum adat dalam membudidayakan UFTs dan meminimalisir dampak perubahan iklim serta pendekatan lintas sektoral di tingkat lokal melalui analisis vegetasi dan analisis perubahan kerapatan vegetasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendokumentasikan teknik budidaya UFTs, lokasi tempat tumbuh UFTs, menganalisis kerapatan vegetasi tempat UFTs ditemukan, mendokumentasikan pengetahuan lokal masyarakat hukum adat dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim, menganalisis perubahan kerapatan vegetasi selama 10 tahun, menganalisis struktur dan komposisi vegetasi di Kampung Urug. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kombinasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan 16 orang, wawancara mendalam dengan 19 orang, dan observasi lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa teknik budidaya UFTs yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat hukum adat di Kampung Urug adalah pemilihan bibit (pilihan bibit tatangkalan), penyiapan lahan (nyiapkeun taneuh), penanaman tanaman (melak tatangkalan), perawatan tanaman (ngurus tatangkalan), dan pemanenan (panen). Sebanyak 53 UFTs yang berasal dari 13 spesies ditemukan di 24 placemark yang berbeda. Sebanyak 62% UFTs ditemukan di lokasi dengan indeks vegetasi sedang dan 38% UFTs ditemukan di lokasi dengan indeks vegetasi rendah. Masyarakat hukum adat mendefinisikan perubahan iklim sebagai perubahan musim. Salah satu gejala adanya perubahan iklim adalah terdengarnya suara Presbytis comata yang tinggal di Gunung Pongkor. Pada daerah bervegetasi sangat tinggi terjadi penurunan luas kerapatan vegetasi sebesar 94%. Pada daerah bervegetasi rendah, bervegetasi sedang, dan bervegetasi tinggi terjadi peningkatan luas kerapatan vegetasi, secara berurutan sebesar 1%, 34%, dan 59%. Schima wallichii memiliki Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) tertinggi (41,84%), diikuti oleh Mangifera kemanga (18,77%) dan Sandoricum koetjape (14,75%). Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pengembangan program konservasi keanekaragaman hayati.

Underutilized Fruit Trees (UFTs) have been identified, utilized, and preserved by indigenous people living in Urug Village. However, Urug Village hit by flooding and landslides in early 2020, damaging the location where UFT grew.  Therefore, a systematic and integrated effort is needed to increase resilience to climate change. Increasing resilience to climate change can be conducted by documenting local knowledge of indigenous peoples in cultivating UFTs and minimizing the impact of climate change, also a cross-sectoral approach at the local level through the analysis of vegetation and analysis of changes in vegetation density. This study aims to determine UFTs cultivation techniques, locations where UFTs grow, vegetation density where UFTs are found, find out local knowledge of indigenous peoples in dealing with climate change, changes in vegetation density over 10 years, structure and composition of vegetation in Urug Village. This research was conducted using a combination research method where data collection was carried out through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with 16 people, in-depth interviews with 19 people, and field observations. Based on this research, the UFTs cultivation techniques carried out by the indigenous people in Urug Village are the selection of seeds (pilihan bibit tatangkalan), land preparation (nyiapkeun taneuh), planting (melak tatangkalan), caring (ngurus tatangkalan), and harvest (panen). A total of 53 UFTs from 13 species  found in 24 different placemarks. A total of 62% of UFTs were found in locations with medium vegetation index and 38% of UFTs were found in locations with low vegetation index. Indigenous peoples define climate change as a change in season. One of the symptoms of climate change is the sound of Presbytis comata who lives on Mount Pongkor (2) There is a decrease of vegetation density by 94% in the area with very high vegetation. There is an increase of vegetation density in the area with low, moderate, dan high vegetation density by 1%, 34%, dan 59%, respectively (3) Schima wallichii) has the highest Importance Value Index (41.84%), followed by Mangifera kemanga(18.77%), and Sandoricum koetjape (14.75%). The results of this research can be used as a basis for biodiversity conservation programs."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Sopi Widianingsi
Telah dilakukan penelitian keanekaragaman tumbuhan bahan papan di pekarangan berdasarkan perspektif masyarakat Sunda Desa Ciburial, Kecamatan Cimanggu, Banten. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan dan keanekaragaman tumbuhan bahan papan berdasarkan perspektif masyarakat Sunda dan mengetahui indeks nilai penting INP spesies tumbuhan bahan papan di pekarangan Desa Ciburial. Metode yang digunakan meliputi wawancara semi struktural dan analisis vegetasi dengan teknik sampling kuadrat. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa masyarakat Sunda di Desa Ciburial mengenal dan memanfaatkan 37 spesies dari 18 famili tumbuhan sebagai bahan papan. Tumbuhan bahan papan tersebut merupakan tumbuhan hasil budidaya masyarakat Desa Ciburial di pekarangan. Bagian tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan untuk bahan papan ialah batang kayu. Penggunaan batang kayu tumbuhan dibedakan atas lima kelompok berdasarkan komponen bangunan yaitu komponen atap, dinding, lantai, pintu dan jendela. Berdasarkan hasil analisis vegetasi, terdapat 44 spesies dari 20 famili tumbuhan yang ditemukan di pekarangan. Indeks Nilai Penting INP tertinggi dimiliki oleh Swietenia mahagoni yang berada pada tingkat semai 57,32 dan tiang 47,04 . Sementara itu, Sandoricum koetjape memiliki INP tertinggi 44,46 pada tingkat pancang. Selanjutnya, INP tertinggi 39,44 pada tingkat pohon dimiliki oleh Cocos nucifera. Kata Kunci : Analisis vegetasi, Banten, indeks nilai penting, komponen bangunan, pekarangan, tumbuhan bahan papan.xiii 74 halaman ; 12 lampiran; 15 gambar; 1 tabelDaftarPustaka : 73 1976-2016.

Research regarding plant diversity of building materials in yard based on Sundanese community perspectives in Ciburial Village, Cimanggu Sub district has been done. This research was aimed to find out the utilization, diversity and importance value index of plant species that used as building materials based on Sundanese community perspectives in Ciburial Village yard. This research used semi structured interviews and vegetation analysis with quadrat sampling technique. The interview results shown that Sundanese Community is known and used thirty seven 37 plant species from eighteen 18 families as building materials. These plants have been cultivated by Sundanese Community in Ciburial Village. Tree trunk was the part of the plant that used as building materials. The used of logs have been distinguished into five components, i.e. roof, wall, floor, door and window. Vegetation analysis results found forty four 44 plant species from twenty 20 families in yard. Swietenia mahagoni has the highest importance value index in seedling 57,32 and sapling 47,04 stages, Sandoricum koetjape in small tree 44,46 stage and Cocos nucifera in tree 39,44 stage. Keywords Vegetation analysis, Banten, importance value index, building component, yard, building plants source.xiii 74 pages 12 appendixes 15 pictures 1 tableBibliography 73 1976 mdash 2016."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library