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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Luqman Andhyk Bintaryanto
"Keberadaan ekosistem hutan mangrove di kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua, Desa Sawah Luhur, Kecamatan Kasemen, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten saat ini banyak memberikan sumber penghidupan yang nyata bagi masyarakat sekitar yang memanfaatkan ekosistem hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui nilai valuasi ekonomi total hutan mangrove untuk menyusun strategi pengelolaan hutan mangrove di kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Perhitungan valuasi ekonomi total hutan mangrove di kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua seluas 30 Ha adalah Rp 4 milyar/tahun atau Rp 144 juta/ha/tahun. Selanjutnya masing-masing nilai manfaat dibuatkan usaha skenario pemanfaatan di kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua dengan analisis Net Present Value (NPV). Dari nilai NPV ini dapat disusun strategi pengelolaan wilayah pesisir hutan mangrove di kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua yang paling baik dan menguntungkan dengan memanfaatkan lahan untuk usaha pemancingan dengan nilai Rp 48 milyar.

The presence of mangrove forest in the Pulau Dua Nature Reserve currently provides many tangible livelihood for the communities that use mangrove forest ecosystem. This study aims to determine the valuation of the total economic value of mangrove forests to develop strategies for the management of mangrove forest in the Pulau Dua Nature Reserve. This study uses survey with qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Calculation of total economic valuation of mangrove forest in the Pulau Dua Nature Reserve area of 30 ha obtained is Rp 4 billion/year or Rp 144 million/ha/year. Furthermore, each of the value of the benefit created for use in the business scenario Pulau Dua Nature Reserve with Net Present Value (NPV) analysis can be arranged mangrove coastal zone management strategy in the Pulau Dua Nature Reserve most excellent and profitable is to use the land for fishing effort with a value of Rp 48 billion."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weka Mahardi
Sebagai upaya menahan dan mengurangi laju erosi pantai utara Provinsi Jawa Tengah
telah dilakukan pembangunanstruktur keras (APO dan permeable HE) di Desa
Timbulsloko, Kabupaten Demak. Fungsi struktur APO dan struktur HE bersifat
sementara untuk meredam gelombang datang dan memperangkap sedimen sampai
terbentuk lahan sedimentasi yang relatif stabil untuk ditanami mangrove ?metode soft
structure-, yang secara jangka panjang pertumbuhan perakaran mangrove akan
berfungsi alami memulihkan kembali stabilitas pantai.
Penilitian ini mengulas mengenai pembentukan sedimen di sekitar struktur APO dan
struktur permeable HE sampai dengan layak ditanami mangrove. Metode penelitian
menggunakan deskriptif eksploratif dan pemodelan. Pengambilan sampel
menggunakan purpose sampling method terhadap data hidro-oseanografi (pasang
surut, arus, gelombang), sedimen, dan perubahan garis pantai. Pengolahan data
dilakukan sebagai parameter dan batasan dalam pemodelan lebih lanjut. Analisis
kesesuaian sedimen juga dilakukan untuk melihat kelayakan melakukan rehabilitasi
Hasil pengamatan hidro-oseanografi diperlukan sebagai masukan dalam analisa
sedimentasi. Pengamatan pada APO segmen-1 sedimen yang terkumpul selama 7
bulan sebanyak 4.519 m3 atau 21,52 m3/hari dan segmen-2 sebanyak 4.836 m3 atau
26.87 m3/hari. Sedangkan struktur permeadel HE 1-3 segmen selama 6 bulan
(Desember 2013 ? Mei 2014) sebanyak 3849m3 atau 21,38 m3/hari. Hasil pemodelan
dengan program CEDAS simulasi 6 bulan menunjukkan sedimentasi sebesar 3550
m3. Sedangkan jenis mangrove yang cocok ditanam dengan subtrat lumpur berpasir
adalah Rhizopora mucronata dan Rhizopora stylosa.
Sedimentasi yang terbentuk menunjukkan bahwa struktur APO berfungsi dengan baik
untuk mempersiapkan kondisi lingkungan yang memungkinkan dilakukan rehabilitasi
mangrove. Metoda ini merupakan perpaduan antara hard structure dengan soft
structure sebagai upaya pemulihan daerah erosi pantai di Desa Timbulsloko, Demak.
Metoda ini perlu dilanjutkan dan diterapkan di daerah lain dengan karakteristik pantai
yang serupa.

As an effort to reduce the northern coastal area erosion of Central Java has
established hard-structure (wave-breaker structure and permeable dam). Function of
wave-breaker structure and permeable dam are to reduce wave energy and to catch
sediment until formed a relatively stable sedimentation land for planting mangrove -
method of soft-structure- which in the long term of mangrove roots growth will be
naturally restore for beach stability function.
This research is observe sedimentation process around wave-breaker and permeable
dam area until can be used to mangrove planting. Research method use descriptive
exploration. Sampling activity used purpose sampling method for the data of hydrooceanography,
sediment and coastal line changes. Sediment analysis is used to
rehabilitation of mangrove.
Hydro-oceanography observation result is needs to be input in sedimentation rate.
Sedimentation in wave-breaker segment-1 show that 7 months observation can be
collected 4,519 m2 (21.52 m3 per day) and segment-2 was 4,836 m3 (26.87 m3per
day).Six months observation in permeable dam can collected 3,849m3 (21,38 m3 per
day). Recommendation species of mangrove suitable to be planted in the location are
Rhizopora mucronata and Rhizopora stylosa. CEDAS Modelling results in 6 months
can be collected sediment 3,550 m3.
Sedimentation formed shows that wave-breaker and permeable structure works well
to prepare the environmental conditions to allow performed mangrove rehabilitation.
This method is a combination of hard structure and soft structure for restoring coastal
erosion area in Timbulsloko Village, Demak Regency. This method needs to be
followed and applied in other areas with similar characteristics coast.;As an effort to reduce the northern coastal area erosion of Central Java has
established hard-structure (wave-breaker structure and permeable dam). Function of
wave-breaker structure and permeable dam are to reduce wave energy and to catch
sediment until formed a relatively stable sedimentation land for planting mangrove -
method of soft-structure- which in the long term of mangrove roots growth will be
naturally restore for beach stability function.
This research is observe sedimentation process around wave-breaker and permeable
dam area until can be used to mangrove planting. Research method use descriptive
exploration. Sampling activity used purpose sampling method for the data of hydrooceanography,
sediment and coastal line changes. Sediment analysis is used to
rehabilitation of mangrove.
Hydro-oceanography observation result is needs to be input in sedimentation rate.
Sedimentation in wave-breaker segment-1 show that 7 months observation can be
collected 4,519 m2 (21.52 m3 per day) and segment-2 was 4,836 m3 (26.87 m3per
day).Six months observation in permeable dam can collected 3,849m3 (21,38 m3 per
day). Recommendation species of mangrove suitable to be planted in the location are
Rhizopora mucronata and Rhizopora stylosa. CEDAS Modelling results in 6 months
can be collected sediment 3,550 m3.
Sedimentation formed shows that wave-breaker and permeable structure works well
to prepare the environmental conditions to allow performed mangrove rehabilitation.
This method is a combination of hard structure and soft structure for restoring coastal
erosion area in Timbulsloko Village, Demak Regency. This method needs to be
followed and applied in other areas with similar characteristics coast., As an effort to reduce the northern coastal area erosion of Central Java has
established hard-structure (wave-breaker structure and permeable dam). Function of
wave-breaker structure and permeable dam are to reduce wave energy and to catch
sediment until formed a relatively stable sedimentation land for planting mangrove -
method of soft-structure- which in the long term of mangrove roots growth will be
naturally restore for beach stability function.
This research is observe sedimentation process around wave-breaker and permeable
dam area until can be used to mangrove planting. Research method use descriptive
exploration. Sampling activity used purpose sampling method for the data of hydrooceanography,
sediment and coastal line changes. Sediment analysis is used to
rehabilitation of mangrove.
Hydro-oceanography observation result is needs to be input in sedimentation rate.
Sedimentation in wave-breaker segment-1 show that 7 months observation can be
collected 4,519 m2 (21.52 m3 per day) and segment-2 was 4,836 m3 (26.87 m3per
day).Six months observation in permeable dam can collected 3,849m3 (21,38 m3 per
day). Recommendation species of mangrove suitable to be planted in the location are
Rhizopora mucronata and Rhizopora stylosa. CEDAS Modelling results in 6 months
can be collected sediment 3,550 m3.
Sedimentation formed shows that wave-breaker and permeable structure works well
to prepare the environmental conditions to allow performed mangrove rehabilitation.
This method is a combination of hard structure and soft structure for restoring coastal
erosion area in Timbulsloko Village, Demak Regency. This method needs to be
followed and applied in other areas with similar characteristics coast.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinung Rahardjo
"Penelitian penggunaan rumput laut sebagai fitoremediasi limbah budidaya udang vanamei adalah salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi pencemaran perairan dan kerusakan lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh kegiatan budidaya udang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan 3 jenis rumput laut sebagai kandidat fitoremediasi yaitu: Caulerpa sp, Gracilaria sp dan Eucheuma sp. Tempat pelaksanaan penelitian adalah Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan desa Karangantu, Kec. Kasemen Kota Serang Propinsi Banten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gracilaria sp memiliki kemampuan biofiltrasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan Caulerpa sp dan Eucheuma sp yaitu kemampuan menyerap limbah organik budidaya udang vanamei baik amonia, nitrit, nitrat dan total bahan organik. Nilai rata-rata tingkat biofiltrasi Gracilaria sp terhadap amonia, nitrit, nitrat dan total bahan organik secara berturut-turut sebesar 36,3 , 20,1 , 30,8 dan 14.
Hasil uji skala lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan rumput laut juga mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan udang dan kualitas air budidaya. Rata-rata pertumbuhan udang vanamei mencapai 0,3 g/hari dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup berk isar antara 75-85 . Produktivitas hasil panen udang vanamei berkisar 3,8-4,5 kg/m2 dengan size 53-63 ekor/kg. Kualitas air selama kegiatan budidaya berada dalam kisaran normal dan jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kualitas air di tambak konvensional. Persepsi masyarakat terhadap teknologi fitoremediasi memiliki nilai cukup baik. Teknologi ini diyakini oleh masyarakat memiliki manfaat secara ekologi, ekonomi dan sosial. Bertambahnya nilai manfaat limbah berdampak positif terhadap pemakaian sumberdaya yang lebih efesiensi.

AbstractTo overcome environmental pollution and degradation from shrimp farming activities, research on the use of seaweeds for phytoremediation is necessary and gaining momentum. This research employed quantitative approach, with 3 types of seaweed are used as the phytoremediation candidate, namely Caulerpa sp, Gracilaria sp and Eucheuma sp. The research took place at the Jakarta Fisheries University Campus - Karangantu station, Banten. The results showed that Gracilaria sp has higher biofiltration ability than Caulerpa sp and Eucheuma sp, including the ability to absorb organic waste either ammonia, nitrite, nitrate or total organic matter from vanamei shrimp culture. The average biofiltration rates of Gracilaria sp on ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and total organic matter were 36.3 , 20.1 , 30.8 and 14 , respectively.
Field trial indicated that the use of seaweed can also increase shrimp growth and improve water quality. The average growth of shrimp reached 0.3 g/day, with survival rate ranging from 75 to 85 . Productivity of vanamei shrimp ranged from 3.8 to 4.5 kg/m2, with the size of 53-63 heads/kg. During the trial, water quality was within the normal range and much better when compared to that of the conventional pond. Public perception on phytoremediation technology appeared to be "good". This technology is believed to possess ecological, economic and social benefits. Increase value of waste benefits would positively affect the utilisation of resources in a more sustainable way.
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djoko Hartoyo
Nama : Djoko HartoyoProgram Studi : Ilmu LingkunganJudul : DINAMIKA EKOSISTEM PERAIRAN LAUT PASCA PENUTUPAN KEGIATAN PERTAMBANGAN Studi Pembuangan Tailing di Teluk Buyat, Minahasa Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari dinamika ekosistem perairan laut pasca penutupan aktivitas tambang di Teluk Buyat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh faktor dinamika laut pada keberadaan tailing di dasar laut Teluk Buyat. Permodelan arus memperlihatkan kecepatan arus menuju pasang berkisar 0,04-0,08 m/detik, lebih tinggi dari kecepatan arus menuju surut yang berkisar 0,02-0,06 m/detik. Hasil studi memperlihatkan terjadinya dinamika ekosistem laut yang ditunjukkan oleh semakin meningkatnya kelimpahan, nilai indeks keanekaragaman H rsquo;>3 , dan nilai indeks keseragaman ?>6 biota bentos. Nilai ini menggambarkan tahapan suksesi ekosistem laut pasca pembuangan tailing serta mengindikasikan adanya keterkaitan kondisi lingkungan dengan kesempatan biota bentos untuk berstrategi dan mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya. Persepsi masyarakat di sekitar Teluk Buyat terhadap variabel sosial budaya dan kesehatan masyarakat menunjukkan kondisi yang semakin membaik. Hasil analisis keberlanjutan menunjukkan kondisi ekosistem Teluk Buyat ditinjau dari dimensi lingkungan dengan nilai indeks 72,53 dan sosial budaya dengan nilai indeks 51,03 , dikategorikan cukup berkelanjutan, sedangkan pada dimensi ekonomi adalah kurang berkelanjutan dengan nilai indeks 48,87 . Hasil keseluruhan tahapan analisis menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan dan perairan Teluk Buyat semakin membaik. Model konseptual pengelolaan ekosistem Teluk Buyat pasca penutupan aktivitas tambang akan mampu menurunkan tekanan dan meningkatkan kualitas ekosistem baik dari aspek lingkungan, sosial maupun ekonomi masyarakat. Kata kunci: Tailing, Submarine Tailing Disposal STD , Buyat, Bentos

Name : Djoko HartoyoStudy Programe : Environmental ScienceTitle : ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS OF MARINE WATERS POST-CLOSURE OF MINING Study of Tailings Disposal in Buyat Bay, Minahasa The research aims to study the dynamics of marine ecosystems after the closure of mining activity in Buyat Bay. The results showed the influence of ocean dynamics in the presence of tailings in Buyat Bay. Modeling of current shows the current flow velocity toward the high tide, i.e. 0,04-0,08 m/s, is higher than the current speed towards low tide ranging from 0,02 to 0,06 m/s. This study shows the occurrence of marine ecosystem dynamics shown by the increasing abundance, diversity index value H rsquo;>3 , and the value of the uniformity index ?>6 benthos biota. This value represents the marine ecosystem succession stages of post-tailing and indicate their relationship with the environmental conditions of benthos opportunity, to have a strategy and maintain their life. Perception communities around Buyat Bay for the variable of social, cultural and public health, indicates that the condition of Buyat Bay is getting better. The results of the sustainability analysis show the condition of Buyat Bay ecosystem in terms of environmental 2,53 and socio-cultural dimensions 51,03 , is sustainable enough, while the economic dimension is less sustainable 48,87 . The overall results indicate that the environmental and waters of Buyat Bay is getting better. The conceptual model of the management of Buyat Bay ecosystems after the closure of mining activities will be able to reduce the pressure and improve the quality of the ecosystem from the environmental, social and economic community. Keywords: Tailing, Submarine Tailing Disposal STD , Buyat, Bentos "
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library