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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fabian Naufal Adhitama
"Tugas akhir ini memuat tentang penjelasan mengenai digital nomad dan postur yang diambil saat bekerja di dalam variasi ruang kerja. Penulisan ini dilakukan dengan analisis data sekunder dari video gaya hidup seorang digital nomad.
......This Final Assignment contain of digital nomads and the postures taken while working in a variety of workspaces. This writing was carried out by analysing secondary data from videos of the lifestyle of a digital nomad."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rania Ernaila
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis preferensi dan karakteristik pekerja berdasarkan pilihan tempat kerja seperti rumah, co-working space, dan non co-working space serta menghitung besarnya rebound effect Kota Bekasi saat diberlakukannya skema Work From Anywhere (WFA). Analisis yang dilakukan terdiri dari analisis karakteristik pekerja dan rebound effect dari pengembangan model. Data primer yang digunakan untuk analisis diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara tatap muka secara online dan offline kepada pekerja kantor Jakarta yang berdomisili di Kota Bekasi. Pertanyaan kuesioner terdiri dari bagian karakteristik responden dan dua bagian pertanyaan stated preference yang digunakan untuk dua penelitian berbeda. Penelitian ini melanjutkan hasil statistik deskriptif dari bagian pertama pertanyaan stated preference dan kemudian dikembangkan model untuk analisis rebound effect. Model yang dikembangkan adalah logit biner yang mensyaratkan dibangunnya fungsi utilitas pada setiap kelompok data. Sebelum ditetapkan sebagai model yang dapat mewakili kelompok data, seluruh model yang terbentuk diuji kelayakannya dengan uji Omnibus, Hosmer and Lemenshow’s Goodness of Fit, dan -2 Log Likelihood. Model yang terbukti kelayakannya diuji validitas dengan metode Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) dan model dengan RMSE terkecil ditetapkan sebagai model terbaik. Hasil dari pengembangan model menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 55% sampel yang keluar rumah dari pertanyaan bagian pertama stated preference memilih co-working space pada 5-10 hari WFA yang mereka miliki sebagai tempat kerja alternatif . Selain itu, disimpulkan bahwa terjadi kenaikan preferensi ke luar rumah sebesar 8% jika ada pilihan tempat kerja alternatif yang lebih konkret.
......The study aims to analyze worker preferences and characteristics based on workplace choices such as home, co-working space, and non-co-working space and to calculate the potential rebound effect emerging in Bekasi City when the Work From Anywhere (WFA) scheme is implemented. The analysis consists of worker characteristics analysis and rebound effect from model development. The primary data used for the analysis were obtained from distributing questionnaires and face-to-face online and offline interviews to Jakarta office workers domiciled in Bekasi City. The questionnaire questions consist of a respondent characteristics section and two stated preference section used for two different studies. This study continues the descriptive statistical results from the first part of the stated preference questions and then develops a model for rebound effect analysis. The model developed is a binary logit that requires the construction of an utility function on each data group. Before being determined as a model that can represent the data group, all models formed are tested for feasibility with the Omnibus test, Hosmer and Lemenshow's Goodness of Fit, and -2 Log Likelihood. Models that are proven to be feasible are tested for validity using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) method and model with the smallest RMSE is determined as the best model. The results of the model development show that as many as 55% of the samples who left the house from the first part of the stated preference question chose co-working space on their 5-10 days of WFA as an alternative workplace. In addition, it was concluded that there was an increase in preference to leaving the house by 8% if there was a more concrete choice of alternative workplace."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eti Setyarini
"Tesis ini membahas proactive work behaviour dalam pelaksanaan flexible working space di lingkungan Badan Kebijakan Fiskal. Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh pandemi covid-19 yang berdampak pada perubahan pengaturan kerja pegawai dari sistem work from office menjadi sistem flexible working space. Namun demikian, pengaturan kerja demikian tidak selalu memperoleh respon positif karena keterbatasan mekanisme pemantauan kinerja yang berpotensi menurunkan kinerja pegawai. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut pelaksanaan flexible working space perlu dievaluasi, khususnya dari perspektif proactive work behaviour dan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap proactive work behaviour. Evaluasi menjadi semakin penting karena mayoritas pegawai menginginkan flexible working space menjadi pengaturan kerja pasca pandemi covid-19. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods dengan teknik pengumpulan data secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa flexible working space mempengaruhi employee well-being, employee well-being mempengaruhi proactive work behaviour, flexible working space tidak mempengaruhi proactive work behaviour, flexible working space, employee well-being, dan perceived organizational support secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi proactive work behaviour, variabel mediator employee well-being mempengaruhi hubungan flexible working space terhadap proactive work behaviour, variabel moderator perceived organizational support mempengaruhi hubungan flexible working space terhadap proactive work behaviour, variabel mediator employee well-being dan variabel moderator perceived organizational support mempengaruhi hubungan flexible working space terhadap proactive work behaviour. Adapun kebijakan organisasi yang dinilai tepat untuk meningkatkan proactive work behaviour dalam pelaksanaan flexible working space pasca pandemi covid-19 adalah pengelolaan SDM, kepemimpinan, dan pengelolaan organisasi yang berorientasi pada proactive work behaviour.
......This thesis discusses about proactive work behaviour in implementing flexible working space within the Fiscal Policy Agency. The research was motivated by the covid-19 pandemic which had an impact on changing employee work arrangements from a work from office system to a flexible working space system. However, such work arrangements do not always get a positive response due to limitation of performance monitoring mechanisms that have the potential to reduce employee performance. In this regard, the implementation of flexible working space needs to be evaluated, especially from the perspective of proactive work behaviour and the factors that influence proactive work behaviour. Evaluation is becoming important because the majority of employees want flexible working space to be a work arrangement after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted using a mixed methods approach with quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. The results showed that flexible working space affects employee wellbeing, employee well-being affects proactive work behaviour, flexible working space does not affect proactive work behaviour, flexible working space, employee well-being, and perceived organizational support jointly affects proactive work behaviour, intervening variable employee well-being affects the relationship of flexible working space to proactive work behaviour, moderating variable perceived organizational support affects the relationship of flexible working space to proactive work behaviour, intervening variable employee well-being and moderating variable perceived organizational support affect the relationship between flexible working space and proactive work behaviour. The organizational policies that are considered appropriate to increase proactive work behaviour in the implementation of flexible working space after the COVID-19 pandemic are HR management, leadership, and organizational management that is oriented towards proactive work behaviour."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidya Hardiani
"Program Jakarta Creative Hub merupakan metode baru yang dirancang Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta guna meningkatkan kualitas pelaku industri kreatif, dengan menggunakan media ruang kerja bersama, yang berpotensi menimbulkan hubungan yang kolaboratif dengan pelaku usaha industri kreatif lainnya. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan JCH terhadap pelaku usaha industri kreatif di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post positivis dengan menjadikan dimensi di dalam teori implementasi yang dikemukakan oleh Mazmanian dan Sabatier (1983) sebagai dasar dalam menganalisis. Data primer diperoleh dari field research dan wawancara, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan.
Secara umum hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa penerapan JCH sebagai wadah untuk mengembangkan pelaku usaha industri kreatif belum dilaksanakan dengan maksimal, dimana pada tahap pelaksanaan, regulasi yang dijadikan sebagai dasar dari jalannya program belum memiliki dasar hukum yang kuat, sehingga mempengaruhi seluruh aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam JCH. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari indikator-indikator implementasi yang belum terpenuhi dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, pelaksanaan Program JCH dirasa masih kurang sempurna karena belum menerapkan sistem pembinaan yang baik sebagai acuan dalam menciptakan dan mengembangkan pelaku industri kreatif di DKI Jakarta.
Jakarta Creative Hub Program is new method that designed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to improve the quality of creative industries business actors, which used co-working space media that potentially causing collaborative relationships with other business actors. This study discusses the implementation of JCH for creative industries business actors. This study used a post positivist approach by making the dimensions of Mazmanian and Sabatier implementation theory (1983) for analyzing. The primary data obtained through field research and interviews, and secondary data obtained from the study literature.
In general, the results of this study show that the application of the JCH as a place to develop creative industry business actors has not been carried out maximally, where at the implementation stage, regulations were used as the basis for the program not yet having a strong legal basis, which is affecting all activities that occurred in JCH. This can be seen from the implementation indicators that have not been fulfilled properly. Therefore, the implementation of the JCH Program is still considered imperfect because it has not implemented a good guidance system as a reference in creating and developing creative industry players in DKI Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library