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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Matondang, Hermanus
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai penagihan, penghapusbukuan, dan penghapustagihan piutang Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor Indonesia (LPEI). Piutang LPEI merupakan hak yang harus dibayarkan kepada LPEI. LPEI telah banyak menyalurkan pembiayaan dalam rangka mendukung program ekspor nasional. Namun demikian, piutang yang berupa pembiayaan bermasalah LPEI (kurang lancar, diragukan, dan macet) sejak tahun 2014 s.d. 2020 terus meningkat, bahkan di tahun 2020 piutang macet LPEI telah mencapai lebih dari 18 triliun rupiah. Sementara itu, pengaturan mengenai piutang dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2009 hanya mengatur mengenai syarat piutang yang dapat dihapusbukukan, syarat mengenai piutang yang dapat dihapustagihkan, kewenangan penghapusbukuan, dan kewenangan penghapustagihan serta mengamanatkan pengaturan lebih lanjut mengenai penghapusbukuan dan penghapustagihan dimaksud dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan. Dengan metode normatif-empiris, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mengetahui mengenai pengaturan mengenai penagihan, penghapusbukuan, dan penghapustagihan piutang LPEI serta untuk menganalisa dan mengetahui mengenai pelaksanaan penagihan, penghapusbukuan dan penghapustagihan piutang tersebut oleh LPEI. ......This thesis discusses the collection, write-off of account, and write-off of Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) receivables. LPEI’s receivables are rights that must be paid to LPEI. LPEI has disbursed a lot of financing in order to support the national export program. However, debt in the form of non-performing financing from LPEI (substandard, doubtful, and loss) since 2014 to 2020 continues to increase, even in 2020 LPEI's non-performing loans have reached more than 18 trillion rupiahs. Meanwhile, the regulation on receivables in Law Number 2 of 2009 only regulates the terms of write off of account receivable, write-off of receiveables, the authority to write off of account, the authority to write-off of receivables and the mandate further provisions regarding write-offs account and write-offs as referred to in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance. By using the normative-empirical method, this study aims to analyze and find out about the arrangements regarding the collection, write-off of account, and write-off of LPEI’s receivables as well as to analyze and determine the implementation of the collection, write-off of account, and write-off of LPEI’s receiveables.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardian Fitriyanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi pemindahtanganan barang milik negara melalui proses hibah yang berlarut-larut penyelesaiannya dan menjadi temuan pemeriksaan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan pada tahun 2011, dimana sampai dengan saat ini belum selesai ditindaklanjuti. Penelitan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis secara kualitatif dan strategi penelitian single studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pemindahtanganan barang milik negara telah sesuai dengan PMK 165/PMK.06/2016 dan Logic Model Theory namun belum optimal dalam pelaksanaannya. Berlarut-larutnya penyelesaian pemindahtanganan ini disebabkan karena calon penerima hibah (masyarakat/Pemerintah Daerah) tidak berkenan menyampaikan surat pernyataan kesediaan menerima hibah. Perlu dilakukan perubahan rencana pemindahtanganan dari semula melalui proses hibah, agar dilakukan pemindahtanganan melalui penjualan atau melakukan penghapusan barang milik negara dengan alasan sebab-sebab lain. ......This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the transfer of state-owned asset through a grant and became the findings of an examination by the Supreme Audit Agency in 2011, which until now has not been followed up. This research uses a descriptive qualitative analysis method and a single case study research strategy. The results of the study show that the implementation of the transfer of state-owned asset is in accordance with PMK 165/PMK.06/2016 and Logic Model Theory but has not been optimal in its implementation. The protracted settlement of this transfer was due to the fact that the prospective grant recipients (the community/local government) did not wish to submit a statement of willingness to accept the grant. It is necessary to change the transfer plan from the original through the grant process, so that the transfer is carried out through sales or write-off of state-owned asset for other reasons.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabila Nurkhalisha
Abstrak :
Aset tidak berwujud adalah aset yang tidak dapat dilihat atau diukur secara fisik. Meskipun mereka tdak memiliki karakteristik fisik, aset tidak berwujud memiliki nilai karena keuntungan yang mereka berikan untuk bisnis. Makalah ini menganalisis model penilaian aset tidak berwujud yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai aset tidak berwujud: nama merk dan penelitian pengembangan aset. Nilai aset-aset ini dapat ditingkatkan atau diturunkan, berdasarkan hasil dari proses pengadilan. Jika suatu perusahaan mengeluarkan biaya hukum untuk berhasil mempertahankan aset tidak berwujud, biaya-biaya tersebut dikapitalisasi dan meningkatkan nilai tidak berwujud. Di sisi lain, jika sebuah perusahaan tidak berhasil dalam mempertahankan aset tidak berwujud, yang tidak berwujud itu tidak berharga dan perusahaan diharuskan untuk menghapusnya. Dalam hal ini, saya memeriksa semua kejadian bedasarkan Australian Accounting Standards Board AASB 138 Intangible Assets sebagaimana diterbitkan dan diubah oleh International Accounting Standards Board IASB .
Intangible assets are assets that cannot be seen or physically measured. Although they have no physical characteristics, intangible assets have value because of the advantage they provide to a business. This paper analysed valuation model of intangible assets that can be used to value intangible assets: brand name and research development assets. The value of these assets can be increased or decreased, based on the outcomes of court proceedings. If a company incurs legal costs to successfully defend an intangible asset, those costs are capitalised and increase the value of the intangible. On the other hand, if a company is unsuccessful in defending an intangible asset, the intangible is worthless and the company is required to write it off. In this case, I examine the event based on Australian Accounting Standards Board AASB 138 Intangible Assets as issued and amended by the International Accounting Standards Board IASB .
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yonas Janzeddin
Abstrak :
In order to improving awareness and compliance of taxpayers about their rights and obligations, the understanding about justice from a rule of law and regulation looked into to play an important part in improving awareness and taxpayer compliance. Comprehended level of justice of a rule is hence expected by a taxpayer earn more own awareness and compliance about their obligation of taxation. The target of this research is to analyze the level of justice from an imposition of Tax, which is Income Recognition of bank interest payable write-off, evaluated from principle of taxation justice. In this research, a descriptive analysis method was used by through study of bibliography comparing opinion among experts according to their definition, with rule of law and regulation about Recognition of Income for Bank Interest Payable Write-Off. The evaluation use Model System which assessing a policy by comparing input, Process, and Output of law and regulation policy. From the analyze result, pulled conclusion that rule of legislation of Income Tax about Recognition of Income for Bank Interest Payable Write-Off Do Not reflect principle of justice either through Horizontal and also Vertical, because Income Recognition [of] according to rule of legislation do not in line with taxpayer ability, if compared to Income Recognition from business transaction besides Interest Payable Write-Off. Revising rule Article 4 sentence (1) Law of Number 7 Year 1983 about Income Tax as have been altered last with Law of Number 17 Year 2000 related with Recognition of Income for Bank Interest Payable Write-Off would be able to bring constructive benefit, in the effort to improve level of its justice.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldi Prima
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan dasar argumentasi Direktorat Jenderal Pajak bahwa piutang tak tertagih pada PT BNI, Tbk tidak dapat dikurangkan dari penghasilan bruto serta mengetahui upayaupaya yang dilakukan PT BNI, Tbk dalam menghadapi perbedaan pendapat dengan pihak DJP mengenai perlakuan perpajakan atas piutang tak tertagih. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian analisis deskriptif. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara secara mendalam. Berdasarkan peraturanperaturan perpajakan yang berlaku saat ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa piutang yang nyata-nyata tidak dapat ditagih atau yang telah dihapus bukukan oleh PT BNI, Tbk dapat dibiayakan sepanjang piutang tersebut berasal dari transaksi bisnis wajar sesuai dengan usaha perbankan dan Bank telah melakukan upaya penagihan yang maksimal atau terakhir.
This thesis aims to identify and analyze difference arguments of Directorate General of Taxesthat the non-performing loans at PT BNI,Tbkcan not be expensed from gross incomeand to determine the efforts that will be undertaken by PT BNI,Tbk in the face of disagreements with the Directorate General of Taxes regarding the tax treatment of non-performing loans. This research method is descriptive interpretive. The data are collected by means of deep interview. In conclusion, according to the applicable regulations of taxation, uncollectible loans or non-performing loans write off by PT BNI,Tbk can be recognized as long as the receivable are from fair transactions in accordance with banking business and Bank has made maximum and final efforts to collect the receivable.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tingkat kredit macet yang tinggi dapat menurunkan profitabilitas dan likuiditas keuangan bank yang berakibat pada penurunan anggapan kesehatan bank di mata masyarakat maupun dunia perbankan. Terhadap kredit macet bank akan melakukan berbagai upaya penyelesaian seperti penjadwalan kembali (rescheduling), persyaratan kembali (reconditioning), dan penataan kembali (restructuring). Apabila upaya tersebut tidak berhasil, maka akan dilakukan penghapusbukuan tanpa menghilangkan hak tagih bank terhadap kredit tersebut, yang dapat diikuti dengan dilakukannya penghapustagihan. Pada kenyataannya masih terdapat ketidakjelasan dalam proses pelaksanaan serta dampak kepastian hukum atas dilakukannya tindakan ini. Skripsi ini meneliti lebih lanjut mengenai proses pelaksanaan penghapusbukuan dan penghapustagihan pada Bank BUMN terutama setelah diberlakukannya PP No. 33 Tahun 2006 yang memberikan banyak perubahan serta dampak yang ditimbulkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah normatis-yuridis yaitu dengan mengaitkan permasalahan terhadap norma hukum terkait perbankan yang berlaku di Indonesia ditambah dengan peninjauan pada Bank X untuk melengkapi data yang dibutuhkan. Pada kesimpulannya, proses penghapusbukuan dan penghapustagihan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kebijakan internal masing-masing Bank BUMN dan membawa dampak baik positif maupun negatif bagi bank dan debitur. ......High level of non-performing loans may decrease the profitability and liquidity of the bank's financial result that may affected the bank's health perception in the eyes of society and the world of banking. Against bad loans the bank will make various efforts to settle such as rescheduling, reconditioning, and restructuring. If these efforts are not successful, it will be done with write-off without removing the bank's right to claim the credit, which can be followed by doing the hair cut. In case there is still a lack of clarity in the implementation process and the impact of legal certainty for commission of these acts. This research further investigates the implementation process of write-off and hair cut on state-owned banks, especially after the enactment of Government Regulation No. 33 on Year 2006 which gives a lot of changes and impacts. The method used in this research is by linking the normative juridical issues related to the legal norms applicable in the Indonesian banking coupled with observation to X Bank to complete the required data. In conclusion, write-off and hair cut process is conducted in accordance with the internal policies of each state-owned bank and bring both positive and negative effects for bank and debtor.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfano Abdurrasyad Franedi,author
Abstrak :
Putusan Banding yang dijadikan studi kasus pada penelitian ini terkait dengan sengketa penafsiran dalam hal penerapan ketentuan pajak penghasilan atas pembebanan kerugian yang timbul dari piutang tak tertagih. Bank XYZ mengakui adanya kerugian dari piutang tak tertagih melalui pembentukan cadangan yang telah dibentuk pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, sedangkan pada saat melakukan penghapusan piutang, kerugian tersebut dibebankan kepada perkiraan cadangan sehingga tidak mempengaruhi pos biaya pada laporan laba rugi. Di sisi lain, pemeriksa berpendapat bahwa pencadangan dan penghapusan merupakan dua peristiwa yang berbeda, sehingga pada saat melakukan penghapusan piutang tak tertagih, Bank XYZ harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan perpajakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa putusan Majelis Hakim yang mengabulkan seluruh permohonan banding telah memenuhi asas kepastian hukum dalam memutus sengketa yang terjadi antara Bank XYZ dengan pihak otoritas perpajakan, khususnya dari segi pendefinisian atau penafsiran. Hal ini dikarenakan putusan Majelis Hakim telah tepat dan sesuai dalam penerapan ketentuan perpajakan mengenai pembebanan atas kerugian piutang tak tertagih bagi industri perbankan, khususnya Bank XYZ. ......Appeal Verdict which are used as case studies in this study are related to interpretation disputes in terms of the application of income tax provisions to the imposition of losses arising from uncollectible accounts. Bank XYZ recognizes losses from uncollectible receivables through the formation of reserves that have been formed in previous years, while at the time of elimination of accounts receivable, the loss is charged to the estimated reserves so as not to affect the cost of income statement. On the other hand, the examiner is of the opinion that the reserves and deletions are two different events, so that when carrying out the elimination of uncollectible accounts, XYZ Bank must fulfill the requirements as stipulated in the tax provisions. The results of the study indicate that the Judges decision that granted all appeal requests fulfilled the principle of legal certainty in deciding disputes that occurred between Bank XYZ and the tax authorities, especially in terms of defining or interpreting. This is because the Judges decision is appropriate and appropriate in the application of tax provisions regarding the imposition of losses on bad debts for the banking industry, especially Bank XYZ.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library