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St. Paul, MN : Thomson/West, 2011
346.73 CAS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taqiyuddin Kadir. author
Jakarta: SInar Grafika, 2017
346.092 6 TAG g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian yang menganalisis data kualitatif dan data sekunder ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui potensi, manfaat dan tata laksana asuransi malpraktik medis
bagi PPK tingkat pertama di era SJSN. Kejadian malpraktik medis di Indonesia
masih merupakan fenomena gunung es. Dokter mempunyai potensi mengalami
kebangkrutan akibat gugatan ganti rugi oleh pasien dan/atau keluarganya,
terutama akibat kerugian nonmateriel. Pada awal dilaksanakan SJSN, asuransi
malpraktik medis diserahkan pada mekanisme pasar melalui perusahaan asuransi
komersial. Sebaiknya asuransi malpraktik medis ini dikelola oleh badan hukum
nirlaba dan bersifat wajib kepada seluruh dokter yang menjalin kerjasama dengan

This study analyzed qualitative and secondary data to determine the
potential, benefit and governance of medical malpractice insurance for the general
practitioners in the era of SJSN. The incidence of medical malpractice in
Indonesia is still an iceberg phenomenon. Doctors have potential of bankruptcy
due to the patient and/or the family lawsuit, especially non-material loss. In the
beginning of implementation SJSN, medical malpractice insurance will be
provided through the market mechanism, managed by a commercial insurance
company. Ideally, the medical malpractice insurance is managed by a non-profit
company and obligatory to all doctors who establish cooperation with BPJS.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachel Erika Gloria
Abstrak :
Perkembangan pasar obligasi korporasi di Indonesia sekarang ini cukup pesat, dibuktikan dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penerbitan obligasi di Indonesia tiap tahunnya. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, harus diperhatikan mengenai perlindungan atas hak dari investor dalam obligasi korporasi terutama atas pengajuan gugatan perbuatan melawan hukum oleh investor terhadap emiten penerbit dimana terdapat putusan yang menyatakan bahwa pengajuan gugatan harus melalui waliamanat. Investor sebagai pihak yang dirugikan atas perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan penerbit memiliki kedudukan sebagai pihak yang berhak dalam mengajukan gugatan. Hal ini akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini untuk mencari Legal Standing investor dalam mengajukan gugatan terhadap penerbit obligasi.

The development of bonds market in Indonesia is now quite rapid, evidenced by growth of number of bonds inssuance. In this regard, it must be considered regarding the protection of the rights of investors in corporate bonds, especially for filing lawsuits against investors by issuers in which there is a verdict stating that the claim must be through a trustee. The investor as the party who is harmed by an act against the issuer has the position as the party entitled to file a claim. This will be examined in this study to find a Legal Standing investor in filing a lawsuit against the bond issuer.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Widjajati
Abstrak :
In its development of the last three years, there has been a new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction; i.e. public claims made using a class action procedure. The utilization of such a procedure has been made so frequently and obtained legal forces because it has got us opportunity and justification in a variety of Indonesian legislations; among other things: law no. 23, 1997 concerning environmental management, law no. 8, 1999 regarding consumer protection and law no. 41 governing forestry followed up by a litigation procedure through the supreme court?s regulation no. 1, 2002. such a regulation has bridged the concept and legal theory which is subsequently used to execute .civil dalm procedures since there has been a shift from using an individual model to using a representative one. before the supreme court issued this regulation, courts had always' rejected collective claims on the ground that Indonesias civil law, especially section 123 of hir, a revised indonesia's law, stated that such claims could be brought up their claimants or by hiring Iavvyers. without a special authorization, however, lawyers could not represent class interest to be in session of court now, on the basis of article 4 of supreme court regulation to represent a ciass interest, the representative is not required to have this special authorization from the group he represents. social groups having the some case shoulclnot bring their case individually to prevent a recurrent case from happening. this oollective claim, class action, can be made at a lower cost so that the general public may bring their claims to court. in addition, to void mutually controversial verdicts, when each individual make his own claim, class action constitutes to be a more effident procedure. class action as a litigation procedure has its historical, social and cultural background in the common law system. therefore, class action as an effort of civil law reform in Indonesia has a tendency toward the civil law system; from legal comparison viewpoint, lt requires brillian thoughts on the part of judges in order to implement the existing laws actively; let alone, when we consider that the supreme court regulation no. 1, 2002 is but a way of transferring on America or Australian model. on the other hand, class action as a legal protection over Indonesian communities can be exercised as a social control; i.e. as social norms against deviant behaviours and their effects that include prohibitions, demands, condemnation and compensation. dispude resolution procedures with regard to compensation over unlawful deeds in class action should be prepared in detail, covering mechanism of its distribution for all members of a class including suggestions on court proving or panel to help distribute compensation more smoothly. when a compensation demand is approved, a judge isobliged to decide in detail the class grouping, compensation distribution mechanism`and steps to be taken by class representatives such as the obligation of notification. among the frequent cases are environmental function recovery, waste management improvement, pollution source eradication, compensation for the affected group and attitudinal changes among law breakers.
Besides, class action as a tool of social engineering, that is, when a gap between law and social change appears, should find its solution whereas class action as a social emancipation means the equal right among various aspects of social life.based on the fact that court decision in class action is binding to all, any interest group using this procedure should help reduce administrative problems. this new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction, public claims using a class action procedure, ls relevant to Frederick Calvert's theory. the people?s interest represented by a class action is in accordance with the theoiy of utilitarianism proposed by Jeremy Bentham. judges, accordingly, should make their decision on the basis of equilibrium principle between individual and collective interests as put forward by John Rawls In his theory of justice. rules are then needed to avoid a conflict of interests, between individual and collective ones. law as an umpire is indispensable.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Widjajati
Abstrak :
in its development of the last three years, there has been a new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction; i.e. public claims made using a class action procedure. The utilization of such a procedure has been made so frequently and obtained legal forces because it has got us opportunity and justification in a variety of Indonesian legislations; among other things: law no. 23, 1997 concerning environmental management, law no. 8, 1999 regarding consumer protection and law no. 41 governing forestry followed up by a litigation procedure through the supreme court?s regulation no. 1, 2002. such a regulation has bridged the concept and legal theory which is subsequently used to execute .civil dalm procedures since there has been a shift from using an individual model to using a representative one. before the supreme court issued this regulation, courts had always' rejected collective claims on the ground that Indonesias civil law, especially section 123 of hir, a revised indonesia's law, stated that such claims could be brought up their claimants or by hiring Iavvyers. without a special authorization, however, lawyers could not represent class interest to be in session of court now, on the basis of article 4 of supreme court regulation to represent a ciass interest, the representative is not required to have this special authorization from the group he represents. social groups having the some case shoulclnot bring their case individually to prevent a recurrent case from happening. this oollective claim, class action, can be made at a lower cost so that the general public may bring their claims to court. in addition, to void mutually controversial verdicts, when each individual make his own claim, class action constitutes to be a more effident procedure. class action as a litigation procedure has its historical, social and cultural background in the common law system. therefore, class action as an effort of civil law reform in Indonesia has a tendency toward the civil law system; from legal comparison viewpoint, lt requires brillian thoughts on the part of judges in order to implement the existing laws actively; let alone, when we consider that the supreme court regulation no. 1, 2002 is but a way of transferring on America or Australian model. on the other hand, class action as a legal protection over Indonesian communities can be exercised as a social control; i.e. as social norms against deviant behaviours and their effects that include prohibitions, demands, condemnation and compensation. dispude resolution procedures with regard to compensation over unlawful deeds in class action should be prepared in detail, covering mechanism of its distribution for all members of a class including suggestions on court proving or panel to help distribute compensation more smoothly. when a compensation demand is approved, a judge isobliged to decide in detail the class grouping, compensation distribution mechanism`and steps to be taken by class representatives such as the obligation of notification. among the frequent cases are environmental function recovery, waste management improvement, pollution source eradication, compensation for the affected group and attitudinal changes among law breakers.
besides, class action as a tool of social engineering, that is, when a gap between law and social change appears, should find its solution whereas class action as a social emancipation means the equal right among various aspects of social life.based on the fact that court decision in class action is binding to all, any interest group using this procedure should help reduce administrative problems. this new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction, public claims using a class action procedure, ls relevant to Frederick Calvert's theory. the people?s interest represented by a class action is in accordance with the theoiy of utilitarianism proposed by Jeremy Bentham. judges, accordingly, should make their decision on the basis of equilibrium principle between individual and collective interests as put forward by John Rawls In his theory of justice. rules are then needed to avoid a conflict of interests, between individual and collective ones. law as an umpire is indispensable.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Belum terwujudnya Badan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara.,
perkara-perkara gugatan terhadap aparat negara atas dasar
perbuatan melanggar hukum diadili oleh Hakim Pengadilan
Negeri, sehingga timbul adany.~;;,ap:gg~:f.J.n bahwa seolah-olah
p8 laksanaan pengadilan tersebut tidak obyektif
Karena disatu pihaK hakim sebagai aparat pemerintah,
di lain pihak yang diadili adalah dari pihak pemerintahj~
Penafsiraii-secara -.analogi: terhada.p pasal 28 ยท Undang-
Undang Nomor 14 tahun 1970, hakim tersebut di atas sena -
rusnya mengundurkan diri karena yang diadili masih termasuk
anggota yang dihadapi.
Atas dasar masalah tersebut penulis tertarik untuk
menganalisis suatu kasus gugatan atas dasar perbuatan melanggar
hukum yang dilakukan oleh aparat pemerintah, apakah
dalam menangani kasus tersebut hakim dapat bertindak
secara obyektif.

Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indriyanto Seno Adji
Jakarta: Diadit Media, 2015
345.072 IND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asgar Hasrat Sjarfi
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana kriteria atau etiket merek yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan yang didaftarkan sehingga berakibat pada dilakukannya penghapusan merek oleh Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat. Ketentuan mengenai etiket merek ada pada pasal 61 ayat (2) huruf b Undang-undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001 Tentang Merek. Ketidaksesuaian dalam penggunaan meliputi ketidaksesuaian dalam bentuk penulisan kata atau huruf atau ke tidak sesuaian dalam penggunaan warna yang berbeda. Tulisan "Agar-Agar Powder" dengan gambar piring berisi Ager-Ager warna-warni disertai tulisan Kanzi, yang artinya : "Agar-Agar" adalah bukan termasuk pengertian merek dikarenakan sesuai dengan pasal Pasal 5 huruf d UU No. 15 Tahun 2001 Unsur yang merupakan keterangan atas barang atau jasa, tidak dapat digunakan sebagai merek.
Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam kasus ini adalah Bagaimanakah kriteria untuk menilai merek yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan yang didaftarkan menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001 Tentang Merek dan mengenai kedudukan Putusan Hakim dalam Kasus Gugatan Penghapusan Merek yang penulis berpendapat kurang tepat dalam putusannya. Dalam kasus ini, pertimbangan hakim hakim pengadilan niaga sampai pengadilan tingkat kasasi dan peninjauan kembali juga cenderung tidak menjalankan prinsip keadilan dalam mempertimbangkan putusannya terkait dengan bukti-bukti yang diajukan oleh Pihak Tergugat yang jelas-jelas sebagai pemegang merek terdaftar yang wajib dilindungi secara hukum. Tulisan ini dibuat berdasarkan dibuat dengan metode penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa sebaiknya unsur kemasan dengan warna kemasan dimasukkan dalam menentukan kriteria merek atau memang dilakukan penegasan dalam undang-undang merek ke dapan bahwa hal tersebut tidak termasuk dalam kategori dalam menentukan etiket merek. Sehingga keberadaan warna yang melekat pada kemasan memang tidak menjadi persoalan lagi. Selain itu, sebaiknya para hakim berpedoman pada Undang-Undang Merek dalam memutuskan perkara. Hal ini penting, mengingat keberadaan hakim sebagai pemberi keadilan. Selanjutnya Indonesia sebagai negara peserta dalam Konvensi Paris dari World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) seharusnya menerapkan dan mengimplementasikan ketentuan-ketentuan yang terdapat pada konvensi tersebut, khususnya Pasal 10 bis Konvensi Paris terhadap tindakantindakan unfair competition yang dapat menimbulkan persaingan curang.

This thesis discusses about how the criteria used or brand labels do not match those registered to do so resulted in the elimination of brands by the Central Jakarta Commercial Court. Provisions on the brand label is on Article 61 paragraph (2) letter b of Law Number 15 Year 2001 About the Brand. Incompatibility in use include mismatches in the form of writing words or letters or to the inappropriate use of a different color. Agar-Agar writings Powder "with the image plate of Agar-Agar colors accompanied by a written Kanzi, which means:" Ager-Ager is not included due to the understanding of the brand in accordance with clause d of Article 5 of Law No. 15 Year in 2001. Element is a description of the goods or services, can not be used as a trademark. The topic is related also to the legal protection of registered trademark holders as part of the implementation of the provisions of Article 3 of Law Number 15 Year 2001 about The Brand in order to provide legal l certainty in relation to the obligation to protect trademark holders in one of two rights his base deed of grant or contract based on brand usage.
Issue to be discussed in this case is How criteria used to assess the brand does not match that registered according to Law Number 15 Year 2001 About the Brand and of the position of Justice ruling in Case of Removal Trademark Lawsuit authors argue that less accurate in their decision. In this case, the judge considered the commercial court judges to courts of appeal and judicial review also tend not to follow the principle of fairness in considering the decision relating to the evidence submitted by the Party Defendants clearly as the holder of a registered mark shall be protected by law. This paper is based on library research methods was made with the character of juridical normative.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rebecca Ayuyantrie
Abstrak :
Industri jasa konstruksi memiliki pengaturan tersendiri yang tergabung dalam Undang Undang Jasa Konstruksi Nomor 18 Tahun 1999. Dengan diaturnya perundangan ini, pengaturan mengenai perjanjian pemborongan di dalam KUHPerdata yang menyerupai pengertian Kontrak Konstruksi dalam Undang Undang Jasa Konstruksi Nomor 18 Tahun 1999 menjadi tidak digunakan lagi. Di Indonesia, tidak banyak kasus Sengketa Konstruksi yang sampai ke pengadilan karena para pelaku jasa konstruksi memilih sifat tertutup dari lembaga arbitrase untuk penyelesaian masalah. Kasus antara PT Citrakaton Dwidayalestari melawan PT Mustika Hotel dkk merupakan salah satu kasus langka yang sampai ke tingkat Mahkamah Agung. Karena muncul sebelum lahirnya Undang Undang Jasa Konstruksi Nomor 18 Tahun 1999, maka kasus ini menggunakan KUHPerdata sebagai dasar hukum. Skripsi ini akan meneliti tentang kasus PTCD melawan PTMPH dilihat dari perspektif KUHPerdata dan Undang-Undang Jasa Konstruksi Nomor 18 Tahun 1999.

Construction industry has its own arrangement compiled in Law No. 18 of 1999 on Construction Service. With the regulation, arrangement contained in Civil Code regarding contractual work agreement, which resembles Construction Contract in Law No. 18 of 1999 on Construction Service, became no longer applicable. In Indonesia, most of Construction Dispute didn't reach court due to the condition that all the players in Construction Industry prefer the confidentiality of arbitration to as dispute resolution. Case between PT Citrakaton Dwidayalestari against PT Mustika Hotel dkk is one of the rare case that reached Supreme Court. Since the case came up before Law No. 18 of 1999 on Construction Service is established, the Council of Judges apply Civil Code as the legal basis of the verdict. This mini thesis will explore PTCD vs PTMPH case on both Civil Code and Law No. 18 of 1999 on Construction Service perspectives.
Depok: [Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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