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Ahmad Rohadi
Abstrak :
Perbedaan pendapat mengenai efek upah minimum terhadap lapangan kerja membuat penelitian di bidang ini masih menarik. Di samping itu, hanya sedikit penelitian yang mempelajari pengaruh kebijakan upah minimum terhadap lapangan kerja sektoral secara menyeluruh. Menggunakan data Sakernas tahun 2004 – 2013 pada level provinsi dan level sektor, penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa secara umum kebijakan upah minimum memberi efek positif terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan upah minimum manguntungkan dalam penciptaan lapangan kerja bagi pekerja yang tinggal di pedesaan, pekerja wanita, pekerja yang menikah, dan pekerja berpendidikan rendah. Upah mimimum secara empiris terbukti menarik penduduk usia kerja untuk bekerja sebagai karyawan daripada menjadi seorang pengusaha. Efek berbeda dari kebijakan upah minimum juga terjadi pada lapangan kerja sektoral. Sektor pertanian, kehutanan, perikanan, dan perburuan, sektor konstruksi, sektor perdagangan besar dan eceran, restoran, dan akomodasi, sektor keuangan, real estate, asuransi, dan jasa perusahaan, serta sektor yang meliputi jasa kemasyarakatan, sosial, dan perorangan, secara positif dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan upah minimum. Di lain pihak, sektor transportasi, penyimpanan, dan komunikasi tidak diuntungkan dengan adanya kebijakan upah minimum. Analisis terhadap lapangan kerja tertentu menyimpulkan bahwa kebijakan upah minimum kurang bersahabat dengan tenaga kerja berpendidikan rendah untuk memperoleh perkerjaan di tujuh dari sembilan sektor ekonomi di Indonesia.
The absence of consensus of minimum wage effect on employment engenders study on this field remains a favour. Yet, little researches studied the functioning of minimum wage policy on sectoral employment comprehensively. Exploring Sakernas data of 2004-2013 in province level and sectoral-province level, this study notifies positive impact of minimum wage on general employment. This study also maintains that minimum wage is beneficial for rural, female, married, low educated employment. Minimum wage is empirically proved attractive for workforce to become a worker rather than an entrepreneur. Divergent effects of minimum wage on economic sectors appear regarding to characteristics of economic sector. Agricultural, forestry, hunting, and fishing sector; construction sector; wholesale trade, retail trade, restaurant and accommodation sector; finance, real estate, insurance, and business services sector; and community, social, and personal services sector, which are labour intensive, positively affected by minimum wage increases. In contrast, transportation, storage, and communication sector is adversely affected by minimum wage hikes.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willi Sutanto
Abstrak :
Banyak peneliti yang tertarik untuk mempelajari korupsi dengan menggunakan beberapa Negara dan teknik cross section. Beberapa peneliti telah menguji hubungan antara korupsi dan perdagangan menggunakan share perdagangan terhadap GDP. Akan tetapi, kesimpulan dari beberapa studi empiris berkenaan dengan efek dari korupsi terhadap perdagangan adalah bervariasi. Beberapa literature menemukan bahwa korupsi dapat mengurangi volume perdagangan sedangkan literature lain menunjukkan kesimpulan yang sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini ditujukan untuk meneliti hubungan antara korupsi dan volume perdagangan pada beberapa komoditi yang terpilih seperti barang mentah, barang capital, barang penghubung (intermediate), dan barang konsumsi di Indonesia. Tulisan ini menggunakan Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (Corruption Perception Index, CPI) dan control terhadap korupsi (control of corruption, CC) sebagai indikator-indikator korupsi. Sementara itu, volume perdagangan diwakili oleh nilai ekspor dan impor Indonesia. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Gravitasi. Model tersebut diestimasi menggunakan regresi fixed effect model atau random effect model. Hasil-hasil empiris menunjukkan bahwa tingkat korupsi di Indonesia, baik itu CPI ataupun CC, berpengaruh buruk terhadap volume perdagangan barang capital di Indonesia. Adapun untuk barang konsumsi, barang intermediate, dan barang mentah, hubungan negative terhadap korupsi di Indonesia hanya ditunjukkan untuk CPI saja. Untuk CC dari Negara partner Indonesia, efeknya beragam terhadap volume perdagangan dari komoditas-komoditas terpilih tersebut.
Many researchers are interested to study corruption using multiple countries and cross section techniques. Other scholars have examined the relationship between corruption and trade using share of trade to GDP. However, the conclusions of several empirical studies concerning the effect on trade are mixed. Some literatures found that corruption reduce trade volume whereas other literatures showed the opposite conclusion. Therefore, this paper attempts to investigate the association between corruption and trade volume on selected commodities like raw material goods, capital goods, intermediate goods, and consumer goods focusing on Indonesian case. This paper used Corruption Perception Index (CPI) and control of corruption (CC) as corruption indicators. Meanwhile, trade volume was indicated by Indonesian export and import value. Gravity model is used to formulate the problem of this topic and this model is regressed using fixed effect or random effect model. Empirical results demonstrate that trade volume of capital goods is adversely affected by the degree of corruption in Indonesia either CPI or CC. Meanwhile for consumer goods, intermediate goods and raw material goods, these commodities have negative relationship with the level of corruption in Indonesia, only CPI. For CC of Indonesia's trading partner, its effects are mixed for the selected commodities.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noor Wahyu Sugeng Riyadi
Abstrak :
Upah minimum terhadap pengangguran adalah topik klasik dalam bidang ekonomi pembangunan. Namun, belum ada kesimpulan yang seragam mengenai dampak upah minimum terhadap pengangguran. Sementara pengangguran dan informalitas menjadi masalah serius yang dihadapi oleh negara-negara berkembang. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara-negara berkembang telah melaksanakan desentralisasi penetapan upah minimum. Kebijakan ini telah menyebabkan variasi antar Provinsi baik yang berbeda pulau ataupun di dalam satu pulau. Tujuan paper ini untuk menemukan hubungan antara upah minimum pengangguran menggabungkan dengan setengah pengangguran dan informalitas menggunakan panel data set dari 33 provinsi di Indonesia sejak 2006 sampai 2012. Berdasarkan tetap statik dan efek random, upah minimum menunjukkan hubungan yang negatif dengan pengangguran, pengangguran dan informalitas. Kenaikan upah minimum akan berdampak terhadap penurunan pengangguran, pengangguran dan informalitas. Hasil ini dianggap hasil yang mengejutkan karena banyak literatur sebelumnya menyebutkan hubungan yang positif. Hubungan negatif juga berarti monopsony yang memainkan peran penting di pasar tenaga kerja Indonesia. Monopsony di Indonesia bukan suatu hal yang mengejutkan karena karakteristik geografis dan konsentrasi pasar yang ada. Selain itu, hasil dari 2SLS estimasi menggunakan komponen biaya hidup layak sebagai variabel instrumental memberikan hasil tidak berbeda dibandingkan model efek statik. ...... Minimum wage impact on unemployment is classical topic in area of economic development. However, there has been no uniform conclusion on how minimum wage gives impact to unemployment. Meanwhile underemployment and informality become serious problem faced by developing countries. Indonesia as one of the developing countries has decentralized the minimum wage setting. This policy has led to variation of provincial minimum wage across provinces between islands, but also variations within island. While there has been several studies which examine the minimum wage impact on Indonesian labor market, there is still no study on unemployment combine with underemployment and informality that taken into account of endogeneity problem from minimum wage. In order to fill this gap on the existing literature, this paper utilizes panel data set from 33 Indonesian provinces since 2006 to 2012. Fixed effect and random effect panel data set are being employed to find the relationship between minimum wage and this paper’s outcomes. Furthermore, two stages least square model is used to tackle the endogeneity between minimum wage and outcomes that this paper examines. Based on fixed effect and random effect model, minimum wage show negative relationships with unemployment, underemployment and informality. Increases in minimum wage will work towards reduced unemployment, underemployment and informality. This result is considered a surprising result due to many previous literatures provide positive relationships. The negative relationship also means that monopsony played a significant role in the Indonesian labor market. Monopsony in Indonesia is not a surprising fact due to geographical characteristics and market concentrations are existed. Furthermore, two stages least square estimation using decent living costs as instrumental variable provide no different result as compare to static effect models.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puri Listiyani
Abstrak :
A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective. The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.

The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective. The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective. The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective. The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level., A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective. The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurlaily Febriyuna
Abstrak :
Salah satu tujuan pembangunan milenium dari tahun 1990 sampai dengan 2015 adalah mengurangi tingkat kematian balita hingga dua per tiga. Sampai dengan saat ini, Indonesia telah berada pada jalur yang tepat dalam mencapai target tersebut. Akan tetapi, perkembangan yang lambat pada penurunan kematian bayi menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan perhatian lebih untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pada bayi usia muda. Termotivasi oleh kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini hendak mengidentifikasi determinan kematian bayi di Indonesia pada tahun 1997 sampai dengan 2012 menggunakan data Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) periode ke 4, 5 dan 6. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi eksternalitas yang dapat diperoleh dari investasi pada pendidikan ibu, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai pada sumber air minum dan sanitasi, serta vaksinasi anak di lingkungan sekitar rumah tangga. Kerangka konseptual dari penelitian ini didasarkan pada kerangka teoritis Mosley dan Chen (1984). Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik untuk mengestimasi pengaruh dari berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhi kematian bayi. Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa faktor bio-demografis, yakni karakteristik ibu dan anak adalah faktor kunci dalam memprediksi kematian bayi di Indonesia. Bayi berjenis kelamin pria, anak kembar, ibu dengan tingkat kelahiran tinggi, jarak kelahiran yang pendek antar bayi, usia ibu diatas 35 tahun, dan komplikasi kehamilan merupakan faktor-faktor yang terbukti berhubungan positif dengan kematian bayi. Faktor perilaku antara lain institusi kelahiran, pengetahuan tentang cairan rehidrasi oral, dan praktek kontrasepsi merupakan faktor-faktor penting yang memiliki hubungan negatif dengan kematian bayi. Selain itu, higienitas pada tempat tinggal seperti ketersediaan sumber air minum yang bersih, kepemilikan toilet pribadi, dan penggunaan material lantai yang lebih baik juga merupakan faktor penting yang dapat meningkatkan status ketahanan hidup bayi di Indonesia. Beberapa variabel sosio ekonomis juga terbukti merupakan determinan penting dari tingkat kematian bayi di Indonesia. Diantara berbagai jenis faktor tersebut, jumah anggota rumah tangga merupakan faktor yang memiliki keterkaitan yang paling kuat dengan kematian bayi. Pada level komunitas, regional Sumatra dan Kalimantan pada periode 2012 memiliki tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan regional Jawa dan Bali sedangkan regional Sulawesi pada periode 2007 memiliki tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih tinggi. Lebih lanjut, penelit ian ini menemukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat pada program imunisasi pemerintah nasional memberikan efek eksternalitas yang positif pada tingkat ketahanan hidup bayi di Indonesia
ABSTRACT Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015 is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997 and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality. The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above 35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover, household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on infant survival status. Relevance to Development Studies Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved. , Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015 is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997 and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality. The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above 35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover, household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on infant survival status. Relevance to Development Studies Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanifah Umi Haryati
Abstrak :
Pendidikan berkaitan erat dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi sekaligus berperan penting dalam menentukan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Pengaruh pendidikan tidak hanya dapat mengubah status ekonomi, tetapi juga meningkatkan kualitas hidup dalam banyak aspek. Penelitian ini mencoba mengukur pengaruh pendidikan terhadap kebahagiaan, penerimaan diri, dan keharmonisan keluarga dengan membandingkan model spesifikasi terbatas dan model spesifikasi luas menggunakan metode OLS dan regresi probit ordinal. Hanya variabel pendidikan yang digunakan dalam model spesifikasi terbatas untuk diuji pengaruhnya terhadap ketiga variabel dependen. Sementara itu, variabel demografi dan sosial ekonomi seperti pendapatan, jenis kelamin, usia, status perkawinan, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, klasifikasi wilayah, kepemilikan rumah, status kesehatan, dan lama waktu senggang dimasukkan ke dalam model spesifikasi luas. Bukti empiris menggunakan data mikro terbaru dari Badan Pusat Statistik tahun 2021 menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan berkontribusi secara positif dan signifikan terhadap ketiga variabel dependen tersebut. Temuan empiris dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa orang yang berpendidikan tinggi memiliki tingkat kebahagiaan, penerimaan diri, dan keharmonisan keluarga yang lebih tinggi daripada orang dengan pendidikan lebih rendah. ......Education is inextricably linked to enhancing economic growth and plays a pivotal role in determining the quality of human capital. The effect of education could alter not only the economic status but also improve the quality of life in many aspects. This paper attempts to measure the effect of education on happiness, self-acceptance, and family harmony by comparing the narrow specification model and the broad specification model using OLS and the ordered probit technique. Only education variables were used in the narrow specification model to examine its effect on three dependent variables. Meanwhile, demographic and socioeconomic variables such as income, gender, age, marital status, household size, area classification, home ownership, health status, and leisure time were incorporated into the broad specification model. The empirical evidence using recent microdata from Statistics Indonesia in 2021 demonstrates that education contributes positively and significantly toward the three dependent variables. The findings indicate that highly educated people report higher happiness, self-acceptance, and family harmony than lower-educated people.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titis Wahyu Setiyowati
Abstrak :
Sampai saat ini telah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui aSampai saat ini telah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Akan tetapi, penelitian-penelitian tersebut hanya menghubungkan ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan kemiskinan. Penelitian tesebut tidak memasukkan faktor lain seperti kelompok kelas menengah yang mempunyai peranan penting, terutama peran secara ekonomi dimana kelompok ini merupakan konsumen potensial untuk berbagai barang dan jasa. Secara khusus, untuk kasus di Indonesia, belum ada penelitian yang memasukkan kelompok kelas menengah sebagai salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Berlandaskan pada alasan tersebut serta pentingnya peranan kelompok kelas menengah, tesis ini mencoba untuk berkontribusi dengan memasukkan kelas menengah sebagai salah satu peubah dalam meneliti hubungan antara ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan menggunakan data panel dari 31 provinsi di Indonesia dari tahun 2005 sampai 2010, tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta hubungan antara kelas menengah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi antar provinsi di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, tesis ini mengaplikasikan pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model dan dynamic panel data model.

Berdasarkan pada hasil dari dynamic panel model sebagai model utama dalam tesis ini, diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia dimana semakin tinggi ketimpangan pendapatan dapat menyebabkan semakin tingginya pertumbuhan ekonomi. Sementara itu, hasil lain menunjukkan bahwa kelas menengah tidak mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Selain itu, hasil dari penelitian ini juga mendukung hasil penelitian sebelumnya bahwa jumlah penduduk yang besar akan menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Akan tetapi, hasil dari penelitian ini perlu diperhatikan karena sensitivitas dari pemilihan jumlah lag dan spesifikasi model yang digunakan dalam dynamic panel data modeltersebut hanya menghubungkan ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan kemiskinan. Penelitian tesebut tidak memasukkan faktor lain seperti kelompok kelas menengah yang mempunyai peranan penting, terutama peran secara ekonomi dimana kelompok ini merupakan konsumen potensial untuk berbagai barang dan jasa. Secara khusus, untuk kasus di Indonesia, belum ada penelitian yang memasukkan kelompok kelas menengah sebagai salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Berlandaskan pada alasan tersebut serta pentingnya peranan kelompok kelas menengah, tesis ini mencoba untuk berkontribusi dengan memasukkan kelas menengah sebagai salah satu peubah dalam meneliti hubungan antara ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan menggunakan data panel dari 31 provinsi di Indonesia dari tahun 2005 sampai 2010, tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara ketimpangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta hubungan antara kelas menengah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi antar provinsi di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, tesis ini mengaplikasikan pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model dan dynamic panel data model. ...... There have been numerous studies conducted to investigate the link between inequality and economic growth. However, typically, these studies only relate inequality and economic growth to poverty. They do not consider another factor, such as the middle class which has vital roles, especially economic roles where for example it can be potential consumers for goods and services. Especially in the case of Indonesia, there is no study that takes into account the middle class as one of determinants of economic growth. Considering this lack of study and potentially important role of the middle class, this paper tries to contribute by including the size of the middle class as one of variables while examining the inequality-growth relationship. By utilizing a panel data set from 31 provinces in Indonesia covering the years 2005 to 2010, this paper aims to examine the link between inequality and economic growth as well as between the middle class and growth across provinces in Indonesia. To meet these objectives, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and dynamic panel data model are applied.

Based on a dynamic panel model which is the main specification on which this paper relies, the results show that there is a positive relationship between inequality and economic growth in Indonesia, implying higher level inequality can lead to higher economic growth. On the other hand, the result does not indicate that the middle class has an effect on economic growth in Indonesia. In addition, the result also supports the empirical evidence that a large population can be detrimental for achieving higher economic growth. Nevertheless, these results must be treated with caution due to the sensitivity of the results to choice of lag length and model specification in dynamic panel data model.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library