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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Simanjuntak, Familia Novita
"Permasalahan kualitas kesuburan tanah adalah masalah lingkungan karena terkait dengan tiga aspek lingkungan yaitu ekosistem (alam), manusia (sosial) dan pendapatan (ekonomi) yang dapat menyebabkan pembangunan menjadi tidak berkelanjutan terutama di bidang pertanian. Permasalahan kualitas kesuburan tanah mulai muncul sejak kegiatan pertanian menggunakan asupan sintetik secara berlebihan menyebabkan lahan pertanian menjadi lahan kritis dan seiring dengan pertumbuhan populasi kegiatan pertanian mau tidak mau hams dilakukan pada lahan marjinal.
Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak penerapan pertanian organik terhadap kualitas kesuburan tanah, dan secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua pada pembentukan sikap, perilaku dan pemikiran pelaku pertanian yang lestari, seimbang dan selaras dengan alam; (2) pengaruh penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua pada kualitas kesuburan tanah; (3) pengaruh penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua produk pangan yang bebas pestisida.
Hipotesis yang digunakan dalam peneIitian ini adalah: (1) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua mencakup Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan; (2) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua memperbaiki atau meningkatkan kualitas kesuburan tanah; (3) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua menghasilkan produk sayuran yang bebas pestisida.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pertanian Organik Bina Sarana Bhakti (BSB) Cisarua_ Jumlah total sampel tanah untuk analisis adalah 30 sampel tanah komposit yang diambil secara stratified sampling, yaitu 5 ulangan tanah komposit dari plot BA (bawah atap), 20 ulangan sampel komposit dari plot LP (lahan pertanaman) dan 5 ulangan sampel tanah komposit dari plot P (pembanding). Metode pengumpulan informasi mengenai penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua adalah melalui studi literatur BSB (published dan unpublished), informasi profit pekerja bagian produksi BSB adalah melalui wawancara dan pengumpulan data sampel tanah dilakukan dengan metode ekspost fakto. Sampel tanah dianalisis di laboratorium dan data yang digunakan terdiri atas tiga bagian yaitu: (1) persentase pasir, debu dan liat sebagai parameter kualitas fisik kesuburan tanah; (2) kandungan C, N dan Fe-tersedia sebagai parameter kualitas kimia kesuburan tanah; dan (3) total mikroorganisme tanah, jumlah individu mikroorganisme tanah dan respirasi tanah sebagai parameter kualitas biologi kesuburan tanah. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode statistik.
Hasil analisis penelitian menyatakan bahwa: (1) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua mengusahakan pengembangan keanekaragaman hayati dalam sistem secara keseluruhan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kondisi keragaman pekerja dan jenis organisme yang terdapat di dalam kebun BSB. BSB rnenambahkan bahan organik ke dalam tanah untuk menjaga kesuburan tanah dalam jangka panjang dan meningkatkan aktivitas biologis tanah. BSB mengandalkan sumberdaya lokal yang dapat diperbaharui dan melakukan daur ulang melalui pengomposan.; (2) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua menambah pori-pori makro, meningkatkan kandungan C, N, bahan organik, rasio CIN, jumlah individu dan total rnikroorganisme tanah namun mengurangi jumlah pori-pori mikro, menurunkan kandungan Fe-tersedia di dalam tanah dan respirasi tanah; (3) Produk sayuran BSB Cisarua bebas pestisida, logam berat dan zat-zat yang dilarang oleh budaya atau agama tertentu.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua mencakup Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan; (2) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua memperbaiki atau meningkatkan kualitas kesuburan tanah; (3) Penerapan pertanian organik BSB Cisarua menghasilkan produk sayuran yang bebas pestisida.
Saran yang diajukan di dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Pennasalahan kualitas kesuburan tanah membutuhkan keterlibatan semua stakeholders (masyarakat, pengusaha, pemerintah, dan lembaga non-pemerintah) berupa itikad baik yang mendukung segala daya upaya pertanian organik; (2) Penerapan pertanian organik tidak berorientasi pada produksi maksimum dan tidak dapat dilakukan dalam skala besar secara individu (monopoli) sehingga perlu dibentuk satu wadah yang berfungsi sebagai pusat informasi dan studi untuk saling berbagi (sharing) pengalaman dan kegagalan dalam melakukan kegiatan pertanian organik sekaligus mengorganisasi semua pertanian organik yang saat ini masih bersifat sporadis; (3) Salah satu upaya penyelesaian permasalahan lingkungan adalah internalisasi nilai intrinsik pertanian organik yang mengusahakan keberlanjutan ekosistem dan sosial untuk mencapai keberlanjutan ekonomi; (4) Penelitian dengan parameter yang sama atau berbeda masih perlu dilakukan lebih mendalam agar dapat menemukan solusi terbaik bagi permasalahan kualitas kesuburan tanah.

The problem of soil fertility is the one of the environmental problems because it's related to the three aspects of environment they are ecosystem, human beings and household income. This problem happened since the agriculture caused the critical land because of the application of the synthetic input over dozed and moved to the marginal land because of the population growth.
This research generally aims to study the impact of the organic farming to the quality of soil fertility, and specifically aims to study the impact of the application of BSB organic farming to the formation of attitude, behaviour, and perception of the agricultural society, the quality of soil fertility and the product. The hypothesis of this study are: (1) The application of BSB organic farming includes the concept of The Sustainabilty Development; (2) The application of BSB organic farming improves the quality of soil fertility; (3) The application of BSB organic farming produces the free pesticide residue of food product.
This study was conducted at the middle of February 2006 untill the middle of April 2006, on The Organic Farming of Bina Sarana Bhakti (BSB) Cisarua. The total number of sampling is 30 composite samples, consists of 5 samples of plot BA (under roof plot), 20 samples of plot LP (cultivated land), and 5 samples of plot P (consideration). Those samples were taken by stratified sampling. The method of the data collection consists of literature study, interview and expost facto study. The data of this research are: (1) the percentation of sand, dust and clay as the physical quality parameter; (2) the contents of C, N, organic matter, C/N ratio, and supplied Fe as the chemical quality parameter; (3) the total number and individuals of microorganisms and its respiration as the biological quality parameter. The analysis of data is statistic method.
The analysis states that: (1) The application of BSB organic farming creates the biological diversity, maintains the soil fertility by adding the organic matter, increases the biology of soil activities, uses the local of renewable resources, and recycles by composting; (2) The application of BSB organic farming increases the contents of carbon, nitrogen, organic matter, C/N ratio, the total and number of microorganisms, but decreases the micro pores, the content of Fe supplied and the soil respiration; and (3) The BSB organic vegetables product are free of pesticide residue, heavy metals content and (certain cultural or religion) forbidden matter.
The conclusions of this study are: (I) The application of BSB organic fanning includes the concept of The Sustainability Development; (2) The application of BSB organic farming improves the quality of soil fertility; (3) The application of BSB organic farming produces the free pesticide residue of food product.
The suggestions of this study are: (1) The problem of soil fertility needs every stakeholders participation that supports all the efforts of the organic farming to produce the health, clean and green product; (2) The organic farming does not focus on high yield production and can not be applicated only by one institution in big scale of bussiness, that's why it's important to form one organization as the communication and sharing media about the experiences and failures of doing the organic farming; (3) The environmental problem solving needs the internalization of the organic farming intrinsic value that is the concept which can create the green way of life to avoid or decrease the pollution impact to the environment especially to the soil; (4) The research with the same or different parameters can be done more seriously to find out the best solution for the quality of soil fertility problems.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keiluhu, Henderina J.
"Yotefa Bay, lying on the north coast of Jayapura, was established as a Tourist Park in 1978, based on the Minister of Agriculture's Decree No.: 372/KptslUm/6/1978 dated 9"? June 1978, Mangrove forest, which spreads out from the north part to southeast part of Yotefa Bay, is dominated by Rhizophora spp. Research on pattern of litter production of Rhizophora mucronata in Yotefa Bay Tourist Park, Jayapura-Papua, was conducted from June - September 1999. This research was experimental research using vegetation analysis transect method, and the data analysis to know the community srtucture was conducted using quantitative parameters, i.e.: diameter at breast high (dbh); density and bassal area. Litterfall was collected according to the methods describes by Brown (1984), using a spesilic litter traps- All materials acumulated in the traps were collected once per week during the sampling period. Estimated of litterfall rates were using the formulas by Chansang and Poovachiranon (1990), and estimated of production of litterfall using the statistical porcedures by Walpole (1985).
The results showed that total of R. mucronata litter production ranged between 18.8120 tons ha"year" to 78.84 tons ha"year". The largest component of litter obtained was leaves: 52.04%, followed by component of fruits 34.34%, flowers 9.91% and skin-branches 3.78% respectively. There is not a tendency that pattern of leave litter production in the mangrove forest in Yotefa Bay follows rainfall fluctuation, and did not tend to be greater during rainy season. lt is necessary to conduct similar research in other mangrove forest of Yotefa Bay Tourist Park. It is hoped that in th next research, besides the use of more spesific supporting parameters, the location for observation will be wider, with many more litter traps and longer time for observation. Research on decomposition rate of R. mucronata leave litter was conducted in 16 weeks, starting from June to September 1999.
This research was also a factorial experiment with two factors. Data was analyzed using ANOVA with two-way classification in order to know whether the time-length of soaking and immersion, and the location of decomposition have any influence on the rate of decomposition. Analysis was also done to determine the rate of decomposition value (k value). Chemical analysis was done in the laboratory to know the content of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphor and Potassium elements in the leave litter of the R. rnucronafa of the decomposition remnants.
The results showed that decomposition rate of leave litter of R. mucronata was influenced by the time-length of soaking and immersion and the decomposition location. The rate of decomposition value (k value) average was 1.19; this value showed that decomposition worked well. Average contents of element of Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphor and Potassium were respectively 14,135, 1,27%, O,100% and O,212%. The existence of those elements in the decomposed mangrove leave litter has effected the rate of decomposition value. lt is necessary to conduct a similar research in the other part of mangrove forest in the Yotefa Bay Tourist Park, Jayapura. lt is expected that the next research will be focused more on microorganism activities (fungi and bacteria) and the influence of other abiotic factors, which have not been done in this research, in order to know the influence of those factors onthe rate of decomposition.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Yamin
"A study on habitat and food preference of Philemon buceroides in Moyo island, West Nusa Tenggara was conducted in April 1999 until July 1999. The aim of study is to explore the diversity and composition of plants and foods prefered by P. buceroides in its nature habitat. The results from this study will be very valuable in providing information and managing its conservation in both nature and or in man made habitat (in-situ and ex-situ).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfan Ahmadhani Akbar
"Penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas capung di kawasan Situ Kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok, Jawa Barat telah dilakukan pada bulan November 2017. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas capung serta memantau perubahan struktur komunitas capung di situ-situ kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 6 situ dengan metode purposive sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 16 spesies lamun dari dua subordo dan 4 famili. Orthetrum testaceum memiliki indeks nilai penting tertinggi di pagi hari dan Zyxomma obtusum pada sore hari. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman di seluruh situ Kampus UI tergolong rendah. Nilai indeks kemerataan pada Situ Kenanga dan Situ Salam tergolong tidak merata, sedangkan Situ Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa dan Ulin tergolong kurang merata. Nilai indeks dominansi pada Situ Kampus UI tergolong rendah. Secara umum, Kualitas perairan Situ Kampus UI tergolong tercemar sedang.

Research on community structure of dragonflies and damselflies in lakes of University of Indonesia Depok, West Java, was conducted on November 2017. The study aims to determine the community structure of dragonflies and damselflies and to monitor the changes in community structure of dragonflies and damselflies in University of Indonesia Lakes. The location of sampling in 6 lakes was determined by purposive sampling.
The results showed that there are 12 species of dragonflies and 4 species of damselflies from 4 families. Orthetrum testaceum has the highest importance index at morning and Zyxomma obtusum at evening. The diversity index value in University of Indonesia lakes are considered as low. Evennes index value in University of Indonesia lakes are considered low at lake Kenanga and lake Salam while on situ Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa and Ulin are considered moderate. The dominance index in University of Indonesia lakes was low. Generally, based on dragonflies and damselflies diversity, water quality in University of Indonesia lakes are considered moderately polluted.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jaya Sutedja T
Lebah tanpa sengat merupakan agen penyerbuk yang memiliki populasi tinggi terutama di daerah tropis dan subtropis. Lebah ini merupakan kelompok sosial lebah dalam famili Apidae yang memiliki tingkatan kasta. Lebah tanpa sengat dapat bertahan hidup pada suhu tertentu dengan melakukan termoregulasi aktif dan pasif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan lethal temperature (LT50) aff Tetragonula. minor dan Tetragonula laeviceps di Universitas Indonesia yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis probit. Tujuan kedua dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara batas termal dan ukuran lebar thorax. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data LT50 pada kedua spesies, serta lebar dada dan suhu dada maksimum. Kemudian data LT50 yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis probit. Data lebar thorax dan suhu maksimum dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan ketahanan panas pada Tetragonula aff. minor dan Tetragonula laeviceps. Selain itu, tidak ada pengaruh lebar toraks terhadap ketahanan panas.
Stingless bees are pollinating agents that have high populations, especially in the tropics and subtropics. This bee is a social group of bees in the Apidae family that has a caste level. Stingless bees can survive at certain temperatures by performing active and passive thermoregulation. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the difference in lethal temperature (LT50) aff Tetragonula. minor and Tetragonula laeviceps at the University of Indonesia which were analyzed using probit analysis. The second objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the thermal limit and the size of the thorax width. The study began by collecting LT50 data on both species, as well as chest width and maximum chest temperature. Then the LT50 data obtained were analyzed using probit analysis. Data on thorax width and maximum temperature were analyzed using independent t-test. The results obtained are that there is no difference in heat resistance in Tetragonula aff. minor and Tetragonula laeviceps. In addition, there is no effect of thorax width on heat resistance."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh Aydava Mubarok
"Otodus megalodon merupakan spesies hiu yang sudah punah yang berasal dari ordo Laminformes dan famili Otodontidae. Spesies hiu purba tersebut merupakan predator puncak terbesar yang pernah ada dengan ukuran bisa mencapai 20 meter dan bobot 30 ton. Sebagian peneliti mengaitkan hiu purba tersebut berkerabat dengan hiu putih (Carcharodon carcharias), dan sebagian lainnya hanya menganggap bahwa hiu putih merupakan yang memiliki ekologi yang hampir mirip dengan O. megalodon saja. Sebagai spesies yang sudah punah, O. megalodon biasanya hanya menyisakan fosil gigi dan ruas tulang belakang saja. Fosil-fosil tersebut dapat ditemukan di Indonesia tepatnya di Desa Gunung Sungging, Kecamatan Surade, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penemuan fosil tersebut sempat mengejutkan masyarakat luas pada awal tahun 2020, kemudian menjadikan satu-satunya temuan fosil yang tercatat di Indonesia dengan jumlah catatan terbanyak. Fosil-fosil tersebut ditemukan di beberapa lahan terbuka dan berasal dari lapisan batu pasir sebagai penanda asal batuan tersebut, yakni dasar laut. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, beberapa fosil yang masih dalam kondisi sempurna yaitu sebanyak 34 fosil dari total 524 koleksi dapat dijadikan sampel untuk mengestimasi ukuran dan bobot tubuhnya melalui rumus Perez dan Shimada. Berbagai masing-masing ukuran yang diduga mewakili satu individu O. megalodon bervariasi antara 10,36 sampai 21,56 meter. Bobot rata-rata yang diestimasikan sebesar 46,73 ton. Ukuran yang cukup besar mengingat semua fosil-fosil gigi yang dihitung menunjukkan individu dewasa.

Otodus megalodon is an extinct shark that came from the order Lamniformes and the family of Otodontidae. This prehistoric shark is the biggest apex predator ever at 20 meters in length and 30 tons of weight. Some researchers associate these ancient sharks with the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), and others only think that the white shark has an ecology that is almost similar to O. megalodon. As an extinct species, O. megalodon just left its teeth and vertebra centrum fossils behind. They can be found in Indonesia, precisely in Gunung Sungging Village, Surade District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. Those discoveries surprised the locals in early 2020, making it the only one in Indonesia with the greater number of fossils recorded. These fossils were found in several open areas and came from layers of sandstone as a marker of the origin of these rocks, namely the seabed. Thus, every single fossil which remains in perfect condition can be measured for the total length and weight of O. megalodon individual through Perez and Shimada equation. The various sizes that are thought to represent a single O. megalodon individual vary between 10.36 to 21.56 meters. The estimated average weight is 46.73 tons, which is quite big considering that all the tooth fossils counted show an adult individual.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Zahra Djuanda
"Ikan red devil (Amphilophus labiatus) merupakan spesies invasif yang adaptif dan memiliki preferensi makanan yang luas. Keberadaannya telah mendominasi di perairan tawar Indonesia dan mengancam populasi spesies lainnya. Makroplastik merupakan pencemar di situ, dan keberadaannya dapat menjadi tempat bagi biofilm untuk tumbuh sehingga mampu menjadi pemikat bagi ikan red devil untuk berkembang lebih banyak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya asosiasi, serta tingkat korelasi antara makroplastik dengan ikan red devil di Situ Puspa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode yaitu water-surface-based visual observation. Uji asosiasi dan korelasi yang digunakan dalam analisis statistik yakni uji asosiasi Chi-Square dan uji korelasi Pearson. Jenis makroplastik yang paling sering ditemukan di Situ Puspa adalah kresek dan kemasan. Hasil asosiasi menunjukkan bahwa adanya asosiasi terhadap keseluruhan total sampah makroplastik di seluruh stasiun, namun pada penghitungan yang dipisahkan per jenis makroplastik dan per stasiun tidak ditemukan asosiasi. Perbedaan nilai tersebut disebabkan oleh limitasi uji Chi-Square. Hasil korelasi menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan jenis makroplastik, baik yang diperhitungkan keseluruhan maupun yang dipisahkan per jenis makroplastik dan per stasiun seluruhnya korelasi negatif lemah dengan p-value > 0,05. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa antara seluruh jenis makroplastik dan ikan red devil di seluruh stasiun tidak berasosiasi serta korelasi bersifat negatif lemah.

Red devil fish (Amphilophus labiatus) is an adaptive invasive species and has wide food preferences. Its presence has dominated in Indonesia's freshwater and threatening populations of other species. Macroplastic is a pollutant in lakes, which can be a place for biofilm to grow, hence red devil fish can be attracted and grow rapidly. This research is conducted to determine whether or not there is an association, as well as the correlation between macroplastics and red devil fish in Situ Puspa. The research is conducted using water-surface-based visual observation method. The tests used in statistical analysis are Chi-Square association and Pearson correlation test. Most common types of macroplastic found in Situ Puspa are plastic bags and packaging. Results shows that there is an association with the total macroplastic in all stations, but in separate calculations per macroplastic type and per station, no association is found. Difference in value is caused by limitation of Chi-Square test. Correlation shows that all types of macroplastics, whether calculated as a whole or separately, all have a weak negative correlation with p-value > 0.05. Therefore, between all types of macroplastic and red devil fish in all stations there is no association and the correlation is weak negative."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristina Hersandi
"Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Pollen Substitute (PS) dan Nectar Substitute (NS) terhadap produktivitas Apis cerana, dan menganalisis kualitas madu sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia. Pemberian PS dan NS berfungsi sebagai pengganti pakan alami lebah madu, yaitu pollen dan nectar. Pollen Substitute dibuat dari biomassa basah khamir Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan NS dari sirup nanas. Pakan diberikan dengan cara mencampurkan 2 gr PS dan 50 ml NS. Pada penelitian digunakan 10 koloni lebah madu: lima koloni sebagai kontrol dan lima koloni untuk perlakuan, seluruh koloni dibiarkan tetap mencari pakan alaminya. Pollen substitute dan NS diberikan setiap hari selama 2 periode (6 minggu per periode). Produktivitas lebah madu diamati setiap periode. Analisis kualitas madu dilakukan setelah 6 minggu. Hasil pengamatan pada dua periode menunjukkan penambahan keliling sisir madu dan jumlah sisir madu pada koloni perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan kontrol. Meskipun demikian hasil uji T menunjukkan pemberian perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kontrol (P>0,05). Rerata kenaikan keliling sisir madu dan jumlah sisir madu berturut–turut pada koloni kontrol sebesar 37 ± 23,42 cm dan 0,75 ± 0,95 buah (periode 1); 172,5 ± 79,65 cm dan 3,5 ± 1,73 buah (periode 2). Sedangkan pada koloni yang diberi PS dan NS sebesar 52 ± 55,37 cm dan 1,25 ± 1,5 (periode I); 199,5 ± 79,41 cm dan 5 ± 2,16 buah (periode 2). Volume madu yang dihasilkan koloni perlakuan lebih banyak dibandingkan kontrol, baik pada periode 1 maupun periode 2. Hasil analisis kualitas madu kontrol dan yang diberi PS dan NS sesuai dengan SNI 8664:2018. Pemberian PS dan NS mampu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan produktivitas koloni A. cerana yaitu pada keliling sisir, jumlah sisir, volume madu, dan kekuatan koloni.

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of pollen substitute (PS) and nectar substitute (NS) on the productivity of Apis cerana colonies and the quality of honey according to Indonesian National Standard for honey. Provision of PS and NS serves as a substitute for natural pollen and nectar. Pollen Substitute was prepared from wet biomass of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and NS from pineapple syrup. The feed were given to the colony by mixing 2 g of PS and 50 ml of NS. Ten honeybee colonies were used in this study, five colonies were used as feeding trials and five colonies as control, and they were allowed to forage on flowers. Pollen substitute and nectar substitute were provided to the colonies every day for two periods (total 12 weeks, six weeks per period). Honey quality analysis was performed after six weeks. The results of provision of PS and NS in two periods to the colonies showed the greater than the control in their increasing of honeycomb circumference and the number of honeycombs. However, the results of the T test showed that the provision of PS and NS was not significantly different from the control (P>0,05). The average increase in the honeycomb circumference and the number of honeycombs in control colonies were 37 ± 23.42 cm and 0.75 ± 0.95 pieces (period 1); 172.5 ± 79.65 cm and 3.5 ± 1.73 pieces (period 2). Meanwhile, the colonies fed on PS and NS were 52 ± 55.37 cm and 1.25 ± 1.5 (period 1); 199.5 ± 79.41 cm and 5 ± 2.16 pieces (period 2). The yield of honey produced from colonies fed on PS and NS was higher than control colonies, both in periods 1 and 2. The quality of honey produced by the colony fed on PS and NS met the criteria of the Indonesian National Standard for honey SNI 8664:2018. This study revealed that the provision of PS and NS was able to maintain and increased the productivity of A. cerana colonies, in terms of honeycomb circumference, number of honeycombs, honey yield, and colony strength.

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library