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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Esy Maryanti
Abstrak :
Mikrosporidia merupakan emerging parasite pada manusia yang dapat menyebabkan kelainan intestinal, muskular, okular dan sistemik. lnfeksi mikrosporidia terutama terjadi pada penderita HIV/AIDS, dan yang sering dilaporkan yaitu mikrosporidiosis intestinal dengan gejala diare kronis dan wasting syndrome yang akan memperberat keadaan penderita AIDS. Di Indonesia sampai saat ini belum ada data-data mikrosporidia dan infeksi yang ditimbulkannya, sedangkan kasus HIV/AIDS makin bertambah secara cepat dan merupakan suatu ancaman global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi mikrosporidia pada penderita AIDS dengan diare kronis di Jakarta dan korelasi jumlah CD4 dengan densitas mikrosporidia. Sebanyak 126 sampel tinja penderita AIDS dengan diare kronis yang dirujuk ke Laboratorium Parasitologi FKUI dari berbagai Rumah Sakit di Jakarta dipcriksa dengan teknik pewamaan kromotrop standar dan quick-hot gram kromotrop dan dihitung dcnsitas spora mikrosporidia. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh prevalensi mikrosporidiosis intestinal sebesar 7,l% dengan pewarnaan kromotrop standar dan 6,3% dengan quick-hot gram kromotrop serta tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kedua teknik tersebut (p=l,00). Tcrdapat korelasi yang negatif antara densitas mikrosporidia dengan jumlah CD4 (p=0,00;r=-0,979). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan prevalensi mikrosporidia pada pendedta AIDS dengan diare kronis cukup rendah. Teknik pewamaan kromotrop standar dan quick-hot gram kromotrop dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi mikrosporidia pada tinja. Pada penderita AIDS denganjumlah CD4 yang rendah didapatkan densitas miknosporidia yang tinggi. ......Microsporidia is an emerging parasite in human which infect gastrointestinal tract, muscular, ocular and systemic. Microsporidia infection is primarily a disease of HIV/AIDS patients. Intestinal microsporidia is most common infection and associated with chronic diarrhea and wasting syndrome which worsened patient condition. Until now, there is no available data on this parasite in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal microsporidia among the AIDS patient with chronic diarrhoea in Jakarta and to determine the correlation between microsporidia?s density and CD4 count. A number of 126 stools from AIDS patients with chronic diarrhea referred to Parasitology Laboratory FKUI were examined by standard chromotnope staining and quick-hot gram chromotrope. The result showed the prevalence of intestinal microsporidia is 7.1% by standard chromotrope staining and 6.3% by quick-hot gram chromotrope. There is no significant difference between positive cases microsporidia (p=l.00). A negative correlation between the density of microsporidia and CD4 cell counts (p=0.00; r=-0.979) was observed. In conclusion prevalence of rnicrosporidia among AIDS patients with chronic diarrhoea is low. Standard chromotrope staining and quick-hot gram chromotrope can be used to detect microsporidia. The density of microsporidia was higher in patient with low CD4 cell counts.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Siska Virgayanti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Rekomendasi Global Alliance dalam penanganan AVS meliput antibiotik, asam retinoat, dengan atau tanpa BPO. Resistensi obat menjadi perhatian utama pada penggunaan antibiotik jangka panjang dalam terapi akne vulgaris sedang. Kombinasi antibiotik dan BPO direkomendasikan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Pada tipe kulit IV-V hiperpigmentasi pasca akne merupakan masalah yang sering dikeluhkan. Tujuan. Membandingkan efektivitas, efek samping dan kejadian hiperpigmentasi pasca inflamasi penggunaan BPO sebagai paduan terapi lini pertama AVS pada tipe kulit IV-V Fitzpatrick. Metode. Penelitian analitik dengan desaain uji klinis acak tersamar ganda membandingkan dua sisi wajah. Subyek diberikan paduan terapi lini pertama. Sisi wajah perlakuan diberikan gel BPO 2,5% sedangkan kelompok kontrol gel plasebo. Hasil. Pada minggu ke-2,4,6,8 didapatkan penurunan persentase total lesi sebesar 51,47%, 71%, 75%, 82,84% pada kelompok BPO dan 30%, 53,75%, 62,28, 71% pada kelompok plasebo (p<0,001 .) Efek samping dan kejadian HPI pada minggu ke 2,4,6 dan 8 tidak berbeda bermakna. Kesimpulan. Penggunaan BPO sebagai bagian dari paduan terapi lini pertama AVS lebih efektif, tidak meningkatkan efek samping ataupun kejadian HPI. Kata kunci. akne vulgaris, gel BPO 2,5%,
Background. Global alliance recommendation for moderate acne treatment are antibiotic, retinoic acid with or without benzoyl peroxide. Drug resistance become the most common problem due to longterm use of antibiotic in acne treatment. Combination of antibiotic and BPO is recommeded to overcome this problem. In patient with skin type IV-V post acne hyperpigmentation is one of the most significant complaint. Aim. To compare efectivity, side effect and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation of BPO 2,5% gel as a part of first line therapy regiment in patient with skin type IV-V. Method. This is an analytic study with randomized control trial design comparing both half-face (split-face). Subjects were given first line therapy regiment. Half-face was given BPO 2,5% gel twice daily while other half face with placebo. Result. Total lesions reduction in BPO group on week 2,4,6,8 were 51,47%, 71%, 75%, 82,84% respectively and 30%, 53,75%, 62,28, 71% in placebo group respectively. Conclusion. BPO as a part of first line therapy regiment for moderate acne is more effective, with no increase of side effect nor post inflammatory hyperpigmentation compared to placebo. , Background. Global alliance recommendation for moderate acne treatment are antibiotic, retinoic acid with or without benzoyl peroxide. Drug resistance become the most common problem due to longterm use of antibiotic in acne treatment. Combination of antibiotic and BPO is recommeded to overcome this problem. In patient with skin type IV-V post acne hyperpigmentation is one of the most significant complaint. Aim. To compare efectivity, side effect and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation of BPO 2,5% gel as a part of first line therapy regiment in patient with skin type IV-V. Method. This is an analytic study with randomized control trial design comparing both half-face (split-face). Subjects were given first line therapy regiment. Half-face was given BPO 2,5% gel twice daily while other half face with placebo. Result. Total lesions reduction in BPO group on week 2,4,6,8 were 51,47%, 71%, 75%, 82,84% respectively and 30%, 53,75%, 62,28, 71% in placebo group respectively. Conclusion. BPO as a part of first line therapy regiment for moderate acne is more effective, with no increase of side effect nor post inflammatory hyperpigmentation compared to placebo. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Caroline Oktarina
Abstrak :
Peningkatan frekuensi penggunaan hand sanitizer dan mencuci tangan dengan sabun disinyalir menyebabkan peningkatan insidens dermatitis pada tangan. Tenaga nonmedis yang bekerja di rumah sakit juga mengimplementasikan hand hygiene secara rutin sehingga ikut mengalami peningkatan kejadian dermatitis pada tangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dermatitis pada tangan tenaga nonmedis, derajat keparahannya, serta penggunaan hand sanitizer terhadap transepidermal water loss (TEWL) dan skin capacitance. Penelitian observasional dengan desain potong lintang ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli hingga September 2022 di ruang penelitian kelompok staf medis (KSM) Dermatologi dan Venereologi, RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Jakarta. Subjek dipilih berdasarkan kriteria penelitian dengan metode cluster random sampling. Identitas, data penggunaan hand sanitizer dan mencuci tangan, stigmata atopi, dan durasi dermatitis pada tangan didapatkan melalui anamnesis. Penilaian keparahan dermatitis pada tangan dilakukan dengan hand eczema severity index (HECSI). Pemeriksaan TEWL dan skin capacitance dilakukan dengan Tewameter® TM 300 dan Corneometer® CM 825. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 21.0. Terdapat masing-masing 24 subjek yang direkrut pada kelompok dengan dan tanpa dermatitis pada tangan. Berdasarkan karakteristik sosiodemografik dan klinis, tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok kecuali frekuensi mencuci tangan dengan air dan sabun. Subjek dengan dermatitis lebih sering mencuci tangan dengan air dan sabun dibandingkan dengan subjek tanpa dermatitis (6 vs 4,5 kali/hari; p = 0,005). Proporsi kejadian dermatitis pada tangan pada tenaga nonmedis pengguna hand sanitizer adalah 10% dengan median durasi penyakit 22 minggu dan rerata nilai HECSI 9,25 ± 6,33. Tidak terdapat perbedaan TEWL dan skin capacitance yang bermakna kedua kelompok (p > 0,05). Tidak terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara TEWL dan skin capacitance dengan skor HECSI (p > 0,05). Mayoritas tenaga nonmedis yang mengalami dermatitis pada tangan memiliki derajat keparahan ringan. Kerusakan sawar kulit kemungkinan sudah terjadi akibat peningkatan praktik hand hygiene walaupun belum tampak gejala secara klinis sehingga tidak terdapat perbedaan fungsi sawar dan hidrasi kulit yang bermakna antara kelompok dermatitis dan kelompok tanpa dermatitis. ......Increased frequency of hand sanitizer use and washing hands with soap allegedly caused the increasing incidence of hand eczema (HE). Nonmedical personnel who work in the hospital also implement hand hygiene practices routinely so they also experience increased incidence of HE. This study aims to analyze the HE in nonmedical personnel, its severity, and the effect of hand sanitizer use on transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin capacitance. This observational cross-sectional study was conducted from July to September 2022 at the Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital, Jakarta. Subjects were recruited based on the study criteria with cluster random sampling method. Subject’s identity, data related to hand sanitizer use and hand washing, atopic stigmata, and duration of HE were documented through history taking. The severity of HE was assessed with hand eczema severity index (HECSI). TEWL and skin capacitance were measured with Tewameter® TM 300 and Corneometer® CM 825. Data were analyzed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Both HE and control groups consisted of twenty-four subjects, respectively. Based on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, there was no significant difference between both groups, except for the frequency of hand washing. Subjects with HE washed hands more frequently compared to normal subjects (6 vs 4.5 times/day; p = 0.005). The proportion of HE incidence in nonmedical personnel using hand sanitizer was 10% with median duration of disease of 22 weeks and mean HECSI score of 9.25 ± 6.33. There was no significant difference of TEWL and skin capacitance between both groups (p > 0.05). There was no significant correlation between TEWL and skin capacitance with HECSI scores (p > 0.05). Majority of nonmedical personnel suffering from HE had mild severity. The disruption of skin barrier might have already occurred due to increased of hand hygiene practice although clinical symptoms had not become visible, leading to no significant difference of barrier function and skin hydration in both groups.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anjas Asmara
Abstrak :
Dermatofitosis khususnya tinea korporis dan/atau kruris termasuk kasus penyakit kulit yang sering dijumpai dokter umum (dokter) dalam praktek sehari-hari.. Meskipun demikian, hasil penelitian di luar negeri menunjukkan dokter masih sering melakukan kesalahan dalam menegakkan diagnosis kasus dermatofitosis. Hal ini antara lain disebabkan diagnosis kasus dermatofitosis umumnya ditegakkan hanya berdasarkan gambaran klinis dan pemeriksaan KOH belum secara rutin digunakan untuk membantu menegakkan diagnosis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat ketepatan diagnosis klinis dokter pada kasus tinea korporis dan/atau kruris dengan cara membandingkannya dengan diagnosis yang didasarkan pada hasil pemeriksaan KOH. Sebanyak 101 subyek penelitian dirujuk oleh 5 orang dokter yang bertugas di puskesmas dan rumah sakit di Kabupaten Barito Utara, Kalimantan Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai sensitivitas diagnosis klinis dokter sebesar 77,1%, spesifisitas 54,5%, nilai duga positif 47,4%, dan nilai duga negatif 81,8%. Hal tersebut menujukkan bahwa gambaran klinis tidak cukup baik untuk digunakan sebagai dasar menegakkan diagnosis tinea korporis dan atau kruris, dan pemeriksaan KOH perlu dilakukan untuk membantu menegakkan kasus yang dicurigai dermatofitosis.
Dermatophytosis, specifically tinea corporis and cruris are cases commonly encountered by general practitioners (GP). However, studies in foreign countries showed that dermatophytosis are still among the cases that often misdiagnosed by GP. It was found that in treating dermatophytosis cases, diagnosis by GP most only based on clinical feature, and KOH preparation is often passed over for diagnosis confirmation. This condition can cause dermatophytosis cases misdiagnosed. The aim of this study is to determine the accuracy of clinical diagnosis by GP in tinea corporis and cruris cases, compared with diagnosis confirmed by KOH preparation. One hundred and one patient were referred by GP in Barito Utara Regency, Central Borneo. The result of the study showed the sensitivity of clinical diagnosis by GP was 77,1%, its specificity 54,5%, positive predictive value 47,4%, and negative predictive value 81,8%. It can be concluded that diagnosing dermatophytosis based only on clinical signs and symptoms is doubtful, and KOH preparation should be done to confirm the diagnosis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Siskawati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Multidrug therapy (MDT) merupakan kombinasi obat yang aman dan efektif untuk pengobatan kusta, yang antara lain bertujuan untuk mencegah resistensi obat. Resistensi obat MDT, khususnya rifampisin, penting karena dapat menggagalkan program pengendalian penyakit kusta oleh WHO. Diduga salah satu faktor pencetusnya adalah kepatuhan pengobatan pasien yang buruk, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian guna mengetahui kejadian resistensi rifampisin pada pasien kusta tipe MB berdasarkan kepatuhan pengobatan baik dibandingkan kepatuhan kepatuhan pengobatan buruk. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbandingan kejadian resistensi rifampisin pada pasien kusta tipe MB berdasarkan kepatuhan pengobatannya. Metode: Dilakukan penelitian analitik dengan rancangan penelitian comparative cross sectional pada pasien kusta tipe multibasiler. Sampel diambil dari kerokan kulit pada pemeriksaan slit skin smear, kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan teknik PCRsequencing. Hasil: Terdapat 57 subyek penelitian (SP) yang diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini. Pada kelompok kepatuhan pengobatan baik (29 SP), resistensi rifampisin terjadi pada 1 SP (3,4%). Sedangkan pada kelompok kepatuhan pengobatan buruk (28 SP), ditemukan 8 sampel (28,6%) dengan M. leprae yang resisten terhadap rifampisin. Kejadian resistensi M. leprae terhadap rifampisin pada kepatuhan pengobatan buruk lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kepatuhan pengobatan baik (OR= 11,2; 95% IK=1,296-96,787; p=0,012). Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan kejadian resistensi M. leprae terhadap rifampisin pada kepatuhan pengobatan buruk 11 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kepatuhan pengobatan baik. ...... Background: Multidrug therapy (MDT) is a combination of safe and effective drugs for the treatment of leprosy which have additional aim to prevent drug resistance. MDT resistance, especially to rifampicin, is very important as it could prevent the target to eliminate leprosy by the WHO. One of the suspected causes of resistance is poor drug compliance by the patient; therefore it is necessary to perform a study to assess the prevalence or rifampicin? resistance on multibacillary (MB) type leprosy patients based on good compare to poor drug compliance. Purpose: To compare the prevalence of rifampicin? resistance on MB type leprosy patients based on drug compliance. Methods: Analytical study was performed with comparative cross sectional design on MB type leprosy patients. Samples were taken from skin smear on slit skin smear examination, which then analyzed with PCR sequencing technique. Results: 57 study subjects were enrolled in this study. On good drug compliance group (29 subjects), only 1 resistance (3,4%) was found. Meanwhile on poor drug compliance group (28 subjects), there are 8 resistance (28,6%) cases found. Mycobacterium leprae resistance to rifampicin? was found significantly higher on poor compliance patient group compared to the good compliance group. (OR= 11,2; 95% IK= 1,296-96,787; p=0,012). Conclusion: This study revealed that the prevalence of Mycobacterium leprae resistance to rifampicin? group of patients with po.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunira Safitri
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Keloid merupakan pertumbuhan berlebih dari kolagen dermis yang dapat menimbulkan masalah fisis dan psikis bagi penderitanya. Berbagai pilihan terapi telah digunakan untuk pengobatan keloid. Penelitian ini membandingkan efikasi dan efek samping antara kombinasi triamsinolon asetonid (TA) dan 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) dengan TA intralesi pada terapi keloid. Metode: Studi eksperimen dengan desain single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) terhadap pasien keloid. Penelitian ini melibatkan 2 kelompok, yaitu: kelompok intervensi yang mendapat kombinasi 5-fluorourasil dan triamsinolon asetonid intralesi, dan kelompok kontrol yang mendapat terapi tunggal triamsinolon asetonid intralesi. Kedua kelompok diberi pengobatan 1 kali perminggu selama 8 minggu dan lesi keloid diukur tinggi dan volume. Hasil: Penurunan tinggi dan volume terjadi pada kedua kelompok. Pada penurunan tinggi, respons baik terjadi pada 75% kelompok intervensi dan 63,6% kelompok kontrol (p = 0,403). Sedangkan pada penurunan volume, respons baik terjadi pada 58,3% kelompok intervensi dan 63,6% kelompok kontrol (p = 0,713). Sebanyak 5 dari 24 SP pada kelompok intervensi mengalami efek samping berupa gatal, nyeri ringan, ulkus dangkal, dan telangiektasi. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terdapat 7 dari 22 SP yang mengeluh gatal, nyeri ringan, dan telangiektasi. Kesimpulan: Secara umum, efikasi dan efek samping kombinasi TA dan 5-FU intralesi sebanding dengan TA saja.
Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid. Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume. Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis. Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone;Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid. Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume. Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis. Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone;Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid. Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume. Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis. Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone, Background and objectives: Keloid are benign growths of dermal collagen that can cause physical and psychological problems for patients. A variety of treatment regimens have been used for treatment of keloids. This study was conducted to compare efficacy and side effects intralesional combination triamcinolone acetonide (TA) with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and TA alone for the treatment of keloid. Methods: Experimental study, single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) for keloid patients. This study involved two groups: intervention group who received intralesional combination TA with 5-FU, and the control group who received intralesional TA alone. Both groups received treatment once a week for 8 weeks and lesions were assessed for height and volume. Results: Both groups showed improvement in height and volume. In height flattening, 75% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% control group (p = 0,403). While in volume reduction, 58,3% patients in intervention group had good response, comparing to 63,6% in control group (p = 0,713). Five out of 24 patients in intervention group had some side effects like itch, mild pain, superficial ulcer, and telangiectasis. While in control group, 7 out of 22 patients had itch, mild pain, and telangiectasis. Conclusions: The overall efficacy and side effects of combination triamcinolon acetonide with 5-fluorouracil was comparable with triamcinolone acetonide alone]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidwina Anissa
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Skabies adalah penyakit kulit akibat infestasi ektoparasit berupa tungau Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. Transmisi terjadi melalui kontak kulit secara langsung dan kontak dengan fomite. Risiko penularan skabies tinggi di komunitas yang tinggal bersama, contohnya asrama, pondok pesantren, panti jompo, dll. Prinsip tata laksana skabies meliputi penggunaan skabisid untuk pasien dan narakontak secara serempak. Sediaan permetrin merupakan pilihan utama, dengan tingkat kesembuhan 61,1% pada hari ketujuh. Blacksoap® adalah produk sabun yang diakui sebagai pendamping terapi skabies. Sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian mengenai efektivitas dan efek samping penggunaan Blacksoap®. Tujuan: Membandingkan proporsi kesembuhan skabies dan efek samping pada kelompok yang mendapatkan kombinasi krim permetrin dan Blacksoap® dan kelompok yang mendapatkan kombinasi krim permetrin dan sabun bayi; membandingkan skor VAS gatal dan TEWL sebelum dan sesudah pemberian terapi pada kedua kelompok. Metode: Sebuah uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Al Islami, Cibinong, Bogor pada September hingga Oktober 2018. Terdapat 78 orang santri yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian, tetapi hanya 69 subjek penelitian (SP) menyelesaikan penelitian. Alokasi kelompok dilakukan secara cluster randomization berdasar tempat tinggal. Kelompok intervensi mendapatkan krim permetrin 5% dan Blacksoap®, sedangkan kelompok kontrol mendapatkan krim permetrin 5% dan sabun bayi. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kerokan kulit, skor VAS gatal dan TEWL. Subjek penelitian kemudian di follow-up pada minggu ke-1 dan minggu ke-4 untuk menilai kesembuhan, skor VAS gatal, TEWL, dan efek samping pengobatan.  Hasil: a minggu pertama lebih rendah dibanding kelompok kontrol (75% vs. 81,1%), proporsi kesembuhan kelompok intervensi pada minggu ke-4 lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok kontrol (96,9% vs. 91,9%). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna skor VAS gatal pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol pada minggu ke-1 (p=0,793) dan minggu ke-4 (p=0,123). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna median dan perubahan skor TEWL pada kelompok kontrol dan intervensi pada minggu ke-1 dan minggu ke-4.  Tidak terdapat perbedaan efek samping bermakna pada kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan: Efektivitas pengobatan skabies sebanding antara penambahan atau tanpa Blacksoap®. Perbaikan skor VAS dan TEWL, serta efek samping penambahan Blacksoap® sebanding dengan tanpa Blacksoap®. ......Background: Scabies is a skin disease due to ectoparasitic infestation in the form of Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. Transmission occurs through direct skin contact and contact with fomite. The transmission risk is high among communities living together, such as dormitories, boarding schools, nursing homes, etc. The principles of scabies management include the use of scabicide for patients and close contact simultaneously. Permethrin cream is the first line therapy, with a cure rate of 61.1% on the seventh day. Blacksoap® is a soap product which is recognized as an adjuvant to scabies therapy. Until now there has been no research on the effectiveness and side effects of using Blacksoap®. Objectives: To compare the cure rate of scabies treatment with standard therapy with and without Blacksoap®, to compare itch intensity using visual analogue scale (VAS) score and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) score before and after receiving therapy between two groups, and to evaluate the side effects of the therapy. Methods: A single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted in Cibinong, Bogor, from September to October 2018. A total of 78 students were eligible for the study's criteria. In the end, there were only 69 samples finished the study. Cluster randomization was done to allocate the samples. Intervention group obtained standard therapy and Blacksoap®, meanwhile control group obtained standard therapy and baby soap. Skin scrapings, pruritus VAS score and TEWL score were assessed. Follow up was done on 1st and 4th week to assess the cure rate, pruritus VAS score, TEWL score and the side effect of therapy. Results: The cure rate of intervention group was lower compared to that of control group on the first week (75% vs. 81,1%). The cure rate of intervention group is higher compared to that of control group on the fourth week (96,9% vs. 91,9%).  There is no significant difference of pruritus VAS score and TEWL score between two groups on the first and fourth week. There is no significant difference of side effects between two group on the first and forth week. Conclusion: The effectiveness of scabies treatment was similar between standard therapy with or without Blacksoap®. Decrease of VAS, TEWL score and side effects were similar between two groups on the first and fourth week.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Wulandari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Sitoglobin (Cygb) adalah protein pengangkut O2 yang diekspresikan oleh fibroblas dan fibroblast like cells aktif. Keperluan O2 dan energi meningkat pada fibrosis akibat proliferasi fibroblas dan sintesis kolagen. Pada fibrosis terjadi hipoksia yang ditandai oleh stabilisasi hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), yang kemudian membentuk HIF-1 yang merupakan faktor transkripsi untuk ekspresi protein adaptasi (termasuk Cygb). Diduga Cygb berperan dalam suplai O2 pada fibrosis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai peran Cygb pada hipoksia jaringan fibrosis dengan keloid sebagai model. Metode: Penelitian bersifat observasional deskriptif. Sampel keloid diperoleh melalui biopsi, sedangkan kontrol preputium diperoleh melalui sirkumsisi, masing-masing 10 sampel jaringan. Pengukuran ekspresi mRNA Cygb, HIF-1α, kolagen I dan III dilakukan dengan real time RT-PCR; kadar protein Cygb dan HIF-1α dengan ELISA; dan ekspresi protein Cygb, HIF-1α, FGF, kolagen I dan III di lapisan dermis dengan imunohistokimia (IHK). Pengukuran kadar MDA dan GSH (tingkat stres oksidatif) serta kadar hidroksiprolin (untuk pematangan kolagen) dengan spektrofotometri, sedangkan pengukuran kepadatan kolagen dengan pewarnaan Van Gieson. Data dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji-t. Hasil: Pada keloid dibandingkan preputium, ekspresi mRNA Cygb meningkat 8,7 kali, protein Cygb meningkat bermakna (1,196 Vs 0,779 ng/mg protein dan 95% Vs 63% ; p <0,05). Ekspresi mRNA HIF-1α meningkat 5,1 kali, protein HIF-1α meningkat bermakna (0,201 Vs 0,122 ng/mg protein dan 80% Vs 38%; p <0,05). Terdapat korelasi kuat antara ekspresi protein HIF-1α dan mRNA Cygb (Pearson; R = 0,649; p <0,01). Ekspresi protein FGF keloid meningkat bermakna (78% Vs 41%; p <0,05). Demikian pula ekspresi mRNA prokolagen I dan III keloid meningkat bermakna (35 kali dan 27,1 kali), serta ekspresi protein kolagen I dan III (61% Vs 37% dan 39% Vs. 16%; p <0,05). Juga terdapat korelasi kuat antara protein HIF-1α dengan FGF, prokolagen I dan III (Pearson; R= 0,878; R=0,960; dan R=0884; p<0,01). Kadar hiroksiprolin lebih tinggi pada keloid (0,297 Vs 276 ng/mg protein; p >0,05) dan pematangan kolagen lebih tinggi bermakna (1,2 kali; p <0,05). Cygb berkorelasi kuat dengan pematangan kolagen (kadar hidroksiprolin) (Pearson; R = 0,790; p <0,001). Kesimpulan: Cygb berperan pada hipoksia jaringan fibrosis yang ditandai dengan peningkatan ekspresinya. Peran Cygb terkait dengan ekspresi HIF-1α yang berkorelasi dengan peningkatan FGF, pro/kolagen I dan III yang merupakan faktor penting pada fibrosis. Cygb juga berperan pada pematangan kolagen.
Background: Cytoglobin (Cygb) is an O2 carrier protein expressed by fibroblasts and active fibroblast like cells. O2 and energy demand increased in fibrosis due to proliferation of fibroblasts and synthesis of collagen. In fibrosis hypoxia occurred which is characterized by stabilization of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), which later forming the HIF-1, a transcription factor for the expression of adaptation protein (including Cygb). Cygb alleged role in the supply of O2 in fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about Cygb role in fibrosis hypoxia with keloid tissue as a model. Methods: This was an observational descriptive study. Keloid samples were obtained from biopsy, while the preputium as control were obtained from circumcision, 10 tissue samples each. Measurement of Cygb, HIF-1α, collagen I and III mRNA expression were carried out by real time RT?PCR. Cygb and HIF-1α protein level were measured by ELISA; while Cygb, HIF-1α, FGF, and collagen I and III protein expressions in the dermis layer by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Measurement of MDA and GSH levels (oxidative stress) and hydroxyprolin concentration (marker of mature collagen) by spectrophotometry, while the collagen density measurement with van Gieson staining. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test. Results: In keloid compared preputium, Cygb mRNA expression increased 8.7 times compared to preputium, Cygb protein increased significantly (1.196 Vs 0.779 ng/mg protein and 95% Vs 63%, p <0.05). HIF-1α mRNA expression increased by 5.1 times in keloid tissue, and protein HIF-1α increased significantly (0.201 Vs 0.122 ng/mg protein and 80% Vs 38%, p <0.05). There is a strong correlation between the expression of HIF-1α protein and Cygb mRNA (Pearson; R = 0.649, p <0.01). Keloid FGF protein expression increased significantly (78% Vs 41%; p <0.05). Similarly, mRNA expression of procollagen I and III keloid increased significantly (35 times and 27.1 times), and protein expression of collagen I and III (61% Vs 37% and 39% Vs 16%, p <0.05). There is also a strong correlation between HIF-1α protein with FGF, procollagen I and III (Pearson, R = 0.878, R = 0.960; and R = 0.884, p <0.01). Hydroxyprolin concentration were higher in keloid (0.297 Vs 0.276 ng/mg protein; p >0.05) and collagen maturation was significantly higher (1.2 times, p <0.05). Cygb is correlated with maturation of collagen (hydroxyproline levels) (Pearson, R = 0.790, p <0.001). Conclusion: Cygb play role in fibrosis hypoxia which is characterized by its increased expression. Cygb role is associated with the expression of HIF-1α which are correlated with increased FGF, pro/collagen I and III, which are important factor in fibrosis. Cygb also play a role in the maturation of collagen.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izzah Aulia
Abstrak :
Keratosis Seboroik (KS) merupakan salah satu tumor jinak epidermis dengan faktor risiko utama pajanan matahari yang berlebihan. Selain pajanan matahari, defisiensi vitamin D diduga berperan pada patogenesis KS. Defisiensi vitamin D dapat disebabkan pajanan matahari yang kurang maupun kurangnya asupan vitamin D. Daerah pesisir memiliki karakteristik pajanan matahari yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian yang menilai hubungan kadar vitamin D (kalsidiol serum) pasien KS di daerah pesisir dengan pajanan matahari (sun index) dan asupan vitamin D. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif-analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Dilakukan wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner sun index, food frequency questionnaire semikuantitatif vitamin D, pemeriksaan fisis dan dermoskopi untuk menilai ukuran terbesar lesi KS, serta pengukuran kadar kalsidiol serum pada 39 individu usia 19-59 tahun di Kecamatan Cilincing, Jakarta Utara. Median ukuran lesi KS adalah 2 mm; median nilai sun index adalah 3,95; median kadar kalsidiol serum sebesar 14,3 ng/ml, dan median asupan vitamin D adalah 4,3 mcg/hari. Tidak ditemukan korelasi yang bermakna antara sun index dan kadar kalsidiol dengan ukuran lesi KS, serta sun index dan asupan vitamin D dengan kadar kalsidiol pada masyarakat pesisir tersebut. ......Seborrheic keratosis (SK) is a benign epidermal tumor with high sun exposure as a major risk factor. In addition, vitamin D deficiency is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of SK. Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by insufficient sun exposure or a lack of vitamin D intake. Coastal areas are characterized by high sun exposure. Therefore, research assessing the relationship of vitamin D levels of SK patients living in a coastal area with sun exposure and vitamin D intake needs to be done. This is an analytic-descriptive cross-sectional study. We performed interview using sun index questionnaire; semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire for vitamin D; physical examination and dermoscopy to determine the largest diameter of SK lesions; and measurement of serum calcidiol levels in 39 individuals with 19-59 years age living in Cilincing District, North Jakarta. The Spearman correlation test was used to assess the relationship between variables. Median of the largest SK lesions size, sun index, serum calcidiol, and vitamin D intake were 2 mm, 3.95, 14.3 ng/ml, and 4.3 mcg/day, respectively. There were no significant correlations between sun index and calcidiol level with SK lesion size, as well as sun index and vitamin D intake with calcidiol level in this coastal population.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inadia Putri Chairista
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Skrining kanker kulit dilakukan sebagai salah satu upaya dalam mengurangi morbiditas dan mortalitas yang ditimbulkan akibat kanker kulit. Karsinoma sel basal (KSB) merupakan salah satu kanker kulit yang paling sering ditemukan. KSB berpigmen seringkali menunjukkan fitur klinis yang menyerupai melanoma, sehingga kriteria klinis ABCDE diduga dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan dalam membantu penegakan diagnosis. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi kriteria klinis ABCDE sebagai alat bantu skrining KSB berpigmen dibandingkan dengan baku emas histopatologik. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang analitik ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Juni 2023 di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM). Pasien dengan lesi tumor kulit berpigmen dari tahun 2017 sampai dengan 2022 yang mempunyai data klinis, histopatologis, dan foto dokumentasi yang lengkap direkrut ke dalam penelitian secara konsekutif. Kriteria eksklusi mencakup lesi berukuran lebih dari 2 cm, ras kulit putih (tipe kulit Fitzpatrick 1-3), serta hasil pembacaan histopatologis lesi tumor sesuai dengan penyakit prakanker dan kanker kulit lainnya. Data diolah secara statistik menggunakan perangkat lunak Stata versi 16 (StataCorpTM) dan Medcalc diagnostic evaluation test calculator. Hasil: Sebanyak 84 pasien direkrut ke dalam penelitian dengan total 95 lesi yang mencakup 61 lesi KSB dan 34 lesi non-KSB. Median usia subjek KSB lebih tua dibandingkan dengan usia subjek non-KSB (p<0,001). Median ukuran lesi KSB lebih besar dibandingkan dengan ukuran lesi non-KSB (p<0,001). Lesi pada subjek KSB lebih banyak di wajah dibandingkan dengan subjek non-KSB (p=0,005). Proporsi kepositivan KSB berdasarkan kriteria klinis ABCDE adalah 87,5%. Kriteria klinis ABCDE menunjukkan sensitivitas 57,4% (interval kepercayaan [IK] 95% 44,0%–70,0%); spesifisitas 85,3% (IK 95% 68,9%–95,0%); nilai duga positif 87,5% (IK 95% 75,2%–94,2%); nilai duga negatif 52,7% (IK 95% 44,7%–60,6%); dan akurasi 67,4% (IK 95% 57,0%–76,6%) dalam mendiagnosis KSB berpigmen. Kesimpulan: Kriteria klinis ABCDE secara lengkap mempunyai nilai diagnostik yang kurang baik sebagai alat bantu skrining KSB berpigmen. ......Background: Skin cancer screening is performed as an effort to reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is one of the most common skin cancers. Pigmented BCC often shows clinical features resembling melanoma, so that ABCDE clinical criteria are thought to be a potential modality to help establishing the diagnosis of pigmented BCC. Objective: To evaluate the ABCDE clinical criteria for the screening of pigmented BCC compared to histopathological examination as the gold standard examination. Method: This analytical cross-sectional study was performed from January to June 2023 in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital (RSUPNCM). Subjects with pigmented skin lesions visiting RSUPNCM from 2017 to 2022 whose clinical data, histopathological data, and photographs were documented completely were recruited to the study consecutively. Exclusion criteria included lesion’s size more than 2 cm, light skin (Fitzpatrick skin type 1-3), and histopathological diagnosis in line with precancerous lesion or other skin cancer. Data were analyzed with Stata software version 16 (StataCorpTM) and Medcalc diagnostic evaluation test calculator. Results: A total of 84 subjects were recruited to the study with a total of 95 lesions consisting of 61 BCC lesions and 35 non-BCC lesions. Median age of the BCC subjects was older than that of non-BCC subjects (p<0.001). Median lesion’s size of the BCC lesions was larger than that of non-BCC lesions (p<0.001). The lesion location in BCC subjects was significantly prevalent on the face (p=0.005). The proportion of BCC positivity based on ABCDE clinical criteria was 87.5%. ABCDE criteria had sensitivity of 57.4% (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 44.0%–70.0%); specificity of 85.3% (95% CI 68.9%–95.0%); PPV of 87.5% (95% CI 75.2%–94.2%); NPV of 52.7% (95% CI 44.7%–60.6%); and accuracy of 67.4% (95% CI 57.0%–76.6%) in diagnosing pigmented BCC. Conclusion: Fulfilling all ABCDE clinical criteria had poor diagnostic value for the screening of pigmented BCC.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library