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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 260 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: CRC Pres, 2009
R 668.14 HAN
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peking: Foreign Languages, 1957
951.02 HAN (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Messersmith, Joseph J.
illinois: Portland Cement Association, 2002
624.183 4 MES c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Charlton, Ruth
Sydney: Lawbook, 2004
347.09 CHA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968
620.002 STU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liggett, John V.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1993
620.004 5 LIG d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanford, James Holly
New York: F.S. Croff & Co., 1946
821.47 HAN m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
" The emerging field of corporate law, corporate governance and sustainability is one of the most dynamic and significant areas of law and policy in light of the convergence of environmental, social and economic crises that we face as a global society. Understanding the impact of the corporation on society and realizing its potential for contributing to sustainability is vital for the future of humanity. This Handbook comprehensively assesses the state-of-the-art in this field through in-depth ... "
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
" A unique collaboration between academic scholars, legal practitioners, and arbitrators, this handbook focuses on the intersection of arbitration - as an alternative to litigation - and the court systems to which arbitration is ultimately beholden. The first three parts analyze issues relating to the interpretation of the scope of arbitration agreements, arbitrator bias and conflicts of interest, arbitrator misconduct during the proceedings, enforceability of arbitral awards, and the grounds for vacating awards. The next section ... "
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
" Technical standards are ubiquitous in the modern networked economy. They allow products made and sold by different vendors to interoperate with little to no consumer effort and enable new market entrants to innovate on top of established technology platforms. This groundbreaking volume, edited by Jorge L. Contreras, assesses and analyzes the legal aspects of technical standards and standardization. Bringing together more than thirty leading international scholars, advocates, and policymakers, it focuses on two of the ... "
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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