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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Henik Agustina
Efficiency of water usage is needed for sustainable agriculture. The aim of this research is to investigate the hydroponic (NFT, DFT, Aeroponic) efficiency on water use using Amaranthus viridis L. as the planted material. Efficiency on water use was measured by comparing the water use on hydroponic with the control during the plant growing period. The result shows that the three type of hydroponics are able to increase efficiency of water use. NFT is the most efficient technique with efficiency on water use 20.43%. While DFT
and Aeroponic, has the efficiency on water use 12.29% and 3.57%, respectively. Enhancing efficiency of water use on hydroponic was caused by the clossing and circulating irrigation technique on hydroponic are able to minimize the evaporation . "
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Meutia Aurora
"Bangunan hijau yang mengusung konsep sustainability dimaknai juga suatu konsep
yang mengaplikasikan bagaimana sebuah bangunan dirancang, dibangun dan
diaplikasikan dengan memperhatikan sumber daya yang efisien, bertanggung jawab
terhadap lingkungan serta berdampak positif bagi lingkungan sosial dan ekonomi.
Kegagalan konsep dalam bangunan sering timbul akibat besarnya perhatian pada
pertimbangan teknis, dengan hanya sedikit mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai,
perilaku dan karakter penghuninya. Bangunan blok eksisting rusunawa pada
kawasan yang ditetapkan menggunakan konsep zona hijau, belum melakukan
penerapan konsep hijau pada bangunan. Untuk menerapkan konsep tersebut pada
bangunan perlu ditinjau aspek perilaku penghuninya. Dari hubungan bangunan
dan penghuninya, dapat diketahui faktor-faktor yang paling mempengaruhi agar
konsep bangunan hijau untuk penghuni rusunawa yang lebih optimal. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penerapan konsep bangunan hijau pada
Rusunawa ditinjau dari aspek efisiensi energi, air, kualitas udara, dan pengelolaan
limbah, menganalisis perilaku peduli lingkungan penghuninya, serta menganalisis
hubungan perilaku peduli lingkungan dengan sikap, pemahaman dan persepsi
penghuni terhadap penerapan konsep hijau pada bangunan. Metode analisis
deskripif digunakan untuk menganalisis penerapan bangunan hijau dan mengukur
indeks perilaku peduli lingkungan penghuni. Untuk menganalisis hubungan
perilaku peduli lingkungan dengan sikap, pemahaman dan persepsi penghuni
terhadap penerapan konsep hijau pada bangunan digunakan metode SEM-PLS.
Berdasarkan analisa diperoleh hasil bahwa penerapan konsep hijau ditinjau dari
aspek efisiensi energi pada bangunan lokasi penelitian sudah memenuhi kriteria;
aspek efisiensi air, penerapan pada bangunan sudah memenuhi kriteria; aspek
kenyamanan termal bangunan belum memenuhi kriteria kenyamanan dalam
konsep hijau; aspek pengelolaan limbah cair bangunan belum memenuhi kriteria
dalam hal pemanfaatan air hasil olahan IPAL; dan dari aspek limbah padat
bangunan belum menyediakan fasilitas pengolahan/pemilahan sampah. Dari hasil
penilaian perilaku peduli lingkungan penghuni rusun, tingkat kepedulian penghuni
berada pada kriteria sedang, dengan indeks tertinggi pada kriteria efisiensi energi
dan terendah pada kriteri pengelolaan sampah. Berdasarkan model dapat diketahui
bahwa untuk memperbaiki perilaku peduli lingkungan dapat dilakukan dengan
meningkatkan pengetahuan penghuni terhadap informasi mengenai program
lingkungan dan meningkatkan persepsi penghuni terhadap penerapan konsep
hijau. Persepsi penghuni terhadap penerapan konsep hijau dapat ditingkatkan
dengan perbaikan fasilitas pada bangunan sesuai kriteria.

Green building is defined as a concept that applies how a building is designed,
built and applied with due regard to efficient resources, is responsible for the
environment and has a positive impact on the social and economic environment.
The failure of the concept in the building often arises from the great attention paid
to technical considerations, with little consideration of the values, behavior and
character of the inhabitants. The existing rental flats building blocks in the area
that are designated using the green zone concept, have not implemented the green
concept in the building. To apply this concept to buildings, it is necessary to
review aspects of the occupants' behavior. From the relationship between the
building and its occupants, it can be seen the factors that most influence the
optimal green building concept for the residents of the flat. The purpose of this
research is to analyze the application of the green building concept in rental flats
in terms of energy efficiency, water, air quality and waste management, to analyze
the environmental care behavior of its residents, and to analyze the relationship
between environmental care behavior and occupants' attitudes, understanding
and perceptions of the concept application green on the building. Descriptive
analysis method is used to analyze the application of green buildings and measure
the index of environmental care for residents. To analyze the relationship between
environmental care behavior and attitudes, understanding and occupants'
perceptions of the application of green concepts in buildings, SEM-PLS method is
used. Based on the analysis, the results show that the application of the green
concept in terms of energy efficiency aspects in the research location building has
met the criteria; aspects of water efficiency, application in buildings has met the
criteria; the thermal comfort aspect of the building does not meet the comfort
criteria in the green concept; the aspect of building liquid waste management
does not meet the criteria in terms of utilizing water from IPAL; and from the
aspect of solid waste, the building has not provided waste processing / sorting
facilities. From the results of the assessment of the environmental care behavior
of the residents of the flat, the level of care of residents is in the medium criteria,
with the highest index on the criteria for energy efficiency and the lowest on the
criteria for waste management. Based on the model, it can be seen that improving
environmental care behavior can be done by increasing residents 'knowledge of
information about environmental programs and increasing residents' perceptions
of the application of green concepts. Residents' perceptions of the application of
the green concept can be improved by improving facilities in buildings according
to the criteria. The concept requires environmental program factors that are run
by the building manager and the active involvement of residents."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amrina Rosyada
"Proses produksi gula aren di rumah Industri CV Diva Maju Bersama menghasilkan air limbah dalam prosesnya. Air limbah industri ini memiliki konsentrasi COD yang tinggi yakni lebih dari 2000 mg/l sehingga melebihi baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa efektivitas system Moving-bed biofilm sequencing batch reactor dalam mengurangi konsentrasi COD pada air limbah industri gula aren sekaligus kesesuaiannya dengan baku mutu yang ada. Proses penelitian berlangsung secara eksperimental pada skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan 1 unit MBSBR dengan working volume 25 liter. Media yang digunakan sebagai tempat pertumbuhan bakteri adalah Kaldness K1 dengan rasio 60. Pada proses pembebanan digunakan variasi waktu detensi 12 sampai 24 jam.
Hasil percobaan menunjukan rentang efisiensi penyisihan COD pada waktu detensi 12, 18, dan 24 jam berturut-turut 84 ndash; 89 , 86 ndash; 91 , dan 88 ndash; 92 dengan konsentrasi DO optimum 2.41 ndash; 2.62 mg/l. Nilai beban organik pada rentang 3.27 ndash; 4.27 kg COD/m3.hari menghasilkan efisiensi penyisihan COD diatas 88 . Peningkatan nilai beban organik mengakibatkan penurunan efisiensi penyisihan COD. Berdasarkan uji statistik independent t-Test dan analisa terhadap baku mutu, waktu detensi 24 jam dipilih sebagai waktu detensi optimum yang akan digunakan untuk kebutuhan perancangan.

The production of palm sugar in CV Diva Maju Bersama home industry produces waste water in the process. This industrial waste water has a high concentration of COD that is more than 2000 mg l which exceeds the quality standard. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of Moving bed biofilm sequencing batch reactor system in reducing the concentration of COD in its suitability with the quality standard. The research process was conducted experimentally on a laboratory scale. MBSBR unit with working volume 25 liters is being used during the experimental. The medium used as a place for bacterial growth is Kaldness K1 with a ratio of 60. The detention time were varied from 12 to 24 hours during the feeding time.
The results show the efficiency removal of COD at 12, 18, and 24 hours detention time respectively is 84 ndash 89 , 86 ndash 91 , and 88 ndash 92 with optimum DO concentration 2.41 2.62 mg L. The optimum organic loading rate to reach COD removal efficiency above 88 is in the range of 3.27 4.27 kg COD m3.day. The increasing of organic loading rate will result in decreased efficiency removal of COD. Based on statistical independent t Test method and also consideration of the quality standard, 24 hour detention time is chosen as the most optimum detention time that will be used for the designing requirement.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library