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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Zharifah Fauziyyah Nafisah
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Di Asia Tenggara, angka kecelakaan merupakan peringkat ke-9 pada daftar penyebab kematian. Kekerasan akibat benda tumpul sendiri menyebabkan hampir tiga ribu kematian di Amerika pada tahun 2007-2011. Kekerasan tumpul, terutama pada dada dapat menyebabkan komplikasi pada organ dalam seperti jantung, paru, pembuluh, saraf, bahkan tulang dan otot. Komplikasi inilah yang dapat menjadi penyebab kematian seseorang. Akan tetapi, tidak semua jenazah yang ada selalu diotopsi sehingga penyebab kematian korban tidak dapat diketahui dengan benar. Epidemiologi forensik sebagai cabang ilmu kedokteran forensik yang baru berkembang digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan antara temuan luka akibat kekerasan tumpul di dada dengan kerusakan organ dalam.

Metode: Subjek penelitian ini adalah 135 mayat yang diotopsi di Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal FKUI-RSCM dengan temuan luka akibat kekerasan tumpul di dada. Dari rekam medik korban yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, data jenis temuan luka dan kerusakan organ diinput ke dalam SPSS dan dilihat persebaran datanya serta dicari hubungannya.

Hasil: Pada penelitian ini, ditemukan hubungan bermakna (P<0,05) antara luka lecet di dada kanan dengan kerusakan iga kanan (P=0,00) dan iga kiri (P=0,005), luka lecet di dada kiri dengan kerusakan iga kiri (P=0,038), luka terbuka tepi tidak rata di dada kiri dengan kerusakan iga kanan (P=0,021), dan diafragma (P=0,028). Pembahasan: Hubungan kebermaknaan ini disebabkan oleh adanya hubungan secara anatomis antara luka luar dengan kerusakan organ dalam yang dipengaruhi juga oleh jenis luka akibat perbedaan gaya trauma yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan perlukaan tersebut.;Introduction: Accident is the 9th leading cause of death in South-East Asia.
Blunt force trauma caused almost three thousand deaths in United States of America from 2007 until 2011. Blunt force trauma in chest can cause complications to the visceral organs such as heart, lungs, vessels, nerves, even bones and muscles. These complications could be a cause of death. But, not all corpses always get autopsied so that the real cause of death could not be known right.

Method: Subject of this research was 135 corpses that were autopsied in Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Department FKUI-RSCM with blunt force trauma findings in chest. From the medical record that is suitable with the inclusion and exclusion criterias, the type of blunt force trauma findings and the visceral organ damages were inputted, described by the dataā€™s distribution, and analyzed to find the relation.

Result: Significant result (P<0.05) found in four variable correlations, which are the relation between abrasions in right chest with right ribs damages (P=0.00) and left ribs damages (P=0.005), abrasions in left chest with left ribs damages (P=0.038), and lacerations in left chest with right ribs damage (P=0.021) and diaphragm damage (P=0.028). Discussion: These significant results caused by the anatomical relation between the blunt force trauma findings and
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Sawitri
Abstrak :
Pemeriksaan toksikologi forensik terdiri dari pemeriksaan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pemeriksaan menggunakan metode Biochip Array Technology merupakan metode baru dengan teknologi nano digunakan untuk pemeriksaan toksikologi forensik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai diagnostik pemeriksaan morfin dan benzodiazepin menggunakan metode tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian potong lintang (Cross sectional), dengan sampel penelitian adalah seorang laki-laki atau perempuan berusia diatas 18 tahun sejumlah 20 orang yang diambil dengan cara Consecutive sampling pada bulan September 2014 di Puskesmas Johar Baru, Jakarta Pusat. Dari sampel tersebut yang diperiksa dengan GC/MS, 4 sampel terdeteksi positif morfin, dan 3 sampel terdeteksi benzodiazepin. Pemeriksaan dengan metode Biochip Array Technology, 4 sampel positif morfin, dan 6 sampel terdeteksi positif benzodiazepin. Hasil analisa uji diagnostik menunjukkan bahwa pemeriksaan morfin menggunakan metode tersebut memiliki sensitivitas sebesar 100 %, spesifisitas 100 %, nilai duga positif 100 % dan nilai duga negatif 100 %. Hasil uji diagnostik pemeriksaan benzodiazepin menggunakan metode tersebut adalah sensitivitas 100 %, spesifisitas 82,35%, nilai duga positif 50 % dan nilai duga negatif 100 %. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode ini sangat baik digunakan untuk pemeriksaan morfin sedangkan untuk pemeriksaan benzodiazepine kurang baik.
Forensic toxicology examination consists of a qualitative and quantitative examination. Biochip Array Technology is a new method with nanotechnology used for Forensic toxicology examination. The aim is to know the identificcation value of Biochip Array Technology diagnostic test to forensic toxicology examination of Morphine and benzodiazepine in urine. Cross Sectional diagnostic study was applied to those who are male or female aged over 18 years old, 20 samples were taken consecutively in Agustus 2014 from primary health centres of Johar Baru, Jakarta Pusat. From these samples using the GC/MS, 4 samples are positive morphine, 3 samples are positive benzodiazepine. From Biochip Array Technology Examination, 4 samples are positive morphine, 6 samples are positive benzodiazepine. Diagnostic test analysis in morphine examination showed that Biochip Array Technology revealed 100 % sensitivity, 100 % specificity, 100 % positive predictive value, and 100 % negative predictive value. Diagnostic test analysis in benzodiazepine examination showed that Biochip Array Technology revealed 100 % sensitivity, 82,35 % specificity, 50 % positive predictive value and 100 % negative predictive value. It can be concluded that this method is reliable in morphine examination but only if the sample is controlled, while for benzodiazepine examination, this method is not reliable. , Forensic toxicology examination consists of a qualitative and quantitative examination. Biochip Array Technology is a new method with nanotechnology used for Forensic toxicology examination. The aim is to know the identificcation value of Biochip Array Technology diagnostic test to forensic toxicology examination of Morphine and benzodiazepine in urine. Cross Sectional diagnostic study was applied to those who are male or female aged over 18 years old, 20 samples were taken consecutively in Agustus 2014 from primary health centres of Johar Baru, Jakarta Pusat. From these samples using the GC/MS, 4 samples are positive morphine, 3 samples are positive benzodiazepine. From Biochip Array Technology Examination, 4 samples are positive morphine, 6 samples are positive benzodiazepine. Diagnostic test analysis in morphine examination showed that Biochip Array Technology revealed 100 % sensitivity, 100 % specificity, 100 % positive predictive value, and 100 % negative predictive value. Diagnostic test analysis in benzodiazepine examination showed that Biochip Array Technology revealed 100 % sensitivity, 82,35 % specificity, 50 % positive predictive value and 100 % negative predictive value. It can be concluded that this method is reliable in morphine examination but only if the sample is controlled, while for benzodiazepine examination, this method is not reliable. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santosa Yanuar
Abstrak :
Batasan obyektif dalam menentukan derajat luka ringan dan sedang diperlukan karena Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) tidak menjelaskan deskripsi luka ringan dan sedang, ancaman hukuman bagi tersangka sangat bergantung pada derajat luka yang dialami korban, dan tidak ada metode diagnostik obyektif yang digunakan hingga kini. Khusus untuk kasus penganiayaan dengan temuan memar dan luka lecet, jumlah luka mungkin dapat digunakan sebagai batasan obyektif tersebut karena korban dengan 3 memar pasti mengalami hambatan yang lebih ringan dibandingkan korban dengan 50 memar. Penelitian ini menguji jumlah luka terhadap Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) dan opini dokter forensik sebagai nilai acuan karena telah teruji dalam penentuan derajat luka sesuai hukum Indonesia. Peneliti mengambil data dari Visum et Repertum kasus penganiayaan Januari 2014 ? Desember 2014 RSCM berupa jumlah luka dan data lain yang diperlukan untuk penentuan derajat luka dengan TRISS kemudian menentukan titik potong (cut-off) luka sedang terbaik dengan ROC berdasarkan data tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini tidak dapat dianalisis karena tidak ada sampel yang termasuk ke dalam luka sedang melalui perhitungan TRISS. Walaupun begitu, jika nilai acuan yang digunakan opini dokter forensik, ditemukan AUC sebesar 90,6% (IK 95%: 75,3% -100%). Titik potong terbaik adalah 12 luka dengan sensitivitas 66,7%, spesifisitas 93,4%, NDP 16,7%, NDN 99,3%, RKP 1007%, dan RKN 35,7% pada prevalensi 3/154. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah masih belum diketahui apakah jumlah luka dapat digunakan sebagai batasan obyektif untuk menentukan luka ringan dan sedang pada kasus penganiayaan dengan temuan hanya memar dan/atau luka lecet karena TRISS tidak dapat mendeteksi luka sedang pada populasi sampel.
Objective diagnostic tool to determine minor and moderate injuries is necessitate since Indonesian Criminal Code does not give clear descriptions of mild and moderate injuries, severity of injury is the main determinant factor in determining the charges for the assailant, and no objective diagnostic tool currently in use. In cases with only bruises and/or abrasions findings, we propose that quantity of injuries might be used as a diagnostic tool since victim with 3 bruises will experience milder disturbance compared to victim with 50 bruises. The research is diagnostic test which determine whether or not quantity of injuries can be used as a diagnostic tool in those cases with Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) as the reference value. TRISS was chosen since it?s the only objective method that had been tested to determine severity of injury according to Indonesian Criminal Code. Quantity of injury and other data necessitate to determine severity of injury with TRISS were acquired from Visa et Reperta of assault cases in January 2014 ? December 2014 in RSCM. From the data, we seek the most appropriate cut-off for moderate injury statistically. The results could not be analyzed since there was no moderate injury in the samples according to TRISS. However, if forensic specialists? opinion was used as reference value, the most appropriate cut-off of moderate injury would be 12 injuries with AUC 90,6% (CI 95%: 75,3% - 100%), 66,7% sensitivity, 93,4% specificity, 16,7% PPV, 99,3% NPV, 1007% PLR, and 35,7% NLR in a population with 3/154 prevalence. The conclusion of the research is whether quantity of injuries could be used as a valid diagnostic tool to determine minor and moderate injury in assault cases with only bruises and/or abrasions findings remains unknown since TRISS could not detect moderate injuries in samples? population.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shafira Ninditya
Abstrak :
[Latar Belakang: Di Amerika Serikat, terdapat 16.000 kematian setiap tahunnya karena trauma pada dada, berkontribusi pada 75% kematian akibat trauma. Di RSCM Jakarta, tercatat setidaknya ada 1200 mayat yang masuk dengan hanya 33,3% mayat diautopsi sehingga dapat diketahui kerusakan organ dalamnya. Pemanfaatan epidemiologi forensik untuk menentukan hubungan kemaknaan antara temuan luka luar dengan kerusakan organ dalamnya dapat menunjang opini ahli dokter forensik pada kasus yang tidak diautopsi. Metode: Subjek penelitian ini adalah 128 mayat yang diautopsi di Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal FKUI/RSCM Jakarta Tahun 2010- 2013, dengan temuan luka luar akibat kekerasan tajam pada dada dan punggung. Dari rekam medis korban yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi kriteria dan eksklusi diinput ke dalam program SPSS, dan selanjutnya dianalisis hubungan antara kedua variabel. Hasil: Berdasarkan Uji Chi Square ataupun Uji Fischer, ditemukan hubungan bermakna (p<0,05) antara (i) luka tusuk dada kanan dengan iga kanan, paru kanan, dan hati; (ii) luka tusuk dada kiri dengan iga kanan, iga kiri, jantung, paru kanan, dan paru kiri; (iii) luka tusuk dada tengah dengan sternum; (iv) luka tusuk punggung kanan dengan iga kanan, jantung, dan paru kanan; (v) luka tusuk punggung kiri dengan kerusakan iga kanan, jantung, paru kanan, paru kiri, hati, dan ginjal kiri; serta (vi) luka bacok dada kiri dengan paru kiri. Pembahasan: Terdapat variasi kemaknaan pada setiap hubungan antara kedua variabel. Hal ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh hubungan secara letak anatomi, yang selanjutnya dipengaruhi oleh jenis luka, alat tajam yang digunakan dalam kekerasan tersebut beserta arah penetrasinya, besar gaya untuk menentukan sedalam apa luka yang dihasilkan, dan densitas jaringan organ dalam.;Introduction: In the United States, there are 16,000 deaths each year from chest injury, giving 75% death caused by trauma. At Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, there are at least 1,200 corpses registered with only 33.3% of the corpse?s visceral organ injury could be discovered. Utilization of forensic epidemiology to determine the relation between findings of external injuries and damages to visceral organ could support the opinion of the expert forensic doctor in a case of non-autopsy. Method: The subjects of this research are 128 corpses, which were autopsied from 2010 until 2013 in the Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Department of FKUI/RSCM Jakarta, exclusively corpses with sharp force trauma in the chest and the back area. The medical records of these corpses, which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were inputted to SPSS program and analyzed the relationship between them. Result: Based on both Chi Square Test and Fischer Test, significant results (p<0,05) were found between (i) sharp force injury on the right chest area with damages in the right rib, right lung, and liver; (ii) sharp force injury of the left chest area with damages in the right rib, left rib, heart, right lung, and left lung; (iii) sharp force injury of the middle chest area with damages in the sternum; (iv) sharp force injury of the right chest area with damages in the right rib, heart and right lung; (v) sharp force injury of left chest area with damages in the right rib, heart, right lung, left lung, liver, and left kidney; and (vi) gash wound on the left chest area with damages in the left lung. Discussion: There is variation of significance on every relationship between those two variables. It is mainly caused by the anatomical reason, then followed by the type of injury, weapon used with its penetrating direction, amount of force to determine how deep the injury is, and tissue density of the visceral organs, Introduction: In the United States, there are 16,000 deaths each year from chest injury, giving 75% death caused by trauma. At Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, there are at least 1,200 corpses registered with only 33.3% of the corpseā€™s visceral organ injury could be discovered. Utilization of forensic epidemiology to determine the relation between findings of external injuries and damages to visceral organ could support the opinion of the expert forensic doctor in a case of non-autopsy. Method: The subjects of this research are 128 corpses, which were autopsied from 2010 until 2013 in the Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Department of FKUI/RSCM Jakarta, exclusively corpses with sharp force trauma in the chest and the back area. The medical records of these corpses, which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were inputted to SPSS program and analyzed the relationship between them. Result: Based on both Chi Square Test and Fischer Test, significant results (p<0,05) were found between (i) sharp force injury on the right chest area with damages in the right rib, right lung, and liver; (ii) sharp force injury of the left chest area with damages in the right rib, left rib, heart, right lung, and left lung; (iii) sharp force injury of the middle chest area with damages in the sternum; (iv) sharp force injury of the right chest area with damages in the right rib, heart and right lung; (v) sharp force injury of left chest area with damages in the right rib, heart, right lung, left lung, liver, and left kidney; and (vi) gash wound on the left chest area with damages in the left lung. Discussion: There is variation of significance on every relationship between those two variables. It is mainly caused by the anatomical reason, then followed by the type of injury, weapon used with its penetrating direction, amount of force to determine how deep the injury is, and tissue density of the visceral organs]
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lenggo Septiady P
Abstrak :
[Pendahuluan: Luka penetrasi akibat kekerasan tajam merupakan temuan yang umum dalam pemeriksaan luar tindakan autopsi. Namun, sebagian besar mayat korban kekerasan tidak menjalani pemeriksaan dalam karena beragam alasan. Dengan demikian, temuan luka luar dapat berperan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan ahli forensik dalam memperkirakan kerusakan organ dalam walau tidak memiliki kekuatan secara hukum. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan bukti empiris terkait kerusakan organ dalam yang ditimbulkan kekerasan tajam. Metode: Peneliti mengambil sampel 5 luka penetrasi ke rongga peritoneal pada masing-masing area abdomen dari 36 subjek penelitian yang diotopsi di Departemen Forensik dan Medikolegal FKUI-RSCM, kemudian mencari tahu organ yang terlibat melalui data pemeriksaan baku emas. Hasil: Melalui uji hipotesis menggunakan uji Fisher, didapatkan nilai yang bermakna (p< 0,05) pada beberapa korelasi terkait temuan luka dan kerusakan organ dalam, yakni pada luka penetrasi di epigastrik dengan kerusakan hati (p= 0,01), luka penetrasi di hipokondriak kanan dengan kerusakan hati (p= 0,01), luka penetrasi di hipokondriak kiri dengan kerusakan lambung (p= 0,002), luka penetrasi di umbilikal dengan kerusakan pembuluh darah abdomen mayor (p= 0,004), serta luka penetrasi di iliaka kiri dan kerusakan pankreas (p= 0,01). Pembahasan: Korelasi yang bermakna pada temuan luka luar dan kerusakan organ dalam terkait regio anatomi dan arah luka. Besaran gaya yang diberikan turut mempengaruhi organ-organ yang terlibat;Introduction: Penetrating wounds from sharp force injuries are common findings in external examination of autopsy. Unfortunately, the majority of the victims do not undergo the internal examination part due to various reasons. Even though the forensic doctors do not perform the autopsy completely, the external findings can prove to be useful to predict the resulted organ damages. Therefore, they would still be able to release their expertise opinions based on evidence based medicine. The aim of this study is to produce the empirical evidence related to penetrating wound and organ damage. Method: Five penetrating wounds into peritoneal cavity for each abdominal region from 36 corpses, that had already been autopsied in Forensic and Medicolegal Department FKUI-RSCM, was analyzed to identify organ damage by using gold standard examination (e.g. internal examination in forensic practice), and then to find the correlation between them. Result: The results from hypothesis testing Fisher shows that the p< 0,05 appeared in some correlation findings between variables (penetration wound in epigastric and right hypochondriac and liver damage (p= 0,01), penetration wound in left hypochondriac and stomach damage (p= 0,002), penetration wound in umbilical and major abdomen blood vessel (p= 0,004), and penetration wound in left iliaca and pancreas damage (p= 0,01), thus made them statistically significant. Discussion: The significant results strongly associated with anatomical region and the direction of the wound. The amount of force applied to each wound affected the outcome of the damaged organs, Introduction: Penetrating wounds from sharp force injuries are common findings in external examination of autopsy. Unfortunately, the majority of the victims do not undergo the internal examination part due to various reasons. Even though the forensic doctors do not perform the autopsy completely, the external findings can prove to be useful to predict the resulted organ damages. Therefore, they would still be able to release their expertise opinions based on evidence based medicine. The aim of this study is to produce the empirical evidence related to penetrating wound and organ damage. Method: Five penetrating wounds into peritoneal cavity for each abdominal region from 36 corpses, that had already been autopsied in Forensic and Medicolegal Department FKUI-RSCM, was analyzed to identify organ damage by using gold standard examination (e.g. internal examination in forensic practice), and then to find the correlation between them. Result: The results from hypothesis testing Fisher shows that the p< 0,05 appeared in some correlation findings between variables (penetration wound in epigastric and right hypochondriac and liver damage (p= 0,01), penetration wound in left hypochondriac and stomach damage (p= 0,002), penetration wound in umbilical and major abdomen blood vessel (p= 0,004), and penetration wound in left iliaca and pancreas damage (p= 0,01), thus made them statistically significant. Discussion: The significant results strongly associated with anatomical region and the direction of the wound. The amount of force applied to each wound affected the outcome of the damaged organs]
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.R. Kinanti Putri Utami
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) merupakan penyebab tersering terjadinya kekerasan terhadap pasangan (KTP) karena ketidakseimbangan antar gender yang telah telah berlangsung sejak lama. Komisi Nasional Anti-Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan mencatat 280.710 kasus KDRT pada ibu rumah tanggatahun 2014. Faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya KDRT antara lain faktor risiko individu, keluarga, komunitas, dan lingkungan sosial. Data yang diperoleh oleh dokter forensik dapat digunakan mencari faktor risiko KDRT guna melakukan tindakan preventif. Tujuan: Menentukan hubungan antara faktor risiko individu dan keluarga dengan kejadian KDRT yang diperiksan di PKT RSCM. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain case controldi Departemen Forensik RSCM. Sampel penelitian adalah istri yang mengalami KDRT yang diperiksa di PKT RSCM selama tahun 2013-2014. Data pada kelompok kasus diambil dari rekam medik periode Januari 2013-Desember 2014 menggunakan formulir kekerasan dalam rumah tangga Guidelines WHO 2003. Kelompok kontrol adalah istri yang bukan korban KDRT yang merupakan pasien di Gedung A RSCM selama bulan September-Desember 2015. Sampel dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data diuji menggunakan uji Chi-square dan hasil dinyatakan bermakna apabila nilai p<0,05 dan selain itu dilakukan pula analisis regresi logistik. Hasil: Didapatkan 125 subyek untuk masing-masing kelompok kasus dan kontrol. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan variabel yang mempengaruhi kekerasan terhadap perempuan adalah istri tidak berpendidikan (OR 0,23 IK95% 0,08-0,62), istri tidak bekerja (OR 0,18 IK95% 0,12-0,45), suami tidak bekerja (OR 26,49 IK95% 3,51-199,85), dan penggunaan alkohol (OR 13,50 IK95% 6,08-29,97). Kesimpulan:Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh bersama-sama terhadap kejadian kekerasan pada perempuan adalah istri yang tidak berpendidikan, istri tidak bekerja, suami tidak bekerja, dan penggunaan alkohol. ......Background: Domestic violence is the most common cause of intimate partner violence because of gender inequality that has last for a long time. Indonesian National Commission on Violence against Women has recorded 280.710 domestic violence cases in housewives in 2014. Factors contributing for domestic violence are individual, family, community and social risk factors. Data obtained by forensic doctors can be used to identify domestic violence risk factors therefore useful for preventive measures. Aim: To know the relationship between individual and family risk factors toward domestic violence cases which examined at Integrated Crisis Center in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Method: This study use case control design in Department of Forensic at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Samples are housewives who have experienced domestic violenceand examined at Integrated Crisis Center in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between period of 2013-2014. Data from case group were taken from medical record between period of January 2013-December 2014 using WHO Questionnaire Guideline 2003. Control group consisted of housewives who never experience domestic violence before and also a patient at Gedung A Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between period of September-December 2015. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique. Analysis were done using Chi-square test and logistic regression for multivariate analysis and considered significant when p<0.05. Result: There were 125 subjects for each case and control group. Multivariate analysis result showed that domestic violence toward female is influenced by wives with low education status (OR 0.23 95%CI 0.08-0.62), unemployed wives (OR 0.18 95%CI 0.120.45), unemployed husbands (OR 26.49 95%CI 3.51-199.85), and alcohol consumption (OR 13.50 95%CI 6.08-29.97). Conclusion: The factors which contribute in domestic violence toward female were wives with low education status, unemployed wives, unemployed husbands, and alcohol consumption.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Tegar Indrayana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas metode penentuan umur bercak darah manusia dengan menganalisis peak X dan Y yang muncul pada High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) karena penelitian mengenai umur bercak darah yang bersifat kuantitatif di Indonesia masih sangat jarang. Penelitan ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan time series selama 11 hari pengamatan dengan memaparkan bercak darah pada 33 buah kain katun yang berukuran 1 cm x 1 cm yang berasal dari 3 responden dengan kondisi lingkungan Departemen Forensik dan Medikolegal FKUI/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo yang merepresentasikan wilayah Jakarta Pusat. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa peak X dan Y tidak menunjukkan adanya linearitas (kesegarisan) sehingga syarat untuk diperolehnya persamaan regresi linear tidak terpenuhi. Kesimpulan dari penelitan ini adalah penentuan umur bercak pada kain katun dengan menganalisis peak X melalui HPLC belum dapat dipakai secara pragmatis di lapangan sesuai kondisi Tempat Kejadian Perkara (TKP).
This research is to study the method in determining the age of human bloodstain due the rarity of human bloodstain researches in Indonesia, by analyzing the X and Y peaks that appeared in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). This research is experimental with time series for 11 days observation by exposing the bloodstain onto 33 pieces of cotton fabric, each measuring 1 cm x 1 cm that originated from 3 respondents with environmental conditions of the FKUI/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Forensic and Medico-legal Department which represents the area of Central Jakarta. The results of this research is the X and Y peaks do not point to a linearity so that the criteria for linear regression equation is not met. The conclusion of this research is age of human bloodstain on cotton fabric by analyzing X peak with HPLC cannot yet be used pragmatically in the field in accord to the conditions at the crime scene.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reyhan Andika Firdausi
Abstrak :
Pengaruh Penurunan Kadar Oksigen dalam Ruangan dengan Timbulnya Gejala Hipoksia dan Nilai Pemeriksaan Gas Darah (Suatu Studi Eksperimental)
The Effects of Declined Oxygen Level with Hypoxia Symptoms and Blood Gases Examination (An Experimental Study)
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Megaratri Pralebda
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kejahatan seksual terhadap anak terjadi di seluruh dunia. Komnas Perlindungan Anak Indonesia mencatat, telah terjadi 21.869.797 kasus pelanggaran hak anak di Indonesia, dengan 42-58% merupakan kejahatan seksual terhadap anak dari tahun 2010 hingga 2014. Hal-hal yang terdapat pada diri anak, karakteristik keluarga serta faktor lingkungan dapat menjadi faktor resiko bagi anak untuk menjadi korban kejahatan seksual. Tujuan: Mencari hubungan antara karakteristik keluarga sebagai faktor resiko dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus-kontrol dengan kasus berasal dari rekam medik pasien anak korban kejahatan seksual periode Januari 2012-Desember 2014 sedangkan kontrol adalah anak bukan korban kejahatan seksual yang berobat di Poliklinik Kiara RSCM selama bulan Oktober 2015. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan menggunakan kuesioner kekerasan seksual anak yang diadopsi dari Guidelines WHO 2003. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square dan dinyatakan bermakna apabila p<0,05 lalu dilakukan perhitungan RO serta IK95%. Hasil: Diperoleh 230 subyek pada setiap kelompok kasus dan kontrol, dengan rentang usia 2-18 tahun. Kejadian kejahatan seksual meningkat sesuai dengan bertambahnya usia, terbanyak (65,2%) pada remaja (12-17 tahun). Terdapat hubungan antara keberadaan orangtua dengan kejahatan seksual anak (p=0,009; RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91), namun tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga (p=0,499; RO 0,88 IK=0,60-1,28) dan anggota keluarga yang padat (p=0,641; RO 0,92; IK=0,64-1,32) dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak. Kesimpulan: Anak dengan orangtua tidak lengkap terbukti memiliki resiko untuk terjadinya kejahatan seksual anak (RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91). Tingkat pendapatan keluarga dan jumlah anggota keluarga tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak.
Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the family and the environment. Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor. Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate. Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years. Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88; CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32). Conclusion: The result showed that children who have complete parents have a proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the family and the environment. Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor. Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate. Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years. Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88; CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32). Conclusion: The result showed that children who have complete parents have a proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the family and the environment. Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor. Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate. Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years. Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88; CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32). Conclusion: The result showed that children who have complete parents have a proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarifah Hidayah Fatriah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Hasil pemeriksaan dokter dalam bentuk visum et repertum mengandung derajat luka yang merupakan gambaran dari efek kekerasan atau penganiayaan sesuai dengan KUHP Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana . Tidak ada uraian/batasan yang jelas mengenai derajat luka sehingga kesimpulan yang dibuat oleh para dokter pemeriksa menjadi berbeda. Ketidakseragaman penentuan derajat luka dapat menimbulkan ketidakadilan bagi korban maupun pelaku tindak pidana.Tujuan: Menentukan kriteria luka ringan, luka sedang, dan luka berat.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan Teori Grounded. Sampel penelitian adalah pakar hukum pidana, hakim, advokat, dokter forensik dan dokter forensik yang sekaligus sarjana hukum. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan Focus Group Discussion FGD . Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan September-Desember 2016. Teknik pengujian kredibilitas data dilakukan dengan triangulasi.Hasil: Berdasarkan wawancara mendalam dan FGD didapatkan bahwa luka ringan tidak ada di dalam undang-undang yang dipakai di Indonesia. KUHP memiliki definisi mengenai aniaya ringan, dan penganiayaan. Luka sedang dapat dirumuskan sebagai bukan luka berat maupun luka ringan, dan kriteria luka berat dapat dirumuskan dari pengertian luka berat dalam pasal 90 KUHP.Kesimpulan: Luka terbagi menjadi dua yaitu luka berat pada pasal 90 KUHP dan luka sedemikian rupa pada pasal 360 KUHP ayat 2 . Luka berat disimpulkan dengan menyebutkan kondisi mediknya saja. Ada perbedaan pemahaman antara pakar pidana, hakim, advokat dan dokter forensik. Kata Kunci: Analisis Medikolegal, Derajat Luka, KUHP ......"Background The result from the doctors rsquo examination can be written in a form of a medical report visum et repertum which includes the degree of the injury associated with the effect of the assault according to the National Criminal Code. There is still an unclear explanation on the degree of injury, which results in a variety of conclusions made by the physician examiner. Error in determining the degree of injury can cause injustice not only to the victim but also to the prepetrators of the crime.Purpose To determine mild, moderate and severe injury.Method This study is a qualitative study using grounded theory. The sample of this study were criminal law experts, judges, advocates, forensic doctor and also forensic doctors with a law degree. Data collection was by indepth interview and focus group discussion FGD which was done from September until December 2016. Triangulation is used to test the credibility of data.Result The results obtained from the indepth interview and FGD was that the description of a mild injury was not stated in the constitution used in Indonesia, there it is only stated the definition of assault and mild assault. A moderate injury is defined as an injury not categorized as a severe or mild injury, and the criteria a severe injury is defined from the definition of severe injury in the Criminal Code article 90.Conclusion The degree of injury is divided into two, a severe injury defined in the Criminal Code article 90 and an injury as stated in the Criminal Code article 360 paragraf 2 . The severe injury is conluded by stating the medical condition itself. There was a different understanding between law experts, judges, advocates and forensic doctors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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