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Ayu Cahya Ningrum
"Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) merupakan limbah perkerasan lentur yang telah rusak ataupun telah habis umur layannya. Di dalam RAP masih terdapat aspal dan agregat sehingga RAP dapat digunakan kembali sebagai campuran aspal baru. Namun, dalam pemanfaatan RAP diperlukan suatu bahan peremaja maupun bahan substitusi lainnya untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas RAP yang telah mengalami penurunan akibat penghamparan selama masa layannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan material RAP sebagai bahan daur ulang aspal dan bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh oli bekas sebagai bahan peremaja serta pengaruh limbah plastik LDPE sebagai material substitusi untuk meningkatkan ketahanan campuran dalam menahan deformasi. Penggunaan oli bekas 9% terhadap bitumen RAP mampu meningkatkan penetrasi bitumen sehingga memenuhi persyaratan untuk aspal penetrasi 60/70. Variasi limbah plastik LDPE yang digunakan adalah 5%, 6%, dan 8% dari berat aspal total. Pengaruh plastik dari hasil pengujian marshall menunjukkan penurunan stabilitas akibat limbah plastik yang belum meleleh pada suhu pencampuran (154°C) sehingga meningkatkan kebutuhan selimut aspal. Dari hasil pengujian marshall dan perbandingan variasi kadar plastik, dipilih kadar plastik terbaik 6% dari berat total aspal. Penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui laju deformasi dan stabilitas dinamis campuran dilakukan pengujian Wheel Tracking Machine (WTM) pada suhu 26°C, 35°C, 45°C dan 60°C. Dari hasil penelitian, penggunaan limbah plastik mempengaruhi kekakuan campuran yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai consolidated deformation (d0) yang lebih rendah. Selain itu, plastik juga mampu meningkatkan interlocking antar agregat sehingga meningkatkan stabilitas dinamis campuran dan menurunkan laju deformasi.
......Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is pavement waste that has been damaged or has exhausted its service life. In the RAP there is still asphalt and aggregate so RAP can be reused as a new asphalt mixture, but its need a rejuvenating agent or other substiture material to improve the quality RAP. This research was conducted using RAP material as asphalt recycling and investigating the effect of used waste engine oil as RAP rejuvenator and the effect of LDPE plastic waste in resisting deformation. The use of 9% oil engine waste for RAP bitumen is able to increase penetration and reduce the softening point of bitumen RAP so that it meets the requirements for 60/70 penetration asphalt. The variations of LDPE plastic waste used are 5%, 6%, and 8% the total asphalt weight. The effect of plastics on the RAP mixture shows a decrease in stability due to the plastic waste that does not melt at the mixing temperature (154°C) and this increases the need for asphalt blankets. From the results of the Marshall test and the comparison of variations in plastic content, the best plastic content is 6% of the total asphalt weight selected. Further tests to determine the rate of deformation and dynamics stability were carried out by Wheel Tracking Machine (WTM) test at temperatures of 26°C, 35°C, 45°C, and 60°C. From the results, the plastic waste mixture has better deformation resistance because plastic affects the stiffness of the mixture seen from the consolidated deformation (d0) which is greater than the mixture without plastic at any temperature variation. In addition, plastics can increase interlocking between aggregates so increase dynamic stability and decrease rate of deformation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatih Nuurahman Putro Imansyah
Perkerasan jalan raya dirancang dengan ketentuan mampu memenuhi faktor ketahanan terhadap deformasi akibat pengulangan beban roda. Deformasi alur terjadi ketika terjadi peningkatan tegangan tarik pada suhu tinggi akibat beban roda. Hubungan antara jumlah lintasan roda dengan tegangan permanen dapat diketahui melalui uji alur roda. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh nano crumb rubber dalam upaya peningkatan ketahanan aspal campuran panas terhadap pengaruh suhu akibat beban roda kendaraan khususnya pada jalan lalu lintas berat. Limbah ban bekas yang telah dihaluskan sampai butiran ukuran nano yang disebut dengan nano crumb rubber (NCR). Material ini ditambahkan pada agregat halus, pada umumnya disebut dengan pencampuran kering. Penambahan NCR sebesar 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% terhadap kandungan filler pada campuran aspal panas (ACWC). Dengan metode ini didapatkan bahwa terjadi penurunan dari segi kualitas, dilihat dari hasil stabilitas yang menurun cukup jauh. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan melakukan penambahan NCR sebanyak 2,5% dan 5% dari berat aspal. Sehingga dapat diketahui pengaruh penambahan Nano Crumb Rubber yang didapat melalui uji Wheel Tracking Machine. Dari pengujian WTM didapatkan bahwa penambahan NCR dalam campuran beraspal akan meningkatkan kualitas dari campuran tersebut, pada suhu rendah peningkatan kualitas 2,5% NCR tidak setinggi penambahan 5% NCR, akan tetapi penambahan 5% NCR lemah terhadap suhu yang tinggi. Pada suhu pengujian 60°C 2,5% merupakan yang terbaik.

Highway Pavement is designed with the provision of being able to meet the resistance factor to deformation due to repetition of wheel load. Rutting occurs when there is an increase in tensile stress at high temperatures due to wheel load. The relationship between the number of trajectories of wheels with permanent stress can be known through the wheel tracking test. This study was to determine the effect of nano crumb rubber in an effort to increase the resistance of hot mix asphalt to the influence of temperature due to vehicle wheel loads, especially on heavy traffic roads. Waste from used tires to nano-size granules called nano crumb rubber (NCR). This material is subtitute to fine aggregates, generally called dry mixing. The addition of NCR is 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the filler content in hot asphalt mixtures (ACWC). With this method, it was found that there was a decrease in quality, from the results of the stability which decreased quite far. The research was continued by adding NCR as much as 2.5% and 5% of the asphalt weight. So that it can be seen the effect of adding Nano Crumb Rubber obtained through the Wheel Tracking Machine test. From the WTM test it was found that the addition of NCR in the asphalt mixture would improve the quality of the mixture, at low temperatures the increase in the quality of 2.5% NCR was not as high as the addition of 5% NCR, but the addition of 5% NCR was weak to high temperatures. At the test temperature 60 ° C 2.5% is the best."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldila Kurnia
Penggunaan Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) sebagai alternatif penggunaan pada perkerasan telah dilakukan di beberapa negara. Mengurangi efek rumah kaca, pengurangan penggunaan energi dan biaya yang dikeluarkan merupakan keuntungan lain penggunaan WMA. Pengurangan suhu berkisar antara 20-40⁰ C. Penggunaan BNA-R (Button Natural Asphalt Rubber) sebagai bahan tambah dapat memberi kontribusi peningkatan kekuatan campuran aspal hangat. Studi penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kontribusi BNA-R terhadap aspal dan campuran aspal hangat. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji properties aspal, uji Marshall dan Marshall Immersion, serta uji Wheel Tracking siklus panjang dengan perubahan suhu. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasi adanya kontribusi BNA-R terhadap campuran hangat dengan penambahan kadar terbaik sebesar 10%. Kontribusi BNA-R dapat menaikkan nilai Indeks Penetrasi sebesar 76%, menurunkan nilai penetrasi sebesar 30% dan menaikkan titik lembek sebesar 8%, serta memperbaiki sifat-sifat campuran aspal. Campuran aspal dengan BNA-R dapat menaikkan nilai stabilitas dinamis sebesar 29%.

;The use of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) as an alternative way in the use of pavement has been conducted in several countries. Reducing the greenhouse gas effect, energy use and costs are several other advantages in using WMA. Temperature reduction is in approximate range between 20-40⁰ C. The use of BNA-R (Button Natural Asphalt Rubber) as an additive material which can give the contribution; such as increasing the strength of warm mix asphalt. The study of this research is conducted to determine the contribution of BNA-R on asphalt and warm mix asphalt. This research uses the properties of asphalt, Marshall and Marshall Immersion tests, as well as the Wheel Tracking test on long cycle with temperature changes. The results of this study indicate that there are several contributions of BNA-R to the warm mixture by adding BNA-R at 10%. Those contributions of BNA-R can increase 76% of Penetration Index value, reduce 30% of penetration value, increase 8% of softening point and also elevate the characteristics of the asphalt mixture. Moreover, the warm mix asphalt with BNA-R can increase the value of dynamic stability by 29%.
, The use of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) as an alternative way in the use of pavement has been conducted in several countries. Reducing the greenhouse gas effect, energy use and costs are several other advantages in using WMA. Temperature reduction is in approximate range between 20-40⁰ C. The use of BNA-R (Button Natural Asphalt Rubber) as an additive material which can give the contribution; such as increasing the strength of warm mix asphalt. The study of this research is conducted to determine the contribution of BNA-R on asphalt and warm mix asphalt. This research uses the properties of asphalt, Marshall and Marshall Immersion tests, as well as the Wheel Tracking test on long cycle with temperature changes. The results of this study indicate that there are several contributions of BNA-R to the warm mixture by adding BNA-R at 10%. Those contributions of BNA-R can increase 76% of Penetration Index value, reduce 30% of penetration value, increase 8% of softening point and also elevate the characteristics of the asphalt mixture. Moreover, the warm mix asphalt with BNA-R can increase the value of dynamic stability by 29%.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library