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Rommy Zunera
Latar Belakang : pengukuran VPW dari modalitas foto toraks merupakan
pemeriksaan yang non invasif, cepat dan mudah untuk memprediksi kondisi
hipervolemia. Namun belum terdapat konsensus nilai rerata VPW yang dipakai
secara global, sehingga penggunaan nilai rerata VPW dari penelitian sebelumnya
terhadap populasi diluar populasi penelitian tersebut mungkin tidak relavan. Di
Indonesia khususnya di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo belum terdapat data
dasar nilai rerata VPW.
Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui rerata nilai VPW dewasa normal Indonesia
Desain Penelitian: Retrospektif potong lintang
Metode: Pengukuran jarak antara tepi terluar arteri subklavia kiri dengan tepi
terluar vena kava superior yang melewati bronkus utama kanan (VPW),
pengukuran rasio VPW terhadap diameter jantung terluas dan rasio VPW terhadap
diameter terluas rongga toraks. Pengukuran dilakukan pada radiografi toraks PA
dari 104 subyek normal yang terdiri dari 52 laki-laki dan 52 perempuan, dihitung
rerata dan standar deviasi. Pengukuran serupa juga dilakukan pada topogram CT
scan toraks (radiografi toraks AP supine) dan CT scan toraks dari 103 subyek
yang terdiri dari 51 laki-laki dan 52 perempuan.
Hasil: Pada pemeriksaan toraks PA didapatkan rerata VPW 48,0 mm ± 5,5 mm,
rerata VPCR 40,3% ± 4,6 %, dan rerata VPTR 17,2% ± 1,7%. Pada pemeriksaan
topogram CT scan didapatkan rerata VPW 50,3 mm ± 6,2 mm, rerata VPTR 45%
± 5,1%, dan rerata VPTR 19,8% ± 2,5%. Rerata VPW pada CT scan toraks 50,4 ±
6,1 mm. Pengukuran pada foto toraks AP sekitar 10 % lebih besar dibandingkan
pada foto toraks PA, dan pengukuranVPW pada foto toraks terbukti memiliki
akurasi yang tinggi.
Kesimpulan: Rerata VPW pada pemeriksaan foto toraks PA tegak dewasa normal
Indonesia adalah 48 ± 5,5 mm, ternyata tidak berbeda bermakna dengan rerata
VPW pada populasi barat ( 48 ± 5mm). Rerata VPCR pada foto toraks PA
adalah 40,3 % ± 4,6 % dan VPTR adalah 17,2 % ± 1,7 %.

Background: Vascular pedicle width (VPW) is the distance, from a perpendicular
line at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery off the aorta to the point at
which the superior vena cava. Measurement of VPW on chest x-ray is relatively
non-invasive, fast and easy technique as hypervolemia predictor, but no
wordwide consensus has been proposed.
Objective: to investigate mean vascular pedicle witdh of Indonesian adult
Study design: Retrospective cross sectional
Methods : VPW is the distance, measure in millimeters, from a perpendicular line
at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery to the point at which the superior
vena cava crosses the right main bronchus, than calculate VPW ratio to a widest
horizontal diameter of cardiac dan thoracic wall.
Results : Data from 104 PA chest x-ray of normal subjects and 103 thoracic CT
scan of selected subjects. On PA chest x-ray obtained mean VPW 48,0 mm ± 5.5
mm, mean VPCR 40.3% ± 4.6%, and mean VPTR 17.2% ± 1.7%. On CT scan
topogram obtained mean VPW 50,3 mm ± 6.2 mm, mean VPTR 45% ± 5.1%, and
mean VPTR 19.8% ± 2.5%. On thoracic CT scan obtained mean VPW 50.4 ± 6.1
mm. Measurements on the AP chest x-ray about 10% greater than in the PA
chest x-ray, and measurement of VPW on conventional chest x-ray aproved to
have high accuracy.
Conclusions :The mean VPW on erect chest x-ray of Indonesian adult is 48 ± 5,5
mm, no significant different between westerns population ( 48 ± 5mm).;Background: Vascular pedicle width (VPW) is the distance, from a perpendicular
line at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery off the aorta to the point at
which the superior vena cava. Measurement of VPW on chest x-ray is relatively
non-invasive, fast and easy technique as hypervolemia predictor, but no
wordwide consensus has been proposed.
Objective: to investigate mean vascular pedicle witdh of Indonesian adult
Study design: Retrospective cross sectional
Methods : VPW is the distance, measure in millimeters, from a perpendicular line
at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery to the point at which the superior
vena cava crosses the right main bronchus, than calculate VPW ratio to a widest
horizontal diameter of cardiac dan thoracic wall.
Results : Data from 104 PA chest x-ray of normal subjects and 103 thoracic CT
scan of selected subjects. On PA chest x-ray obtained mean VPW 48,0 mm ± 5.5
mm, mean VPCR 40.3% ± 4.6%, and mean VPTR 17.2% ± 1.7%. On CT scan
topogram obtained mean VPW 50,3 mm ± 6.2 mm, mean VPTR 45% ± 5.1%, and
mean VPTR 19.8% ± 2.5%. On thoracic CT scan obtained mean VPW 50.4 ± 6.1
mm. Measurements on the AP chest x-ray about 10% greater than in the PA
chest x-ray, and measurement of VPW on conventional chest x-ray aproved to
have high accuracy.
Conclusions :The mean VPW on erect chest x-ray of Indonesian adult is 48 ± 5,5
mm, no significant different between westerns population ( 48 ± 5mm).;Background: Vascular pedicle width (VPW) is the distance, from a perpendicular
line at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery off the aorta to the point at
which the superior vena cava. Measurement of VPW on chest x-ray is relatively
non-invasive, fast and easy technique as hypervolemia predictor, but no
wordwide consensus has been proposed.
Objective: to investigate mean vascular pedicle witdh of Indonesian adult
Study design: Retrospective cross sectional
Methods : VPW is the distance, measure in millimeters, from a perpendicular line
at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery to the point at which the superior
vena cava crosses the right main bronchus, than calculate VPW ratio to a widest
horizontal diameter of cardiac dan thoracic wall.
Results : Data from 104 PA chest x-ray of normal subjects and 103 thoracic CT
scan of selected subjects. On PA chest x-ray obtained mean VPW 48,0 mm ± 5.5
mm, mean VPCR 40.3% ± 4.6%, and mean VPTR 17.2% ± 1.7%. On CT scan
topogram obtained mean VPW 50,3 mm ± 6.2 mm, mean VPTR 45% ± 5.1%, and
mean VPTR 19.8% ± 2.5%. On thoracic CT scan obtained mean VPW 50.4 ± 6.1
mm. Measurements on the AP chest x-ray about 10% greater than in the PA
chest x-ray, and measurement of VPW on conventional chest x-ray aproved to
have high accuracy.
Conclusions :The mean VPW on erect chest x-ray of Indonesian adult is 48 ± 5,5
mm, no significant different between westerns population ( 48 ± 5mm)., Background: Vascular pedicle width (VPW) is the distance, from a perpendicular
line at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery off the aorta to the point at
which the superior vena cava. Measurement of VPW on chest x-ray is relatively
non-invasive, fast and easy technique as hypervolemia predictor, but no
wordwide consensus has been proposed.
Objective: to investigate mean vascular pedicle witdh of Indonesian adult
Study design: Retrospective cross sectional
Methods : VPW is the distance, measure in millimeters, from a perpendicular line
at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery to the point at which the superior
vena cava crosses the right main bronchus, than calculate VPW ratio to a widest
horizontal diameter of cardiac dan thoracic wall.
Results : Data from 104 PA chest x-ray of normal subjects and 103 thoracic CT
scan of selected subjects. On PA chest x-ray obtained mean VPW 48,0 mm ± 5.5
mm, mean VPCR 40.3% ± 4.6%, and mean VPTR 17.2% ± 1.7%. On CT scan
topogram obtained mean VPW 50,3 mm ± 6.2 mm, mean VPTR 45% ± 5.1%, and
mean VPTR 19.8% ± 2.5%. On thoracic CT scan obtained mean VPW 50.4 ± 6.1
mm. Measurements on the AP chest x-ray about 10% greater than in the PA
chest x-ray, and measurement of VPW on conventional chest x-ray aproved to
have high accuracy.
Conclusions :The mean VPW on erect chest x-ray of Indonesian adult is 48 ± 5,5
mm, no significant different between westerns population ( 48 ± 5mm).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farahniar Hamidiana
Latar belakang. Status volume intravaskular hipovolemia atau hipervolemia dapat meningkatkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas. Baku emas penilaian status volume intravaskular adalah pemeriksaan immunoassay, sifatnya invasif, sulit dan lama sehingga para klinisi mencari teknik yang tidak invasif, mudah dan singkat. Pemeriksaan diameter vena kava inferior IVC dan vascular pedicle width VPW merupakan teknik noninvasif yang mulai dipakai untuk menilai status volume intravaskular. Keuntungan VPW adalah dapat dilakukan pada rumah sakit yang tidak memiliki USG. Uji kesesuaian IVC dan VPW dalam menilai status volume intravaskular hanya pernah dilakukan pada pasien dengan ventilasi mekanik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian hasil penilaian status volume intravaskular antara teknik ultrasonografi diameter IVC dengan teknik radiografi dada VPW pada pasien napas spontan. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis observasional analitik potong lintang untuk mengetahui kesesuaian hasil penilaian status volume intravaskular pasien di ruang resusitasi IGD antara IVC dengan VPW pada bulan Mei 2018. Didapatkan 40 subjek yang memenuhi kritera penerimaan dan bersedia menandatangani informed consent penelitian. 40 subjek diukur VPW-nya dari hasil radiografi dada oleh sejawat Radiologi di IGD lalu dinilai diameter IVC maksimal, minimal dan reratanya serta collapsibility index-nya oleh peserta PPDS Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif. Terdapat 1 subjek yang dikelurkan karena nilai VPW tidak dapat diukur. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Kappa. Hasil. Nilai median diameter IVC 1,1 cm dengan nilai minimum 0,46 cm dan maksimum 3 cm. Nilai median collapsibility index 33 dengan nilai minimum 10,2 dan maksimum 100 . Nilai median VPW 5,7 cm dengan nilai minimum 3,5 cm dan maksimum 10,8 cm. Didapatkan hasil tidak adanya kesesuaian antara diameter rerata IVC dengan VPW koefisien Kappa -0,085 . Tidak terdapat kesesuaian antara diameter maksimal IVC dengan VPW koefisien Kappa -0,123 . Tidak terdapat kesesuaian juga antara collapsibility index dengan VPW koefisien Kappa 0,069 Simpulan. Penilaian status volume intravaskular teknik ultrasonografi diameter IVC tidak sesuai dengan teknik radiografi dada VPW. Kata Kunci: status volume intravaskular; kesesuaian; IVC; VPW ABSTRACT
Background. Intravascular volume status hypovolemia or hypervolemia can both increase morbidity and mortality. The gold standard for assessing intravascular volume is immunoassay measurement. It is an invasive measurement, difficult and requires time before a final evaluation is complete. So there is a significant need for a rapid, noninvasive and easy technique to determines volume status. Inferior vena cava IVC and vascular pedicle width VPW are noninvasive and easy technique to measure intravascular volume status. VPW can be done without USG. Compatibility between IVC and VPW had only been done in patient with mechanical ventilation. This study was conducted to see compatibility between IVC diameter and VPW for assessing intravascular volume status in spontaneous patient. Methods. This was a cross sectional analytic study in the emergency room to see compatibility between IVC diameter and VPW for assessing intravascular volume status in spontaneous patient during May 2018. There were 40 subjects who fulfilled inclusion criteria and agreed to sign informed consent. VPW of 40 subjects were assessed by the radiologist then the maximum, minimum, mean diameter and collapsibility index of the IVC were assessed by anesthesiologist resident in the emergency room. There was 1 drop out subject due to VPW can not be measured. We use Kappa analysis for this study.. Results. Median of IVC diameter for this study was 1,1 cm, with minimum diameter was 0,46 cm and maximum was 3 cm. Median of collapsibility index was 33 , with minimum value was 10,2 and maximum was 100 . Median of VPW was 5,7 cm, with minimum outcome was 3,5 cm and maximum was 10,8 cm. We found that there was no compatibility between IVC mean diameter and VPW Kappa coefficent was -0,085 . There was also no compatibility between IVC maximum diameter and VPW Kappa coefficient -0,123 . WE also found there was no compatibility between collapsibility index of IVC and VPW Kappa coefficient 0,069 Conclusion. Assessment intravascular volume status by ultrasonography technique of IVC diameter was not compatible with radiographic technique of VPW. Keywords: intravascular volume status; compatibility; IVC; VPW."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library