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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ari Dewayanti Kusumastining
Wilayah udara yang berada di atas sebuah negara merupakan hak negara tersebut
secara penuh dan eksklusif. Namun, ketentuan itu tidak selalu dapat diikuti. Hal
ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya pengaturan wilayah penerbangan di atas negara ?
negara di dunia, Flight Information Region (FIR), yang tidak selalu mengikuti
garis batas negara. Kondisi tersebut dialami oleh Indonesia. Sebagian wilayah
udara di kawasan Kepulauan Riau dan Natuna didelegasikan kepada Singapura
karena ketidakmampuan Indonesia konon dalam mengelola navigasi penerbangan.
Melalui pendelegasian wilayah udara tersebut, terdapat berbagai kerugian yang
diderita oleh Indonesia. Namun, pemerintah Indonesia tetap meneruskan kerja
sama pengelolaan wilayah udara tersebut walaupun perjanjian pendelegasian,
yang dibuat pada tahun 1995, telah berakhir masa berlakunya, dan kondisi
Indonesia telah memungkinkan untuk mengambil kembali kewenangannya. Hal
inilah yang menjadi anomali dari sikap negara berdaulat. Oleh sebab itu, tesis ini
menggunakan teori politik birokratik (bureaucratic politics theory) dalam
pembedahan isu untuk melihat proses pemutusan kebijakan politik luar negeri di
antara birokrasi ? birokrasi di dalam negeri. Pembedahan tesis dibagi sesuai
dengan variabel dalam teori ini, yaitu aktor/birokrasi yang terlibat, faktor yang
menentukan masing ? masing aktor, dan sikap aktor dalam menyatukan
pertimbangan untuk menghasilkan keputusan dan tindakan pemerintah. Setelah
mendapatkan ketiga variabel penelitian, langkah selanjutnya adalah memetakan
politik birokratik Indonesia terkait isu tersebut. Pada akhirnya, ditemukan adanya
masalah politik birokratik intranasional yang menyebabkan limitasi pilihan bagi
pemerintah dalam proses pemutusan kebijakan politik luar negeri menanggapi isu
pendelegasian wilayah udara nasional kepada Singapura. Masalah ini juga
merefleksikan persaingan antara Indonesia dan Singapura di beberapa aspek.

Air territory, located above a country, is exclusively and fully considered a right
owned by the subjacent state. However, this provision does not always succeed to
follow. This is indicated by the Flight Information Region (FIR) which most
unlikely follow the country demarcation line. That condition is experienced by
Indonesia with most of the air territories in Riau Islands and Natuna are delegated
to Singapore due to the country?s inability in managing air navigation. By
delegating the air territory, Indonesia suffers various losses. However, Indonesian
government still continues the air territory management cooperation although the
delegation agreement in 1995 has expired, and the condition of Indonesia has
made it possible to take back the authority. This is considered an anomaly of the
sovereign state?s attitude. Therefore, this thesis applies the bureaucratic politics
theory in dissecting issues to look at the foreign policy decision making process
among bureaucracies in the country. Thesis dissection is divided according to the
variables in this theory, the actor/bureaucracy involved, the factors that determine
each actor, and the attitude of each actor in aggregating to yield governmental
decisions and actions. After obtaining three variables of the study, Indonesian
bureaucratic politic, related to the issue, is mapped. In the end, the identified
problems of intra-national bureaucratic politics cause choices of limitation in the
governmental foreign policy decision making process in response to the issue of
national air territory delegation to Singapore. Furthermore, this issue also reflects
the competition between Indonesia and Singapore in several aspects.;Air territory, located above a country, is exclusively and fully considered a right
owned by the subjacent state. However, this provision does not always succeed to
follow. This is indicated by the Flight Information Region (FIR) which most
unlikely follow the country demarcation line. That condition is experienced by
Indonesia with most of the air territories in Riau Islands and Natuna are delegated
to Singapore due to the country?s inability in managing air navigation. By
delegating the air territory, Indonesia suffers various losses. However, Indonesian
government still continues the air territory management cooperation although the
delegation agreement in 1995 has expired, and the condition of Indonesia has
made it possible to take back the authority. This is considered an anomaly of the
sovereign state?s attitude. Therefore, this thesis applies the bureaucratic politics
theory in dissecting issues to look at the foreign policy decision making process
among bureaucracies in the country. Thesis dissection is divided according to the
variables in this theory, the actor/bureaucracy involved, the factors that determine
each actor, and the attitude of each actor in aggregating to yield governmental
decisions and actions. After obtaining three variables of the study, Indonesian
bureaucratic politic, related to the issue, is mapped. In the end, the identified
problems of intra-national bureaucratic politics cause choices of limitation in the
governmental foreign policy decision making process in response to the issue of
national air territory delegation to Singapore. Furthermore, this issue also reflects
the competition between Indonesia and Singapore in several aspects., Air territory, located above a country, is exclusively and fully considered a right
owned by the subjacent state. However, this provision does not always succeed to
follow. This is indicated by the Flight Information Region (FIR) which most
unlikely follow the country demarcation line. That condition is experienced by
Indonesia with most of the air territories in Riau Islands and Natuna are delegated
to Singapore due to the country’s inability in managing air navigation. By
delegating the air territory, Indonesia suffers various losses. However, Indonesian
government still continues the air territory management cooperation although the
delegation agreement in 1995 has expired, and the condition of Indonesia has
made it possible to take back the authority. This is considered an anomaly of the
sovereign state’s attitude. Therefore, this thesis applies the bureaucratic politics
theory in dissecting issues to look at the foreign policy decision making process
among bureaucracies in the country. Thesis dissection is divided according to the
variables in this theory, the actor/bureaucracy involved, the factors that determine
each actor, and the attitude of each actor in aggregating to yield governmental
decisions and actions. After obtaining three variables of the study, Indonesian
bureaucratic politic, related to the issue, is mapped. In the end, the identified
problems of intra-national bureaucratic politics cause choices of limitation in the
governmental foreign policy decision making process in response to the issue of
national air territory delegation to Singapore. Furthermore, this issue also reflects
the competition between Indonesia and Singapore in several aspects.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Pratama
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kontroversi yang terjadi pada lapangan minyak Blok Cepu di perbatasan Jawa Timur dan Jawa Barat. Kontroversi yang terjadi adalah penandatanganan kerjasama dengan ExxonMobil dan penunjukkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia kepada ExxonMobil sebagai operator utama dalam pengelolaan Blok Cepu. Pemerintah lebih menunjukkan keberpihakan kepada perusahaan multinasional asing daripada kepada perusahaan minyak negara, Pertamina. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut peneliti menggunakan empat konsep yang saling terkait satu sama lain, yaitu roving bandit dan stationary bandit, institusi, perusahaan multinasional, dan daya tawar politik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia tidak dapat dikategorikan secara tegas dalam kedua tipe tersebut, melainkan terdapat irisan diantara keduanya, dan daya tawar politik Indonesia rendah, sehingga Indonesia cenderung menuruti kemauan pihak asing.

This research explains controversy happened on Cepu Oil Field in border if East Java and West Java, Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia signed production sharing contract and awarded ExxonMobil as main operator on Cepu Oil Field. Government of Indonesia tends on the side multinational corporation than with Pertamina as Indonesia national oil Company. Answering the question this research uses four concepts which they connected each other; roving bandit and stationary bandit, institution, multinational corporation and political bargaining. The research shows that Government of Indonesia not both as stationary bandit or roving bandit but they have sheet, and Indonesia political bargaining power is weak. So that Indonesia tends to follow multinational corporation will."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hosang, Lesly Gijsbert Christian
"Ilmu hubungan internasional memiliki tiga paradigma utama; realisme, liberalisme, dan kontruktivisme yang khas dalam memandang institusi. Tulisan ini akan melihat dan membandingkan bagaimana ketiga paradigma ini memandang ASEAN Political Security Community 2015. Pada akhirnya, dapat diketahui keunikan dan kelemahan masing-masing paradigma dalam memandang kerjasama keamanan di Asia Tenggara ini. Realisme memandang security dilemma sebagai faktor kunci munculnya kerjasama, sedangkan liberalisme memandang institusionalisme sebagai faktor determinan. Di sisi lain, konstruktivisme menakankan pada identitas kolektif yang terkonstruksi di antara negara-negara anggota APSC 2015.

International relations has three major paradigms: realism, liberalism, and constructivism that has distinct view on institution. This paper will compare how the three paradigms asses the ASEAN Political Security Community 2015. In the end, the uniqueness and weaknesses of each paradigm will be identified. Realism regards security dilemma as a key factor in the emergence of security cooperation, while liberalism sees institutionalism as a determinant factor. On the other hand, constructivism emphasizes on collective identity that is constructed among the member countries of APSC 2015."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library