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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ari Purwohandoyo
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perbandingan biaya pengelolaan limbah medis padat di Rumah Sakit Kanker “Dharmais” antara sistem swakelola dengan sistem outsourcing. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan, telaah dokumen langsung, dan perhitungan biaya menggunakan metode Activity Based Costing (ABC). Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa alur proses pengelolaan limbah medis sudah berjalan baik dan pengelolaan limbah medis padat secara outsourcing lebih murah dibanding swakelola. Untuk mengurangi limbah medis padat, masih dapat dilakukan upaya minimisasi limbah.

This study discusses The comparative cost analyse of solid medical waste management in the "Dharmais" Cancer Hospital between self-managed system with outsourcing system. This research is a quantitative and descriptive study was done by observation, document review, and the calculation of the cost of using Activity Based Costing (ABC). The survey results revealed that the flow of medical waste management process has been running good and solid medical waste management outsourcing system is cheaper than self-managed. To reduce solid medical waste, they can do waste minimization efforts."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jade Nugrahaningtyas Liswono
"Kejadian infeksi pasca pembedahan dan pasca kemoterapi pada pasien kanker payudara dapat memperpanjang lama rawat inap sehingga meningkatkan biaya kesehatan. Meningkatnya biaya pengeluaran kesehatan mendorong adanya evaluasi ekonomi. Analisis efektivitas-biaya (AEB) sebagai salah metode farmakoekonomi penting dilakukan untuk membandingkan antibiotik yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan total biaya penggunaan, efektivitas seftriakson generik A dan B, dan menentukan seftriakson yang lebih cost-effective untuk pasien kanker payudara di RS Kanker Dharmais tahun 2012.
Desain penelitian ini adalah non eksperimental dengan studi perbandingan dan pengambilan data secara retrospektif menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis dan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit RS Kanker Dharmais. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara total sampling. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 16 pasien untuk seftriakson generik A dan 8 pasien untuk generik B.Efektivitas seftriakson pada indikasi pasca pembedahan untuk generik A sebesar 2,5 hari dan untuk generik B sebesar 1,0 hari, sedangkan pada indikasi pasca kemoterapi untuk generik sebesar 4,0 hari dan untuk generik B sebesar 9,5 hari.
Total biaya penggunaan seftriakson pada indikasi pasca pembedahan untuk generik A sebesar Rp 4.384.448,00 dan untuk generik B sebesar Rp 3.397.952,00,sedangkan pada indikasi pasca kemoterapi untuk generik A sebesar Rp2.284.655,00 dan untuk generik B sebesar Rp 11.195.270,00. Berdasarkan AEB,pada indikasi pasca pembedahan diperoleh hasil seftriakson generik B lebih costeffective daripada generik A, sedangkan pada indikasi pasca kemoterapi diperoleh hasil seftriakson generik A lebih cost-effective daripada generik B.

The incidence of post-surgery and post-chemotherapy infections in breast cancer patients prolonged the hospitalization days leading to the increase of health costs.The increasing health expenditure demanded the use of economic evaluation.Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) as one of pharmacoeconomics methods was important to compare the usage of antibiotics. The purposes of this research were to compare total cost and effectiveness of using generic ceftriaxone A and B, and to decide which ceftriaxone that was more cost-effective in breast cancer patients in Dharmais Cancer Hospital during 2012. Effectiveness was measured as ceftriaxone-using days, meanwhile cost was measured as total direct medical cost.
The research design was non experimental with comparative study and retrospective data were collected from medical records and hospital information systems of Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Samples were taken by using total sampling method. There were 6 patients using generic ceftriaxone A and 8 generic ceftriaxone B. Effectiveness of ceftriaxone for post-surgery indication in generic ceftriaxone A was 2,5 days and in generic B was 1,0 days, meanwhile for postchemotherapy indication in generic A was used 4,0 days and in generic B was 9,5 days.
Total direct medical cost of ceftriaxone for post-surgery indication in generic A and B, respectively Rp 4.384.448,00 and Rp 3.397.952,00, meanwhile for post-chemotherapy indication in generic A and B, respectively Rp 2.284.655,00 and Rp 11.195.270,00. According to CEA result, it could be concluded that generic ceftriaxone B was more cost-effective than A for postsurgery indication, meanwhile generic ceftriaxone A was more cost-effective than B for post-chemotherapy indication.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandy Cahyady
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rima Fatmasari
"RSUBY sebagai institusi pemberi Iayanan kesehatan dituntut untuk mengupayakan pemanfaatan setiap fasilitas layanan yang dimiliki secara optimal agar dapat tetap survive dalam situasi yang cukup kompetitif seperti sekarang ini. Salah satu fasilitas layanan yang penting adalah apotek, selain karena keberadaannya dibutuhkan untuk dapat memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan obat pasien, bila dikelola dengan baik, apotek akan menjadi salah satu sumber penghasilan bagi rumah sakit yang bersangkutan. Adanya kesenjangan yang cukup menyolok antara jumlah lembar resep penderita rawat jalan di RSUBY dengan jumlah lembar resep yang dilayani depertemen farmasi akan berpengaruh terhadap kelancaran layanan dan sekaligus mengurangi kesempatan menambah penghasilan bagi RSUBY. Untuk dapat mengoptimalkan peran apotek dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan rumah sakit perlu dilakukan penelitien survei dengan analisis kuantitatif dibantu dengan perhitungan statistik.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keputusan pasien dalam pembelian obat di apotek. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara survei dengan bantuan kuesioner, besar sampel 105, terhadap pasien poli anak dipilih sebagai responden, dihitung dengan p = 0,5; Cl = 95%. Analisis data yang digunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat.
Dan hasil penelitian didapatkan responden yang berobat ke RSUBY adalah bukan pegawai negeri sipil, bertempat tinggal dekat, berpendidikan rendah, berpenghasilan rendah, membayar sendiri, berpersepsi biaya obat murah, berpersepsi obat lengkap, berpersepsi lama terhadap kecepatan pelayanan, berpersepsi tidak nyaman terhadap ruang tunggu, dan mengetahui adanya layanan apotek lain disekitar RSUBY. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dari 10 variabel babas yang diteliti, terdapat 3 variabel (persepsi tentang ketersediaan obat, persepsi kecepatan pelayanan petugas, dan pengetahuan tentang adanya layanan apotek lain) yang terbukti mempunyai hubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan keputusan pembelian obat di departemen farmasi di SUBY.

Related Factors to the Decision Of Outpatients Associated with Purchasing of Medicines in Pharmaceutical Departement at Bhakti Yudha Public Hospital, 2001The Bhakti Yudha Public Hospital as a service provider is demanded to cany out optimally the use of it's every service facility In order to survive in the current competitive situation. One of the prospective service facilities Is pharmacy departement. Beside to fulfil the whole medicine needed by the patient, if it is well managed, the pharmacy departement could become one of the profit centers of the hospital. The sharp gap between the number of the out-patients prescriptions of the Bhakti Yudha Public Hospital and the number of prescriptions served by the pharmaceutical departement will affect the level of services as well as reducing the opportunity to Increase the Income. In order to optimize the role of pharmaceutical departement to increase revenue of the hospital, a research needs to be done with quantitative analysis by using statistics program analysis.
The objective of this research Is to obtain a description on the related factors to the decision of outpatients associated with purchasing of medicines in pharmaceutical departement . The reseach is using survei approach, data collection process is using queslonnaire which were directly asked to respodents, sampel size of 105 and p = 0,5; CI = 95%, Data analysis used are univariate and bivariate.
The research has shown that respondents who are come to hospital are having non goverment employes, having residences close by hospital, having low education, having low income, self payment of medicine, having perception that medicine is cheap, having perception that the medicine is available, having perception that quality of service is bed, having perception that waiting room is uncomfortable, and understand that there are pharmacies located surrounding the Bhakti Yudha Public Hospital. The results of this research show that 7 out of 10 variables have no significant statistical relationship with the utilization of pharmaceutical departement."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Judiwan Delias Maswar
"Pengendalian Manajemen Farmasi di Rumah Sakit merupakan suatu sistem yang memegang peranan penting, oleh karena keberhasilan tujuan manajemen farmasi tergantung dari memadai atau tidaknya unsur-unsur pengendalian yang ada.
Adanya obat-obatan dan alat kesehatan yang rusak atau kadaluarsa, juga adanya kekosongan persediaan pada waktu tertentu mengindikasikan pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan obat dan alat kesehatan yang merupakan sebagian dari manajemen faramasi di rumah sakit masih kurang baik.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Puri Cinere; yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhi pengendalian manajemen farmasi, mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi setiap unsur. Sehingga dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan memberikan saran dan masukan bagi manajemen Rumah Sakit Puri Cinere.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh melalui kegiatan survey, pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan dokumen dan observasi di lapangan serta wawancara mendalam dengan pejabat struktural dan staf pelaksana. Masalah yang timbul dalam Pengendalian Manajemen Farmasi di Rumah Sakit Puri Cinere ini disebabkan oleh berbagai hal yang saling berkaitan seperti pengorganisasian yang belum efektif, kebijakan yang belum terarah dan belum direview secara berkala, penyusunan rencana kerja belum optimal, sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan yang belum baik, pembinaan personil yang masih kurang dan SPI yang belum berfungsi dengan baik. Untuk masa mendatang, bagi manajemen Rumah Sakit Puri Cinere disarankan untuk melakukan beberapa langkah penyempurnaan; sehingga dapat dicapai tujuan yaitu tersedianya obat dan alat kesehatan secara efisien.

System Analysis of Controlling Pharmacy Management at Puri Cinere HospitalControlling Pharmacy Management at Puri Cinere Hospital is a system which is also being an important role, because the achievement of pharmacy management result depends on the sufficient or insufficient of the existing control.
Broken medical equipments and expired medicine, as well as out of stock of the provision occasionally indicate that the control of medicine and medical equipment a part of the pharmacy management of the hospital is not good enough.
This research was conducted at Puri Cinere Hospital which aims to get a picture of the factors that has influence to the control of the pharmacy management, to identify and analyze factors that has influence to each others. Therefore, result of the research is expected giving a suggestion and input for Puri Cinere Hospital.
Result of the research was obtained through a survey activity, collecting data looking for document and observation in the field, as well as an interview with the structural officer and operational staff. Problems arise in controlling pharmacy, management at Puri Cinere Hospital are caused by different factors connecting to each others; as the organization that is not effective yet, policies that is not clear and has not been reviewed periodically, planning set up is not optimum yet, recording and reporting system has to be improved, personal development is not sufficient as SPI does not function well.
In the future the management of Puri Cinere Hospital has to do some steps for improvement, to achieve the aim in providing medicine and medical equipment effectively."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cyntiya Rahmawati
Latar belakang:Hipertensimerupakan salah satu faktor risiko gagal jantung kongestif. Di rawat inap RSUD Pasar Rebo pada tahun 2014, gagal jantung kongestif masuk dalam 10 penyakit terbanyak, dengan biaya total yang cukup besar dan terdapat selisih tarif antara tarif RS dengan tarif JKN, sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis minimalisasi biaya salah satunya pada obat antihipertensi.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih alternatif yang lebih cost- minimize antara ramipril-spironolakton dengan valsartan pada pengobatan gagal jantung kongestif di RSUD Pasar Rebo tahun 2014.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatifberupa analisis cross-sectional retrospektif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai rata-rata biaya total dua alternatif pengobatan gagal jantung kongestif, yaitu ramipril-spironolakton dengan valsartan dengan menggunakan perspektif Rumah Sakit. Komponen biaya langsung medis yang dihitung adalah biaya obat, biaya jasa dokter dan biaya rawat inap. Sedangkan efektivitas dipastikan memiliki efek yang setara.
Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada pasien gagal jantung kongestif di RSUD Pasar Rebo tahun 2014 didapatkan bahwa: (1) Nilairata-rata biaya total penggunaan kombinasi obat ramipril-spironolakton sebesar Rp.2.527.743; (2) Rata-rata biaya total penggunaan obat valsartan sebesar Rp.2.430.923; (3) Obat ramipril-spironolakton efektivitasnya tidak berbeda signifikan atau setara dengan obat valsartan; (4) Adanya penghematan pada rata- rata biaya total obat valsartan sebesar Rp.96.820 per pasien; (5) Adanya penghematan pada biaya rawat inap obat valsartan sebesar Rp.299.031 per pasien.
Kesimpulan: Obat valsartan memberikan nilai rupiah yang terendah dan menjadi pilihan yang lebih cost-minimize dibandingkan obat ramipril-spironolakton pada pasien gagal jantung kongestif di RSUD Pasar Rebo Tahun 2014.

Background: Hypertension once of risk factor for congestive heart failure. The Pasar Rebo Hospital inpatient care in 2014, congestive heart failure is the top 10 most prevalent diseases, with a large of number total cost and there is a difference between tariff rates RS and JKN rate, so we need a cost-effectiveness analysis one with antihypertensive drug.
Objective: This study aimed to choose an alternative that is more cost-minimize between the ramipril-spironolactone with valsartan in the treatment of congestive heart failure at Pasar Rebo Hospital in 2014.
Methods: This is a quantitative research in the form of a retrospective cross- sectional analysis. The study was conducted by comparing the average value of total cost of two alternative treatment of congestive heart failure, ramipril- spironolactone with valsartan by using Hospital’s perspective. The direct medical cost component are cost of drugs, cost of physician services and cost of hospitalizations. Whereas effectiveness measuredand firmly to be equivalent.
Results: Based on the research that has been conducted in patients with congestive heart failure at Pasar Rebo Hospital in 2014 found that: (1) The average total cost of ramipril-spironolactone’s drugare Rp.2.527.743; (2) The average total cost of valsartan’s drug are Rp.2.430.923; (3) Ramipril- spironolactone’s drug effectiveness does not significantly difference to valsartan’s drug; (4) There is cost saving on the average of total cost using valsartan’s drug Rp.96.820 per patient; (5) There is cost saving on hospitalization cost using valsartan’s drug Rp.299.031 per patient.
Conclusions:V alsartan’ s drug give lowest rupiah value and be more cost minimizes option than ramipril-spironolactone’s drug for patient with congestive heart failure at Pasar Rebo Hospital in 2014., Background: Hypertension once of risk factor for congestive heart failure. The Pasar Rebo Hospital inpatient care in 2014, congestive heart failure is the top 10 most prevalent diseases, with a large of number total cost and there is a difference between tariff rates RS and JKN rate, so we need a cost-effectiveness analysis one with antihypertensive drug.
Objective: This study aimed to choose an alternative that is more cost-minimize between the ramipril-spironolactone with valsartan in the treatment of congestive heart failure at Pasar Rebo Hospital in 2014.
Methods: This is a quantitative research in the form of a retrospective cross- sectional analysis. The study was conducted by comparing the average value of total cost of two alternative treatment of congestive heart failure, ramipril- spironolactone with valsartan by using Hospital’s perspective. The direct medical cost component are cost of drugs, cost of physician services and cost of hospitalizations. Whereas effectiveness measuredand firmly to be equivalent.
Results: Based on the research that has been conducted in patients with congestive heart failure at Pasar Rebo Hospital in 2014 found that: (1) The average total cost of ramipril-spironolactone’s drugare Rp.2.527.743; (2) The average total cost of valsartan’s drug are Rp.2.430.923; (3) Ramipril- spironolactone’s drug effectiveness does not significantly difference to valsartan’s drug; (4) There is cost saving on the average of total cost using valsartan’s drug Rp.96.820 per patient; (5) There is cost saving on hospitalization cost using valsartan’s drug Rp.299.031 per patient.
Conclusions:V alsartan’ s drug give lowest rupiah value and be more cost minimizes option than ramipril-spironolactone’s drug for patient with congestive heart failure at Pasar Rebo Hospital in 2014.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library