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Nina Asrini Noor
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Membandingkan kadar vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF dan placental growth factor PlGF plasma dan vitreus pada tikus diabetes dengan kontrol gula darah GD buruk, dengan perbaikan kontrol gula darah, dan tikus nondiabetes, dan melihat pengaruh perbaikan kontrol gula darah terhadap kadar VEGF dan PlGF. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji eksperimental pada hewan coba tikus strain Sprague Dawley. Sebanyak 18 ekor tikus disertakan dalam penelitian dan secara acak dibagi ke dalam kelompok perlakuan n=14 dan kontrol n=4 . Kelompok perlakuan diberikan injeksi Streptozotocin untuk menginduksi diabetes. Tikus dengan kadar GD 72 jam pasca induksi lebih dari 300 mg/dL didiagnosis diabetes. Kadar GD diperiksa secara berkala pada seluruh subyek. Setelah 4 mingu, kelompok perlakuan dibagi ke dalam kelompok I untuk terminasi dan kelompok II untuk perbaikan kontrol GD dengan injeksi insulin selama 4 minggu berikutnya, begitu pula dengan kelompok kontrol. Saat terminasi, sampel plasma darah dan vitreus diambil untuk analisis kadar VEGF dan PlGF melalui pemeriksaan enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA. Hasil: Sebanyak 17 ekor tikus bertahan hidup hingga akhir penelitian dengan 1 ekor tikus mati dari kelompok perlakuan. Kadar GD kelompok perlakuan II menurun drastis dan mencapai normoglikemia. Pemeriksaan ELISA bulan pertama menunjukkan kadar VEGF vitreus kelompok perlakuan I cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol I, yakni 196,36 65,24 pg/dL dan 123,64 44,99 pg/dL p=0,20 . Pemeriksaan ELISA bulan kedua menunjukkan kadar PlGF vitreus kelompok perlakuan II lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol II, yakni 59,04 2,48 dan 51,93 3,15 p=0,01. Kadar VEGF vitreus dan plasma kelompok perlakuan I dan II tidak berbeda bermakna, sedangkan kadar PlGF vitreus dan plasma lebih tinggi pada bulan kedua. Kesimpulan: Kadar VEGF dan PlGF vitreus mengalami peningkatan pada kelompok tikus diabetes dibandingkan nondiabetes, dan perbaikan kontrol gula darah selama 1 bulan belum dapat menurunkan kadar VEGF dan PlGF.
Aim: To compare plasma and vitreous level of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF and placental growth factor PlGF in diabetic rats with poor blood glucose BG control, reconstitution of good BG control, and nondiabetic rats, and to investigate the effect of reconstitution of good BG control to VEGF and PlGF plasma and vitreous level. Methods: This is an experimental study using Sprague Dawley rats. Eighteen rats were divided into intervention group n 14 and control group n 4. Intervention group were given Streptozotocin STZ injection to induce diabetes. Rats with BG level more than 300 mg dL at 72 hours after injection were considered diabetes and successful models. BG levels were monitored periodically in all subjects. After 4 weeks, intervention group was randomly divided into group I for termination and group II for reconstitution of good BG control with insulin for following 4 weeks, and so was the control group. Plasma and vitreous samples were taken. VEGF and PlGF levels were detected with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA. Results: Seventeen rats survived and one rat died in intervention group. BG level of intervention group II decreased dramatically to normoglycemia. ELISA at month 1 showed that VEGF vitreous level tend to be higher in intervention group I compared to control I, 196.36 65.24 pg dL and 123.64 44.99, respectively p 0.20. ELISA at month 2 showed that PlGF vitreous level of intervention group I were significantly higher compared to control I, 59.04 2.48 and 51.93 3.15, respectively p 0.01. Vitreous and plasma VEGF of intervention group I and II were not different, while vitreous and plasma PlGF were significantly higher in group II. Conclusions: Vitreous levels of VEGF and PlGF were increased in diabetic rats compared to nondiabetic, and reconstitution of good BG control for 1 month were unable to reduce VEGF and PlGF levels.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sita Paramita Ayuningtyas
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini merupakan randomized, single blind controlled trial yang bertujuan untuk menilai keamanan pemakaian ulang vitrektor single-use. Penelitian ini menilai proporsi, jumlah koloni dan spesies mikroorganisme yang tumbuh pada vitrektor bekas pakai satu kali yang menjalani reprocessing dengan dan tanpa pembilasan povidone-iodine 5%. Sebanyak 88 sampel vitrektor 23G dirandomisasi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok I yang menjalani reprocessing saja dan kelompok II yang menjalani pembilasan povidone-iodine 5% dan reprocessing. Kultur mikroorganisme dilakukan pada bagian tip dan bilasan lumen tip-connector-extension cairan. Pada kelompok I, ditemukan pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus hominis pada satu tip (2,3%), sedangkan semua bilasan lumen steril. Pada kelompok II, semua kultur tip dan bilasan lumen steril. Walaupun tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan proporsi pertumbuhan mikroorgansime di kedua kelompok (p=1,000), pertumbuhan bakteri pada kelompok I dapat berpotensi memiliki dampak klinis dan mikrobiologi yang berarti.
A randomized, single blind controlled trial was done to evaluate the safety of reusing a single-use vitrector. This study evaluated the proportion, number of colony, and the species of microorganism growth from vitrectors, which underwent reprocessing with and without 5% povidone-iodine flushing. Eighty-eight samples of 23G vitrector were randomized into two groups; Group I undergone direct reprocessing (cleaning, disinfection, repackaging, and ethylene oxide sterilization), whereas Group II were flushed with 5% povidone-iodine before undergone reprocessing. Microorganism culture of vitrector was performed for the tip and flushing of the tip-connector-fluid extension lumen. In Group I, Staphylococcus hominis was found on culture of one tip (2,3%), whereas all lumen cultures were negative or sterile. In Group II, all tip and lumen cultures were negative or sterile. Although no significant difference in proportion of microorganism growth between groups (p=1.000), microorganism growth found in Group I might have a clinical and microbiological effect. ;A randomized, single blind controlled trial was done to evaluate the safety of reusing a single-use vitrector. This study evaluated the proportion, number of colony, and the species of microorganism growth from vitrectors, which underwent reprocessing with and without 5% povidone-iodine flushing. Eighty-eight samples of 23G vitrector were randomized into two groups; Group I undergone direct reprocessing (cleaning, disinfection, repackaging, and ethylene oxide sterilization), whereas Group II were flushed with 5% povidone-iodine before undergone reprocessing. Microorganism culture of vitrector was performed for the tip and flushing of the tip-connector-fluid extension lumen. In Group I, Staphylococcus hominis was found on culture of one tip (2,3%), whereas all lumen cultures were negative or sterile. In Group II, all tip and lumen cultures were negative or sterile. Although no significant difference in proportion of microorganism growth between groups (p=1.000), microorganism growth found in Group I might have a clinical and microbiological effect. , A randomized, single blind controlled trial was done to evaluate the safety of reusing a single-use vitrector. This study evaluated the proportion, number of colony, and the species of microorganism growth from vitrectors, which underwent reprocessing with and without 5% povidone-iodine flushing. Eighty-eight samples of 23G vitrector were randomized into two groups; Group I undergone direct reprocessing (cleaning, disinfection, repackaging, and ethylene oxide sterilization), whereas Group II were flushed with 5% povidone-iodine before undergone reprocessing. Microorganism culture of vitrector was performed for the tip and flushing of the tip-connector-fluid extension lumen. In Group I, Staphylococcus hominis was found on culture of one tip (2,3%), whereas all lumen cultures were negative or sterile. In Group II, all tip and lumen cultures were negative or sterile. Although no significant difference in proportion of microorganism growth between groups (p=1.000), microorganism growth found in Group I might have a clinical and microbiological effect. ]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Anggarani Idham
Abstrak :
Edema makula diabetik (EMD) merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kebutaan pada pasien diabetes. Saat ini terapi utama pada pasien edema makula diabetik adalah injeksi intravitreal anti VEGF. Pada beberapa keadaan, hal ini menjadi kendala karena 50% pasien yang menjalani rangkaian injeksi intravitreal anti VEGF memiliki edema makula yang refrakter. Vitrektomi pars plana dan internal limiting membran (ILM) peeling diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif terapi pada EMD refrakter. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai hasil terapi tindakan vitrektomi dan ILM peeling pada pasien non proliferative diabetic retiopathy (NPDR) dengan EMD refrakter. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji klinis dengan intervensi single arm. Subjek dengan NPDR dan EMD refrakter menjalani tindakan vitrektomi dan ILM peeling. Nilai ketebalan makula sentral (CMT) dan tajam penglihatan diukur sebelum, 1 bulan, 2 bulan, dan 3 bulan sesudah tindakan. Komplikasi pasca tindakan juga dinilai pada setiap kunjungan yang direncanakan. Rentang usia 62,5 (39-72) tahun, lama menderita diabetes 10 (3-18) tahun, kadar HbA1C 6,4 (5,5 -10,8)%. Nilai CMT sebelum, 1 bulan, 2 bulan dan 3 bulan sesudah tindakan adalah [492,0 (303-895) : 277,5 (97-809) : 264 (147-608) : 264,0 (142-660) µm] (p=<0,001). Tajam penglihatan terbaik adalah [1,02 (0,60-1,30) : 1,04 (0,60-1,70) : 1,06 (0,52-2,00) : 1,04 (0,52-2,00) LogMAR] (p=0,635). Terdapat komplikasi pasca tindakan pada pengamatan bulan kedua meliputi retinal detachment dan macular hole. Pada penelitian ini, tindakan vitrektomi dan ILM peeling pada pasien NPDR dengan EMD refrakter memberikan perubahan CMT yang bermakna. Tidak terdapat perubahan yang bermakna secara statistik pada nilai tajam penglihatan namun mayoritas subjek menunjukkan stabilitas tajam penglihatan.
Diabetic macular edema (DME) is one of the leading causes of blindness in diabetic patients. The main therapy of DME, up until now is intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In certain situation, medical dilemma appeared as in such circumstances 50% patients that underwent series of intravitreal injection of anti VEGF experienced the refractory DME. Pars plana vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling is expected to be an alternative treatment in refractory DME. The aim of this study was to assess the result of vitrectomy and ILM peeling in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) with refractory DME. This study was a clinical trial with single arm intervention. The patients with NPDR with DME underwent vitrectomy and ILM peeling surgery. The assessment of the central macular thickness (CMT) and the visual acuity was conducted before the treatment and 1 month, 2 months and 3 months after. The complication after the treatment was assessed in each scheduled visit. The average age was 62.5 years old with range of 39-72 years old, the history duration of diabetes mellitus was 10 years (3-18) years, level of HbA1C was 6.4 (5.5-10.8)%. The CMT before treatment, 1 month, 2 months and 3 months after treatment were [492,0 (303-895) : 277,5 (97-809) : 264 (147-608) : 264,0 (142-660) µm] (p=<0,001). The best corrected visual acuity was [1,02 (0,60-1,30) : 1,04 (0,60-1,70) : 1,06 (0,52-2,00) : 1,04 (0,52-2,00) LogMAR] (p=0,635). The recorded complication after the treatment was retinal detachment and macular hole. These complications were found on the 2nd month. This study concluded that there was a significant CMT changes in patients with NPDR and refractory DME who underwent vitrectomy and ILM peeling. There was no statistically significant changes in the visual acuity yet majority of the subjects showed a stable visual acuity after the treatment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library