ABSTRAKThe implementation of the regional elections (Pilkada) in West Java is one of the means of democratic regional leadership succession. One indicator of the success of the elections is the political participation of the community, and one of the most important segments of society that is interesting to study is youth. Based on data from the West Java
Election Commission, out of 31.7 million registered voters, there were 30% of young voters who could participate. But there are problems faced in efforts to increase youth political participation, namely the tendency of apathy towards politics. This study aims to find out how youth political participation in the West Java Provincial Election in 2018. In identifying and analyzing youth political participation in West Java in the 2018 elections, this research takes and analyzes a number of data using qualitative research methods, where the data were taken consists of primary data derived from interviews, group discussions, and observations. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from various literature studies, media, and official documents of the West Java Election Commission. The data obtained was then validated by
using data triangulation techniques to obtain accurate data. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation of the 2018 West Java Pilkada, there is an increase in the political participation of Youth in voting to elect candidates for governor and deputy governor. There are several factors that encourage an increase in youth political participation in the West Java Pilkada in 2018, namely the figure and track records of the candidate pairs, socialization and campaign
factors, regional factors, ulama influence factors, and community political awareness factors. The five factors are able to negate concerns about the low political participation of youth in the Pilkada event in West Java in 2018. This condition can be a record, both for election organizers or other regional head candidates and the bearer party, for how to suppress the potential Golput (White Party/Abstentions) numbers among beginner voters."
Jakarta: Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs, 2018