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Faiq Nurzaman
Abstrak :

Kenyamanan termal adalah penilaian subjektif dari lingkungan termal yang cocok oleh pikiran individu. Standarisasi kenyamanan termal penting untuk menciptakan lingkungan dalam ruangan yang optimal. Oleh karena itu, beberapa standar telah digunakan selama beberapa dekade untuk mengukur kenyamanan termal berdasarkan suhu, kecepatan udara, dan kelembapan. Selain itu, panas ruangan dari penghuni dan barang lainnya juga berperan besar dalam mempengaruhi parameter tersebut. Ada dua pendekatan umum untuk mendapatkan variabel yang dibutuhkan dalam menentukan kenyamanan termal: audit ruangan dan simulasi. Audit ruangan adalah pendekatan yang paling nyata untuk mengukur parameter kenyamanan termal ruangan tertentu. Di sisi lain, pendekatan simulasi banyak digunakan dalam tahap desain sebuah bangunan. Untuk melakukan simulasi, setiap detail ruangan yang diukur harus diperhitungkan untuk melakukan pendekatan simulasi. Pada tesis ini parameter kenyamanan termal diukur di Auditorium Makara Art Center (MAC). Selain itu juga dibuat desain 3D auditorium yang sesuai dengan auditorium untuk mendapatkan akurasi simulasi dibandingkan dengan data sebenarnya. Untuk melakukan simulasi situasi yang paling mirip, beberapa skenario simulasi dengan bentuk diffuser dan parameter panas yang berbeda dilakukan menggunakan ANSYS Fluent sesuai dengan kondisi sebenarnya. Kondisi aktual suhu auditorium bervariasi dari 22,9 C hingga 24,1 C. Sedangkan suhu simulasi skenario keseluruhan menyimpang dari 0,1% hingga 52,63%. Simulasi kecepatan udara, di sisi lain, memiliki deviasi yang relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan simulasi suhu.


Thermal comfort is the subjective assessment of a suitable thermal environment by individual minds. Standardization for thermal comfort is important to create an optimal indoor environment. Therefore, several standards have been used over the decades to measure thermal comfort by temperature, air speed, and humidity. In additional, room heat from the occupants and other stuffs also plays a huge role in affecting those parameters. There are two general approaches to obtain the variables required in determining thermal comfort: room audit and simulation. Room audit is the most tangible approach to measure the thermal comfort parameters of a particular room. On the other hand, simulation approach is widely used in the design phase of a building. To conduct a simulation, every details of the measured room must be taken into account to conduct the simulation approach. In this thesis, thermal comfort parameters were measured in Makara Art Center (MAC) Auditorium. Additionally, a 3D design of the auditorium were also made in accordance to the auditorium to obtain the accuracy of simulation compared with the actual data. To conduct the most similar situation of the simulation, several simulation scenarios with different diffuser shape and heat parameters were conducted using ANSYS Fluent in accordance with the actual condition. The actual condition of the auditorium’s temperature varies from 22.9 C up to 24.1 C. Meanwhile, the simulation temperature of the overall scenarios deviates from 0.1% up to 52.63%. Air velocity simulation, on the other hand, has a relatively higher deviation compared to the temperature simulation. 

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luh Astrid Mayadinta
Abstrak :
Perubahan kondisi lingkungan menjadi masalah utama yang menimpa masyarakat, diikuti oleh perubahan gaya hidup di kalangan tersebut. Peran arsitek disini adalah untuk mencari solusi terbaik, bukan hanya untuk menyediakan tempat tinggal, namun juga mendorong masyarakat untuk mencapai gaya hidup sehat yang kemudian akan menghasilkan karakter kota yang lebih baik. Fokus dari desain ini adalah untuk mendukung konsep ?sustainability? dan memberi antusiasme akan hidup sehat kepada masyarakat. Bangunan serba guna yang menggabungkan area hijau dan konsep modern akan menghasilkan komunitas yang lebih hidup. Dengan metode identifikasi masalah, menyediakan pilihan solusi, studi kasus, dan penelitian tentang teori, teknologi, preseden dan observasi langsung, karya tulis ini dibuat dengan tujuan menawarkan konsep lingkungan sehat yang akan disajikan dengan diagram, gambar dan berbagai analisis.
ABSTRACT The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis., The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people’s changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case, and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Buditama
Abstrak :
Pembangunan kota dapat menyebabkan pemanasan suhu kota, sehingga menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan termal, bahkan berpotensi terjadinya Urban Heat Island (UHI). Masalah dalam penelitian ini diawali dari sudah banyaknya metode pengukuran tingkat kenyamanan termal dan UHI sebelumnya, namun belum cukup berpengaruh terhadap perencanaan tata ruang. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menghasilkan model kenyamanan termal yang mengelaborasikan metode pengukuran kenyamanan termal eksisting dengan konsep UHI. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan pendekatan dan metode kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kota Tangerang Selatan dengan periode waktu pengamatan selama 2004-2020. Hasil penelitian atau model ini menunjukkan Kota Tangerang Selatan tahun 2004-2020 terindikasi kenyamanan termal yang rendah mencakup 62% luas kota, walaupun masih ditemukan kenyamanan sangat tinggi mencakup 15% luas kota. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa kenyamanan termal berbasis UHI merupakan model yang merepresentasikan sensasi panas atau dingin yang dirasakan manusia terhadap suhu lingkungannya dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi fisik (suhu permukaan daratan), persepsi, dan kondisi perkotaan (lahan terbangun dan vegetasi) dalam rentang waktu tertentu. ......Urban development can cause city temperature increase, so it causing thermal discomfort, and even has the potential to occur Urban Heat Island (UHI). Problem begins with much research has been done on methods for measuring thermal comfort and UHI intensity, but they have not had much effect on spatial planning. Objective of this study is to produce a thermal comfort model that elaborates existing thermal comfort measurement methods with the UHI concept. Methods of the study is using quantitative approach and method. The research location was conducted in Tangerang Selatan City with an observation period of 2004-2020. Results of this model show that the Tangerang Selatan City in 2004-2020 has indications of low thermal comfort covering 62% of the city area, although very high comfort is still found covering 15% of the city area. Conclusion of this study that UHI-based thermal comfort is a model that represents the sensation of hot or cold that humans feel about their environmental temperature by considering physical conditions (land surface temperature), perception, and urban conditions (built-up land and vegetation) within a certain time span.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aufalia Rosyida Maula
Abstrak :
Di negara tropis, suhu dan kelembapan tinggi menjadi salah satu kendala yang perlu ditangain dalam perancangan rumah. Sehingga banyak perumahan di perkotaan Indonesia yang bergantung pada pengudaraan buatan atau air-conditioning (AC). Sementara itu, dengan perkembangan pengetahuan, maka berkembang juga berbagai macam teknik pemanfaatan udara alami. Konsep passive cooling berpotensi mengurangi kebutuhan konsumsi energi listrik. Pengetahuan terkait sifat dasar pergerakan aliran udara serta strategi menurunkan suhu udara dapat mengoptimalkan passive cooling sehingga suhu udara tidak bergantung pada alat pendingin mekanis. Tujuan dari passive cooling adalah untuk mencapai kenyamanan termal dengan konsumsi listrik minim. Tulisan ini mendalami hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perancangan sistem passive cooling yaitu iklim dan perubahan iklim, serta pengaruhnya pada kenyamanan termal manusia. Didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan terkait dasar pergerakan udara serta strategi passive coolinglainnya dapat mendukung tercapainya kenyamanan termal penghuni di suatu rumah. ......In tropical countries, high temperatures and humidity are a few of the obstacles that need to be overcome when designing a home. Thus, many urban housings in Indonesia are dependent on artificial air-conditioning (AC). However, various kinds of natural air utilization techniques have been and are being developed. The concept of passive cooling has the potential to reduce the need for mass electricity consumption. Knowledge regarding the nature of air flow movements and strategies to reduce air temperature can optimize passive cooling so that a comfortable air temperature is not dependant on mechanical cooling devices. The purpose of passive cooling itself is to achieve thermal comfort with minimal electricity consumption. This paper explores the things that need to be considered in designing passive cooling systems, namely climate and climate change, and their effects on human thermal comfort. It was found that a thorough understanding of basic principles of air movement and other passive cooling strategies can support the achievement of residents' thermal comfort in a house.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Rizki Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Kebutuhan energi untuk rumah tangga atau bangunan di Indonesia sedang tumbuh secara signifikan. Oleh karena itu, efisiensi pada energi pendinginan sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model Artificial Neural Network (ANN) yang dapat memprediksi jumlah konsumsi energi pendinginan untuk pengaturan yang berbeda dari variabel kontrol sistem pendingin VRF. Bangunan dimodelkan oleh perangkat lunak Sketchup dan sistem pendinginan dimodelkan dengan EnergyPlus. MATLAB digunakan untuk training dan testing model ANN. Untuk model testing, set data dikumpulkan melalui simulasi yang sudah divalidasi dengan pengukuran lapangan. Empat langkah yang dilakukan dalam proses training yaitu pengembangan model awal, pemilihan variabel input, optimasi model, dan evaluasi kinerja. Model yang telah dioptimalkan menunjukkan akurasi prediksi yang akurat, sehingga membuktikan potensinya untuk aplikasi dalam algoritma kontrol yang diharapkan dapat menciptakan lingkungan termal ruangan yang nyaman serta energi yang efisien. Hasil analisis TOPSIS menunjukkan penghematan daya listrik sistem VRF sebesar 26% dari daya listrik observasi. ......Energy needs for households or buildings in Indonesia are growing significantly. Therefore, efficiency in cooling energy is needed. This study aims to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model that can predict the amount of cooling energy consumption for different settings of the VRF cooling system control variable. The building is modeled by the Sketchup software and the cooling system is modeled by EnergyPlus. MATLAB is used for training and testing ANN models. For model testing, data sets are collected through simulations that have been validated with field measurements. The four steps involved in the training process are initial model development, selection of input variables, model optimization, and performance evaluation. The optimized model shows accurate prediction accuracy, thereby proving its potential for application in control algorithms that are expected to create a comfortable and energy efficient indoor thermal environment. The results of the TOPSIS analysis show that the VRF system's electrical power savings are 26% of the observed electrical power.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheila Maharani Eka Buana
Abstrak :
Setiap manusia membutuhkan kenyamanan untuk menunjang aktivitas kesehariannya di dalam ruangan. Kenyamanan khususnya dalam arsitektur dapat dilihat melalui beberapa indikator yang saling terkait, seperti kenyamanan termal dan akustik. Tingkat kenyamanan setiap manusia berbeda-beda, tak terkecuali bagi para lansia, khususnya di panti werdha. Di panti werdha, beberapa faktor kenyamanan dianggap menjadi pertimbangan lebih berkaitan dengan penurunan atau perubahan yang terjadi pada lansia itu sendiri. Untuk memahami kriteria kenyamanan termal dan akustik di panti werdha, maka dilakukan studi kasus di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 1. Penelitian dalam studi kasus ini dilakukan dengan melakukan kunjungan lapangan. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mengukur dan menghitung parameter secara langsung. Kemudian dilakukan simulasi untuk mendukung data pengukuran dan menilai keefektivitasnya. Berdasarkan hasil kunjungan studi ditemukan masih terdapat beberapa kondisi ruangan yang belum memenuhi standar kenyamanan termal dan akustik. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti material yang digunakan, orientasi bangunan, sistem bukaan atau ventilasi, buffer zone, dan aktivitas di dalamnya. Dalam menanggapi hasil ini, tiga hal yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan termal dan akustik, yaitu jenis material, bukaan, dan penghalang (barriers). ......Every human being needs comfort to support their daily activities in the room. Comfort, especially in architecture, can be seen through several interrelated indicators, such as thermal and acoustic comfort. The comfort level of every human being is different, not least for the elderly, especially in panti werdha. In panti werdha, several comfort factors are considered more related to the decline or changes that occur in the elderly themselves. In a way to understand the criteria for thermal and acoustic comfort in panti werdha, a case study was conducted at Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 1. The research in this case study was conducted by conducting study visits. The observations were made by measuring and calculating parameters directly. Then, simulations are carried out to support the measurement data and assess its effectiveness. Based on the results of the study visit, it was found that there were still some room conditions that did not meet the thermal and acoustic comfort standards. In this case, there are influencing factors such as the material used, the orientation of the building, the opening or ventilation system, the buffer zone, and the activities in it. Three things can be considered to increase thermal and acoustic comfort in response to these results: the type of material, openings, and barriers.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This research was carried out to investigate the influence of building form and open space geometric toward the amount of radiation on the open space in a region located at latitude 7o.....
720 JAP 3:1 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Listyo Edi Prabowo
Abstrak :
Pada negara dengan iklim tropis, Air Conditioner (AC) sudah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini. Perangkat AC digunakan sebagai sistem pendingin ruangan pada rumah, gedung, dan bangunan lainnya. International Energy Associations (IEA) memperkirakan permintaan listrik untuk pendingin ruangan dapat meningkat hingga 50% secara global pada tahun 2030. Teknologi AC inverter terbaru mampu mengurangi konsumsi energi listrik, memangkas beban puncak, dan juga meningkatkan kualitas udara. Namun, AC generasi terbaru ini masih terlalu mahal bagi sebagian besar orang. Oleh karena itu, perangkat AC generasi lama masih banyak digunakan di negara-negara berkembang. Meningkatkan efisiensi energi dari perangkat AC ruangan dapat menghasilkan penghematan energi di seluruh dunia secara signifikan. Namun meningkatkan efisiensi energi AC, biasanya mengurangi kenyamanan pengguna di dalam ruangan. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membuat sistem kontrol AC untuk efisiensi energi dengan mempertahankan kenyamanan pengguna. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energi, AC dikendalikan oleh perangkat remote berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) yang terhubung dengan model machine learning yang dijalankan di server. Alat ini mengukur data suhu, kelembaban, intensitas suara, dan deteksi manusia untuk selanjutnya dikirimkan ke server. Machine learning yang dijalankan di server menggunakan metode pembelajaran supervised learning dengan algoritma seleksi Random Forest. Machine learning secara teratur memberikan data feedback berupa kondisi thermal comfort model ruangan kepada perangkat remote berbasis IoT, Perangkat remote melakukan kontrol suhu AC di dalam ruangan serta kecepatan kipas AC berdasarkan hasil feedback dari machine learning. Hasil percobaan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem kontrol ini dapat menurunkan konsumsi daya listrik pada AC dengan hasil pengukuran kenyamanan termal ruangan yang masih sesuai dengan ketentuan human thermal comfort model. Pada akhirnya sistem kontrol ini mampu mengurangi konsumsi daya AC dengan menyesuaikan suhu dan kecepatan kipas supaya lebih efisien dalam konsumsi energi listrik, namun tetap mempertahankan kenyamanan termal ruangan. ......In a country with a tropical climate, Air Conditioner (AC) has become a necessity for today's society. Air conditioner devices are used widely as cooling systems for homes, buildings, and other buildings. The International Energy Associations (IEA) estimates electricity energy demand for air conditioner can increase by up to 50% globally by 2030. The latest inverter air conditioner technology can reduce electrical energy consumption, reduce peak loads, and improve air quality. However, this latest generation of air conditioners is still too expensive for most people. Therefore, old generation AC devices are still widely used in developing countries. Improving the efficiency of room air conditioners (AC) can lead to significant energy savings. In contrast, by increasing the energy efficiency it usually reduces the convenience satisfaction factor. This research tries to create an AC control system for increasing the energy efficiency while still maintaining the comfort level of the room users. AC is controlled by smart remote based on Internet of Things (IoT) and connected to machine learning. This device measures temperature, humidity, sound intensity, and human detection data to be sent to the server. Machine learning works with supervised learning method and Random Forest selection algorithm in a server to provides room thermal comfort conditions data to IoT-based remote device. Remote device controls the AC temperature and fan speed based on feedback from machine learning. The results from this research indicate that this control system is able to reduce electrical power consumption of air conditioner. The results of the thermal comfort analysis of the room are also still in accordance with the provisions of the human thermal comfort model. In the end, this control system is able to reduce AC power consumption by adjusting the fan speed and temperature, but still maintain the thermal comfort level of the users.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Meutia Aurora
Abstrak :
Bangunan hijau yang mengusung konsep sustainability dimaknai juga suatu konsep yang mengaplikasikan bagaimana sebuah bangunan dirancang, dibangun dan diaplikasikan dengan memperhatikan sumber daya yang efisien, bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan serta berdampak positif bagi lingkungan sosial dan ekonomi. Kegagalan konsep dalam bangunan sering timbul akibat besarnya perhatian pada pertimbangan teknis, dengan hanya sedikit mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai, perilaku dan karakter penghuninya. Bangunan blok eksisting rusunawa pada kawasan yang ditetapkan menggunakan konsep zona hijau, belum melakukan penerapan konsep hijau pada bangunan. Untuk menerapkan konsep tersebut pada bangunan perlu ditinjau aspek perilaku penghuninya. Dari hubungan bangunan dan penghuninya, dapat diketahui faktor-faktor yang paling mempengaruhi agar konsep bangunan hijau untuk penghuni rusunawa yang lebih optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penerapan konsep bangunan hijau pada Rusunawa ditinjau dari aspek efisiensi energi, air, kualitas udara, dan pengelolaan limbah, menganalisis perilaku peduli lingkungan penghuninya, serta menganalisis hubungan perilaku peduli lingkungan dengan sikap, pemahaman dan persepsi penghuni terhadap penerapan konsep hijau pada bangunan. Metode analisis deskripif digunakan untuk menganalisis penerapan bangunan hijau dan mengukur indeks perilaku peduli lingkungan penghuni. Untuk menganalisis hubungan perilaku peduli lingkungan dengan sikap, pemahaman dan persepsi penghuni terhadap penerapan konsep hijau pada bangunan digunakan metode SEM-PLS. Berdasarkan analisa diperoleh hasil bahwa penerapan konsep hijau ditinjau dari aspek efisiensi energi pada bangunan lokasi penelitian sudah memenuhi kriteria; aspek efisiensi air, penerapan pada bangunan sudah memenuhi kriteria; aspek kenyamanan termal bangunan belum memenuhi kriteria kenyamanan dalam konsep hijau; aspek pengelolaan limbah cair bangunan belum memenuhi kriteria dalam hal pemanfaatan air hasil olahan IPAL; dan dari aspek limbah padat bangunan belum menyediakan fasilitas pengolahan/pemilahan sampah. Dari hasil penilaian perilaku peduli lingkungan penghuni rusun, tingkat kepedulian penghuni berada pada kriteria sedang, dengan indeks tertinggi pada kriteria efisiensi energi dan terendah pada kriteri pengelolaan sampah. Berdasarkan model dapat diketahui bahwa untuk memperbaiki perilaku peduli lingkungan dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan penghuni terhadap informasi mengenai program lingkungan dan meningkatkan persepsi penghuni terhadap penerapan konsep hijau. Persepsi penghuni terhadap penerapan konsep hijau dapat ditingkatkan dengan perbaikan fasilitas pada bangunan sesuai kriteria.
Green building is defined as a concept that applies how a building is designed, built and applied with due regard to efficient resources, is responsible for the environment and has a positive impact on the social and economic environment. The failure of the concept in the building often arises from the great attention paid to technical considerations, with little consideration of the values, behavior and character of the inhabitants. The existing rental flats building blocks in the area that are designated using the green zone concept, have not implemented the green concept in the building. To apply this concept to buildings, it is necessary to review aspects of the occupants' behavior. From the relationship between the building and its occupants, it can be seen the factors that most influence the optimal green building concept for the residents of the flat. The purpose of this research is to analyze the application of the green building concept in rental flats in terms of energy efficiency, water, air quality and waste management, to analyze the environmental care behavior of its residents, and to analyze the relationship between environmental care behavior and occupants' attitudes, understanding and perceptions of the concept application green on the building. Descriptive analysis method is used to analyze the application of green buildings and measure the index of environmental care for residents. To analyze the relationship between environmental care behavior and attitudes, understanding and occupants' perceptions of the application of green concepts in buildings, SEM-PLS method is used. Based on the analysis, the results show that the application of the green concept in terms of energy efficiency aspects in the research location building has met the criteria; aspects of water efficiency, application in buildings has met the criteria; the thermal comfort aspect of the building does not meet the comfort criteria in the green concept; the aspect of building liquid waste management does not meet the criteria in terms of utilizing water from IPAL; and from the aspect of solid waste, the building has not provided waste processing / sorting facilities. From the results of the assessment of the environmental care behavior of the residents of the flat, the level of care of residents is in the medium criteria, with the highest index on the criteria for energy efficiency and the lowest on the criteria for waste management. Based on the model, it can be seen that improving environmental care behavior can be done by increasing residents 'knowledge of information about environmental programs and increasing residents' perceptions of the application of green concepts. Residents' perceptions of the application of the green concept can be improved by improving facilities in buildings according to the criteria. The concept requires environmental program factors that are run by the building manager and the active involvement of residents.
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsa Philiani
Abstrak :
Pertukaran udara dan kenyamanan termis pada kamar tidur penting untuk diketahui mengingat pentingnya peranan kamar tidur sebagai tempat beristirahat dan teritori bagi manusia. Untuk mengetahui pertukaran dan kenyamanan termis, dapat dilakukan simulasi aliran udara pada kamar tidur dengan software Computational Dynamics Fluid (CFD). Kamar tidur dengan pertukaran udara yang memenuhi standar, belum tentu memenuhi standar kenyamanan termis. Letak bukaan, luas bukaan, kecepatan angin, suhu udara, aktivitas manusia, luas permukaan tubuh manusia serta pakaian yang dikenakan pada kamar tidur sangat berpengaruh pada pertukaran udara dan kenyamanan termis.
Air exchange and thermal comfort in bedroom is important, as bedroom is a territory and resting place for people. To determine the exchange and thermal comfort, air flow simulation can be performed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Bedroom which has standard air exchange, is not always meet thermal comfort standard condition. Location of the opening, wide of the opening, wind speed, air temperature, human activities, human body surface area and clothing worn in the bedroom is very influential on the thermal comfort and air exchange.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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