Transaksi kartu kredit yang semakin meningkat yang diikuti dengan maraknya tindak kecurangan memicu penelitian mengenai pengembangan model prediksi transaksi kartu kredit fraud. Data transaksi kartu kredit Doku digunakan menjadi sumber data pada penelitian. Penelitian ini melakukan pengembangan model prediksi serta webservice prediksi transaksi kartu kredit fraud. Fitur yang digunakan dalam pembuatan model adalah amount, payment bank issuer, payment bank acquirer, payment brand, payment 3D secure ECI, payment type, payment bank issuer country, dan hour. Model Decision Tree memberikan hasil terbaik dalam aspek precision dan F1-score dengan nilai 97.2% dan 96.8%. Model XGBoost memberikan hasil terbaik dalam aspek recall dan FP-rate dengan nilai 96.4% dan 3%. Kedua model tersebut sama-sama memperoleh nilai accuracy terbaik yaitu 96.7%. Dalam aspek webservice, model XGBoost memiliki performa terbaik dengan rata-rata throughput 77 request per detik.
The increasing amount of credit card transaction followed by fraudulent transaction becoming more rampant provokes many studies in fraud credit card transaction prediction model. Doku credit card transaction is used as data source for this study. This study experiments on developing model and webservice to predict fraud credit card transaction. Features used in builiding the model are amount, payment bank issuer, payment bankacquirer, payment brand, payment 3D secure ECI, payment type, payment bank issuer country, and hour. Decision Tree model achieves best precision and F1-score with 97.2% and 96.8% score. XGBoost model achieves best recall and FP-rate with 96.4% and 3% score. Both said model achieves same best accuracy with 96.7% score. In regards of the webservice, XGBoost achieves best performance with average throughput reaching 77 request per second.
"Multi object tracking is one of the most important topics of computer science that has many applications, such as surveillance system, navigation robot, sports analysis, autonomous driving car, and others. One of the main problems of multi-object tracking is occlusion. Occlusion is an object that is covered by other objects. Occlusion may cause the ID between objects to be switched. This study discusses occlusion on multi-object tracking and its completion with network flow. Given objects detection on each frame, the task of multi object tracking is to estimate the movement of objects and then connect the estimation objects corresponding to the objects in the next frame or well known as the data association. Notice that each object on a frame as a node, then there is an edge connecting each node on a frame with other frames, this architecture in graph theory is known as network flow. Then find the set of edges that provide the greatest probaility of transition from one frame to the next, or to the optimization problem well known as max-cost network flow. Edge contains information on how probabiltity a node moves to the node in the frame afterwards. This probability calculation is based on position distance and similarity feature between frames, the feature used is CNN feature. We modeled max-cost network flow as the maximum likelihood problem which was then solved with the Hungarian algorithm. The data used in this research is 2DMOT2015. Performance evaluation results show that the system built gives accuracy 20.1% with the ID switch is 3084 and fast computational process on 215.8 frame/second.
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perubahan dalam pengembangan properti pada fase pra-konstruksi dengan adanya Teknologi Properti. Pengembang properti perlu memahami perubahan proses pengembangan properti saat ini untuk dapat bersaing dalam sektor real estat. Tidak menutup kemungkinan pengembang konvensional tidak akan bertahan dalam industri properti apabila tidak memahami perubahan proses pengembangan karena adanya Teknologi Properti. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksploratoris yang menggunakan metode wawancara. Unit observasi sebagai studi kasus adalah pengembang pengguna Teknologi Properti yang dipilih dengan metode pengambilan sampel purposive. Multiple case holistic design dipilih sebagai desain studi kasus untuk membantu studi komparatif yang membandingkan proses pengembangan properti oleh pengembang konvensional, dan para pengembang properti pengguna Teknologi Properti. Unit analisisnya adalah proses pengembangan, karakteristik pengembang dan aktor yang melakukan tahap tersebut. Studi komparasi membantu dalam mengidentifikasi perubahan yang terjadi dalam fase pra-konstruksi saat ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Teknologi Properti menjadi inovasi yang mengubah fase pra-konstruksi melalui revolusi teknik pengembangan dan penerapan perangkat fisik. Teknologi sebagai perangkat mampu membuat perubahan pada rantai tahapan pengembangan sedangkan teknologi sebagai revolusi teknik pengembangan lebih banyak mempengaruhi sub-tahapan pada proses pengembangan properti. Perusahaan yang mengadaptasi Teknologi Properti (in-house developed technology) mampu bekerja lebih cepat karena adanya revolusi rantai tahapan pengembangan sedangkan adopsi Teknologi Properti (off the shelf technology) hanya mampu meningkatkan implikasi teknologi dalam setiap tahapannya. Kategori Teknologi Properti yang banyak diterapkan dalam studi kasus antara lain adalah manajemen perencanaan, studi, desain, dokumentasi (visualisasi), dan ekonomi berbagi. Pengembang dengan skala kecil bisa memanfaatkan teknologi dengan cara adopsi teknologi yang sudah tersedia untuk meningkatkan kinerja dalam setiap tahapan. Pengembang yang sudah mencapai skala menengah perlu mengadaptasi Teknologi Properti untuk proses pengembangan properti yang lebih cepat. Ada kesempatan peningkatan peran Teknologi Properti melalui adaptasi teknologi yang memiliki cakupan penggunanya yang lebih luas hingga aktor eksternal perusahaan.
The research aims to explain the changes of property development in the pre-construction phase with the existence of property technology. Property developers need to understand the changes in the current property development process to compete in the real estate sector. It is possible that conventional developers will not survive in the property industry if they do not understand the changes in the development process due to the existence of Property Technology. This research is an exploratory study using the interview method. The observation unit as a case study is the property developer of property technology users who were selected by purposive sampling method. Multiple case holistic design was chosen as a case study design to help comparative studies that compare property development processes of conventional developers, and property developers using property technology. The unit of analysis is the development process, the characteristics of the developers and the actor who carried out that stage. Comparative studies help in identifying changes that occur in the current pre-construction phase. The results of the study show that property technology is an innovation that changes the pre-construction phase through the technical revolution in the development and application of physical devices. Technology as a device is able to make changes to the chain of development stages while technology as a revolution in development techniques affects more on sub-stages of property development process. Companies that adapt property technology (in-house developed technology) are able to work faster because of the chain revolution in the development stage while property technology adoption (off the shelf technology) is only able to increase technological implications at each stage. The property technology categories that are widely applied in case studies are management planning, study, design, documentation (visualization), and shared economic. Developers with small scale can use technology by adopting available technologies to improve performance at each stage. Developers who have reached medium scale need to adapt property technology to a faster property development process. There is an opportunity to increase the role of property technology through technological adaptation that has a wider range of users to corporate external actors.