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Dwi Kartika Sari
"Tujuan: Mengetahui konsentrasi dari virus Epstein-Barr pada saliva dengan teknik Real-Time PCR pada RS Kramat 128 Jakarta dan korelasinya dengan terapi antiretroviral, Limfosit T CD4 dan viral load HIV.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik deskriptif dengan metode potong lintang. Data didapatkan dari pasien HIV yang berkunjung ke RS Kramat 128 pada periode bulan September-Oktober 2019 dengan kelompok kontrol pegawai RS Kramat pada periode tersebut. Seluruh subjek penelitian (77 subjek, 53 HIV dan 24 non-HIV sebagai kelompok kontrol) yang bersedia berpartisipasi diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner, diperiksa rongga mulutnya, serta dikumpulkan salivanya dalam kondisi terstimulasi dan tidak terstimulasi. Saliva yang terkumpul kemudian diekstraksi DNA nya dan dilakukan pemeriksaan real-time PCR dengan menggunakan diagnostik kit untuk EBV pada Pusat Riset Virologi dan Kanker Patobiologi FKUI RSCM.
Hasil: Konsentrasi virus Epstein-Barr pada saliva pasien HIV di RS Kramat 128 Jakarta secara statistik lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol dengan median (min-maks) pada pasien HIV 13.950 (0-38.550.000) dan 680 (0-733.000) pada kelompok kontrol. Tipe antiretroviral memiliki korelasi rendah dengan konsentrasi EBV, namun penggunaan ART jangka panjang memiliki korelasi sedang dalam menurunkan konsentrasi EBV (korelasi negatif dengan r=0,295). Kenaikan jumlah EBV saliva pada pasien HIV secara signifikan memiliki korelasi sedang (korelasi positif dengan r=0,295), namun memiliki korelasi rendah dengan jumlah Limfosit T CD4.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara konsentrasi EBV pada pasien HIV dan kelompok kontrol. Penggunaan ART jangka panjang dan viral load HIV secara signifikan memiliki korelasi sedang dengan konsentrasi EBV pada saliva.
......Objective: To reveal concentration of salivary Epstein-Barr Virus with real-time PCR Technique in Kramat 128 General Hospital HIV patient and its correlation with antiretroviral therapy, CD4 and HIV viral load.
Method: This is an analytic descriptive cross-sectional study on HIV outpatient of Kramat 128 General Hospital in September-Oktober 2019 and employees of Kramat 128 as control group. All subjects (77 subject, with 53 HIV positive respondent and 24 non-HIVcontrol) willing to participate were asked to fill out a questionnare, followed by oral examination and saliva colection in stimulated and unstimulated method. The collected saliva then extracted and EBV concentration were count by real-time PCR using an EBV diagnostic kit at Center for Research on Institute of Human Virology and Cancer Biology Universitas Indonesia.
Result: The concentrations of salivary EBV were significantly higher in HIV patients than non-HIV controls, with median (min-max) values in HIV patient 13.950 (0-38.550.000) and 680 (0-733.000) in non-HIV controls. The type of ART has low correlation with EBV concentrations, but long-term ART has medium correlation in reducing EBV concentrations (negative correlation with r=0,279). Increase amount of EBV in HIV patient were significantly has medium correlation with HIV viral load (positive correlation with r=0,295) but has low correlation with CD4 cell count.
Conclusion: There are significant differences of salivary EBV concentrations in HIV patients and control group. Long term ART and HIV viral load significantly has medium correlation with EBV concentration."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nugroho Harry Susanto
"Latar belakang: Angka kejadian HIV/AIDS di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Walaupun angka kematian berhasil ditekan namun klinik Teratai Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin melaporkan angka loss to follow-up (LTFU) di tahun 2008 lebih tinggi daripada angka kematian. Kepatuhan berobat di awal terapi diketahui berpengaruh terhadap retensi berobat.
Metode: Penelitian ini menganalisis kohort sebanyak 412 orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) yang berobat ARV di klinik Teratai Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin pada Januari 2008 hingga Desember 2012 berusia 15 tahun ke atas dan bertempat tinggal di kota Bandung sebagai subyek. Kepatuhan berobat dinilai dari apakah subyek selalu mengambil obat dalam 3 bulan pertama terapi. Subyek dinyatakan tidak patuh jika sekali saja tidak mengambil obat. Subyek yang meninggal dunia atau LTFU setelah menjalani minimal 3 bulan terapi dinyatakan sebagai atrisi. LTFU ialah tidak datang berturut-turut selama 3 bulan dan tidak ada kabar serta tidak berhasil dihubungi oleh staf klinik. Subyek yang tidak mengalami atrisi dinyatakan sebagai retensi. Data dianalisa menggunakan regresi Cox Proportional Hazards untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepatuhan berobat di 3 bulan awal terapi terhadap retensi berobat dalam 5 tahun.
Hasil: Subyek yang mengalami atrisi adalah sebanyak 19,9% dimana 4,6% meninggal dan 15,3% LTFU. Proporsi subyek yang tidak patuh dalam 3 bulan pertama terapi adalah 28,9%. Subyek yang tidak patuh di 3 bulan awal terapi mempunyai adjHR sebesar 1,27 (95% CI 0,75-2,17) terhadap LTFU dan adjHR sebesar 1,73 (95% CI 1,11-2,70) terhadap atrisi.
Kesimpulan: Proporsi subyek di klinik Teratai yang tidak patuh berobat dan yang mengalami atrisi masih tinggi. Ketidakpatuhan berobat di 3 bulan pertama terapi berpengaruh buruk terhadap retensi berobat hingga 5 tahun.
Background: HIV/AIDS incidence rate in Indonesia is still increasing. Although case fatality rate (CFR) is decreasing, Teratai Clinic at Hasan Sadikin Hospital reported higher loss to follow-up (LTFU) than CFR in 2008. Early ARV therapy adherence is reported to be associated with therapy retention.
Methods: This study analyzed a cohort of 412 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) iniating ARV therapy in Teratai Clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital around January 2008 - December 2012, age 15 year old or older and living in Bandung city as subjects. Adherence is assessed by whether or not subject always pick up medication in initial 3 months therapy. Subject considered as nonadherent if missed at least one medication. Dead or LTFU subject after 3 months therapy will be classified as attrition. LTFU defined as missing medication for 3 months in a row without any report or which unable to be contacted by clinic staff. Subject who is not classified as attrition will be considered as retention. Data were analyzed by Cox Regression Proportional Hazards to find out the association between adherence in 3 months initial therapy and 5 years retention.
Results: Proportion of subjects which classified as attrition is 19.9%; 4.6% dead and 15.3% LTFU. Proportion of subjects which classified as nonadherent in 3 months intial therapy is 28.9%. Nonadherent subjects in 3 months initial therapy had adjHR 1.27 (95% CI 0.75-2.17) to LTFU and adjHR 1.73 (95% CI 1.11-2.70) to attrition.
Conclusions: The proportion of nonadherent and attrition in subjects at Teratai clinic is still high. Nonadherent in 3 months initial therapy had bad association to 5 years retention."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Haryoga
"Latar Belakang: Skrining awal dengan pemeriksaan viral load EBV plasma belum menjadi pemeriksaan rutin pada kanker nasofaring. Penelitian ini dikhususkan meneliti peran viral load EBV plasma pada pasien kanker nasofaring. Penelitian ini akan menjadi studi pilot di bidang viral load EBV plasma pada kanker nasofaring, khususnya di Indonesia.
Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah Study Ekploratif, mengeksplorasi hubungan antara viral load EBV plasma dengan viral load EBV jaringan pada kanker nasofaring stadium lokal lanjut dan stadium lanjut. Besar sample diambil berdasarkan rule of thumb, diperkirakan 15 sampel memberikan gambaran yang cukup memadai, mempertimbangkan biaya dan waktu penelitian. Untuk pemeriksaan viral load EBV plasma maupun jaringan tumor dilakukan dengan metode Real Time PCR dengan Kit dan alat PCR milik perusahaan QIAGEN®.
Hasil: Ditemukan korelasi lemah-sedang (R= 48,3%) antara viral load EBV plasma dengan viral load EBV jaringan, dengan nilai p = 0,003 yang menyatakan bahwa korelasi ini dapat dipercaya. Tidak ada korelasi antara konsentrasi PD-L1 ELISA, IFN gamma, Limfosit, Neutrofil, maupun Leukosit dengan viral load EBV plasma. Kesimpulan: Semakin tinggi konsentrasi DNA EBV jaringan, semakin tinggi pula konsentrasi viral load EBV plasma, walaupun korelasi lemah-sedang, namun signifikan. Sampel yang sedikit menjadi kelemahan dalam penelitian ini, karena biaya dan waktu yang terbatas.
......Background: Initial screening with plasma EBV viral load has not become a routine examination of nasopharyngeal cancer. This research will be a pilot study in the field of plasma EBV viral load in nasopharyngeal cancer, especially in Indonesia.
Method: The design of this study was an Explorative Study. This study explores the relationship between plasma and tissue EBV viral load in locally advanced and advanced stage nasopharyngeal cancer. Large samples are taken based on the rule of thumb, it was estimated that 15 samples would provide an adequate picture. Plasma and tissue DNA EBV PCR examinations were carried out using the Real Time PCR method with the company's QIAGEN® Kit and PCR tool.
Results: There is a weak-moderate correlation (R = 48,3%) between plasma EBV viral load and tissue EBV viral load, with a value of p = 0.003 which indicates that this correlation can be trusted. There is no correlation between the concentration of PD-L1 ELISA, IFN gamma, Lymphocytes, Neutrophils, or Leukocytes with plasma EBV viral load. Conclusion: The higher the tissue EBV viral load concentration, the higher the plasma EBV viral load concentration, although this correlation was weak - moderate, but significant."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zubairi Djoerban
"Sejak tahun 2000 jumlah penderita HIV/AIDS di Indonesia meningkat tajam, terutama pada pecandu narkotika suntik. Terapi antiretroviral yang terbukti dapat menurunkan mortalitas dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien, diberikan berdasarkan kondisi klinis, jumlah sel limfosit CD4 dan kadar virus dalam darah. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar CD4 dan kadar virus pada 71 pasien HIV asimptomatik yang merupakan pecandu narkotika suntik untuk melihat apakah kadar CD4 berkorelasi dengan kadar virus HIV. Kadar CD4 diperiksa dengan metode imunofluoresensi indirek menggunakan antibodi monoklonal dan kadar virus menggunakan teknik PCR. Pemeriksaan hitung virus dilakukan pada 56 pasien yang mempunyai kadar CD4 lebih dari 200 sel/mm3 (x = 473 + 180,6). Sebanyak 30 orang (55,4%) mempunyai kadar virus dalam darah lebih dari 55.000 kopi/ml dan 35,7% kadar virusnya 5.000-55.000 kopi/ml. Korelasi antara kadar CD4 dengan kadar virus dalam darah memberi nilai r: 0,194. Disimpulkan bahwa pada pecandu narkotika kadar CD4 tidak berkorelasi dengan kadar HIV sehingga pemberian antiretroviral sebaiknya didasarkan pada kadar HIV dalam darah. (Med J Indones 2002; 11: 143-7)

Since the year 2000 there has been a steep increased in the number of HIV/AIDS patients in Indonesia , coming mostly from intravenous drug users. Antiretroviral treatment has been proved to decrease mortality and increase quality of life of HIV/AIDS patients. The treatment is given according to clinical condition of the patients, number of CD4 and viral load. In this study, CD4 and viral load were examined in 71 asymptomatic HIV patients originated from injecting-drug users. CD4 counting was performed by indirect immunoflouresence method using monoclonal antibody, and viral load was tested using PCR technique. Among 56 patients who has the number of CD4 more than 200/mm3, 30 patients (55,4 %) has viral load more than 55,000 copies/ml and 35,7% has viral load 5,000-55,000 copies/ml. Correlation between the number of CD 4 and viral load gave the r value of 0,194. It is concluded that there is no association between the number of CD 4 and viral load in drug user HIV/AIDS patients. The treatment of HIV/AIDS for these patients should be given according to the viral load. (Med J Indones 2002; 11: 143-7)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Wulandari
"Kebocoran plasma pada fase kritis berhubungan dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas infeksi dengue. Hingga saat ini belum diketahui pasti patofisiologinya dan kejadiannya belum dapat diprediksi. Diteliti peran respons imun pejamu dengan kejadian kebocoran plasma pada pasien dengue dengan melihat hubungan antara hitung virus intra-monosit dan hitung monosit absolut pada fase akut dengan kejadian kebocoran plasma pada fase kritis, serta mengetahui adanya antibodi terhadap sel endotel yang kemungkinan berperan pada kebocoran plasma. Penelitian ini merupakan kohort prospektif dengan 127 subjek penelitian yang terinfeksi serotipe DENV tunggal berdasarkan rt-PCR dan dirawat di rumah sakit sebelum hari keempat demam. Spesimen darah diambil pada hari kedua demam, dan perubahan klinis dan laboratoris dipantau hingga hari ketujuh perawatan. Kebocoran plasma ditentukan pada fase kritis hari ke-5 sampai ke-7, berdasarkan kriteria WHO dan dengue score. Pada pasien dengan kebocoran plasma berdasarkan kriteria WHO, tidak terdapat perbedaan hitung virus DENV plasma pada hari kedua demam (p = 0,325) dengan pasien tanpa kebocoran plasma. Hitung virus DEN intra-monosit lebih tinggi secara bermakna (p = 0,031). Jika dikelompokkan berdasarkan dengue score, perbedaan hitung DENV intra-monosit bermakna antara kelompok skor > 3 dan skor < 1 (p = 0,07), namun tidak ditemukan perbedaan antara kelompok skor 2 dan < 1 (p = 0,14) dan antara skor 2 dan skor > 3 (p = 0,23). Demikian pula tidak ada perbedaan bermakna hitung DENV plasma pada ketiga kelompok tersebut (nilai p masing-masing adalah 0,07, 0,14, dan 0,95). Hitung absolut monosit darah tepi mengalami penurunan pada semua pasien, dengan titik terendah pada hari ketiga demam. Penurunan lebih besar secara bermakna (p = 0,015) terjadi pada kelompok dengan kebocoran plasma. Dengan titik potong hitung monosit absolut hari ketiga 250 sel/L, diperoleh AUC 0,742 untuk memprediksi kebocoran plasma dengan kriteria WHO, dan AUC 0,647 untuk memprediksi dengue score > 3 pada fase kritis. Selain itu, ditemukan antibodi terhadap sel endotel pada pasien terinfeksi DENV, dengan 3 target lebih banyak diekspresikan pada pasien dengan kebocoran plasma adalah protein berukuran 37 kDa, 75 kDa, dan 120 kDa. Kebocoran plasma pada fase kritis berhubungan dengan hitung virus DENV intra-monosit yang lebih lebih tinggi dan jumlah absolut monosit darah tepi yang lebih rendah pada fase akut. Dengan titik potong hitung monosit absolut pada hari ketiga 250 sel/L dapat diprediksi kejadian kebocoran plasma pada fase kritis. Ditemukan antibodi terhadap sel endotel yang kemungkinan berhubungan dan berpotensi sebagai penanda prediktor kebocoran plasma.
......Plasma leakage during the critical phase is associated with morbidity and mortality from dengue infection. Until now, the pathophysiology is remains unclear, and the occurrence is unpredictable. We examine the role of host immune response in the pathophysiology of plasma leakage in dengue infected patients by studying the association of intra-monocyte DENV viral load and monocyte absolute count during the acute phase with plasma leakage during critical phase. We also examined the existence of anti-endothelial antibody in dengue infected patients’ plasma that could potentially be involved in the plasma leakage. This prospective cohort study involved 127 subjects with single DENV serotype infected identified by rt-PCR and hospitalized for three days after the fever occurs. Blood samples were taken on the second day, and all the patients were monitored until the 7th day for clinical and laboratory changes. Plasma leakage was determined on fifth to seventh day, according to the WHO criteria and dengue score. In the plasma leakage group, based on WHO criteria, there was no significant difference in plasma DENV viral load (p = 0.325), while the intra-monocyte DENV viral load was significantly higher (p = 0.031). Based on the dengue score grouping, intra-monocyte DENV viral load was significantly higher on score > 3 compared to score < 1 (p = 0.07), but there was no significant difference between scores 2 and < 1 (p = 0.14), and between scores 2 and > 3 (p = 0.23). There were no significant differences in plasma DENV viral load among those groups (respective p values: 0.07, 0.14, and 0.95). The monocyte absolute count decreased in all the patients, with the lowest count was reached on the third day of fever. On day 3, the monocyte absolute counts were significantly lower among plasma leakage patients compared to non-plasma leakage patients (p = 0.015). By using a cut-off point of absolute monocyte count of 250 cells/L, We obtained an AUC of 0.742 which was used to predict the occurrence of plasma leakage in the critical phase based on WHO criteria, and AUC 0.647 to predict dengue score > 3. We also found the anti-endothelial antibodies in the acute plasma of dengue infected patients. The prominent antibodies targeting endothelial proteins of 37 kDa, 75 kDa, and 120 kDa were expressed more among the plasma leakage groups. Plasma leakage during the critical phase is associated with higher intra-monocyte DENV viral loads and lower monocyte absolute count compared to the acute phase. The monocyte absolute count cut-off point of 250 cells/L on the third day may be used as predictor of plasma leakage. Anti- endothelial antibodies were detected in acute plasma and might be associated and used as predictors of plasma leakage."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priyanti Kisworini
"Latar Belakang : Infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) merupakan penyakit imunodefisiensi sekunder terbanyak dan masih merupakan masalah kesehatan penting di dunia. Terapi antiretroviral (ART) diharapkan dapat mengurangi angka kejadian baru dan angka kematian karena HIV/AIDS. Data untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan ART, gambaran pola viral load (VL) sebagai respos ART serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan terapi belum ada di Indonesia.
Metode : Penelitian kohort retrospektif, memakai data rekam medis di Poliklinik Alergi-Imunologi Anak RSCM Jakarta sejak Juli 2003 sampai September 2022 pada anak sampai usia 18 tahun yang terdiagnosis HIV dan minimal mempunyai 3 hasil pemeriksaan VL.
Hasil : Terdapat 137 anak yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Keberhasilan ART setelah 12 bulan terapi sebesar 50,36% dan setelah 24 bulan terapi sebesar 64,23%. Pola VL terbanyak sebagai respons ART adalah Pola VL tersupresi 48,2%, kemudian early viral failure sebesar 34,3%, persistent low level viremia sebesar 15,3%, 1,5% sebagai viral failure dan 0,7% sebagai viral blips. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan terapi setelah 12 bulan terapi secara bermakna adalah status nutrisi baseline gizi baik dengan RR : 2,15 (IK 95% : 1,07-2,59) nilai p : 0,026. Setelah 24 bulan terapi adalah status nutrisi baseline gizi baik dengan RR 1,66 (IK 95% 1,09-1,86) dengan nilai p : 0,024.
Kesimpulan : Keberhasilan terapi ARV setelah 12 bulan 50,36% dan 64,23% dicapai setelah 24 bulan. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan terapi secara bermakna pada 12 bulan dan pada 24 bulan adalah status nutrisi baseline gizi baik. Pelaksanaan pemeriksaan VL untuk diagnostik dan pemantauan terapi ARV memerlukan dukungan ketersediaan fasilitas diagnostik yang konsisten. Didapatkan 3 pola VL terbanyak adalah virus tersupresi, early viral failure dan persistent low level viremia.
......Background : Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS is still main health problem in the world. The use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is expected to reduce new cases, and mortality of HIV/AIDS. Data to evaluate the success of ART, description of Viral Load (VL) patterns in response to ART and factors that affected VL suppression doesn’t yet exist in Indonesia.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study, using medical record at the Pediatric Allergy-Immunology outpatient clinic RSCM Jakarta from July 2003 to September 2022 in children up to 18 years of age who were diagnosed with HIV and had at least 3 VL test results
Results: There were 137 children who met the criteria. The success of ART after 12 months was 50.36% and after 24 months was 64.23%. The highest VL pattern in response to ART was a suppressed VL pattern of 48.2%, then early viral failure of 34.3% and persistent low-level viremia of 15.3%, viral failure of 1.5% and 0.7% as viral blips. Factors that significantly affected the success of therapy after 12 months of therapy was good nutritional status RR 2.15 (95% CI : 1.1-4.2) p : 0.026. After 24 months of therapy was good nutritional status with RR 1.66 (95% CI : 1.07-2.59) p : 0.024.
Conclusion: The success of therapy after 12 months was 50.36% and 64.23% after 24 months. Factors that affected the success of therapy at 12 months and 24 months of therapy was good nutritional status. The VL examination as confirmation of the diagnostic and success of therapy required consistent diagnostic tools availability. It was found 3 most patterns of VL was virus suppression, early viral failure and persistent low level viremia."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulfah Suryani
Latar belakang. Hepatitis B merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang serius, diperkirakan lebih dari 2 milyar orang didunia telah terinfeksi virus hepatitis B (VHB). Dari jumlah ini kira-kira 360 juta orang mengalami infeksi khronis. Kematian terutama disebabkan karena sirosis hepatis dan karsinoma hepatoseluler. Salah satu upaya pencegahan penularan infeksi VHB adalah uji saring darah donor terhadap hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) yang merupakan pemeriksaan skrinning yang dilakukan oleh Unit Transfusi Darah (UTD) di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Banyak peneliti membuktikan bahwa darah HBsAg negatif masih berpotensi menularkan infeksi VHB. Untuk itu meningkatkan keamanan darah, beberapa negara menambahkan parameter pemeriksaan antibodi terhadap hepatits B core (anti-HBc) sebagai petanda paparan terhadap infeksi VHB dan pemeriksaan antibodi terhadap hepatitis B surface (anti-HBs) sebagai tanda respon imun terhadap infeksi VHB. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi biologi molekuler, masa jendela infeksi VHB dengan seronegatif dapat di ketahui lebih cepat melalui deteksi DNA VHB dengan metode Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) multipleks yang dilanjutkan dengan NAT discriminatory. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan, didapatnya DNA VHB pada spesimen darah donor yang seronegatif dengan metoda NAT. Darah dengan HBsAg negatif, DNA VHB positif dengan atau tanpa anti-HBc dan atau anti-HBs merupakan darah asal donor dengan Hepatitis B Occult (HBO). Prevalensi donor dengan HBO di Indonesia berkisar antara 8- 10%.
Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang (cross sectional) yang dilakukan di UTDP dan Lembaga Biologi Molekul Eijkman, dengan jumlah sampel 4.973 asal subyek donor darah dari 4 UTD daerah DKI, Kota Tanggerang,kota Depok dan Kabupaten Tanggerang. Terhadap sampel penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan serologis HBsAg,anti-HBc,anti-HBs, NAT, dan PCR kuantitatif dan kualitatif, selanjutnya pada sampel yang HBsAg negatif, NAT positif dan didapatkan hasil PCR kuantitatif positif dilakukan pemeriksaan lanjutan sequencing asam amino untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya mutan HBsAg penyebab lolosnya deteksi serologi HBsAg oleh reagensia HBsAg yang digunakan untuk uji saring darah donor.
Hasil. Didapatkan hanya 20 subjek (0,40%) mempunyai hasil HBsAg negatif dan NAT positif multipleks, dan hanya 16 subyek (80%) HBsAg negatif dan NAT discrimenatory positif. Lebih lanjut hasil pemeriksaan anti-HBc negatif dan anti- HBs positif/negatif didapatkan hanya1 subyek (6,25%), anti-HBc positif dan anti- Hbs negatif didapatkan 9 subyek (56,25%), hasil pemerksaan anti-Hbc dan anti- HBs positif 5 subyek (31,25%). Lebih lanjut dilakukan pemeriksaan PCR kualitatif dan didapatkan 3 subyek (18,75%) tidak terdeteksi, , 6 (37,5%) subyek menunjukkan hasil viral load yang low detection (dibawah sensitivitas alat), dan 7 subyek (43,75%) menunjukkan hasil viral load dapat di ketahui. Pada pemeriksaan PCR kualitatif dan sequencing didapatkan 2 subyek (28,57%) ditemukan mutasi pada gen S pada posisi 143 dimana terjadi subsitusi asam amino T143M.

Background. Hepatitis B is one of the most serious health problem. It is estimated that more than 2 bilion people have been infected by this virus, of which 360 milion are chronically infected with severe and fatal risk especially of cirrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. One of the main ways to prevent transfusion transmitted HBV infection is blood screening for HBsAg. However, many studies have proven that HBsAg negative blood can still be infection. Therefore to enhance blood safety same countries have added antibody parameters in blood screening of donors – antibody for hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) as marker for HBV infection and antibody for hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) as marker for immunological response to HBV infection.
And with the development of molecular biology technology, HBV infection can be knowing faster in seronegative windows period with HBV DNA examination inspection by methods Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) multiplex and discrimenatory. In fact the results of seronegative blood is still there HBV virus with NAT, and this result we can called with the Occult hepatitis B (HBO). Prevalence of donors with HBO ranges 8- 10% in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the efectivity analized by NAT method blood donor with HBO to see continuity with the examination of anti-HBc, anti-HBs, viral load, and the cause of the HBO that mutations in the gene encoding HBsAg.
Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design (cross-sectional) conducted in UTDP and Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, with a sample of 4,973 sampless blood bloods donor from 4 units of blood transfusion area of Jakarta, Tangerang City, Depok and Bekasi district. Against sample serological examination HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, NAT, quantitative and qualitative PCR, then samples were HBsAg negative, positive NAT and quantitative PCR positive results obtained further investigation amino acid sequencing to determine whether there is a mutant HBsAg cause serological detection of HBsAg escape by HBsAg reagents used for screening of blood donors
Result. There was 20 samples (0.40%) had results of HBsAg negative and positive NAT multiplex, and only 16 samples (80%) HBsAg negative and positive discrimenatory NAT. Furthermore, the results of the examination of anti-HBc and anti-HBs negative positive / negative obtained only 1 samples (6.25%), anti-HBc positive and negative anti-Hbs obtained 9 samples (56.25%), and anti-HBc , anti- HBs positive are 5 samples (31.25%). and then , qualitative PCR examination and had 3 samples (18.75%), is not detected, 6 (37.5%) samples, and some samples showed a low viral load results detection (sensitivity under tools value), and 6 samples (43.75%) shows viral load is positive. In qualitative PCR and sequencing obtained 2 samples (28.57%) found a mutation in the S gene at position 143 where there T143M amino acid substitution.;Background. Hepatitis B is one of the most serious health problem. It is estimated that more than 2 bilion people have been infected by this virus, of which 360 milion are chronically infected with severe and fatal risk especially of cirrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. One of the main ways to prevent transfusion transmitted HBV infection is blood screening for HBsAg. However, many studies have proven that HBsAg negative blood can still be infection. Therefore to enhance blood safety same countries have added antibody parameters in blood screening of donors – antibody for hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) as marker for HBV infection and antibody for hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) as marker for immunological response to HBV infection.
And with the development of molecular biology technology, HBV infection can be knowing faster in seronegative windows period with HBV DNA examination inspection by methods Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) multiplex and discrimenatory. In fact the results of seronegative blood is still there HBV virus with NAT, and this result we can called with the Occult hepatitis B (HBO). Prevalence of donors with HBO ranges 8- 10% in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the efectivity analized by NAT method blood donor with HBO to see continuity with the examination of anti-HBc, anti-HBs, viral load, and the cause of the HBO that mutations in the gene encoding HBsAg.
Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design (cross-sectional) conducted in UTDP and Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, with a sample of 4,973 sampless blood bloods donor from 4 units of blood transfusion area of Jakarta, Tangerang City, Depok and Bekasi district. Against sample serological examination HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, NAT, quantitative and qualitative PCR, then samples were HBsAg negative, positive NAT and quantitative PCR positive results obtained further investigation amino acid sequencing to determine whether there is a mutant HBsAg cause serological detection of HBsAg escape by HBsAg reagents used for screening of blood donors
Result. There was 20 samples (0.40%) had results of HBsAg negative and positive NAT multiplex, and only 16 samples (80%) HBsAg negative and positive discrimenatory NAT. Furthermore, the results of the examination of anti-HBc and anti-HBs negative positive / negative obtained only 1 samples (6.25%), anti-HBc positive and negative anti-Hbs obtained 9 samples (56.25%), and anti-HBc , anti- HBs positive are 5 samples (31.25%). and then , qualitative PCR examination and had 3 samples (18.75%), is not detected, 6 (37.5%) samples, and some samples showed a low viral load results detection (sensitivity under tools value), and 6 samples (43.75%) shows viral load is positive. In qualitative PCR and sequencing obtained 2 samples (28.57%) found a mutation in the S gene at position 143 where there T143M amino acid substitution.;Background. Hepatitis B is one of the most serious health problem. It is estimated that more than 2 bilion people have been infected by this virus, of which 360 milion are chronically infected with severe and fatal risk especially of cirrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. One of the main ways to prevent transfusion transmitted HBV infection is blood screening for HBsAg. However, many studies have proven that HBsAg negative blood can still be infection. Therefore to enhance blood safety same countries have added antibody parameters in blood screening of donors – antibody for hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) as marker for HBV infection and antibody for hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) as marker for immunological response to HBV infection.
And with the development of molecular biology technology, HBV infection can be knowing faster in seronegative windows period with HBV DNA examination inspection by methods Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) multiplex and discrimenatory. In fact the results of seronegative blood is still there HBV virus with NAT, and this result we can called with the Occult hepatitis B (HBO). Prevalence of donors with HBO ranges 8- 10% in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the efectivity analized by NAT method blood donor with HBO to see continuity with the examination of anti-HBc, anti-HBs, viral load, and the cause of the HBO that mutations in the gene encoding HBsAg.
Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design (cross-sectional) conducted in UTDP and Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, with a sample of 4,973 sampless blood bloods donor from 4 units of blood transfusion area of Jakarta, Tangerang City, Depok and Bekasi district. Against sample serological examination HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, NAT, quantitative and qualitative PCR, then samples were HBsAg negative, positive NAT and quantitative PCR positive results obtained further investigation amino acid sequencing to determine whether there is a mutant HBsAg cause serological detection of HBsAg escape by HBsAg reagents used for screening of blood donors
Result. There was 20 samples (0.40%) had results of HBsAg negative and positive NAT multiplex, and only 16 samples (80%) HBsAg negative and positive discrimenatory NAT. Furthermore, the results of the examination of anti-HBc and anti-HBs negative positive / negative obtained only 1 samples (6.25%), anti-HBc positive and negative anti-Hbs obtained 9 samples (56.25%), and anti-HBc , anti- HBs positive are 5 samples (31.25%). and then , qualitative PCR examination and had 3 samples (18.75%), is not detected, 6 (37.5%) samples, and some samples showed a low viral load results detection (sensitivity under tools value), and 6 samples (43.75%) shows viral load is positive. In qualitative PCR and sequencing obtained 2 samples (28.57%) found a mutation in the S gene at position 143 where there T143M amino acid substitution.;Background. Hepatitis B is one of the most serious health problem. It is estimated that more than 2 bilion people have been infected by this virus, of which 360 milion are chronically infected with severe and fatal risk especially of cirrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. One of the main ways to prevent transfusion transmitted HBV infection is blood screening for HBsAg. However, many studies have proven that HBsAg negative blood can still be infection. Therefore to enhance blood safety same countries have added antibody parameters in blood screening of donors – antibody for hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) as marker for HBV infection and antibody for hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) as marker for immunological response to HBV infection.
And with the development of molecular biology technology, HBV infection can be knowing faster in seronegative windows period with HBV DNA examination inspection by methods Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) multiplex and discrimenatory. In fact the results of seronegative blood is still there HBV virus with NAT, and this result we can called with the Occult hepatitis B (HBO). Prevalence of donors with HBO ranges 8- 10% in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the efectivity analized by NAT method blood donor with HBO to see continuity with the examination of anti-HBc, anti-HBs, viral load, and the cause of the HBO that mutations in the gene encoding HBsAg.
Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design (cross-sectional) conducted in UTDP and Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, with a sample of 4,973 sampless blood bloods donor from 4 units of blood transfusion area of Jakarta, Tangerang City, Depok and Bekasi district. Against sample serological examination HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, NAT, quantitative and qualitative PCR, then samples were HBsAg negative, positive NAT and quantitative PCR positive results obtained further investigation amino acid sequencing to determine whether there is a mutant HBsAg cause serological detection of HBsAg escape by HBsAg reagents used for screening of blood donors
Result. There was 20 samples (0.40%) had results of HBsAg negative and positive NAT multiplex, and only 16 samples (80%) HBsAg negative and positive discrimenatory NAT. Furthermore, the results of the examination of anti-HBc and anti-HBs negative positive / negative obtained only 1 samples (6.25%), anti-HBc positive and negative anti-Hbs obtained 9 samples (56.25%), and anti-HBc , anti- HBs positive are 5 samples (31.25%). and then , qualitative PCR examination and had 3 samples (18.75%), is not detected, 6 (37.5%) samples, and some samples showed a low viral load results detection (sensitivity under tools value), and 6 samples (43.75%) shows viral load is positive. In qualitative PCR and sequencing obtained 2 samples (28.57%) found a mutation in the S gene at position 143 where there T143M amino acid substitution.;Background. Hepatitis B is one of the most serious health problem. It is estimated that more than 2 bilion people have been infected by this virus, of which 360 milion are chronically infected with severe and fatal risk especially of cirrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. One of the main ways to prevent transfusion transmitted HBV infection is blood screening for HBsAg. However, many studies have proven that HBsAg negative blood can still be infection. Therefore to enhance blood safety same countries have added antibody parameters in blood screening of donors – antibody for hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) as marker for HBV infection and antibody for hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) as marker for immunological response to HBV infection.
And with the development of molecular biology technology, HBV infection can be knowing faster in seronegative windows period with HBV DNA examination inspection by methods Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) multiplex and discrimenatory. In fact the results of seronegative blood is still there HBV virus with NAT, and this result we can called with the Occult hepatitis B (HBO). Prevalence of donors with HBO ranges 8- 10% in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the efectivity analized by NAT method blood donor with HBO to see continuity with the examination of anti-HBc, anti-HBs, viral load, and the cause of the HBO that mutations in the gene encoding HBsAg.
Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design (cross-sectional) conducted in UTDP and Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, with a sample of 4,973 sampless blood bloods donor from 4 units of blood transfusion area of Jakarta, Tangerang City, Depok and Bekasi district. Against sample serological examination HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, NAT, quantitative and qualitative PCR, then samples were HBsAg negative, positive NAT and quantitative PCR positive results obtained further investigation amino acid sequencing to determine whether there is a mutant HBsAg cause serological detection of HBsAg escape by HBsAg reagents used for screening of blood donors
Result. There was 20 samples (0.40%) had results of HBsAg negative and positive NAT multiplex, and only 16 samples (80%) HBsAg negative and positive discrimenatory NAT. Furthermore, the results of the examination of anti-HBc and anti-HBs negative positive / negative obtained only 1 samples (6.25%), anti-HBc positive and negative anti-Hbs obtained 9 samples (56.25%), and anti-HBc , anti- HBs positive are 5 samples (31.25%). and then , qualitative PCR examination and had 3 samples (18.75%), is not detected, 6 (37.5%) samples, and some samples showed a low viral load results detection (sensitivity under tools value), and 6 samples (43.75%) shows viral load is positive. In qualitative PCR and sequencing obtained 2 samples (28.57%) found a mutation in the S gene at position 143 where there T143M amino acid substitution., Background. Hepatitis B is one of the most serious health problem. It is estimated that more than 2 bilion people have been infected by this virus, of which 360 milion are chronically infected with severe and fatal risk especially of cirrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. One of the main ways to prevent transfusion transmitted HBV infection is blood screening for HBsAg. However, many studies have proven that HBsAg negative blood can still be infection. Therefore to enhance blood safety same countries have added antibody parameters in blood screening of donors – antibody for hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) as marker for HBV infection and antibody for hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) as marker for immunological response to HBV infection.
And with the development of molecular biology technology, HBV infection can be knowing faster in seronegative windows period with HBV DNA examination inspection by methods Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) multiplex and discrimenatory. In fact the results of seronegative blood is still there HBV virus with NAT, and this result we can called with the Occult hepatitis B (HBO). Prevalence of donors with HBO ranges 8- 10% in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the efectivity analized by NAT method blood donor with HBO to see continuity with the examination of anti-HBc, anti-HBs, viral load, and the cause of the HBO that mutations in the gene encoding HBsAg.
Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design (cross-sectional) conducted in UTDP and Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, with a sample of 4,973 sampless blood bloods donor from 4 units of blood transfusion area of Jakarta, Tangerang City, Depok and Bekasi district. Against sample serological examination HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, NAT, quantitative and qualitative PCR, then samples were HBsAg negative, positive NAT and quantitative PCR positive results obtained further investigation amino acid sequencing to determine whether there is a mutant HBsAg cause serological detection of HBsAg escape by HBsAg reagents used for screening of blood donors
Result. There was 20 samples (0.40%) had results of HBsAg negative and positive NAT multiplex, and only 16 samples (80%) HBsAg negative and positive discrimenatory NAT. Furthermore, the results of the examination of anti-HBc and anti-HBs negative positive / negative obtained only 1 samples (6.25%), anti-HBc positive and negative anti-Hbs obtained 9 samples (56.25%), and anti-HBc , anti- HBs positive are 5 samples (31.25%). and then , qualitative PCR examination and had 3 samples (18.75%), is not detected, 6 (37.5%) samples, and some samples showed a low viral load results detection (sensitivity under tools value), and 6 samples (43.75%) shows viral load is positive. In qualitative PCR and sequencing obtained 2 samples (28.57%) found a mutation in the S gene at position 143 where there T143M amino acid substitution.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Birry Karim
"Latar Belakang: Human immuno deficiency virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV/AIDS merupakan masalah global yang menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan antara kasus HIV/AIDS dengan adanya kejadian aterosklerosis sebagai pemicu terjadinya kasus Penyakit Jantung Koroner PJK . Pemberian Antiretroviral ARV tersebut juga berisiko untuk kejadian PJK melalui mekanisme dislipidemia, lipodistrofi, resistensi insulin dan gangguan hati, yang juga bisa menyebabkan penebalan tunika intima media.Tujuan: Mendapatkan korelasi perubahan kadar CD 4, kadar viral load dan Indeks Massa Tubuh terhadap perubahan ketebalan tunika intima media arteri karotis pada pasien HIV yang mendapat ARV lini pertama selama 12 bulanMetode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi uji korelasi terhadap 54 pasien HIV yang menggunakan data sekunder penelitian JACCANDO PROJECT. Data yang digunakan adalah data USG doppler arteri karotis, hasil CD 4, hasil viral load dan hasil Indeks Massa Tubuh IMT .Hasil: Median CD 4 sebelum pemberian ARV ialah 68 sel/ l, sedangkan median CD 4 sesudah pemberian ARV 286,5 sel/ l. Median kadar viral load sebelum ARV sebesar 1.79 log10 copy/ml, sedangkan median viral load sesudah ARV yaitu 0 log10 copy/ml. Median IMT sebelum ARV 19.6, sedangkan median sesudah 12 bulan ARV 19.72. Rerata tunika intima media arteri karotis kiri sebelum dan sesudah pemberian ARV selama 12 bulan ialah 0.58 dan 0.63 dengan p-value 0.031. Korelasi perubahan kadar CD 4 dengan ketebalan tunika intima media arteri karotis kanan r= 0.08, p=0,58 , dan kiri r= 0.01, p=0,965 . Korelasi perubahan kadar viral load dengan ketebalan tunika intima media arteri karotis kanan r= 0.09, p=0,54 dan arteri karotis kiri r= 0.06, p=0,66 . Korelasi perubahan kadar IMT dengan perubahan ketebalan tunika intima kanan r= - 0.11, p=0,37 dan kiri r= -0.18, p=0,19 .Simpulan: Ketebalan tunika intima mengalami peningkatan antara sebelum dan sesudah pengobatan antiretroviral, namun tidak didapatkan korelasi antara kadar CD4, Viral load dan indeks massa tubuh dengan ketebalan tunika intima arteri karotis.
Background Human immuno deficiency virus Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HIV AIDS is currently a global issue related with coronary artery disease. The effects of antiretroviral ARV is accompanied with some negative features such as dyslipidemia, lipodystrophy, insulin resistance and liver dysfunction which all contribute to increasing tunima intima thickness.Objective To acquire correlation between level of CD4, viral load, and Body Mass Index BMI with changes in tunica intima of carotid artery thickness in HIV patients receiving first line ARV for 12 monthsMethods This study is a correlation study involving 54 HIV patients using secondary data from the JACCANDO PROJECT research data such as Doppler ultrasound of the carotid artery, CD4 values, viral load as well as BMI.Results Median CD before antiretroviral treatment was 68 cells l, median CD 4 after ARV 286.5 cell l. The median viral load rate before ARV was 1.79 log10 copy ml, while median viral load after ARV was 0 log10 copy ml. The median BMI before ARV was 19.6, while median after 12 months of ARV was 19.72. The mean of the left artery carotid artery intima media before and after ARV administration for 12 months was 0.58 and 0.63 with p value 0.031. Correlation of changes in CD4 levels with the thickness of tunica intima medium of right carotid artery r 0.08, p 0,58 , and left r 0.01, p 0,965 . Correlation of changes in viral load levels with the tunica thickness of the right carotid artery medium r 0.09, p 0,54 and left carotid artery r 0.06, p 0.66 . Correlation of changes in BMI levels with changes in thickness of the right tunica intima r 0.11, p 0.37 and left carotid artery r 0.18, p 0.19 .Conclusion The thickness of intima tunica increased after antiretroviral treatment, but no correlation found between CD4, viral load and BMI level with the thickness of the intima tunica carotid artery."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library