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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2007
305.8 MUL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bonang, Engelina
Abstrak :
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the influences of urbanism, schooling and gender on intelligence. An additional purpose was the investigation of the influences of urbanism and gender on school achievement. The first question pertinent to the problems in this investigation is: What is the impact of urban culture as compared to rural culture on the development of abilities? Will there be differences in the abilities of urban and rural children, not only in terms of level or quantity but also in terms of the kinds of strategies used in solving problems? The term urbanism in this study is taken from Wirth (1938) and has the meaning of way of live that is characteristic of people living in the cities. According to Wirth the study of urbanism can be approached from three inter-related perspectives: (1) as a physical structure, (2) as a system of social organization, and (3) as a set of attitudes and ideas and a "constellation of personalities". In the discussion he paid much attention to the last two perspectives. Defined as a way of life, urbanism then is identical to urban culture, because culture is defined as including a material aspect, as well as values, norms and knowledge that is made by humans for the regulation of social interaction and the enhancement of group living (Selo Soemardjan and Soelaeman Soemardi, 1964). Recent developments in social psychology are paying much attention to the non-material aspect which is given the name subjective culture, i.e. "... a cultural group's characteristic way of perceiving the man-made part of its environment. The perception of rules and the group's norms, roles, and values are aspects of subjective culture." (Triandis, 1972, p. 4). Based on the studies of anthropologists on urban (e.g. Basham, 1978) and rural (e.g. Koentjaraningrat, 1964) communities it can be concluded that the way of life in the cities is different from the way of life in the villages. The supposition in this study is that urban and rural people would develop different abilities and skills.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pleyte, W. Edith Humris
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh sehingga pada pasien yang menderita penyakit Talasemia Mayor sering terjadi gangguan psikopatologis. Juga ingin diketahui secara khusus adalah bagaimana peranan orangtua dalam menimbulkan gangguan jiwa pada anaknya yang menderita talasemia. Langsung terhadap timbulnya gangguan jiwa pada anaknya. Ibu memainkan peranan yang. lebih besar dalam menimbulkan gangguan jiwa anaknya. Disamping itu orang juga sangat tertekan oleh pendapatan keluarga yang tidak memadai serta keadaan anak yang dengan bertambahnya umur semakin buruk prognosisnya. Subjek penelitian meliputi 192 kasus yang terdiri dari 110 anak laki-laki dan 82 anak perempuan yang berumur antara 1-17 tahun dan datang berobat jalan pada Unit Talasemia, Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI/RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Disamping itu penelitian juga dilakukan terhadap 192 pasang orangtuanya. Tempat Penelitian adalah Unit Talasemia, Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI/RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan psikiatrik dengan berpedoman pada wawancara standar "Pedoman pembuatan laporan psikiatrik" dan kuesioner-kuesioner. Kuesioner itu adalah kuesioner yang secara khusus dirancang untuk orangtua pasien untuk mendapat data demografis dan memeriksa persepsi orangtua mengenai penyakit talasemia serta kesepakatan antara orangtua. Disamping itu, juga dipakai kuesioner SCL 90 untuk memeriksa terdapatnya kecenderungan gangguan jiwa pada orangtua. Hasil utama 1. Jumlah kasus talasemia yang menderita gangguan jiwa adalah 62 orang (32.3%), ibu yang mempuyai kecenderungan gangguan jiwa adalah 73 orang (38.0%) sedangkan ayah adalah 95 orang (49.5%). Pemeriksaan klinis psikiatrik yang dilakukan pada 108 ibu menunjukkan bahwa 39 (36.1%) orang menderita gangguan jiwa sedangkan pada pemeriksaan 104 orang ayah sebanyak 35 orang (32.7%) menderita gangguan jiwa. 2. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara kecenderungan gangguan jiwa pada orangtua dengan gangguan jiwa pada anaknya. Terdapat hubungan antara gangguan jiwa pada ibu dengan gangguan jiwa pada anaknya. 3. Persepsi orangtua mengenai penyakit talasemia cukup realistik. Persepsi ibu mengenai kemampuan anak berhubungan secara negatif dengan gangguan jiwa pada anaknya 4. Persepsi orangtua mengenai talasemia sangat dipengaruhi oleh pendapatan keluarga dan umur anak Kesimpulan Penyakit Talasemia Mayor merupakan stresor psikososial yang berat baik bagi anak maupun orangtuanya sehingga merupakan faktor yang menentukan timbulnya psikopatologi pada anak dan orangtuanya. Temyata bahwa orangtua tidak berperan secara langsung terhadap timbulnya gangguan jiwa pada anaknya. Ibu memainkan peranan yang lebih besar dalam menimbulkan gangguan jiwa anaknya. Disamping itu orang juga sangat tertekan oleh pendapatan keluarga yang tidak memadai serta keadaan anak yang dengan bertambahnya umur semakin buruk prognosisnya.
Purpose the aim is to study the influence of factors on patients suffering from Thalassemia Mayor and their parents which often causes the emergence of psychopathology. Special attention is placed upon the role of parents in developing mental disorders in their children who are thalassemics. Study subjects Study subjects were taken from the population of patients who regularly visit the Thalassemia Unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. The number of cases included in the study is 192 patients , consisting of 110 boys and 82 girls, aged between I - 17 years. Their parents were also included in the study Measurements Measurements were performed by interviews and observation. All the cases and their parents were examined using general psychiatric examination technique based on Manual for Constructing a Psychiatric Report. In addition to this examination a special questionnaire was constructed to obtain demographic data and perception of parents about their children's illness. The parents were also asked to complete a form of SCL-90 which is a self-rating questionnaire to evaluate their mental status. Main Results 1. The number of cases who besides Thalassemia Mayor also suffer from mental disorder is 62 (32.3%). The number of fathers who have a tendency for mental disorders is 73 (38.0%), the number of mothers is 95 (49.5%), Psychiatric examination of 108 mothers showed that 39 (36.1%) suffer from mental disorder and examination of 104 fathers showed that 35 (32.7%) suffer from mental disorder 2. There was no relationship found between tendency for mental disorder of the parents and mental disorders of their children. On the contrary there was relationship found between mental disorder of the cases and mental disorder of their mothers. 3. Perception of the parents about Thalassemia Mayor was quite realistic. Perception of the mothers about the child's ability was negatively related towards mental disorder of the children. 4. Perception of the parents about Thalassemia Mayor was influenced by income of the family and age of the child Conclusion It has been proven that Thalassemia Mayor is a severe psycho-social stress causing psychopathology in thalassemics and their parents, The parents do not directly influence the emergence of mental disorder in their children. Mothers play a greater role in precipitating mental disorder in their children
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Suparta
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini mengkaji teks Putru Kalpasan PK MM yang merupakan salah satu genre sastra-tutur, khususnya tutur-eskatologis. PK MM merupakan teks sakral yang digunakan sebagai tuntunan praktis dalam tata upacara penyucian dan pemujaan roh leluhur yang disebut ritual ddha pada masa Jawa Kuno. Di antara keenam teks Jawa Kuno yang digunakan, empat naskah berupa lontar Borassus flabellifer , yang ditulis dengan aksara Buda, dan dua naskah kertas beraksara Jawa Baru. Kajian kritik teks textual criticism dengan metode stemma dari Karl Lachmann 1850 . Metode edisi teks yang ditempuh adalah edisi diplomatik secara paralel paralel diplomatic edition and edisi kritik.Kajian eskatologi, khususnya dari sudut personal eschatology eskatologi-kal pasan mengasilkan temuan cukup signifikan. Pertama, teks PK MM ini merupakan teks pertama dalam khazanah naskah Jawa yang menerangkan tata upacra sesaji ddha dari masa Jawa Kuno. Kedua, konsep kal pasan absorption yang dipahami sebagai ldquo;pembebasan rdquo; roh dari noda daamala pada ritual hambukur menjadi conditio sine quanon dalam pembayatan pitara menjadi Dewa Pitara ldquo;jiwa menjadi dewa rdquo; . Ketiga, penggubah teks PK Merapi-Merbabu menampilkan pemikiran eskalotogis dengan berpusat pada kosmologi Jawa, yakni mendudukkan Bhara Guru sebagai dewa tertinggi di Winduppt, kahyangan tertinggi dari 29 swarga. Hal ini menggambarkan adanya kesinambungan pemikiran keagamaan dari masa Jawa Kuno abad ke-9 mdash;15 M yang diwariskan sebagai teks kosmo-eskatologis dalam tradisi Sastra-Ajar di gunung Merapi-Merbabu pada abad ke-16 Masehi. Kata Kunci: Putru Kal pasan, eskatologi Jawa Kuno, sajirddha, Dewa Pitara, Sastra-Ajar, skriptorium Merapi-Merbabu.
ABSTRACT This dissertation examined the text Putru Kal pasan PK which is one of tutur literary genres, especially an eschatological-tutur. PK Merapi-Merbabu is a sacred text that is used as a practical guidance for rites of purification and worship ancestral spirits called Shr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ddha. Among the six of Old Javanese texts used, there are four palm-leaf manuscripts Borassus flabellifer written in the so-called Buda, and two paper manuscripts in the Javanese alphabets. The study of textual criticism with stemma method of Karl Lachmann 1850 . Text edition method applied are a parallel diplomatic edition and critical edition. To understand the meaning of the lsquo;content rsquo;, this edtion is completed by translation into Indonesian. Eschatological studies, particularly from the point of personal eschatology kal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?pasan results in several significant findings. First, the text PK Merapi-Merbabu is the first text found in the treasures of the Java script in detail explaining the rites of offerings from the Old Javanese for Shr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ddha ritual purposes. Second, the concept kal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?pasan absorption understood as liberation of the soul of da ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?amala stains in the hambukur has become conditio sine quanon in purification pitara to become Dewa Pitara ancestral spirits who become a god . Third, the author of text PK featuring eskalotogical thought with a focus on Javanese cosmology puts Bh ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ara Guru as the supreme god in Windup ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?p ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?t, the highest celestial of 29 heavens. It is illustrates the continuity of religious thought from the Old Javanese era in the 9th mdash;15th century that inherited as a cosmo-eschatological text into the Sastra-Ajar tradition in the Merapi-Merbabu volcano in the 16th century. Keywords: Putru Kal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?pasan, Old Javanese eschatology, Bh ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ara Guru, Shr ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ddha offerings, Dewa Pitara, Sastra-Ajar, scriptorium of Merapi-Merbabu volcano.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library