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"Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories Jalan Pos Pengumben Raya No.8 Jakarta Barat bertujuan untuk memahami peran serta tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi, peran serta tanggung jawab pengembangan produk obat di Departemen Business Development PT Novell, serta memahami proses pengembangan produk obat di industri farmasi sesuai dengan aturan pemerintah Indonesia. Tugas Khusus yang diberikan berjudul Penelusuran dan Kajian Paten Senyawa Desloratadin. Tujuan penyusunan tugas khusus ini adalah untuk memahami prosedur penelusuran dan pengkajian paten senyawa Desloratadin berdasarkan Standard Operating Procedure di PT Novell serta mengetahui manfaat penelusuran paten sebelum dilakukan pengembangan produk.
Pharmacists Profession Job Training at PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories Jalan Raya Pos Pengumben 8, West Jakarta has aims to understand the role and responsibilities of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry, roles and responsibilities for the development of medicinal products in the Department of Business Development, PT. Novell, as well as understand the process of development of medicinal products in the pharmaceutical industry in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian government. Special task given entitled ldquo Finding Searching and Assessment of Patent Study of Desloratadine rdquo . The purpose of the main task is to understand the search and assessment procedures of Desloratadine patents compounds based on Standard Operating Procedure at PT. Novell and knowing the benefits of patent searching prior to product development. "
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Hervinda Dita Kristianti
ABSTRAKPraktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli sampai September tahun 2016. Pelaksanaan praktek kerja profesi ini bertujuan untuk memahami peran serta tanggung jawab Apoteker di industri farmasi dan dalam proses pengembangan produk, khususnya di Departemen Business Development PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories. Proses pengembangan produk obat dan regulasi obat di industri farmasi harus sesuai dengan aturan pemerintah Indonesia. Tugas khusus diberikan berjudul penyusunan dokumen registrasi nonklinik dan klinik larutan injeksi magnesium sulfat sesuai kriteria dan tatalaksana registrasi obat oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan BPOM . Tujuan penyusunan tugas khusus adalah untuk mengetahui tujuan dilakukan penyusunan dokumen klinik dan nonklinik serta memahami prosedur penyusunan dokumen klinik dan nonklinik injeksi magnesium sulfat sesuai dengan Kriteria dan Tatalaksana Registrasi Obat oleh BPOM.
ABSTRACTPharmacists profession internship at PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories was held on July to September 2016. Implementation of this internship aimed to understand the role and responsibilities of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry and the development of medicinal products, especially in Department of Business Development, PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories. The process of development of medicinal products in the pharmaceutical industry must be in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian government. Special task given to support the internship activities was entitled Preparation of Non Clinical and Clinical Registration Documents of Magnesium Sulfate Injection according to the drug registration criteria and procedure by drug and food supervisory agency BPOM . The purpose of the special task are to understand the purpose of composing clinic and nonclinical documents, as well as understand the procedure of clinical and nonclinical documents arrangement of magnesium sulfate injection in accordance with BPOM drug registration criteria and procedure."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library